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Messages - JohnTerry

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General Discussion(English Only) / Re: MINI-GAME
« on: December 08, 2016, 08:52:33 AM »
Automatic actualizer is still sleeping. When he/she wake up - he will actualize it! ;)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: zsoka relegated
« on: October 19, 2016, 07:23:32 PM »
Great work friends! You gave excellent example what has to be done with cheaters.

Unfortunately, in our community was impossible to organize such action (there was proposals of course) because initial cheater group and its fans were in greater numbers then fair and honest players.

Without that solution - everybody has 2 options left: to be in role of victim and to play already lost battles against multi-account cheaters with many overpriced transfers and many mOTs versus your team OR to hit them with "same weapon."

I guess everybody choose (but will never admit) based on their (trophies) ambition: if one is competitive for trophies then he suffer "greater" damage - and if not, then for him is little "easier" to stick with playing fair game.

Anyway, for our community is far too late means that cheating contamination is so high that only general reset will (maybe) help.

Hopefully, other GKO communities (for which is not too late) will follow your (and not ours) example.

Sad but true...

Serbia / Re: GKO Srbija - Kratka istorija varanja - Pregled
« on: July 12, 2016, 04:06:04 PM »

Glavni uzrocnik svega tj. pionir varanja je Rasha/Pepika sa svoja 3 kluba (mozda ih je bilo i vise ali ovi su opste poznati):

Naissus >>>
Radnickii Nis 1923 >>>
Naissus B >>>

Problem je bio sto su prva 2 uvek bila u topu i davala jedan drugom "vetar u ledja" a opstruirali ostale klubove.
Ovaj problem se drasticno intenzivirao uvodjenjem MOC-a, valjda ne treba da objasnjavam na koji nacin i u kojoj meri.
MOC je samo mnogostruko pojacao efekte multi-accountinga tj. igranja sa vise od jednog kluba po menadzeru.
Probleme sa transferima medju tim timovima nisam uocio.

Sledeci koji je ostavio znacajan trag u istoriji lopovluka je Raketa (Mladi Rudar >>> a drugi klub koji je kontrolisao bile su Frokaste Macke. I ovde nije poznato da li je bilo vise klubova.
Za razliku od prethodno navedenog, ovaj se najvise bavio prevarama u sferi (medjusobnih) najcesce daleko preplacenih transfera.

Treci ali ne manje vazan je Nidza (Provo >>> i njegov "skolski ortak" Schwarzeneger (OFK Klosars >>>
Ovaj poslednji je ako se dobro secam imao minimum 15-20 timova i najveci uticaj je imao kod izbora za selektora A ili mlade repke.
Takodje, isticao se i u medjusobnim preplacenim transferima gde su velike pare prebacivane iz rezervnih timova u timove nosioce putem kupo-prodaje bezvrednih igraca.
Konacno, 4-ti jahac apokalipse, Crni (Budcnost-NS >>>, dao je svoj doprinos kroz ujedinjenje sa prethodnom trojicom i formiranje jedne lopovske GKO "hobotnice".
Kupovao je premijume svojim "pajtasima" i njihovim multi-accountima da bi ucvrstio taj "savez" a i sam je doprineo otvaranjem nekoliko multija:

Bunker >>>
FC Cape >>>
Vrbas >>>
Celarevo >>>

Ovo iznad su oni za koje znam nakon istrazivanja od 30 sekundi. Naravno, medju njima gomila neregularnih transfera, bezocno MOC-ovanje onoga koji je protiv njih itd.

I ovaj deo je ta?an.

U ovakvoj situaciji, ne samo da je izostala sveopsta osuda ovakvog zverskog lopovluka vec su pojedinci - nasa "siva eminencija" GKO-a, orvoreno stali na stranu ovih varalica i cak ih branili i saradjivali sa njima sa ciljem dobijanja neke koristi.
Jedini koliko toliko "opravdan" razlog za izostanak osude ovih lopova od strane nase GKO zajednice bio je eventualni nedostatak ambicije kod ostalih igraca po principu - "ako npr. ja nisam prvak, bas me briga da li je to Naissus na kvarno ili Kikinda na posten nacin".
Drugim recima "ja nisam konkurentan pa mi je svejedno sta drugi rade".
Danak ovim okolnostima je placen i kroz odustajanje od igre mnogih finih momaka sa perspektivnim klubovima.
Dobar deo je uz rezignaciju i jos manju ambiciju nastavio da igra uprkos uslovima koji vise nisu imali veze sa sportskim i fer takmicenjem.

Na kraju, jedan broj korisnika medju kojima su moj kum Ziva (Umbrella Corporation >>> i kuma (Barcelona FC >>>, i njegove kolege sa posla BMS (, Goodfellas ( i Ajkula >>>, odlucili da uzvrate.
Iako ne opravdavam njihov potez, smatram da je u nametnutim okolnostima to mozda i na zalost - jedini nacin borbe protiv ustolicenog i grupisanog zla.
Ajmo realno - sta je alternativa tome? Tebi vezane ruke a stoka te mlati?
Na kraju - kako uopste da ukrades od lopova?

Ovde je meni licno zanimljiv momenat da je jedan broj uticajnijih GKO-vaca vrlo entuzijasticno okrivio takozvani "Zivin" klan za zlocin koji su mnogi cinili pre njih!?! Potpuni paradoks i licemerje.

Zbog svega sam se potpuno povukao iz GKO-a Srbija i tako ce ostati. Misljenja gore izlistanih i onih koji se prepoznaju me ne zanimaju a i oni znaju sta o kome mislim tako da u nekoj eventualnoj diskusiji necu ucestvovati.

Ako neko ima pitanja ili zeli dodatna objasnjenja neka me kontaktira putem poruke u igri.

Vala da me nisi ispostovao svojom "replikom" palo bi u zaborav o kakvom se "liku i delu" radi! :D

Od svih "mudrosti" koje si napisao samo je bitan deo koji sam obojio crvenom bojom. To je sustina svih problema u GKO Srbija i uzrok svega negativnog sto je nakon toga usledilo. U tom trenutku je otvorena pandorina kutija i postavljeni su temelji za sve pobrojane prekrsaje raznih velicina i karaktera.

Da li je to tebi jasno, da li se sa time slazes i da li ti to odgovara ili ne - meni je potpuno nebitno, jer je tu fakticka razlika samo u tome da li si glup, bezobrazan, licemer ili mesano.

Umalo da zaboravim - Srecno shomika! :D

Serbia / GKO Srbija - Kratka istorija varanja - Pregled
« on: July 09, 2016, 05:46:09 PM »
Evo, jednom za sva vremena, za sve one koje interesuje a nisu bili u mogucnosti da dobiju pravu informaciju - da iznesem kratku hronologiju desavanja koja su kontaminirala ovu igru u GKO Srbija.

Glavni uzrocnik svega tj. pionir varanja je Rasha/Pepika sa svoja 3 kluba (mozda ih je bilo i vise ali ovi su opste poznati):

Naissus >>>
Radnickii Nis 1923 >>>
Naissus B >>>

Problem je bio sto su prva 2 uvek bila u topu i davala jedan drugom "vetar u ledja" a opstruirali ostale klubove.
Ovaj problem se drasticno intenzivirao uvodjenjem MOC-a, valjda ne treba da objasnjavam na koji nacin i u kojoj meri.
MOC je samo mnogostruko pojacao efekte multi-accountinga tj. igranja sa vise od jednog kluba po menadzeru.
Probleme sa transferima medju tim timovima nisam uocio.

Sledeci koji je ostavio znacajan trag u istoriji lopovluka je Raketa (Mladi Rudar >>> a drugi klub koji je kontrolisao bile su Frokaste Macke. I ovde nije poznato da li je bilo vise klubova.
Za razliku od prethodno navedenog, ovaj se najvise bavio prevarama u sferi (medjusobnih) najcesce daleko preplacenih transfera.

Treci ali ne manje vazan je Nidza (Provo >>> i njegov "skolski ortak" Schwarzeneger (OFK Klosars >>>
Ovaj poslednji je ako se dobro secam imao minimum 15-20 timova i najveci uticaj je imao kod izbora za selektora A ili mlade repke.
Takodje, isticao se i u medjusobnim preplacenim transferima gde su velike pare prebacivane iz rezervnih timova u timove nosioce putem kupo-prodaje bezvrednih igraca.

Svi gore navedeni su danas moji veliki "prijatelji" iskljucivo iz razloga sto sam iz "postovanja" njihovih "dela" uporno ukazivao na iznad navedene cinjenice i upozoravao zajednicu na posledice koje imamo danas.

Konacno, 4-ti jahac apokalipse, Crni (Budcnost-NS >>>, dao je svoj doprinos kroz ujedinjenje sa prethodnom trojicom i formiranje jedne lopovske GKO "hobotnice".
Kupovao je premijume svojim "pajtasima" i njihovim multi-accountima da bi ucvrstio taj "savez" a i sam je doprineo otvaranjem nekoliko multija:

Bunker >>>
FC Cape >>>
Vrbas >>>
Celarevo >>>

Ovo iznad su oni za koje znam nakon istrazivanja od 30 sekundi. Naravno, medju njima gomila neregularnih transfera, bezocno MOC-ovanje onoga koji je protiv njih itd.

U ovakvoj situaciji, ne samo da je izostala sveopsta osuda ovakvog zverskog lopovluka vec su pojedinci - nasa "siva eminencija" GKO-a, orvoreno stali na stranu ovih varalica i cak ih branili i saradjivali sa njima sa ciljem dobijanja neke koristi.
Jedini koliko toliko "opravdan" razlog za izostanak osude ovih lopova od strane nase GKO zajednice bio je eventualni nedostatak ambicije kod ostalih igraca po principu - "ako npr. ja nisam prvak, bas me briga da li je to Naissus na kvarno ili Kikinda na posten nacin".
Drugim recima "ja nisam konkurentan pa mi je svejedno sta drugi rade".

Danak ovim okolnostima je placen i kroz odustajanje od igre mnogih finih momaka sa perspektivnim klubovima.
Dobar deo je uz rezignaciju i jos manju ambiciju nastavio da igra uprkos uslovima koji vise nisu imali veze sa sportskim i fer takmicenjem.

Na kraju, jedan broj korisnika medju kojima su moj kum Ziva (Umbrella Corporation >>> i kuma (Barcelona FC >>>, i njegove kolege sa posla BMS (, Goodfellas ( i Ajkula >>>, odlucili da uzvrate.
Iako ne opravdavam njihov potez, smatram da je u nametnutim okolnostima to mozda i na zalost - jedini nacin borbe protiv ustolicenog i grupisanog zla.
Ajmo realno - sta je alternativa tome? Tebi vezane ruke a stoka te mlati?
Na kraju - kako uopste da ukrades od lopova?

Ovde je meni licno zanimljiv momenat da je jedan broj uticajnijih GKO-vaca vrlo entuzijasticno okrivio takozvani "Zivin" klan za zlocin koji su mnogi cinili pre njih!?! Potpuni paradoks i licemerje.

Zbog svega sam se potpuno povukao iz GKO-a Srbija i tako ce ostati. Misljenja gore izlistanih i onih koji se prepoznaju me ne zanimaju a i oni znaju sta o kome mislim tako da u nekoj eventualnoj diskusiji necu ucestvovati.

Ako neko ima pitanja ili zeli dodatna objasnjenja neka me kontaktira putem poruke u igri.

We will close down server for maintenance and new season update  on 2 July and 3 July.
On that date servers will not be accessible.

Maybe you should take 1 more month of rest because of so many work you did lately on:

- maintaining game stabillity,
- bugs removal,
- keeping game regular by banning cheaters
- and most important - improving the game in many ways

And yes, keep up the "good work" like in last 6-7 seasons and i am sure you wouldn`t worry about money any more - there wouldn`t be any for you!

To put it simple >>> GKO R.I.P.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Gokickoff new season [10th October]
« on: September 25, 2015, 02:03:36 PM »
Server down for maintenance on 10th of October.

@ Admin: Have a nice 3 week sleep! :D

Again, without mots you have realistic competitions where best teams have best chances to be champions (which of course not guaranteed). If this is intended to be realistic game then mots should/must be rulled out.

Moreover, mots only fuels multi-accounting: people are playing with multi-accs, pushing their multi-teams towards top league and when they arrive there start to unfairly influence outcome of league competition. As i wrote many times, in Serbia you have such case where particular user (hidden behind premium accounts) has at least 2 teams in top division and he uses mots to obstruct his main rival(s).

My point is - if there is no mots multi-accs are not so big problem or at least they can`t severely influence league competition like it is case now. In Serbia, after few seasons of no-mots regular competitions we again have unregular one where key for the title is to have as much multies in top league and to be "popular" with other users which are not competitive for title but will help you by playing mots again your "unpopular" rival.

This game is not "Popularity contest" or "Who has more multies competition" - league must be played in fair conditions and not under "everything is allowed which is not prohibited/sanctioned" conditions and then best team should win.

What we have now is completely opposite.

No, you are not right. It is same like for example you said that slavery is problem of rulers, not slaves. Slaves have to obey each command (no matter how stupid or unhuman) until kings or pharaons change their own rule and policy!?!

Instead, they have to strongly oppose all that nonsences, don`t you agree?

Like always in your case, another great idea from you mate.

In Serbia we had that rule for previous few season and everything was fine but this season huge cheating cartel and their sympathisers/vassals understanded that without playing MoTS with their multi-accounts vs stronger teams they are not competitive and that rule has been "whitdrawn".

Sorry for this off-topic but since Serbia GKO "community" is one of the biggest i needed to wrote that fact.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Loan system is broken
« on: July 08, 2015, 09:29:07 AM »
Not only loan system - EVERYTHING is broken!

Pause between seasons is needed only if admins are planning rest from "huge work" they did during actual season and/or if they need to implement new attractive things in the game for next season.

Otherwise season should start tomorrow.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Polish WCC Biscuit
« on: April 07, 2015, 06:42:02 AM »
Few seasons ago (season 11), here in GKO there was 3 (!?!) teams from Serbia in SAME qualification WCL group: Dorcol, Kikinda and Mladi Rudar.

Check my team fixtures in season 11 >>>

Enough said...

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: WORLD CUP season 12
« on: January 04, 2015, 06:36:23 PM »
You are surprised mate? There is 100 examples like that. For me personally, worst example was in previous WCL when 3 (three!?!) teams from Serbia were in SAME group!

Ask Admin / Re: cheats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: January 02, 2015, 12:53:39 PM »
admin says: Playing more than one account is strictly prohibited.

Banning all of the players with more than one account could mean banning almost half of the whole community.

It could be fair but inappropiate.

Inappropriate for WHO? For cheaters with 2 or more teams? Or for admins which are protecting that cheaters if they pay premium for all multi-accounts they have? Or maybe for both mentioned groups?

We are "deeply sorry" for being fair and being against opening multi accounts, doing money/player transfers, making that multies stronger, bringing them all to top and "ruling" with them forever!

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: MOTS
« on: December 30, 2014, 06:18:25 PM »
Mate you are absolutely right if only:

1) admins doing their job of banning multi-account cheaters regularly and thoroughly,

2) admins don`t protect multi-account cheaters which are supporters (premium users).

From my point of view is better to play season without "addition" (MotS) then to play irregular season.

And if you like MotS - don`t be mad on me for opinion i have stated, rather direct your fury against multi account cheaters.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: MALTA REACHED WORLD CUP FINALS
« on: December 05, 2014, 03:24:54 PM »
Great work Malta! Congratz!

Serbia / Re: Istinomer
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:46:58 PM »
Trebao si da uzmes crnog da ti podesi anketu! Na koga god covek da klikne glas bi isao tebi! :D

According to everything stated above (most of statements reflecting exactly my thoughts) seems like G.K.O is R.I.P - just not aware of its "condition".

Which is very unfortunate circumstance considering fact that game indeed has potential in many aspects.

IMO, essence of this (and every other game) is to be simulation - not "arcade". Meaning that "realistc disparity" must be involved and present...and accounted for.
What is point of this topic? Compared to RL - to make football champion of Gibraltar and Germany equal? I mean, that would never happen (except in case of some "investor" pump huge ammount of money and make artificial team like many cases this days (years)).
Check out Champions League in RL - nearly 75% are regulars which are increasing difference towards others instead of shrinking "disparity".
In order to get closer to best teams, teams from weaker leagues must work hard and smart (smart investments in ifrastructure and players) in order to slowly but steadily compensate that difference - and not through overnight unrealistic huge prize money increase or some other also unrealistic "solutions". It takes time and lots of patience but is realistic way.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: National team in Jordan
« on: September 17, 2014, 10:14:46 AM »
I agree there...they have provided "rules" and "laws" which are heaven for cheaters and where only money in their pockets counts.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: National team in Jordan
« on: September 17, 2014, 10:08:11 AM »
So, you are telling me that one user can have 2,3,5,10 premium teams in same country and same division!?!

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: National team in Jordan
« on: September 17, 2014, 09:51:41 AM »
One user can have many premium teams in this game but NOT in the same country or even worse - in the same league! It is automatically enoguh for ban and loans and transfers of players are only addition to the ban from the game.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: National team in Jordan
« on: September 17, 2014, 09:31:24 AM »
Again, do you think that i didn`t tried? Problem is that one member of that cheater ring has bought premiums for all significant teams involved:

Everything started when this cheater >>> Budcnost-ns linked with another cheater Naissus >>> and bought premium accounts for 2 teams which belong to 2nd cheater >>> Naissus and Radnickii Nis 1923

Other multiaccounts that we found so far, linked with above 2 cheaters are:

Naissus B   connected with
Diablo   connected with
Vrbas   connected with 
Celarevo   connected with

This is what we found so far with following symptoms detected:

1)   two users have minimum 7 teams
2)   transfers between this teams (6/7 are in Serbia)
3)   players loaned between this teams
4)   multiple loggins from same Ips or playing from hidden (faked) IP  >>> Have screenshots as a proof
5)   multiple messages in Serbian GKO chat where same user write first from one, then from 2nd account etc. >>> have screenshots and many whitnesses as a proofs

As we already know from before and based on admin replies to such serious and undeniable accusations: if you pay - you may cheat as much as you like.

Now back to topic.

It is obvious that you didn`t understand my idea. Point is that if we agree that inactive countries should have NT and U-21 managers and that it is better solution instead to be bot National Teams then we should find a solution.
Solution could be that anyone can apply no matter from which country and only "problem" is how to choose one without voting (because there is no anyone to vote, or anyone interested at least).
For that case, i mentioned 2 solutions: random candidate from the list or candidate with highest team rating.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: National team in Jordan
« on: September 17, 2014, 08:35:12 AM »
I think that admins should allow managers from other countries to apply for positions of NT and U-21 managers in (mostly) inactive countries. Problem can be selection of one amongst them without voting. Either it could be random choice or manager with highest team rating.

I mean - anyone is better then bot national team?
Do you think about cheating? I suppose no:( There is no people or instruments to keep this idea out of cheaters. I am sure there would be a lot problems with foreign managers in countries without big enough community. In the past we had some examples like England or Russia :(

My friend, of course i DO think. ;) In Serbia, last years "champion" is cheater with multi-accounts and with (minimum) 2 teams in top division, therefore for me is impossible not to account possible cheating problem in my thoughts.

But if someone has your point of view = "don`t do that because of high probability of cheating", then what? You can apply your view to every single part and aspect of this game. Why we bother to play at all then?

Even in active countries you have NT candidates which create dozens of teams in order to won election. How to solve that?

Bottom line: cheating is something we must leave with if we want to play this game (and this online game is not isolated case). Conclusion, we shouldn`t reject positive ideas because of risk of possible cheating. Again, cheating is already here, amongst us. Think about that.

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