Academy IS worth, for sure!
Now, youth seems to be a bit weaker than previous season, but still, you get enough talent to collect at least 3M selling them, maintenance fees are paid, and you might get something extra, really worth the investment!
My squad have 5 LA9+ players in development, 2 players came from academy, 3 came from market. There was a 6th player, but i sold him, his transfer paid the academy itself (sold for 10M, got 9M for him).
Players from youth camp are worth if you are in a small league (and can afford to play with CA1 players), if you want to spend few seasons giving much advantage farming youth or if you have a satellite team to farm him. Else, a youth camp player is interesting only if somebody else did that job for you and placed him on market
A 18 years old, 3/10/4 player might be an interesting shot....