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Messages - Sir Vio Ferguson

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Please fix balance of gko academy
Old LA7 PA4 500k+  LA8 1.5m++
Now LA7 PA4++50k   LA8 350k    :o
Please update....
It can't be updated lol. It's all about the market.The production is too high for the actual user demands. Most of the users want to buy LA 9-10 and the begginers buy LA 7-8 because it's cheap. So now we have a huge market but few buyers and that should be a problem for game developers because it looks like not so many people are interested to start playing this game.

You can check this player, is somehow close to your requirements, and he is 7/9/4

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Training on NT
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:35:58 PM »
I think is useless to speak about zsoka, he is the mother and father of cheating. I have mails from GM that recognized that he obviosly cheated, anyway like everywhere: money talk.

« on: May 16, 2014, 06:14:36 PM »
perfect de acord cu tine Florin, bafta multa si sezonul asta,sa aveti succes fiecare  :)
multumim marius, sa fie, ca in sezoanele viitoare sa se poata bucura si alte echipe romanesti de meciurile focoase din aceasta competitie

« on: May 16, 2014, 06:12:47 PM »
- un sezon 10 excelent pentru echipele romanesti participante in final rezultatele bune ducand Romania pe pozitia a 8-a in clasamentul ligilor, pozitie care garanteaza prezenta a 2 echipe direct in grupele WCC...merita felicitari toate echipele care au pus umarul de-a lungul sezoanelor pentru aceasta realizare  ;)

- pentru sezonul 11 sper sa reusim sa intram cu 4 echipe in grupe pentru a putem mentine Romania pe acest loc 8 si de ce nu chiar sa mai urcam in clasament desi nu va fi deloc usor...multa bafta celor care joaca in preliminarii  :)
intr-adevar un sezon exceptional pentru Romania, si pe aceasta cale vreau si eu sa va felicit pentru munca depusa in sezonul trecut si voi face tot posibilul sa ajung si eu in grupe sezonul acesta si sa avem pentru prima oara 4 echipe direct in grupele WCL. Sa fie cu noroc pentru toata lumea si multe puncte si o calificare din grupe va doresc la toti !

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Training bug
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:12:49 PM »
fixed, today my players got the points on specific skills, probably it wasn't a bug, just bad luck

Romania / Re: OFF Topic - orice nu are legatura cu jocul
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:41:10 PM »
eu, dar global offensive

DR 19y 6/8/3 - great defender skills and so cheap! Take a look   Price: 613k New price: 533k

FC 17y  3/8/3  - accesible for any starter     Price:  550k New price: 468k

MR 18y 7/9/4  - Huge skills    Price: 3M

MC/DMC 19y  7/9/3   Price: 2.1M

MC 17y  7/7/6  Price: 667k New and last price: 400k

Experienced DR with awesome skills   Price: 2.4M Last price: 2M
MC/AMC 21y Outstending skills. Current member in nation Burundi u-21 team and future senior! For this player price is not negociable.   Price:  4.1M

DMC 8/9/2  - still developing in good conditions   Price 2.3M

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Training bug
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:51:41 AM »
For few days my players don't receive their training points, is just on me or we all have this problem?

It is just you :)

Maybe they reach CA7 ?
no, no, some of them have barely 3-4, look carefully the training it's stuckfrom friday night, I have changed some players training skills and that's how I discovered the problem

Suggestions/Bugs / Training bug
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:33:51 AM »
For few days my players don't receive their training points, is just on me or we all have this problem?

Romania / Re: Intrebari si raspunsuri
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:14:13 PM »
am avut eu remus, sunt slabi rau, daca ai noroc prinzi vreo 4 skiluri cu 10, si niciunul peste sau cel putin eu n-am prins niciodata din 5 incercari

Romania / Lista manageri de la care sa nu cumparati !
« on: November 16, 2013, 10:54:51 AM »
Am decis sa fac o lista cu manageri care vor sa primeasca bani in plus pe transferuri aducand informatii eronate despre jucatorii sai in legatura cu  abilitatea curenta, abilitatea limita, rata de progres (CA/LA/PR). Oricine a vazut, cunoaste sau a trecut prin aceste cazuri as dori sa lase aici un mesaj sau sa ma contacteze personal cu numele echipei sau orice alta informatie ce ne ajuta sa-i identificam pe acesti mici "infractori". In paranteza voi pune un exemplu din ceea ce face.

1. Tuks (142998) - Serbia   ( AMR 5/5/5 anuntat pe forum 3/5/5 )

2. OtokaUtd(150208) - Bosnia  ( MC 3/8/2 anuntat pe forum 3/8/5 )

voi continua diseara cu alte exemple de pe forumul international

Player Transfer Ads / Looking for GK over 800.000
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:30:28 AM »
I'm looking for a good GK over 800k value, I'm paying well, you can send me a pm on my team

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: No more games from the absurd result
« on: November 15, 2013, 07:55:01 AM »
I lost few matches this season in a critical way, but you know I'm not complaining about it, even if I lost my chance to play in WCC qualifiers, I'll show you some exemples:

...and a couple of draws, but here I am fighting to my last chance, preparing the next match apart from past

Romania / Re: Sa dam cărțile pe fata ...
« on: September 29, 2013, 04:06:55 PM »
eu raman la parerea ca ai luat o decizie putin pripita, practic ai muncit atat timp pentru nimic si ai lasat totul in urma fara lupta. Romania a pierdut un manager mare, pacat...

Romania / Re: Poll Concurs pronosticuri meciuri
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:08:37 AM »
personal cred ca este acelasi lucru cum poate castiga la anul asa o poate face si in acest sezon indiferent de gradul de dificultate, cat despre partea cu meciurile din strainatate doar under poate decide asta

Romania / Re: Poll Concurs pronosticuri meciuri
« on: September 21, 2013, 06:41:34 AM »
O fi Paul bolnav,poate e racit,dar tu suferi de tembelism cronic......tu ai plati din buzunar pt 10 tokeni si sa il dai unui multicont? tembelule care esti tembel >:(
nu, ideea este de ce ar participa un multi-cont la acest concurs? Ce ar face cu acei 10 tokens pe o echipa secundara? Si o alta alternativa: sa spunem ca ar avea ce face cu acei 10 tokens, nu este exact acelasi lucru cu ambele regulamente? Practic ar putea participa si acum pe multi-conturi nu? Sau sa-mi explice cineva ca nu vad diferentele

Romania / Re: Poll Concurs pronosticuri meciuri
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:30:49 PM »
avand in vedere multitudinea de multiconturi , eu am votat pentru forma actuala . Multumesc !
ce treaba au multiconturile cu acest concurs?

Romania / Poll Concurs pronosticuri meciuri
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:11:53 PM »
Dupa o discutie prietenoasa cu organizatorul concursului Pronosticuri meciuri (;topicseen#new), undertaker, si desigur cu aprobarea acestuia, am hotarat sa punem la vot o noua metoda de punctaj pentru sezonul urmator, si anume: pentru fiecare pronostic castigator se va acorda cate un punct, iar in cazul in care veti reusi 9/10 pronosticuri se va acorda un bonus de 3 puncte, respectiv 5 puncte pentru 10/10.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:53:48 AM »
Agree, I see Error got 3 LA 10 from Germany, Brazil and Argentina . He invested about 5-6 mln in each country. So he go three CA 1 player and PR 4. They need 4-5 seasons training in first team . He can't do this. IMHO he wasted his money. Yesterday 2/11/4 form YC was sold for 2,89 only!!!

Add 1
IMHO,YC are for teams in lower divisions , who cant farm those rookies. Or teams in small country without any competitions
wow, great price for buyer
really? anymore wanted him:P It is very hard to train CA 1-2 players with PR 4
edit. not LA but CA
personally I had bought the player if I known about him

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:48:49 AM »
Agree, I see Error got 3 LA 10 from Germany, Brazil and Argentina . He invested about 5-6 mln in each country. So he go three CA 1 player and PR 4. They need 4-5 seasons training in first team . He can't do this. IMHO he wasted his money. Yesterday 2/11/4 form YC was sold for 2,89 only!!!

Add 1
IMHO,YC are for teams in lower divisions , who cant farm those rookies. Or teams in small country without any competitions
wow, great price for buyer

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:41:11 AM »
let see the fact, some managers got 1/8/4 in small countries with 1 M investmen, my players: 1/6/4 and 1/6/4 with 1.9 M, respectively 1.2 M investment and first place in both countries

Romania / Re: Ziarul GKO
« on: September 03, 2013, 11:00:06 AM »
eu zic ca asta-i cam acelasi lucru cu topicul cafenelei, dar ti-l las in picioare daca ceilalti moderatori considera ca are un surplus fata de acel topic. Si sa-mi dau si eu cu parerea, GKO este managerul care mi-a creat dependenta astfel incat il clasez ca cel mai bun manager online.

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