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Messages - chefo

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Game has turned shit, pay to win has gotten ridiculous. It's either pay or quit and I have no intention to pay to those idiots.

I wish you guys all the best, was fun  ;)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: GKO engine 3.0 - Analysis
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:27:27 PM »
Let's try something ! nobody buy nothing(tokens,premium etc.) for one year, and maybe they will start listen and respect us ! maybe that way they will let us know the changes enough time before they will be implemented !

I've been spreading that idea for a while now, too bad a lot of people are blinded by the advantages they rather obtain and don't look at the whole situation. I really can't understand what staff are thinking, forum is not a factor in their decisions for some time now so most of the things we're discussing here won't reach the people that can do something about it. This game can really be one of a kind all tho at first sight its a (or at least it was) a mixture of a few other popular managers but it's slowly making its own path.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: GKO engine 3.0 - Analysis
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:09:41 PM »
Thought that'd be the case.
Anyway after clearing some things out I must say the idea behind the new engine is not so bad.
Of course some values might need to be tweaked a bit such as the effect of the AM line which turned upside down but overall such fresh crucial game changes are indeed necessary as the game progresses not only to add more challenges for everybody but of course give newer clubs opportunity to catch up and keep being interested in the game.
Either way managers that did good so far won't have that much trouble to adapt their teams even if sacrificing a season or two.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: GKO engine 3.0 - Analysis
« on: December 26, 2013, 01:36:26 PM »
So in the end was the only thing we were informed about even implemented?
Referring to the "Teamwork" change or is it so insignificant compared to the rest we can't even tell as of yet  :P

Also on first sight I can tell that half of the clubs in your country (same applies for the rest of the low populated ones) are accounts of foreign players just trying to play in easy leagues (I never understood the sense behind this but w/e). You're 4-5 active algerians at most, having NTs would only mean training most of your players even if you don't mean to abuse it.

The idea others offered in the past to unite all the leagues for all the African countries for example would indeed be great but that's a whole different topic that can only be dreamt of as it is now. Damn if we only had someone to look through those suggestions this game would go far..

IMHO rollback all the changes except maybe the Teamwork ability bonus addition on all tactics? Meanwhile this season test everything out and make sure it's fine and release it again next season or don't at all (all tho I'd only gain from such a change atm, I'm not very fond of this engine).
It's going to be a disaster if the league matches begin while this bug is still present.

Of course it won't be too late to clear out all the misunderstandings within a day or two as well, as long as you actually intend to do it..

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:40:33 PM »
why? tell me more cause I think that now is more balanced and I explained above why :P

I think Ruta here wins the prize for the #1 supporter of the unannounced new engine :P

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:30:47 PM »
maybe something is wrong with me , but I like this season changes :) At least AMC, AML and AMR now have some disadvantages . I past they had only pros- gave to attack and didn't participate in defense. So it went to situation when line up without MC, MR/Ml were superior , extreme example Thai U21 who plays 2 DMC and 2 AMC sometimes or even Argentina with their amazing Sandoval on AMC who was key man to win WC tree times. Now users need to balance their line-ups , IMHO

I was not referring to the changes. We don't have clear intel on what's changed so you can't say that you like them for sure. It might add more depth to the game and I myself am always looking forward to that.
My comment was on the overall behavior of staff and how they don't intend to change anything about it either and for me personally It's annoying how they are getting profit without giving the necessary feedback to the users for that.

You guys are lucky on getting GKs at least. I've never received one ever since I started and this season is no exception.
I didn't expect much and didn't get much. Good academy - 1 ML 1/7/3. Worst part is all the listed players were between 3 positions only..

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 11:56:48 AM »
Haha, seems like staff are getting pretty desperate to destroy this game.
To think that I was actually considering to buy premium, thank god I didn't, would have definitely regretted it.  :(

Anyway folks fyi as long as you keep supporting the game nothing is going to change. Without profit they'll either start being active to win us back or close/sell the game which might actually be for the best taking into account the carelessness last few seasons..

Could have easily changed the seasons today and proceeded with the first league match on wednesday.
A 2 week between seasons break should be more than enough..

++ for everything!

Unfortunately it seems like staff isn't paying attention to the forum while this game is indeed slowly dying..

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: condition player down every day
« on: December 05, 2013, 11:06:04 AM »
Actually leaving that player on "Light" training is for the best  ;)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Suggestion - offside calculation change
« on: December 04, 2013, 08:47:17 PM »
Hm, wouldn't this change actually be a nerf to "offside trap" or am I understanding it wrong?

I mean that feature is bad as it is, I agree it needs a rework but in a positive way. Currently you'd mostly use it when your defense line is obviously WAY better than your opponent's offense but in this case you might as well not use it at all. Not only because your defenders should do fine in stopping attacks on their own but also because you're adding another "random % event" which can turn out at your disadvantage.

I voted for the 3rd option but I pretty much find offside trap useless either way.


Maybe my judgement is blinded by my anger about this situation, and I am sorry if I'm wrong. But I do believe that out there, there is a little programmer who laughs to our idea that we have any influence to this game. What ever we do, the final result will be the same. That little programmer decided to make Stepić out of order for this championship. I think that engine do the job, unless "somebody else" decide to do it instead. But that is just my opinion, nothing more than that!
Nevertheless, we all agree that it is too big coincidence injury of one of most important players almost at the last minute. If it was any other player  who plays in Serbian league, he would be cured by credits at once. Stepić was the only one that I couldn't make any influence to. His manager doesn't care about Serbia NT, which is totally understandable, since he is from Germany. I would probably behave the same way.

Anyway, thank you all for the support! Don't pay too much attention to this comment. Again, I'm probably too angry!

Sorry, I just couldn't stop myself from laughing.
By the way games are calculated before the actual match so it's unlikely something like that is possible, this is not erepublik :D

OT : That's unfortunate but you still have 2 decent DCs that'll hopefully take his place (not very familiar how this works) so it's possible that player never joins a game.

I feel like they're gonna appear tomorrow. Probably it recognizes this week as part of the 30th cycle in some way.

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:17:48 PM »
Thank you for the free bump, go ahead and copy-paste that every single day so this topic stays on top, please!

I am not concerned even a tiny bit since that random chat doesn't say anything that breaks any rules, unlike what we've provided so far.
I got to go you go ahead and copy something from a year ago, have fun.

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:11:29 PM »
Provide facts that you aren't involved in any of those, please. Oh wait you can't instead all you've done so far is show some "chats" from years ago that don't excuse you in anything even a tiny bit. I won't stop until you receive your deserved punishment, don't worry!

Congrats its 100th post, you're definitely "not involved" in anything else who would bother with all the useless attempts to cover anything?  :)

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: December 03, 2013, 04:53:18 PM »
Issue has been somewhat solved. We received an answer from staff that they've been warned and hopefully things will get fair from now on!

Thanks to everyone that contributed to the topic!
and Oscar clown № 1 did they give you  Chefo-Absolut
Actually I take my words back, lets keep the conversation going cause this individual's arrogance disgusted me once again  :)

So far you got warned for the match-fixing with your buddies and hopefully you won't abuse your 2nd account again (I see you suddenly started logging it from different IP so I guess you gave it to somebody else - good for you!)

So there are two more accusations that are worth a punishment the most and those are :
#1 Offensive language (you haven't apologized yet either)
#2 Account sharing - clearly stated to be forbidden in the rules and Rincewind has provided decent evidence for that as well!

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: December 03, 2013, 01:29:18 PM »
Issue has been somewhat solved. We received an answer from staff that they've been warned and hopefully things will get fair from now on!

Thanks to everyone that contributed to the topic!

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: December 02, 2013, 01:41:36 PM »
Except that I eventually answer that I don't want to participate what else does that "conversation" even say? Not sure who is the clown here ^^

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: December 02, 2013, 01:16:16 PM »
Who even offered in the first place tho? Whenever convenient you'd offer anyone free points just so your competition doesn't stay close to you on the table. And I didn't really take advantage of it unlike your buddies do each season :)

There are enough other reasons you should be punished either way.
And good day to you too!

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: December 01, 2013, 07:24:50 PM »
Doesn't change the fact that you get MotS-ed 2-3 times per season at most therefore the last person that's got the right to complain for that!
Oh, I suppose it might be better if nobody tries to beat you at all. It might be the right view in your mind after all..

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: December 01, 2013, 05:30:50 PM »
me then what's the point of this topic
as the three of them can do what they want
and aramazov be spit

If that was correct and we were indeed "plotting" against you would I use a MotS against Mladost? I was competing for 3rd place and losing to him might have left me one spot behind. Making stuff up wont get you far.

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:32:28 PM »
see the games they never mots -always mots aramazov

You're kidding, right? On average you receive 2-3 mots per season at most! (not counting some weak teams from 11th-15th place of the table that use it at the end of the season randomly) I bet a lot of other strong teams can say they've received way more than that!
Even I receive 2 on average while considering till last season I was most around 6th-7th place!

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