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Messages - LieCheatNsteal

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Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Logo
« on: April 10, 2015, 12:56:31 AM »
wait a while, it will change at most 1 day

btw does any of u guys felt the longer the "Remaining time to show report" the "AVERAGE" quality the peeps will get better?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: MALTA REACHED WORLD CUP FINALS
« on: December 05, 2014, 03:51:45 PM »
every human manager fuck up at some point during NT matchs at this group... the least fuck up wins and congrats

all the results are out....RKO OUTTA NOWHERE

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: how much can he worth?
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:58:04 AM »
yeah... 19yrs old look odd for em.....although i got many late bloomers in my team i thought may be its too far for him...

General Discussion(English Only) / how much can he worth?
« on: October 18, 2014, 12:30:21 AM »
i had a academy youth thats 19D C, 3 - 3,9 - 10,3 - 4 , how much worth can he be trained or sold?  any buyers?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Quick question about training
« on: October 17, 2014, 09:19:46 AM »
yes u did, thank you and.............. fuck

General Discussion(English Only) / Quick question about training
« on: October 17, 2014, 05:42:40 AM »
does the trainer trains more skills points to a ppl in a match when the player had 6+LA(means no more Daily training points) or more?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: So the transfer system sucks
« on: October 13, 2014, 01:14:27 AM »
at the beginning of the season i once TL a player at 123456 G as i normally put in 1234567 G, some indo club got em and TL him again (guess for profit margin), i once consider to buy back and concluded not to cause of its high salary due to high bids.

rest assured it will become some extra high salary burden to sum1

so i pick the option "Suck it up and stop being a crybaby", i know how u feel bro

i agree normal users can get 1 loan, but set at rating 5000+ plz

a side question thought: does max scout guarantee 100% correct data? 

srry not token, credit the earn from match betting instead lol. still undecided how to spend cash next since TB academy was done... fearing to suffer from return inequality haunts me

back to normal at todays match since using normal tack

And before you go quoting me again in some attempt to continue the subject, save it. You've said enough here to show there is no more reason to discuss anything with you anymore.

Agree, Drifter juz make ur Academy to THE BEST then all will be different, we can do it in Singapore then suppose u can do it in Bermuda.

usually i dont care tackings until recent matchs it really backfired more. will take note more often.

Btw... is it really worth that getting lv 5 physio for 700,000G, to make a player to get back in the field 1 week before the original? (if that player get injured for the max injury time for a month). i rather use token to directly resurrect him back since i dont have the need to use token to get the best coach already. plz advise

I m much often in hard matchs in the past and its very seldom to screw up at it, but guess i have to set to normal for this rest of season even in important matchs then .... maybe this is some early warning omen or something. Sometimes ill too lazy to care to set tacking lv since one upon a time my player got sielined for 32 days in an easy vs easy match....

Guys calm down!  ::)
Drifter i agree with you that every nation should have human manager instead of bots,and that is one of the key factor but of course Admin does not care about it,but there is something you could do about it to help your country grow  8)

based from my experience from another online manager game "Buzzerbeater" I cant support this IF overseas players can buy premium to get in the leagues they arnt from.
lets guess if every nation open 2 slots of NT/U21 per nation , how many chinese or thais will get em?  care to have a rough guess?

I am aware that I can not compete with the stronger NT teams,but that is how things work in real life i just could not imagine that Montenegro or Bermuda beat Argentina,Brazil,Germany etc. in football  :P

yes they could since many premium The Best academy users draw lots of talent with less well known nations, and with a human manager of course

Now the real problem here is a big difference in the progress and finances between premium and regular users,and Admin should pay attention about it,cause for me that is the only reason why people leave this game. For me personally i think money price for all Top level winners should be the same,and the teams from strong leagues are in an advantage because they play against strong teams with great reputation which bring them more spectators and of course, more money, while others play with bots and limited earnings. And there is also cup competition where there are more games and much higher income for them. But i note that i support this, because every nation should be strong with growing number of its users,so Drifter bring more friends here cause all this is just about game and fun  8)
As i remember the slogan for this game was "MORE PEOPLE MORE FUN" so lets behave like that  8)

the real big difference is satellite farming vs non

is it me or someone of u readers felt that this seasons injury and red cards happen more often?  today my club had a double training injury (Heavy both) and todays friendly match (Hard Tack) ended in another rare dbl Red. While last League match ended in match injury and Red again....while last season seems nothing serious with same tactics

for that only : srry and respect , juz hate those foreigners pouring into local leagues

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Training on NT
« on: September 22, 2014, 02:07:31 AM »
it seems better from the current rigid ratio, but will it promotes nepotism or sumthing similar like that , this seems for a good idea for putting low CA and "claimed" to have 7~8+LA players in bench to "improve", i knew some NT do this, and maybe of course ME myself

;) Fear motivates you. Fear that we will crush you team given a fair playing field. Come to my league and prove that statement. As you said... 3 season. I promise in three you will have won nothing.

juz wonderin is he really a bermuda citizen or some random chinese/thai.... take a look at singapore league that my fd is competing, 6-7 human managers, and a while ago some indo ppl registered in sg league and whine about price money too then afk'ed, what the point to debate when ur stadium income is far more huge than league price money?

you whine about less income, we laugh at you from our THE BEST academy in Singapore, that even means we beat u in one of ur loved clubs specialty of munny grubbing, lol.

Feel free to consult us when you wish to know how to really run a club in low human players area. and of course without 2nd team :>

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: National team in Jordan
« on: September 17, 2014, 08:22:45 AM »
i can only accept open manager positions is only possible if bot nations were shut off of the world cup.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Stadium capacity
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:56:02 AM »
so by numbers is it better to trim down the capacity to 32000 sumthing from 34000? if dont count wcc attendence?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Stadium capacity
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:05:10 AM »
random number of 26000 to 32000 eh? not a fixed sum in order of both club ratings? that explain it lol

General Discussion(English Only) / Stadium capacity
« on: September 12, 2014, 03:14:12 AM »
may i ask whats the say amount of the audience sum of a league match between a 7000 rating home and away team?

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: my advice
« on: September 02, 2014, 10:22:06 AM »
srsly whos dumb enuf to bankrupt unless he's stupidity/ cheater/ sabotage (pick 1) ...

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