Talking about leagues with few active managers...i saw that in Rwanda (where i just created my second team) there are manager in waiting list since two months.....

Rwanda Total users :
i found 4 of those (apart from you). only one of them seems to have a Rwanda ip, and even that one, only logged in to create the team. maybe admin checks ip's before approving a team.
in Bermuda i found a user with 3 teams, none of them approved. 2 of them were created 1 second apart, so it might be an double-click, honest mistake, but he already had a team, so why ask for another? might there be another, older team, of the same guy, that would explain the situation? maybe even an active one? i haven't checked those.
another person, from Ukraine, tried to get 2 teams (found him in Rwanda, also), so that's probably why he was not approved.
i think that, if you look close enough, you might find reasons. many countries with only top level division have users on waiting list for ages. i bet almost all of them aren't from that country.
and there's another thing, more of a conspiration theory: i think admin deliberately creates teams (even if he doesn't approve them) to create the illusion of an active, growing game. or, at least, not a shrinking game.
a higher number of users makes the game more attractive; for us, for new users or for anyone interested in buying the game.