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Messages - LieCheatNsteal

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General Discussion(English Only) / Re: quick question about academy
« on: August 04, 2014, 01:33:53 PM »
okokok thx for digging the data out

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: quick question about academy
« on: August 04, 2014, 12:40:44 PM »
7 or 8 players intake at new season?? 

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: quick question about academy
« on: August 04, 2014, 12:21:44 PM »
15 16 15 ..... should be no "incident" i assume?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: quick question about academy
« on: August 04, 2014, 12:07:54 PM »
yup many thx

General Discussion(English Only) / quick question about academy
« on: August 04, 2014, 10:41:18 AM »
when new season starts how many academy players come to the shortlist?  7 ?    if there had 4 players at the shortlist already does it mean that 1 of the free intake will not appear?

United States / Re: A proposed trade/barter idea for US citizens
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:12:29 AM »
hmm not even starbucks?... still waiting for offers

United States / A proposed trade/barter idea for US citizens
« on: May 12, 2014, 12:59:48 AM »
hi in my FB account there's a sum of leftover FB credits that i find hardly to spend. & recently i'd found out the FB gift section that u can buy digital coupons to residents in USA via FB credits, i m trying to make a deal to see if any us citizens wish to buy a seasons premium in exchange any FB gift coupons u choose. hope some1 is interested :>

Reserves Generation Invitational League S11 --- 12/05~09/06


TEAMS                                W   D   L      PTS

Championsphere                 5    0     0      15                                   
LCNS                                 3     1    1      10
conggo                               3    0     2       9
sherminefc                          1    1    3       4
Bawah Tanah                      1    1    3        4
keithfc                               0     1    4       1

conggo v sherminefc                          1-0
LCNS  v keithfc                                   0-0
Bawah Tanah v Championsphere         0-3

LCNS  v conggo                                 5-0
keithfc  v Bawah Tanah                      1-2
sherminefc v Championsphere             0-3

keithfc v Championsphere                  0-5
conggo v  Bawah Tanah                     1-0
LCNS  v sherminefc                           3-0

LCNS  v Bawah Tanah                       1-0
conggo v Championsphere                 1-4
keithfc v sherminefc                          0-2

LCNS  v  Championsphere                  0-2
Bawah Tanah v sherminefc                 2-2
keithfc v  conggo                               0-2

note:  home or away position not considered into matches , plz discuss with matchday opponents about whom host the game (for maximum possible income of course)                                   

Player Transfer Ads / finding a CM
« on: May 03, 2014, 01:14:55 PM »
seeking a high rated CM 25yrs below, 16+ passing,tacking, 11+ marking,accel,dribble OR  LA7+ PR +3 youth, budget 3mil   ----- go to malaysia top league to find me

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: SOPELANA IS A HUGE CHEATER!!!
« on: April 30, 2014, 09:40:28 AM »
but Sopelana is defitnally more richer if nothing happens all the way, m i right?

Player Transfer Ads / 3/10/3 16yrs old LM
« on: April 27, 2014, 09:35:49 AM »
contact club     Championsphere (182346)       if you're interested, will listen the best offers   

current status : UNSOLD

i m not that sure i can catch up to no1 youth for now.... close the camp it is for me :>

may i ask about all TB Academy managers how did u view about the youth camp? felt those camps only produce qualities that dont match TB academy standards and i was thinking to terminate all the camps and focused at the lucky draw at the 1st day of the season {+ a lot of 300000 } for more TB shitz. is it the best option so far and does in any 1% chance GKO will upgrade youth camps at next season?

ah.......thank u

for today i'be playing with a romania team in my home ground , but the match time sets to 15:00, for normally friendly with against malaysia, singapore or indonesia teams the time is 0500 match time?   isnt the match time fixed at host/home teams nation usually game time?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: MOTS
« on: March 05, 2014, 08:38:44 AM »
does anybody wondering how much %of the skill at  the MOTS mode added?

heres 2 matches between me and a club that use nearly the same 1st 11:  : i have home league VG adv , won 5-0  : he used mots , lost 3-0

i thought MOTS were empowered by 50% sumthing but now i think it empowered 200% like that.... this must be redesigned...

Malaysia / Re: Team badge/logo
« on: February 23, 2014, 09:23:39 AM »
arrr.... thx for the effort thought :>

Malaysia / Re: Team badge/logo
« on: February 22, 2014, 10:09:48 AM »
lets see.... more simplify and team name if can consists  LCNS like my current 1... u can take my current 1 to "add on" or sumthing like tat

Malaysia / Re: Team badge/logo
« on: February 21, 2014, 11:34:27 AM »
try me 1st... if its good ill replace it

probably flash update on chrome fucked up, some of my webgame in chrome also got problems

Malaysia / Reserves Generation Invitational League S10 --- 30/12~10/02
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:48:28 AM »

TEAMS                                W   D   L      PTS

Bawah Tanah                      4    0   3        12
keithfc                                3    3   1        12
conggo                               4    0   3        12
LCNS                                  2    3   2        9
MoltenFC                            2    3   2         9
Championsphere                 3     0   4        9
Nero FC                              1    2   3         8
sherminefc                         2     1   4         7

                                   LCNS       keithfc      conggo     Nero FC      MoltenFC      sherminefc   BawahTanah    CPS
LCNS                              -             
keithfc                          1-1             -             
conggo                         1-2           0-2              -
NeroFC                         4-1           0-0            0-2             -           
MoltenFC                      0-0           1-1             0-1           1-1               -         
sherminefc                    0-0           0-2            0-1           1-0              0-1                 -           
Bawah Tanah                1-2           2-0            1-0            0-2              1-0               1-2                 -                 
Championsphere           1-0           1-2            1-0            3-2              0-1               1-0               0-2                -

conggo v Nero FC                                       2-0
MoltenFC v  sherminefc                               1-0
LCNS  v keithfc                                            1-1
Bawah Tanah v Championsphere               2-0

MoltenFC v Bawah Tanah                           0-1
keithfc v NeroFC                                         0-0
LCNS v conggo                                           2-1
sherminefc v Championsphere                   0-1

conggo v keithfc                                         0-2
MoltenFC v Championsphere                     1-0
LCNS v NeroFC                                           1-4
Bawah Tanah v sherminefc                        1-2

MoltenFC v LCNS                                        0-0
sherminefc v keithfc                                   0-2
conggo v Bawah Tanah                             0-1
Nero FC v Championsphere                       2-3
Nero FC v MoltenFC                                   1-1
LCNS v sherminefc                                     0-0
conggo v Championsphere                        1-0
Bawah Tanah v keithfc                              2-0

conggo v MoltenFC                                    1-0       
Nero FC v sherminefc                                0-1
Championsphere v keithfc                         1-2
LCNS v Bawah Tanah                                2-1

Bawah Tanah v Nero FC                            0-2
conggo v sherminefc                                 1-0
MoltenFC v keithfc                                    1-1
LCNS v Championsphere                           0-1

note:  home or away position not considered into matches , plz discuss with matchday opponents about whom host the game (for maximum possible income of course)

CARLOS   ---- i need some DL.... sell me some if u finally promote them

my 1st TB drafts



China / Re: 开个新帖答疑,欢迎新手提问!
« on: December 06, 2013, 05:02:15 AM »
这季u21多少人投票? (全部)

p.s : 求包养一季,为了改名。。。。TB academy 支援

i know how u feel bro..... i had a same situation 3 seasons ago

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