Well, training seems to be going normally again, thanks for fixing it
Also, i apreciate those 20 credits, but to be honest i think they are just a candy, i would be a lot happier if i would not receive credits (or only 4, one for each day without nomal training) but if errors like this would be fixed faster next time.
I understand that errors can happen, but the low atention to the game shouldn't happen. Something needs to change: somebody from the dev team should be here at least a few moments each day, or email addreses should have the same atention than the "sale" address. I don't know how busy you are IRL, but please remember we spent money to play this game and we want to keep playing it (and paying, if it's worth), just spend a few minutes in the game each day and you will keep receiving money from us, else... things will be complicated.
Thanks again for fixing the game, and i am looking forward to see what's going to happen from now on