>4. there would be no need for CA7 training limit
Which is actually the only this you are after. I dont like it any more than you do. I think it at least is way too steep. We miss out on the wonderful world of football where 22-25 year old players (or older) suddenly becomes extremely good. Or at least its very very hard and takes loads of patience. For example we miss players like Fabregas who matured into a world class player, quite late really.
I get what you are coming at, but I think you overestimate your suggestions, the problem and underestimate the time and effort it is to find talents you want to train to keep as first team players.
yes and no!
actually i am unsure whether to invest 4M in camp or in the academy.
in the camp I get players who fit my needs and PR is 4,
in the academy as things stand I can get anything.
I added this because I think it is a good idea.
>I propose you limit players based on their current abilities witch they are born with.
>you can limit individual skill by letting players learn max 10 points in specific skill
>(with training) for example a player that is born with creativity 3, off the ball 10, passing 3, crossing 3, can develop attack
>in training max creativity 13, off the ball 20, passing 13, crossing 13
I do not like the idea at all.
why do you not like?
player would continue to grow through the matches and develop attack (cre.,pas.,cro.- 14,15,...)
in the training he learned nothing, or another skill.
restriction would essentially remain the same, but all players would have the opportunity to realize there potential.