Author Topic: Re: Sillyseason  (Read 1582 times)


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Re: Sillyseason
« on: July 11, 2012, 07:52:04 PM »
Unfortunately there is too much competition for almost every player. Making players leave for prices I believe aren't really worth the player. So at the moment I haven't bought a single player yet. I'm happy with the team I have at the moment, but I had hoped to add some more depth to the squad, with the hard and long season ahead. But it is still early night, so maybe I can pick up one or two players before the "sillyseason" ends.

At the moment only SK Vard and The Devils managed to strenghten there squad. With The Devils buying a striker for over 2M... I rest my case, maybe I just have to accept that buying players for extreme prices is also a part of "sillyseason" and that this may be the reason that this day is called "sillyseason" in the first place. ;-)

Good luck all in these last few hours of "sillyseason"! :-)


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 08:56:07 PM »
Ja jaggu ble dette "silly".  :-[
Håpløst å bruke så mye penger på 1 spiller, men ble så irritert etter mistet 2 spillere på overbud, var veldig jevnt, at tenkte nå eller aldri.  ::)

Har vel de spillerene jeg "trenger" nå, selvfølgelig kunne en vel tenkt seg flere enda bedre, men det får stå til.
Hvis skal se etter flere, blir det enten en høyre midt eller midtstopper, men har ikke råd til mer slik silly pengebruk.

Lykke til med eventuelle innkjøp.



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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 09:26:27 PM »
In the end I managed to pick up two youth internationals (a Swedish MC and a Icelandic FC), both for 433.333. Two players who add some more depth to my team on the positions I needed to strenghten the most, so I'm happy. Don't really know if I paid the right price for those two, but I don't really care either, since it's "sillyseason". ;-)

Unfortunately I couldn't sign the Norwegian international Kåre Normanssen, which was also was on my list. But that is also part of "sillyseason", miss out on a lot of players you would like to add to your team. ;-)


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 07:07:45 PM »
Det er veldig surt! Utrolig å se hvilke masse penger spillerne ble solgt.  ::)


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2013, 12:24:55 PM »
Christen Bernardsson, kanskje norges beste spiss gjennom tidene, er klar for FK Mandalskameratene. Gratulerer med storsignering! Morsomt for den norske ligaen!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 12:34:13 PM by tommen »
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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2013, 12:59:00 PM »
Veldig fornøyd med ham som ny spiss!

I did need to pay a lot of money for him, especially salary, but I feel that Christen Bernardsson is worth that. He could prove to be a very important asset for my team for years to come. Let the silly season continue!

And Merry Christmas to all!   


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2013, 01:49:24 PM »
Planer om flere forsterkninger før sesongstart?

Vurderte Bernardsson selv, men iom. at jeg har et par brukbare på topp fra før lot jeg det være. Uansett fornøyd med at han er tilbake i TL!
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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2013, 02:02:35 PM »
I have some money to spend, but only when the right player comes along I'm willing to spend that money.

At the moment I'm looking for a new GK and to strenghten my AML with an extra player.
Got a lot of youngsters on the way that could be ready to play within one of two seasons, so I don't want to spend money on a player now when I've talented youngters on my team already. I'm interested in seeing how they develop within the next two seasons.

How about you guys, are you looking to strenghten your team with one or two players during silly season?


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2013, 11:53:14 PM »
Silly Season and Christmas Day at the same day is not a great combination to say to least... :p

I tried my best today, but due to lack of time I couldn't go for every player I wanted to.
Still managed to pick up a great striker and just before dinner also a new goalie, so I won't complain.
Found one AML I really liked, but someone put in a higher bid at the very last second, too bad.

Other teams in the league were not that active today / or couldn't get a player for the right price.
The colondavid team got two nice players to strenghten his midfield, but I think we can all agree that SK Vard did a great job by getting four new players. Looking forward to yet another new season, good luck to all and goodnight for now!


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2013, 08:55:09 AM »
Jeg satt og fulgte markedet tett i hele går og hadde også noen bud inne. Enig i at det var mange lag som gjorde gode kjøp, men etter min vurdering var det få spillere som jeg virkelig ville ha. Derfor var jeg vel heller ikke så nære på å signere noen nye. Har klare mangler i stallen min, men får vente med å fylle disse en liten stund til.
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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2013, 09:42:38 PM »
Var inne og så på markedet, men fant ikke så mange aktuelle spillere... de manglet som regel noe. De beste spillerne går jo for skyhøye summer så det er ikke aktuelt. Også oppdaget jeg noe morsomt... lønningsbudgettet mitt er oppbrukt, særlig med masse kontrakter som må fornyes.Så den er satt på oppgradering.
Er noen lag somhar fått seg relativt gode spillere til en bra sum og det er bra for konkurransen her tillands.


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2023, 09:14:12 PM »


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2023, 11:20:51 PM »


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2023, 08:38:39 PM »


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Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2024, 03:46:46 PM »


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Re: Re: Sillyseason
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2024, 09:40:43 PM »
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