I'm just saying that you'd probably be annoyed if a Foreign user was climbing to the top of your league, had stolen the cup prize from honest players and landed the national manager position, too. I even want last season's runner-up to get the extra 750,000 G even though the team is my biggest rival right now.
In the end, I really just want to just keep everyone in their rightful leagues, rather than having different prices for different-sized leagues. Not only is this unfair to other users, it is Like you I am in a smaller league and would stand to lose something as well. I only support this option if admin is unable or unwilling to assign national status by IP address, or at least strip these users of their teams & money when reported. It wouldn't keep players in "big league" nations from joining smaller foreign leagues, but it would take away the advantage they would get by doing it. I have reported this player to admin; I'll be interested to see how they handle it.