Author Topic: SUSPICIOUS TRANSACTIONS  (Read 29089 times)


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« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2014, 06:45:32 PM »
Going to the first one:

1.- The prices are high, yes, but, they are razonables in my opinion acording to the market. Ruta said for him their value would be between 6-8M, fir me between 8-9.

I sold FC with CA8 on 7.000.000 M, few dafys before, I had two buyer offering me 7M. Those players were better than that I sold on 7M.

I see every day player selling for more money than their real value (* real value is variable for each of us, but the market has some parameters)

For me, now, there are not too much players like I sold on market, so, for me, their price are that, who want to paid, is free to do or not, if doesn't cheat.

For example, a player with makert value 1,5M, sold by 3,5M, is more overprice than a player of market value of 8M sold on 10M. Or a player 2/9/2 with 20 year sold by 2M is more expensive than my players, IMHO.

Another fact is the buyer is going to quit from the game, and he sold players down of his price, for example one player LA11 he bougth for 5M  he sold for less than 1M and so many like that (you can check his tranfers) .. LA10 for less than market value. That is a cheat??? Some user bougth under market price, but my prices are wrong?.

So, for me we could speak about prices but I will not speak more about their prices. If someone thinks is a cheat, I suggest to report the tranfers to GM, this and all suspicious like these.

For me the problem is on the second point, THE BUYER.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 06:50:18 PM by Sopelana »
Nombre del club : Sopelana C.F. (50354)


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« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2014, 07:03:12 PM »
2.- Here we go to the second question, the buyer and his relationship with me.

This came from spanish Top Level few seasons ago. We have some differents on points of views, and due to this we have discussed a lot. Since 2 seasons (more or less) he doesn't speak to me and rarely speaks to people, most of the times to discuss.

He played mots againist me, and he, when we were in week 27, could win to the 2nd one in league championship, being in that case he the second one, but he let win to him, with the intention he will win the league to me (you can check his 3-5 last matches), broken rules (term of use in fact) that not allowed to some let win to other to benefit him.

He failed, and he lose cup final, I won WCl, and he decided to quit.

My opinion is that he wants to drag me with him, buying my players doing the tranfers suspicious. He sold many players under their price, like I said before. Now, he put his candidacy to be spanish coach. He send me a friendly request, that I accepted to see his intentios, he put hard tackling and did negative stadium (it doesnt give no incomes, I had the same case in WCL with Zurisee), all studing to damage me, and damage GKO.

So, you can trust what you want, but now you have more details about history.

I will be for everyone like I always do, and I have my mind so quiet about all.
Nombre del club : Sopelana C.F. (50354)


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« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2014, 07:07:03 PM »
I think that Sopelana IS NOT A CHEATER, while I don't know about Oiartzun Manager, that leave this game with I think some mess and trouble for others ... The players that leave this game should be deleted immediately before they do damage to the others....


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« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2014, 07:07:29 PM »
Everything is ok beside one user is not playing anymore.We have tokens,premium bussines here for loan players,premium and tokens bussines for risky transfers.Now we can see precedent which can open business outside gko world via moneybookers or other wallet.For sure we have users interesting to make money and spend money that way.10.000.000 G's is same as 200 tokens ,so good price  is around 100 tokens ;)
Anybody can run some number of club'S and after few seasons sold G's in real life ;) buying a player for about 3-5 millions more than any other user would pay...Of course this specific situation here happend becasue of frustration or other feelings.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 07:26:30 PM by Luca »
I will buy young players with PR 5 and higher,send me your offer.


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« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2014, 07:22:30 PM »
And finally,

When he sold under prices high quality players, like Zurisee did (Borussia). I did not offer, in spite of being interesting players to my team, for haven't any kind of problems, and I had 30M to spend (and with 4M more known from rewards).

Carlos, finally, I did not write to Gm, I was thinking about it, like I wrote to you, but I preffer to explain if someone ask for it than give before ask for it. Like romanians said: "Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta".

Nombre del club : Sopelana C.F. (50354)


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« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2014, 07:30:25 PM »
 "Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta"  :P

But if you write to admin its better ...for you!


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« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2014, 07:32:14 PM »
"Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta"  :P

But if you write to admin its better ...for you!

Sure, but if he ask me, he would found anwsers soon, because the case it too clear when you know about it.
Nombre del club : Sopelana C.F. (50354)


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« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2014, 07:33:52 PM »
"Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta"  :P

But if you write to admin its better ...for you!

Sure, but if he ask me, he would found anwsers soon, because the case it too clear when you know about it.

Maybe I should reported he let win broken rules leting win to xacagi, but I prefer to play, this is only a game. Not so important to be ungry all the day like a little child. 

Nombre del club : Sopelana C.F. (50354)


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« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2014, 10:30:54 PM »
Thanks Littman for change title!.
Nombre del club : Sopelana C.F. (50354)


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« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2014, 11:47:25 PM »
Hi, I have lived in first person the discusions between Sopelana (Txusi) and Oiartzun (Matthews), and sometimes with me too (I am not very friend of Matthews, I can see...). A lot of times the spanish forum has been like a WAR.

I won my first league, maybe, because Oiartzun wanted not to win (or to lose) against me to harm Sopelana.

Is true that 10Mx2 is, possibly, an extra money for the value of the players; but is for sure than Matthews wants to leave GKO attacking to Txusi.

In his two last friendlies he put hard tackles to injure the players of his rival teams (he have invited to his rivals teams or friends of Txusi, to play friendly matches).

We don't know why he is trying to be the new spanish NT, but for sure is to prejudice Txusi or me (I told if a top team I would not file for re-election... in few minutes Matthew was a candidate).

ADMIN, I don't know what is Matthews trying to do, but is for sure all the things YOU ALLOWagainst his rivals in spanish community, and Txusi is his enemy number one.

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« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2014, 12:18:19 AM »
Clearing Up the mess

1. Title of this Thread.  Litmann you must change the title of this thread to something like "Suspicious Transactions" . Even if there is anyone out there who still thinks Txusi has in anyway colluded in this mess then they must leave it to admin to sort out. Txusi deserves much better than to be defamed like this.
Done  ::) moderators probably shouldn't be making accusations in the forum, anyway...actually we're supposed to delete this kind of thread  :-[ I won't do that, but if the discourse gets ugly (mudslinging, bigotry, or personal attacks), I will lock it and move it to Ask Admin.
2. The 20m of fees. Txusi does seem to be sitting on 20m G that he shouldn't have. I think we can rely on Admin to take this off him eventually. Txusi, don't spend it cos you'll regret it!
Admin will deduct a substantial amount of funds from Sopelana, eventually. This is not the first time a manager has (innocently) overpaid for a player. It was fairly common when developers began to fight inflation in the game, and managers were accustomed to obscenely high prices for players. This is a little bit different, but the end result will be the same.
3. Mathews. Admin you must delete his account urgently. Otherwise he may come back to cause more trouble or less likely change his mind.
Yes, although it seems Oiartzun has no more money to do anything with, so Mathews can't cause anymore trouble
4. Disgruntled Users. Friends, I promise you this is going to become more of a problem going forward. Some of us have been playing for a long, long time. Its natural to become less enthusiastic over the years and then all the bugs, cheaters and Admin inactivity can become too much and we can get angry. But Guys if you get angry with with GKO please don't cause this sort of trouble - it only hurts the rest of your friends, who want to carry on playing -  Admin doesn't even notice!
Well put
5. A new Bug ? I don't really get this but Mathews has exposed a new bug - negative capacity for gods sake! I am 100% sure he just wanted to do this to show how stupid some of these bugs are. Now we all know about it, someone will try to use it to cheat. Admin please sort it out before it becomes prevalent!
This bug is fairly harmless, you can spend a few million removing seats and you will have negative (no) seats, kinda dumb but not a major issue imho
6. Admin - Guys, I think we should all write about this to Admin and try an bombard them out of their apathy. I'm going to do so right now.
Good luck!  8)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 03:52:29 AM by Brian Clough »
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« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2014, 05:48:24 AM »
Clearing Up the mess

Done  moderators probably shouldn't be making accusations in the forum, anyway...actually we're supposed to delete this kind of thread  I won't do that, but if the discourse gets ugly (mudslinging, bigotry, or personal attacks), I will lock it and move it to Ask Admin.

No, Brian, do not! Absolutely not!  :-[
If you lock this post and you move it to Ask Admin, as if you threw it in the trash!!
Brain, as you did with my post, you moved my post about cheaters brothers Medic in GKO Croatia (, and the post was invisible to the forum admin did not do anything. Because of unfair fixing and cheating in the game (9 Mots against my team) this season my team play in the lower division, cheaters are smiling because admin did not do anything.
Brain, please, do not touch anything because the post must be visible to other managers, need to know about similar cases!
Admin no time - counts profits and money!!!  ???
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 05:52:22 AM by Martin_ »

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« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2014, 06:48:18 AM »
Clearing Up the mess

Done  moderators probably shouldn't be making accusations in the forum, anyway...actually we're supposed to delete this kind of thread  I won't do that, but if the discourse gets ugly (mudslinging, bigotry, or personal attacks), I will lock it and move it to Ask Admin.

No, Brian, do not! Absolutely not!  :-[
If you lock this post and you move it to Ask Admin, as if you threw it in the trash!!
Brain, as you did with my post, you moved my post about cheaters brothers Medic in GKO Croatia (, and the post was invisible to the forum admin did not do anything. Because of unfair fixing and cheating in the game (9 Mots against my team) this season my team play in the lower division, cheaters are smiling because admin did not do anything.
Brain, please, do not touch anything because the post must be visible to other managers, need to know about similar cases!
Admin no time - counts profits and money!!!  ???

Your allegations may be correct, but the thread devolved into mudslinging which really distracted from the original issue. The thread was basically Psiohoooo vs Golex with alleged, unreferenced quotes implicating each other in cheating. This is not a legitimate debate!

However, I concede that you originally put forth well-researched and documented allegations and it is not fair that your findings were ultimately distracted by two bickering factions. TBH I don't know the best solution to suit everyone.

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« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2014, 09:56:41 AM »

Your allegations may be correct, but the thread devolved into mudslinging which really distracted from the original issue. The thread was basically Psiohoooo vs Golex with alleged, unreferenced quotes implicating each other in cheating. This is not a legitimate debate!

However, I concede that you originally put forth well-researched and documented allegations and it is not fair that your findings were ultimately distracted by two bickering factions. TBH I don't know the best solution to suit everyone.

I can not affect who and what will be after me to write a post. I stated facts and asked Admin to respond. Also, it was important that the whole community GKO be informed with their cheating. Psihooo defending cheaters, while Golex sought justice!
What do you think, after discussions Psihooo vs. Golex,  who would have in TL Croatia in this 11.season the most games with mots .. I know!!!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 10:02:37 AM by Martin_ »


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« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2014, 01:26:40 PM »
As I am reading a lot of curious arguments, one more time against mathews and me, even don’t want I am forced to write because I don’t know why my name appears here:

1st of all, The same Sopelana user has said that his players ARE IN MARKET PRICE, he means that 10M is a correct price, then there is nothing else to say, he is not a cheater, bad point for Litmman, Mathews wanted to quit and gave his money away for sopelana, he asked 10M and he sold both players in 10M, market price again, I paid 13M for a non trained player, where is the difference? Anyone asked my head or valemtia’s head for that 13M’s transfert? Stop saying more idiot things because you don’t have valid arguments. Admin has not said anything, why you yes, always against Mathews? Please, be serious. Think that in this game you are always discussing about banal things, particularly in communities like Spain or some others.

Why don’t speak about all those users (next to one hundred) that asked me in the moment of quit to give all my money to them.. that is really be a cheater, if you want and if you are such legal players I can give to the admin the list of all the people that asked me those 40M, do you want? I suppose not of course. No problem. Don't worry about that.

When I decided to quit I sold all my players, gave them away to other users because this fucking game was insufferable, 1€, same price for everybody, users that were interested bought them, if you have problems with my transfers ask to the admin, he will be very delighted for answer all your questions.

I demolished my stadium to -1,000,000 seats for HAVE THE SECURITY OF NEVER COMEBACK TO GKO and for burn the 40M without give them to any user, I am not damaging anybody with that, why do you say the contrary?

I sincerely got tired of do the biggest effort I could for have the strongest team and it was simply impossible against thousands of tokens and premiums accounts, that is the reason for quit, where is the problem? Here everybody speaks for speak, without arguments. Mathew’s situation is quite similar to mine. It is very sad to quit the only game where I have a Champions Cup but it is better to quit than continue in a game I don’t like anymore.

After quit the game, suddenly I receive a 10* goalkeeper, really amusing question that reinforces my decision of quit, admin will be just laughing in this moment 

More things, I have not retain anymore my Borussia’s password. I can’t access there anymore, please don’t lost your time writing for ask me the money I don’t have. Check please in Borussia’s status: DEBT DEBT DEBT DEBT and DEBT. There is not money, can’t give to you.

Please ask Mathews why he quits the game and don’t speak in his name without have no idea about the things that happens around his team.

As I said in Spanish forum I preferred to play in another country to have a team in Spain, I know perfectly how the Spanish behavior is in these kind of games, respect doesn’t exist and with that bad experience in other similar games I chose Germany where I have been very quiet, excessive quiet. But full success with my predictions, to be denounced by racism by Webinchi for damage me, incredible.. admin is laughing with that, a lot of discussions.. that was like the 3rd world war, can’t support anymore and don’t want live with that situation. Aquilicua saying that Mathews lost intentionally matches for damage other teams when he had to keep their players in 100% for the Cup’s final rounds, and like that, thousands of stupid things. Finally Mathew's patience has blown up.

Sirs, here you have your beautiful game, all for you, let us quiet, we are full happy out from this shit. Sopelana is not a cheater, again said, you have my word, as he has said it is transfer market price. Close this post and enjoy your great game but with something very clear, we are not the bad users and some ‘others’ are the great users, simply we have been tired of suffer this fucking situation an only more day and finally we quit, very simply.

One more thing, in agree with you, BANN AS SOON AS OUR TEAMS PLEASE! We don’t want to have them anymore!

Be happy in GKO please, bye for ever.
convinced ex-user
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« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2014, 06:03:04 PM »
I paid 13M for a non trained player, where is the difference? Anyone asked my head or valemtia’s head for that 13M’s transfert?

Sorry for off topic
Zurisse , sell me him at same price, please :) Not now, I will have that cash at the end od this season. There are a lot people who know nothing about buying stars, I said it before , there no sky for prizes of  they :)
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« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2014, 08:28:29 AM »
I paid 13M for a non trained player, where is the difference? Anyone asked my head or valemtia’s head for that 13M’s transfert?

Sorry for off topic
Zurisse , sell me him at same price, please :) Not now, I will have that cash at the end od this season. There are a lot people who know nothing about buying stars, I said it before , there no sky for prizes of  they :)
There is no justice.I have sold player whose TV was about 300 000,for 590 000 and got penalty 1 500 000 for selling him.There is plenty of LA 9 players.Neither of rhem is worth 10 000 000.Those players are overpaid.
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« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2014, 08:44:49 AM »
I paid 13M for a non trained player, where is the difference? Anyone asked my head or valemtia’s head for that 13M’s transfert?

Sorry for off topic
Zurisse , sell me him at same price, please :) Not now, I will have that cash at the end od this season. There are a lot people who know nothing about buying stars, I said it before , there no sky for prizes of  they :)
There is no justice.I have sold player whose TV was about 300 000,for 590 000 and got penalty 1 500 000 for selling him.There is plenty of LA 9 players.Neither of rhem is worth 10 000 000.Those players are overpaid.

Could you put one player like I sold?? Because I did not sell LA9, I sold CA9

Here you have a pleyer like I sold, level 73.

See many market transfers, CA8 sold for 7M (one is mine)....
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 08:47:20 AM by Sopelana »
Nombre del club : Sopelana C.F. (50354)


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« Reply #43 on: May 02, 2014, 08:52:04 AM »
Littmann, I don't know your story. But I am talking about players from Best 10 of their positions in proper time. In this case about him he is 5/13/3 at 17 y, and I tell you that for me he is the best on AMc from all youth and in best 10 in all.

My players are CA 9 and more , so I am not intersting in players at same worth or even slight better. LA 11 looks to weak to improve my team in short or even medium time. So rare players like this above has no limited prize for me. This is like real world , you can have many Pedro's or Di Maria's but there is only one Ronaldo and Messi
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 09:00:01 AM by Ruta »
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« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2014, 08:56:46 AM »
Littmann, I don't know your story. But I am talking about players from Best 10 of their positions it proper time. In this case about him he is 5/13/3 at 17 y, and I tell you that form he is the best on AMc from all youth and in best 10 in all. My players are CA 9 and more , so I am not intersting in players at same worth or even slight better. LA 11 looks to weak to improve my team in short or even medium time. So rare players like this above has no limited prize for me. This is like real world , you can have many Pedro's or Di Maria's but there is only one Ronaldo and Messi

For me is ok too. Another thing will be if he was 20 years old, for example, and he will never grow his max. level. In that case I understand the overprice!!!.
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« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2014, 09:02:08 AM »
 Sopelana is right, finished and experienced players should have same  or higher value as LA. I saw many times players sold at high value and I can tell why.
 I always pay more then looks reasonable. It is all cause this stupid bid system. Simple , when I buy my stars I prefer to pay more money to owner of the player ( who many times was the  only one who want sell) instead of go to wage wars.
I just want to have as low rivals as can to catch a wonderkid.

To have fair situation of transfers we need real auction system. Who give more at the end win . Also this idea should have some basic value of minimal and maximal value when player go on the market. Many games have this system but GKO look no have resources to do it

About this AMC , he is trainable at 100% with NT caps. He is not there cause Italian coaches don't want to waste time with bot player. If he would be mine , I am pretty sure he play in NT.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 09:21:26 AM by Ruta »
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« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2014, 09:14:41 AM »
Like I said in my post, the price is relative, each one has a diferent value for any player, but market has a parameters. For that players who there is none like him  in the market, the price is "the sky" like Ruta said, the price is what a user is ready to bid.

Do you think Valemcia wanted to sell him??? I will say the answer, NO. You must put a price that him can't say NO, that's his price. If you don't put it, none of us is going to buy players like that, because none of us are going to sell them. That's is the market's law.... you can agree or not with it, but is in this way.

Now, there is a lot of LA10, so their price is decreasing... when a lot of LA11 will be on market, their price will decrease too, same for all levels.  Do you remenber when LA5 was good players? We sold them for 600-700K or more. Try to sell now for that price. And try to sell for 2M one LA11, how many offers do you think you are going to have??

The price is a discuss in all the games like this I'm playing, but reality is always the same: the price moves in fuction of the amount of bid and offer.


« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 10:24:02 AM by Sopelana »
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« Reply #47 on: May 02, 2014, 09:16:18 AM »
To have fair situation of transfers we need real auction system. Who give more at the end win . Also this idea should have some basic value of minimal and maximal value when player go on the market. Many games have this system but GKO look no have resources to do it


I'm like you, I prefer do not enter on wage war.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 10:24:52 AM by Sopelana »
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« Reply #48 on: May 02, 2014, 10:24:20 AM »
I paid 13M for a non trained player, where is the difference? Anyone asked my head or valemtia’s head for that 13M’s transfert?

Sorry for off topic
Zurisse , sell me him at same price, please :) Not now, I will have that cash at the end od this season. There are a lot people who know nothing about buying stars, I said it before , there no sky for prizes of  they :)
There is no justice.I have sold player whose TV was about 300 000,for 590 000 and got penalty 1 500 000 for selling him.There is plenty of LA 9 players.Neither of rhem is worth 10 000 000.Those players are overpaid.

Could you put one player like I sold?? Because I did not sell LA9, I sold CA9

Here you have a pleyer like I sold, level 73.

See many market transfers, CA8 sold for 7M (one is mine)....
Is this player worse than yours?
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« Reply #49 on: May 02, 2014, 10:28:43 AM »
I paid 13M for a non trained player, where is the difference? Anyone asked my head or valemtia’s head for that 13M’s transfert?

Sorry for off topic
Zurisse , sell me him at same price, please :) Not now, I will have that cash at the end od this season. There are a lot people who know nothing about buying stars, I said it before , there no sky for prizes of  they :)
There is no justice.I have sold player whose TV was about 300 000,for 590 000 and got penalty 1 500 000 for selling him.There is plenty of LA 9 players.Neither of rhem is worth 10 000 000.Those players are overpaid.

Could you put one player like I sold?? Because I did not sell LA9, I sold CA9

Here you have a pleyer like I sold, level 73.

See many market transfers, CA8 sold for 7M (one is mine)....
Is this player worse than yours?

No maybe is not (the only thing I can said bad for him is Agility, that is necessary on wing to do good cross). Which is his level with VG morale?

But for me is a very good player, there are few like them in market. If you sell him on 10M I will agree with tranfer (or in 11M, or in 8,5M). But if you sell him in 5M, I will think that someone has take a good player under his price.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 10:31:42 AM by Sopelana »
Nombre del club : Sopelana C.F. (50354)