My question is, since we have no players with FL or FR, how do we determine what player to put in that position. If we do play a player in that position, will they loose points for not playing in a position they know?
AMR and AML can play as FR/FR without skills being penalised. You don't have do put players in every positions for a tactics
since the average is more important. Look at the manual. We just include FL/FR.
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Team Use
Average of (amr aml amc mc mr ml dmc dmr dml dl dr
fr fl)
(Pace+Acceleration)/2, Stamina, Tackling
Opponent Team Average of (mc mr ml amc amr aml fc fr fl)
(Pace+Acceleration)/2, Aglilty, Technique
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Team Use
Average of (amr aml amc mc mr ml dmc dmr dml dl dr
fr fl)
(Strength+Balance)/2, Marking, Positioning
Opponent Team Average of (mc mr ml amc amr aml fc fr fl)
(Strength+Balance)/2, Off the ball, Passing