Author Topic: REMOVE MOTS  (Read 16503 times)


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« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2013, 01:18:30 PM »
Opposed!! MOTS make league matches more uncertain, matches will be more intriging.
If you can already know the win-win-loss-loss b4 the matches, there's no fun.

I will agree to a minor extent but it does not compromise your interest and fun. I played MoTS in a Worl Champion Cup game and lost (in season 7).  :-X A league consists of 30 matches and as low as 6 points with MOTS does not change your season, especially when very team will have 6 extra points in the end.


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« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2013, 01:20:49 PM »
Just a question, if somebody can get the "W W L D" recipe so easily, could he provide it to all of us? I rarely can get 2 credits in mini game :P
My team: Club Atlético Talleres (95928)


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« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2013, 01:21:29 PM »
I agree with both of you in some parts, MOTS should not be removed but weaken a lot... This way strong teams will not feel mots invasion on them and weaker teams will have option to plan important matches of the season.
Another thing mots should be costing players more condition OR manager condition for x weeks should be 0-20(not 0-100).

Please discuss about changes in game but dont fight, we dont need another topic fall apart because of our differences
Costing more players condition or Club energy for a week can be good compensations.


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« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2013, 01:24:56 PM »
I agree with both of you in some parts, MOTS should not be removed but weaken a lot... This way strong teams will not feel mots invasion on them and weaker teams will have option to plan important matches of the season.
Another thing mots should be costing players more condition OR manager condition for x weeks should be 0-20(not 0-100).

Please discuss about changes in game but dont fight, we dont need another topic fall apart because of our differences
Costing more players condition or Club energy for a week can be good compensations.

Agreed, but their effect must be weaken too, at least on keepers. When somebody uses mots, their keepers become way too strong!!!! It would be fine if opponent would have a tougher defense, a more deadly attack but mots effect in keepers is too agressive.
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« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2013, 01:25:07 PM »
Just a question, if somebody can get the "W W L D" recipe so easily, could he provide it to all of us? I rarely can get 2 credits in mini game :P
Same here in Poland. We had only twice when someone got all 5 points.
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« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2013, 02:14:32 PM »
Agreed, but their effect must be weaken too, at least on keepers. When somebody uses mots, their keepers become way too strong!!!! It would be fine if opponent would have a tougher defense, a more deadly attack but mots effect in keepers is too agressive.
Yes and dont forget about freekicks and corner kicks, every time when someone plays against me with mots i get goal down from freekick or corner kick (and my gk is lvl 61  with 65% saving)
Empire (23277) - Poland


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« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2013, 03:17:15 PM »
You all have awesome ideas, but its a waste of time. I've seen countless of topics regarding MOTS and nothing has changed.

Removing it might not be the best option, tho restricting it is better and giving some aftereffect like morale drop / extra condition loss etc.

Brian Clough

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« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2013, 05:05:18 PM »
I should remind everyone of a recent poll on this subject:

- 74.2% voted that mots should either come with some cost, be removed from WCL, or removed from the game entirely.
- only 22.6% wanted them kept as they are now
Yet admin did not seem to notice or care.

IMHO, if mots are to remain a part of GKO:

1 - They should have a cost proportional to the effect. Extra condition loss from the match and maybe temporary reductions in manager energy/replenishment rate seems fair to me.

2 - Managers should have to earn them by taking an active role with their clubs. IMO a manager must cultivate a strong relationship with the players to get that extra effort out of them. By "active", I mean logging into GKO and using energy for activities and player condition/morale*. There is one manager in my league who logs in about 3 times per season, twice just to play his mots against me! I don't mind the mots as much as the fact the manager gets them without really having to play the game and they have no more effect on his players than any other match.

3 - MOTS should be playable during a match, particularly at halftime (45'). This way managers can defend against an unexpected mots in an important match by electing to "motivate the players" during the halftime (45') break in advance instructions.

*of course, premium users have more energy and faster replenishment rate than non-premium users. Thus this could be calculated as the % of available energy used in a typical 12-hour day. It could be calculated as (total energy used)/(hourly replenishment rate)x12xD over the past "D" days. Each season mots would be allocated based on this % over the previous season. Managers who used less than 20% of available energy should get ZERO mots. Those who used 20-50% would get 1 mots. Those who use >50% would get 2. This could be done logging in to GKO less than once per day, on average. To achieve 50% usage with this equation, a non-premium manager would need to use only 60 energy per day, on average. A premium user would need to use 120 energy per day, on average. Either can be achieved with a single log-in and about 5 minutes of the manager's time.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 06:44:34 AM by Brian Clough »
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« Reply #33 on: July 17, 2013, 10:10:24 AM »
I think mots are okay, all we have the same number, so you can choose when using them and show your strategic ability.
Alessandria 1990 F.C. (128523)

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« Reply #34 on: July 17, 2013, 01:13:25 PM »
Mots is a good tool to provide chance to small club those love it.


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« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2013, 01:15:33 PM »
yes but it can also make team that deserve to win, loose
Black Star

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« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2013, 01:31:28 PM »
yes but it can also make team that deserve to win, loose

You can't win forever. Anybody deserves a chance to beat stronger teams.
Alessandria 1990 F.C. (128523)


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« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2013, 01:35:05 PM »
yes but it can also make team that deserve to win, loose

You can't win forever. Anybody deserves a chance to beat stronger teams.

You are mixing things IMHO:

Winnig using mots is not a deserved victory.
Winning creating a strong squad with your own hands and choosing the right tactic to beat a stronger team, THAT is a deserved victory.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 01:38:30 PM by CarlosT »
My team: Club Atlético Talleres (95928)


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« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2013, 05:57:05 PM »
yes but it can also make team that deserve to win, loose

You can't win forever. Anybody deserves a chance to beat stronger teams.

You are mixing things IMHO:

Winnig using mots is not a deserved victory.
Winning creating a strong squad with your own hands and choosing the right tactic to beat a stronger team, THAT is a deserved victory.

Black Star

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« Reply #39 on: July 17, 2013, 06:19:33 PM »
yes but it can also make team that deserve to win, loose

You can't win forever. Anybody deserves a chance to beat stronger teams.

You are mixing things IMHO:

Winnig using mots is not a deserved victory.
Winning creating a strong squad with your own hands and choosing the right tactic to beat a stronger team, THAT is a deserved victory.


You still have 28 league matches to set tactics. There should be a system which motivates your players to very high level. Have you watched rivals fighting in derbies of meryside, manchester, milan and London etc. That are not based solely on Tactics.


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« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2013, 06:36:21 PM »
yes but it can also make team that deserve to win, loose

You can't win forever. Anybody deserves a chance to beat stronger teams.

You are mixing things IMHO:

Winnig using mots is not a deserved victory.
Winning creating a strong squad with your own hands and choosing the right tactic to beat a stronger team, THAT is a deserved victory.


You still have 28 league matches to set tactics. There should be a system which motivates your players to very high level. Have you watched rivals fighting in derbies of meryside, manchester, milan and London etc. That are not based solely on Tactics.

Yes, you have 28 league matches left, if other teams doesn't play mots too, else the number is still reduces, not to menction that some teams have more things to deal with than just league matches.

Wcc and cup without mots? Then things would be a little more balanced, you could at least use your mots to compensate.

And please, the "merseyside" thing is irrelevant, i live in a country where passion for the game is a lot higher than England, but you know what? This  is a game if you haven't noticed, keepers doesn't receive cards, they can tip the ball away and corner kicks doesn't happens, that "derby motivation" is a cheap excuse if you ask me.

The only way to reflect your way to look at the game would be with the "rival club" option. If i would have the chance to pick just few teams as rivals and MotS would be available to use ONLY against them, it would be fine.

The current MotS scheme is not about "extra effort against a rival team", it's about a shortcurt that leads incompetent managers or weak squads to get something they don't deserve.

EDIT: Mubashar, could you plesa tell us what league are you playing, and what is your team?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 06:42:30 PM by CarlosT »
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« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2013, 01:15:32 AM »
Mubashar, now i know why you defend MotS with the "only 6 points doesn't mean anything", and you avoid to tell us what is your team: this is your team, and yesterday you couldn't beat a team with a semi unnactive manager controlling it, (nice league follower BTW).

Now let me ask you, you are playing top level 4 seasons ago, why didn't you upgrade your stadium to 20.000 seats? If you want to make your team stronger, you need to collect money, if wou want to collect money, incomes from matches is the basic income source. Top level teams have 20.000 people as minnimun attendance, this is something basic!!!!!!

Any manager playing alone in top level after 4 seasons should have a far stronger squad than yours. Now, watching your current season: playing WCC Qualifyings, you played 3 matches: once against a bot (no need of mots), and 2 matches against user controlled squads. The first match you won only 1-0 (used mots of course) and the third match you lost badly (you said you forgot to set the tactics, maybe also forgot to click the mots button?).

To have an opinion about leagues filled with human teams, you should play in one, i understand why you say that "6 points doesn't mean anything" your league rivals are inconsistent teams with low activity rate or bot teams. In  a serious league, 1 point can make the difference, (for instance, i will lose Argentinian Top level because goal average) so yes, MotS can manipulate any competition, just clicking a button once.

But let me tell you a story, about a team playing league and WCC who had a ruined season beacuse MotS, the team is named AC Olympic, this team doesn't have a large squad to play both sides at full strenght, but it has a solid base, in fact, that team  managed to finish second in WCC group stage and it beated his oponent in the first knockout round, but he never knew that the nightmare was about to come.
After AC Olympic beated Torpedo in WCC first knockout round 1 he received 3 MotS in a row league, cup, league, i assume you know how ended the WCC story for AC Olympic after that.......

In other words, 1 MotS can make a difference, many teams using mots can destroy a squad and a competition, that is something you won't undertands until you experience that with your own squad. For now, MotS are the only method you have to beat a foreign squad, but you are the one who must become stronger, you are the one who should be stronger.... a 4x league champion claiming for mots to survive against people playing active leagues is.... sad (and i try to choose a soft word)?

Now, if we speak about rival clubs, i can tell you that there is no need of mots to have a fierce derby, just a community and some imagination!

AC Olympic is the oldest argentinian squad, his "rival" team is LOS GURISES FC, they have a fierce rivalry (there's some kind of hatred between them hehehe) and everytime they must clash, comments and jokes fly aroud the chat room. When a match ends, then it comes the real fun!!!!!

After each match between them, the jokes comes to life, mostly here.
Now, they are fierce rivals, but they rarely uses mots eachother: this season were the exception somehow, Los Gurises used one in Cup match (that match i marked earlier) and today we had our second league derby, both teams played mots (just because they don't have where to use them: they are out of league competition and out of national cup) but as you can see, the first time they met, no one played MotS, they avoid playing MotS eachother.
Now, do you really think we need MotS to play fun derby matches??? I think we need better managers, and some imagination.... there's light beyond MotS, just push yourself harder!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 01:20:36 AM by CarlosT »
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« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2013, 07:17:01 AM »
Mubashar, now i know why you defend MotS with the "only 6 points doesn't mean anything", and you avoid to tell us what is your team: this is your team, and yesterday you couldn't beat a team with a semi unnactive manager controlling it, (nice league follower BTW).

Now let me ask you, you are playing top level 4 seasons ago, why didn't you upgrade your stadium to 20.000 seats?

I will like to start with the only positive answer I have, "I have 19538 seats in stadium, only 462 less than your set standard." 8)
Thanks CarlosT for such an explanatory answer and in depth review. You are right that I am playing in a sub-standard league (and I will make your point stronger by pointing out that Pakistan is 167th place in FIFA ranking). Similar is true for me too. Believe me this league is so boring. So as you play in a real competitive league I should agree/comply to your statement. :)
I pardon for consuming your so much time but I am here on GKO and its forum to learn football (I don't want to conceal facts because I know you will find them). I am not good at tactics that is why my team dominates the game but do not score. So Thanks for help and keep me updating.


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« Reply #44 on: July 02, 2023, 04:43:27 AM »


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« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2023, 08:25:13 AM »


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« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2024, 10:45:02 AM »


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« Reply #49 on: February 21, 2024, 01:03:55 PM »
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