« on: February 28, 2014, 02:14:53 AM »
IMHO, Mots is not the issue here. The issue only occurs when one team is getting Mots multiple times during the season. I believe that Mots add a little twist for the managers' strategy in the game. The use of Mots is up to each managers' discretion.
For an example, look at US top league. The top two teams are Mean Machine and Espada FC (my team). We have been number one and two for several seasons now and I am not sure if that's going to change any time soon, but that is not important here. There are 4 spots for WCC for US. This means that if either Mean Machine or Espada FC also win the US Cup tournament, No. 3 and 4 will get to go to WCC. There are 4-5 teams competing for the two remaining spots. They have to make a choice to either use their Mots against the top two team because their teams are highly likely to lose against them or use them against their rivals for those two spots and hope their rivals also lose to the top two teams. They can also use their Mots in the Cup competition and try to win it. The beauty of it is that no one really know what your opponents are thinking and when they will use the Mots. Even with the Mots, they still may not win the match and sometimes even lose with it.
The top two teams also have their choices when they want to use their Mots. Either we use them against each other, against teams fighting for 3-4 spots, in the Cup, or in WCC. A match between my team and FC Kunu in WCC ended up in the 1-1 tie today because FC Kunu used one of his Mots. I don't know if the result will be difference if he didn't use it, but that's irrelevant. That match will most likely cost me a spot to go through to the next round because I needed to win the remaining two matches to go through comfortably, but now I will have to wait until next week hoping that I will win against my opponent and the second place lose or tie in his match. Was I disappointed? Of course I am disappointed, but it is my own fault because I decided not to use Mots against FC Kunu.
The point that I am trying to make is that Mots add another strategy for managers to think about, but you can only use it twice in one season. It can either be enjoyable or a disappointment when one uses it or being uses against. At least Mots doesn't guarantee a victory for a team that decide to use it.