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Messages - emiliano

Pages: [1] 2
Macedonia / Re: Trasfer Plan Za 7 Sezona Vozdovac ...
« on: December 25, 2012, 04:23:58 PM »

Pa koe zainteresiran za ovie dva mladi igraci, povelete posle pocetok na sledna sezona, vasi se, ama za realni pari, ne za mali a ne i za previsoki.

Macedonia / Re: Igraci So Najmnogu LA PR Od 7 Sezona ...
« on: November 18, 2012, 05:03:21 PM »
Bozidar Momirov=ML/AM L-2/7/5
File Sekuloski=DR-2/6/4
Perica Cinika=AM L-2/6/5

Macedonia / Re: Емилијано тука пишувај !
« on: October 22, 2012, 06:39:06 PM »
Invest, daj be ne kazuvaj nesto, sto ne znaes za sto se zboruva.

Macedonia / Re: Емилијано тука пишувај !
« on: October 19, 2012, 04:29:09 PM »
A ti si ubavini nevideni, tokmak neviden.

Macedonia / Re: Емилијано тука пишувај !
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:32:47 PM »
Abe mocko, veke mi skurci i ne mozam da se vozdrzam, kako prvo ne sum dete Igecu, moze i batko da ti bidam, kako drugo se gleda uste od mars deka se namesteni utakmicite so Aerodrom, jas vo nitu edna online igra ne sum sretnal vakvo nesto, recisi do sredina na sezona da si na dnoto na tabelata i da nemas nikakvi teoretski sansi za opstanok, i odednas da pobeduvas skoru vo sekoja utakmica i da izlezes od zonata za opstanok, toa vo nitu edna igra go nemam do sega sretnato, edinstveno na ovaa go ima, kako treto vo drugi slicni vakvi igri, za mesetnje na utakmici duri se dobiva i ban. A kako cetvrto i krajno, ama bas me zabole stojko dali ke ispadnam ili ke ostanam, a i da ispadnam za dve-tri sezoni ke se vratam nazad ama duplo posilen, a i da ne se sluci i toa, pa ic na stojko ne mi e.

Macedonia / Re: Играчи за во репрезентација...
« on: August 26, 2012, 07:00:30 AM »
Temava ja zaklucuvam bidejki ne se postiraat tuka igraci, tuku se postiraat igraci na kogo kade mu tekne.

Nemam nadleznost jas da baniram, za toake odlucat tie sto ja imaat taa funkcija.

I ova ke go postiram do GM, bas da vidam stoke odgovorat tie.

Interesno, interesna tema, svaka vi cast. A jas vednas ke prasam za moeto razresuvanje dali so nesto sum gi prekrsil moite dolznosto sto mi se dovereni. I ke vi ja postiram porakava sto kemi ja ispratat GM.

Hi, I'm the new manager of the U-21 team of the country of Macedonia.

Ti blagodaram sega Igec, e sega e se okej, sega e pravilno postirano. Sega e totalno jasno.

Znaci od ova mi e sve jasno, samo toa ne mi e jasno kako i vo koj format ja stavas slikata za da ja smestis vo nekoja tvoja otvorena papka, smestena fo kompjuterot, za da go izvrsis delot kade sto si pisal prvo 2 pa eden ili obratno bese. Stiskas go kopceto na tastaturata "Print Sc Sys Rq", e posle vo sto postiras za da ja zacuvas kako slika?.

Macedonia / Za da se zapoznaeme....
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:14:37 PM »
Tuka ostavajte kako da ve najdam na facebook, za da ve adnam ke otvarame tema na facebook.

Macedonia / Izjava od reprezentacijava.......
« on: May 27, 2012, 02:31:49 PM »
Tuka ke se dava izvestaj od srabotenoto, po zavrsuvanjeto na sezonata na reprezentacijava, sekoj selektor ke izjavuva za uspesite na igracite, i za dvizenjeto na napredokot na reprezentacijava vo sezonata.
Jas kako prv selektor ke napisam samo kratko, bidejki ne se sekavam mnogu kako bese, a gi zamoluvam segasnive selektori da dadat izjava vo ovoj del, bidejki gledam deka zavrsila regularnata sezona.

Држава :Macedonia
Име на клуб :EmilianoMar#Tim (21044)    
Главен менаџер :emilianoMar (Eks)-(tuka znaci jas go staviv moevo ime, i naznaciv eks, a vie nema da go stavate toa eks, tuku ke si stoi samo imeto na menadjerot.

Izjava: Od koga go prezemav selektorskoto mesto kako prv selektor, reprezentacijava pokazuvase dobri zavidni rezultati, imase nekoi pobedi i nereseni rezultati, od koi najmiliot rezultat mi bese nereseniot rezultat protiv Tajvan kade sto i igracive mu dadoa gol na zverot od golman sto go imaat Tajvancite.

Napomena: Znaci ne mora izjavata da bide ista ko mojava, sekoj selektor si dava svoja izjava, vo svoj stil na iskazuvanje, i bi bilo pozelno, izjavata da bide malku podolga od mojava, ama da ne bide i predolga. Blagodaram odnapred za uspesno svedenata izjava od segasnite menadjeri, i ova da ni bide zadolzitelno, kako sto ni e zadolzitelno mestenjeto na taktikite na timot.

Head of the team of translators for a country ...
Thus this is my appeal to the main game, to introduce the head of a team of translators for better translation of the game, to inform the compiler of the first connection to a new translator for one state and then to give permission for the translation.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: NT-managers - Collection thread
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:37:43 AM »
Macedonian-NT Manager
Macedonian-Language Admin
Macedonian-Forum Admin

Macedonia / Играчи за во репрезентација...
« on: August 29, 2011, 05:22:19 PM »
Ајде да и помогнеме на репрезентацијава, со ИД на играчот, со име и презиме, со проценета вредност, и со ознака од која лига е играчот, постирајте ги тука.

 ;DE thus far, I got the files for the names of players in the Macedonian language, and work is in the process, a few days I will send files with the names of the players with the Macedonian name. ;D

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: February 28, 2011, 08:04:53 PM »
This is for administrators in this online game. It should be take care about winning the teams of a higher league, because teams with far weaker player wins by teams with a much stronger player than his opponent, if the game has been designed, then, we need not to buy more expensive players , does not have to spend money uselessly, at least to spend money on building hospitals, as this is currently our most necessary. But we can not build because we need loans, and credit, we can hardly earn, so I do not know how to improve it all, in the shortest time, because if we want to have a good game, has to be taken into account, so for now from me, I did not know where to write, so I wrote this, none of the administrator, did not respond, my e-mail about the changes, the translation into Macedonian language, so I'm forced to write at this place. I'm sorry a lot.

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: February 28, 2011, 07:29:35 AM »
This applies to major in this game, I must take care about winning in a team, as the text you can to beat a team with far weaker players from the opposing team if a game is made so, and does not need to buy expensive players to spend money worthless, at least to spend money on building hospitals, as there is most necessary, but we can not build, because am to loans, and loans are hard to earn, so I do not know how all this can be improved will be the shortest time to improve this, because if we want to have a good game, and if the major love for a season to be this game, well, that is a little different, then it does not bother to play the game, so much of me, that I wrote this, because you do not know where to write, because nobody answered my sent e-mail to the Admin, I sent them some translations where you need to change, it did not do, so here I am compelled to write this. I apologize.

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: January 26, 2011, 11:46:20 AM »
 ;DAlready the third phase is completed in Macedonian language. I sent it to the main moderators of the game, and soon, the game will have both the Macedonian language. ;)

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:33:34 AM »
I got my file from excel. And is now nearing completion.

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: January 16, 2011, 06:39:49 PM »
I is not well understood, what do you mean "PM" i Whose email to give you, if it comes to my email, take it. [email protected]
And if you tell me about the third part, which is one of Excel, I have it fail, and translated.

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:31:18 PM »
 :'(Due to the holidays a little fun with you the translation of the third part of the Macedonian language, otherwise it is translated into more than half of the third part. The other day, and the third part will be translated into Macedonian. With respect to all players of the game, from any country. 8)
  :-*From Emiliano ;D

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