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Topics - Sir Vio Ferguson

Pages: [1] 2
DR 19y 6/8/3 - great defender skills and so cheap! Take a look   Price: 613k New price: 533k

FC 17y  3/8/3  - accesible for any starter     Price:  550k New price: 468k

MR 18y 7/9/4  - Huge skills    Price: 3M

MC/DMC 19y  7/9/3   Price: 2.1M

MC 17y  7/7/6  Price: 667k New and last price: 400k

Experienced DR with awesome skills   Price: 2.4M Last price: 2M
MC/AMC 21y Outstending skills. Current member in nation Burundi u-21 team and future senior! For this player price is not negociable.   Price:  4.1M

DMC 8/9/2  - still developing in good conditions   Price 2.3M

Suggestions/Bugs / Training bug
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:33:51 AM »
For few days my players don't receive their training points, is just on me or we all have this problem?

Romania / Lista manageri de la care sa nu cumparati !
« on: November 16, 2013, 10:54:51 AM »
Am decis sa fac o lista cu manageri care vor sa primeasca bani in plus pe transferuri aducand informatii eronate despre jucatorii sai in legatura cu  abilitatea curenta, abilitatea limita, rata de progres (CA/LA/PR). Oricine a vazut, cunoaste sau a trecut prin aceste cazuri as dori sa lase aici un mesaj sau sa ma contacteze personal cu numele echipei sau orice alta informatie ce ne ajuta sa-i identificam pe acesti mici "infractori". In paranteza voi pune un exemplu din ceea ce face.

1. Tuks (142998) - Serbia   ( AMR 5/5/5 anuntat pe forum 3/5/5 )

2. OtokaUtd(150208) - Bosnia  ( MC 3/8/2 anuntat pe forum 3/8/5 )

voi continua diseara cu alte exemple de pe forumul international

Player Transfer Ads / Looking for GK over 800.000
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:30:28 AM »
I'm looking for a good GK over 800k value, I'm paying well, you can send me a pm on my team

Romania / Poll Concurs pronosticuri meciuri
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:11:53 PM »
Dupa o discutie prietenoasa cu organizatorul concursului Pronosticuri meciuri (;topicseen#new), undertaker, si desigur cu aprobarea acestuia, am hotarat sa punem la vot o noua metoda de punctaj pentru sezonul urmator, si anume: pentru fiecare pronostic castigator se va acorda cate un punct, iar in cazul in care veti reusi 9/10 pronosticuri se va acorda un bonus de 3 puncte, respectiv 5 puncte pentru 10/10.

Player Transfer Ads / Summer sale with negociable prices FC 1/7/4
« on: July 30, 2013, 06:40:33 AM »
DC (665,600 G) – 20 years level – 60 and great skills

DL (523.599 G) – 19 years level – 54

FC – 17 years scout:  1/7/4

FC (540.000 G) – 19 years scout:  5/6/5

DC (309.732 G) – 17 years scout: 4/6/3

All prices are negociable. PM me and we can have a deal.

Player Transfer Ads / Top Level players (for sale) Cheap !
« on: April 02, 2013, 08:58:58 PM »
FC  –  17  years  4/5/4 – great free kick taker U21 Burkina Faso….  finishing 17 techinque 15 Set Pieces 14

FC  -  19 years 6/6/6  (621.000 value)  -  heading-16  190cm and pace 17. 4 goals in 11 matches in Romania Top Level

DL/DML – 29 years   446.400 value.  price: only 350.000 Pace 17 and good captain too. Niger - Nation team member

DMC  –  18 years  5/5/5  528,000 value. Average rating: 7.2 in Romania Top Level. Low price too

MR,AML  -  21 years  Belarus U21 nation team. Awesome player with great skills at a small price. Check him and you’ll bid for sure   7.33 average rating !!!

FC  -  19 years  4/6/5 great forward player with 17 finishing.

All prices are slightly negociable !

FC 6/7/5 . He made 6 on CA on 23.01.2013

DC 4/5/3 .

DMC - 827,466 G value

AMC - look at history and also cheap

I repeat all prices are slightly negociable. Contact me with new offers with PM. Thank you very much ! :)

Player Transfer Ads / unbelievable midfielder ! MC 6/9/4
« on: January 22, 2013, 01:51:07 PM »

MC 6/9/4 .. he will be over 1.000.000 G value ! One of the best midfielders from Romania !

Player Transfer Ads / Great FC - 18 years 500.000 value - 5/6/3 !!!
« on: December 09, 2012, 08:40:19 AM »  -  Top Level Romania player and he played also for Club Atlético Talleres !!! I also offer print screens with CA, LA and PR for buyers !  :)

Romania / LS - Lista Scurta
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:14:19 PM »
Am venit si eu cu o mica idee: mi-as dori ca de acum cand punem niste jucatori la vanzare sa avem putin ajutor din partea prietenilor din comunitate, astfel ca jucatorii pusi la vanzare sa fie pusi pe LS a fiecarui manager care doreste sa acorde un sprijin colegilor, astfel ca va creste interesul pentru juctorul respectiv. Multumesc si voi incepe eu cu 2 jucatori:

young MR - 17 years (6/6/5 - but still growning from daily training, I'll send you print screens if you want)
The perfect MR that any big team should have him. 16-crossing 14-dribbling 15-passing 16-technique 14-agression 14-acceleration 14 pace and much more skills above 10 !!! Estimated value : 567,465 G (he only played on AMR position at my team)
Price: 1.850.000 G

Experienced AML - 30 years (Av.Rating 7.12 last season in Romania Top Level)
Prone to injury : Hard
Free Player price !!! Analysis AML: 50-54

young DC - 18 years (2/5/3 - great Physical skills, 12 marking and 11 tackling)
Adaptation rate: 13
Price: 175.000 G

young DC - 18 years (2/5/3 - 12 tackling and 11 marking)
Prone to injury : Quite hard
Adaptation rate : 10
Price: 150.000 G

young DMR - 18 years (2/5/3 - a future captain for any team 14 Influence and good skills 14 acceleration 13 strength 13 tackilng 11 marking and much more
Price: 100.000 G

Experienced MR/AMR - 28 years (Av.Rating 7.22 last season in Romania Top Level)
Analys:s: MR 51-55 AMR 50-55
Adaptation rate: 10
Price: 413.866 G

young MR/AMR - 16 years (3/5/3 - a good float crosser already 12 crossing 11 passing 14 dribbling with 14 pace)
Prone to injury : Quite hard
Analysis: already MR 40-47 AMR 41-47
Adaptation rate: 18
Price: 250.000 G

Experienced MR - 30 years ( awesome skills: 17 dribbling 15 Crossing 15 Passing 12 Finishing 12 Longshots 15 Strength 13 Pace 11 TEchinque 13 Creativity 11 Off the Ball )
Great player for B divisions and lower, a player that can bring the promote by himself with Focus Passing Down right flanks
Adaptation rate: 16
Analysis: MR 48-55 AMR 46-53 and a great player skill analysis, for much more details PM, I'll send you print screen with premium player skill
Price: 315.000 G ... small price for an easy promote to up divisions!

young MC - 18 years ( 3/5/4 check his skills )
Price: 300.000 G

Experinced ML - 28 years ( 14 caps on national team and great skills: 18 crossing 13 dribbling and technique 12 passing and finishing and much more)
Adaptation rate: 14
Analysis: ML 51-56 AML 50-55 MR,AMR 45-50
Price: 380.000 G

young FC - 19 years ( 3/5/3 Av.Rating 7.10 in Romania Top Level last season)
Great header with Height 194 cm with 13 heading and 11 jumping, 15 off the ball, 11 technique check him
Prone to injury : Hard
Adaptation rate : 16

Experienced AML - 30 years (Av.Rating 7.12 last season in Romania Top Level)
Prone to injury : Hard
Free Player price !!! Analysis AML: 50-54

young DC - 18 years (2/5/3 - great Physical skills, 12 marking and 11 tackling)
Adaptation rate: 13
Price: 175.000 G

young DC - 18 years (2/5/3 - 12 tackling and 11 marking)
Prone to injury : Quite hard
Adaptation rate : 10
Price: 150.000 G

young DMR - 18 years (2/5/3 - a future captain for any team 14 Influence and good skills 14 acceleration 13 strength 13 tackilng 11 marking and much more
Price: 100.000 G

Experienced MR/AMR - 28 years (Av.Rating 7.22 last season in Romania Top Level)
Analys:s: MR 51-55 AMR 50-55
Adaptation rate: 10
Price: 413.866 G

young MR/AMR - 16 years (3/5/3 - a good float crosser already 12 crossing 11 passing 14 dribbling with 14 pace)
Prone to injury : Quite hard
Analysis: already MR 40-47 AMR 41-47
Adaptation rate: 18
Price: 250.000 G

Experienced MR - 30 years ( awesome skills: 17 dribbling 15 Crossing 15 Passing 12 Finishing 12 Longshots 15 Strength 13 Pace 11 TEchinque 13 Creativity 11 Off the Ball )
Great player for B divisions and lower, a player that can bring the promote by himself with Focus Passing Down right flanks
Adaptation rate: 16
Analysis: MR 48-55 AMR 46-53 and a great player skill analysis, for much more details PM, I'll send you print screen with premium player skill
Price: 315.000 G ... small price for an easy promote to up divisions!

young MC - 18 years ( 3/5/4 check his skills )
Price: 300.000 G

Experinced ML - 28 years ( 14 caps on national team and great skills: 18 crossing 13 dribbling and technique 12 passing and finishing and much more)
Adaptation rate: 14
Analysis: ML 51-56 AML 50-55 MR,AMR 45-50
Price: 380.000 G

young FC - 19 years ( 3/5/3 Av.Rating 7.10 in Romania Top Level last season)
Great header with Height 194 cm with 13 heading and 11 jumping, 15 off the ball, 11 technique check him
Prone to injury : Hard
Adaptation rate : 16

young MR - 17 years (6/6/5 - but still growning from daily training, I'll send you print screens if you want)
The perfect MR that any big team should have him. 16-crossing 14-dribbling 15-passing 16-technique 14-agression 14-acceleration 14 pace and much more skills above 10 !!! Estimated value : 574,932 G (he only played on AMR position at my team)
Price: 1.850.000 G

Suggestions/Bugs / [suggestion] League News Box
« on: July 15, 2012, 11:36:59 AM »
I think that should be a box with "League News" under League Table, news like: recent transfers, recent facilities upgrades, recent youth players promoted from academy and recent player added on the transfer list by all managers from that league

Romania / Anunturi GKO
« on: May 12, 2012, 02:32:57 PM »
M-am gandit sa fac un topic si cu anunturile adminului. Sper sa fie de folos :)

Voi incepe cu ultimul sau anunt:

From now on, match-fixing in any official competition (league, cup, etc.) is considered unacceptable. Therefore, kindly send a report to [email protected] if you smell a rat that a match was fixed.

De acum inainte, aranjarea de meciuri in orice competitie oficiala (liga,cupa,etc) este inacceptabila. De altfel, va rugam sa trimiteti un raport la adresa [email protected] in caz de veti mirosi un sobolan :)) care si-a aranjat vreun meci.

18 years great MR, value: 530.000 G, awesome freekick taker(51 - 58), penalty taker(50 - 57) and corner taker(54 - 62) CA:6 LA:6 PR:4

18 years great MR, value: 530.000 G, awesome freekick taker(51 - 58), penalty taker(50 - 57) and corner taker(54 - 62) CA:6 LA:6 PR:4

18 years great MR, value: 530.000 G, awesome freekick taker(51 - 58), penalty taker(50 - 57) and corner taker(54 - 62) CA:6 LA:6 PR:4


15 years, you can see his scout report in Premium - Game statistics - The most limited ability player - Nationality: Romania, and he is no.7

Player Transfer Ads / Very cheap DC very skilled 2/8/3 !!!
« on: March 15, 2012, 07:13:47 PM »

15 years, you can see his scout report in Premium - Game statistics - The most limited ability player - Nationality: Romania, and he is no.7

Player Transfer Ads / Players on sale (great youngster listed 4/8/6)
« on: March 04, 2012, 08:26:10 AM »
Mureşan Alin (4019220) - DMC (20 years old) CA:4 LA:8 PR:6 !!!!!!!!!!!
Predited ability of this player is in the next season: 7 !!!!
The next star of Romania national squad is now on the transfer market !!! He'll be the greatest DMC on GKO in less than 2 seasons!

Adaptation rate: 16
DMC: 46 - 50
Price: 1.600.000 G
Please do not send me messages for a lower price. I've been rejected an 1.200.000 G for him. Transfer is unnegociable !

Sutee Noivet (1802586) - GK (20 years old)

Great skills: 14 handling, 15 reflex !!!
Good physical stats
Adaptation rate: 7
GK: 42 - 48
Price: 300.000 G

Gore Stenet (1762343) - DC (23 years old)  - 26 caps for his national team !!!

Adaptation rate: 13
DC: 51 - 55
Price: 900.000 G

Roman Leško (4651303) - MR (25 years old)

Prone to injury: Hard
Adaptation rate: 7
MR: 42 - 49
Price: 480.000 G

Oli Adamson (3629786) - AMC (26 years old)

Adaptation rate: 12
AMC: 42 - 49
Price: 480.000

Dimitrije Lukić (4158552) - AML (29 years old)

AML: 45 - 52
Price: 180.000 G

Omar Haik (3170745) - ML (27 years old)

Adaptation rate: 14
ML: 45-52   AML: 44-51
Price: 500.000 G

Romania / Cafenea GKO !
« on: March 02, 2012, 09:27:21 PM »
Pentru ca majoritatea managerilor discuta pe chat absolut orice despre GKO, majoritatea mesajelor dispar, chatul putand sa pastreze nu mai mult de 60 de posturi. Am hotarat sa deschid o cafenea, care va pastra absolut toate postarile, in care se pot intalni toti managerii GKO vorbind vrute si nevrute despre acest joc captivant. Discutati despre etape, despre succesele voastre, mandriti-va cu noile achizitii, descarcati-va nervii intr-un mod civilizat, absolut orice este legat de GKO aici este locul potrivit in care va puteti desfasura !

Suggestions/Bugs / [BUG] Player Happiness
« on: February 29, 2012, 10:32:59 PM »
I've just bought a player and still "He is not happy with his current contract and demand the club to negotiate a new contract." I tried to renegotiate his contract but the same problem, even if he demand the same wage/week, he is still unhappy.
Player link:

Player Transfer Ads / 2 nationat team defenders
« on: February 21, 2012, 07:39:44 PM »
Hamo Farnham (2614452) - DR (25 years) - 26 international caps

Gore Stenet (1762343) - DC (22 years) - 26 international caps

Suggestions/Bugs / Change matches time
« on: February 09, 2012, 07:31:55 PM »
Last season we'd been told that we can cheange our matches time play (Romania). I've made a poll and romanian users voted for 15:00 UTC. We'll hope that you can made it ! thanks  :)

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