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Messages - intervention

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Ah yes a great idea.. took the thought out of my mind  :D

You should be able to make some changes in the academy to produce more specific players for your team

Solution is simple. GM must put together all active teams. Fill Top Level first, next B level and so on. We've talking about so many times and nothing happened :( !!!!!

PS. of course , prizes must be the same for all countries

Just for kicks i went through my top league (England)  ???

Here are the findings.... 3 active managers.... 3 bots.... 24 inactive managers!!

This is the point that concerns me and highlights the point of new players starting at the bottom... there are managers that joined GKO after me that are in the English top league (not just one!!), specificaly... one manager joined two months after me and started in the top division!! They are in the top division.... i am in the bottom division  :o

It does sting a bit lol

Need help ? / Re: my money lost
« on: September 19, 2011, 09:39:53 PM »
Yes.. illegal transfers!!

England / What player attributes mean
« on: September 17, 2011, 11:40:14 PM »
Below is a list of what each player attribute actually means! This list IS confirmed by Admin

Set Pieces = the ability to take free kicks and corners
Crossing = the ability to croos the ball from a wide position
Dribbling = the ability to run with the ball
Finishing = the ability to score goals in good positions (near/in the penalty box)
Heading = the ability to accuratly head the ball defensively or in attack
Long shots = the ability to hit the target from outside the penalty box
Marking = the ability to stay close to their target player on and off the ball
Passing = the ability to effectivly pass the ball on the ground to team mates
Tackling = the ability to claim the ball from an opposing player
Technique = the ability to apply skill and accuracy to thier game

Aggression = the ability to get stuck into tackles
Creativity = the ability to do something special (great passing vision)
Decisions = the ability to make good choices and stick to them (such as when to tackle)
Determination = the ability to concentrate on the game
Influence = the ability to inspire the team
Positioning = the ability to be in the right place at the right time (such as goal keepers/set pieces)
Off the ball = the ability to find space to be passed to/make forward runs and stay onside
Teamwork = the ability to play as a team player and not try to do all on the players own
Acceleration = the ability to reach top speed
Agility = the ability to be mobile (attackers and defenders)
Balance = the ability to keep upright against opposing players
Jumping = the ability to rise for high balls/shots
Pace = the ability showing the top speed of the player
Stamina = the ability to tire less during matches
Strength = the ability to be strong (attackers and defenders)   
Handling = the ability to hold onto the ball after shots and crosses
Reflex = the ability to react quickly to shots and crosses
 Kicking = the ability to effectivly pass the ball from the goal (eg goal kicks)
One on ones = the ability to stop the opposing player that has broken through your defense
 Rushing out = the ability to close down through balls and direct balls close to the penalty area
Aerial ability = the ability to reach awkward shots whilst jumping

I hope this helps you all  :)

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Questions about translation
« on: September 17, 2011, 10:57:19 PM »
Many thanks Admin  8)

Rules/ Guidelines / How To / Re: Attention, cheating is not allowed!
« on: September 16, 2011, 11:15:34 AM »
The majority (not all) of the cheaters would use the same IP address, it is not too difficult to spot these IP addresses. Maybe a marshal should be assigned to each league to look out for such things, the marshal would then give the players the opportunity to explain why they have the same IP and also look into actions shared between the teams with the same IP!

Alternatively, it would not be too difficult for the system to highlight identical IP addresses and record activity between the accounts, this would allow just one person to marshal this :)

For the record... I hate cheats!!!!

Lol, you know what... i really dont mind about who gets what money  :)...

However, it would be nice (being in the bottom english division) if i knew i would get the same reward as a player in another countries bottom league  :P

Instead, i will have to play.. lets say 4....5....6....7 seasons before i earn the same as someone in a smaller country would in 1 or 2 seasons

This would give me a similar spending ability and team potential as a manager who is also in the bottom division of their country.

As i go up a league, and the other manager does as well... i would still expect the same rewards as that manager!

If i go up another league the next season but there are no further leagues for the mentioned manager in another coutries league to go up in then i would expect to get a greater reward as that managers rewards would remain the same  :D

Would this be fair on the other manager?... well not really... is it fair i have to work and wait 2,3,4 times as hard and long to become equal?... no not at all lol  :P

So combining leagues seems a great idea... making them all a similar size according to languages spoken would be better... but surely that would make things more fair on everyone???

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Questions about translation
« on: September 14, 2011, 09:28:41 PM »
Set Pieces = the ability to take free kicks and corners
Crossing = the ability to croos the ball from a wide position
Dribbling = the ability to retain the ball under pressure
Finishing = the ability to score goals in good positions (near/in the penalty box)
Heading = the ability to accuratly head the ball defensively or in attack
Long shots = the ability to hit the target from outside the penalty box
Marking = the ability to stay close to their target player on and off the ball
Passing = the ability to effectivly pass the ball on the ground to team mates
Tackling = the ability to claim the ball from an opposing player
Technique = the ability to apply skill and accuracy to thier game

Aggression = the ability to get stuck into tackles
Creativity = the ability to do something special (great passing vision/create a shooting chance)
Decisions = the ability to make good choices and stick to them (such as when to tackle/shoot/pass)
Determination = the ability not to give up/chase loose balls/keep going if losing
Influence = the ability to inspire the team
Positioning = the ability to be in the right place at the right time (such as goal keepers/set pieces)
Off the ball = the ability to find space to be passed to/make forward runs and stay onside
Teamwork = the ability to play as a team player and not try to do all on the players own
Acceleration = the ability to reach top speed
Agility = the ability to reach awkward balls
Balance = the ability to keep upright against opposing players
Jumping = the ability to rise for high balls/shots
Pace = the ability showing the top speed of the player
Stamina = the ability to tire less during matches
Strength = the ability to hold of opposing players
Handling = the ability to hold onto the ball after shots and crosses
Reflex = the ability to react quickly to shots and crosses
 Kicking = the ability to effectivly pass the ball from the goal (eg goal kicks)
One on ones = the ability to stop the opposing player that has broken through your defense
 Rushing out = the ability to close down through balls and direct balls close to the penalty area
Aerial ability = the ability to reach awkward shots whilst jumping

This is just a rough guide and it would be brilliant for more experience managers/moderators/admin to confirm or correct any points made :)

Totally agree... combining the smaller countries within a certain area, implementing the original reward table you suggested AND making deductions for bots and inactives would be brilliant combined!!

And that is exactly what will happen :)!!

But then ethically is it more or less 'right' to move to a harder country for more money than it is to move to a smaller country for the same money?

Although this situation wont get resolved i still think both structures combined are a great idea!  ;)

Yes, that would work  :)

However, that would mean that a manager who picks a country with (lets say) just them and a load of bots will get the same reward as a manager in a league with four other active managers.

So it wont actually resolve the issue of bigger countries earning more or the same as smaller ones  :(

Yet by having a reward structure Champione proposed would provide this! Having the bot and inactive deduction would be great to couple with that structure... but could not stand alone.

Neither of these however would resolve the original issue of managers choosing to lie about their nationality as to gain entery into a different nations leagues lol

Ah, so the more active players in each league the greater the reward... sounds ok, but...

This would mean that managers in lower leagues full of bots will gain next to nothing even if they are in one of the most competitive countries  :(

As a result, would it be better to work your way up from the english E division... earning next to nothing? Or join a smaller country, be at the top... winning trophies but earning next to nothing?

In a couple of seasons, if the admin plans for lowering innactive and bot managers work, then something like this may then work... the higher you go the more active managers there are so the more you earn in bigger countries and less so in smaller countries  ;)

BUT... you end up with the same problem.. top level small country managers earning the same/similar to top level big country managers  ??? lol

Lol, well for a start... playing football in mordor is just silly.. narnia on the other hand could be pretty cool  ;)

I agree, smaller leagues should have smaller rewards!

Like in real life, if your league is unknown do you earn the same as in a league like the premiership??!! Nooooo you dont, is simple  :)

As for the effect it will have on the international scale, it is the same again... this is why, every team across the world is at a different level or their international stars move to more competitive leagues!!

The idea here clearly is not to restrict foreign football players joining other nations leagues, but to entice managers to go for the bigger rewards in the bigger leagues or to remain within their own nations league... the latter of which would not happen under this system :)

Suggestions/Bugs / Shortlist remove button
« on: September 13, 2011, 02:14:07 PM »
Well, as the question asks... should there be a remove button for individual players on your shortlist?

This would be instead of having to go to the players profile then selecting the 'remove from shortlist' option. It would also allow for easier shortlist management  :)

This is my opinion... whats yours??

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