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Messages - Ruta

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Xerexy , please. Nobody put a gun to your head and order to invest money in youth camps. I didn't. From the beginning I see Lemmings journey ,lol And this is not stopping. Hope, greed or stupidity of users have no limits. Everyone can look at the market and realize that 1/10/4 players are worth 4-5 mln and investing same money in Youth Camp lottery is stupid thing.

Generally we faced situation where GM's put limits on LA 10 players . There are some exceptions from academies. It is looks like they want to balance teams power. It is  against situation when some teams few seasons ago got extraordinary youth which allowed them to be far powerfull then others. Just because of high level academies and received youth.

Frankly speaking for me as Nt coach the worst thing in Youth Camp system is that only 5 countries get superb players. Poland can cope with this situations but some present powerful countries like : Serbia , Bośnia and Herzegovina or Romania can't in longer period. So GM make a balance in teams but do unbalance in nations.

Poland / Re: U21- c.d.
« on: September 20, 2013, 08:21:58 AM »
Pierwsza 12 z Polski Fabian Gola 3,5/12/3 17 Lat Dc. Chyba trzeba robic bo to jednak jest 12 choc PR tylko 3. Na szczescie w klubie bedzie grał a i wartosc poczatkowa dosć wysoka bo gdzies CA 3,5, mogłby byc wyższy ale 180 cm tez nie najgorzej.

Gorsza sprawa ze nasz jedyny porządny AMC Mróz LA 10/PR4 jest żle trenowany w klubie gdzie user loguje sie raz na miesiac :( Kondycje juz ma ponizej 70% i ida tylko podania  :( Piszemy do niego i ja i Adam - bez odpowiedzi :( Nawet mu przez wujka Google'a po Tajsku napisalem prostą wiadomosc.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 19, 2013, 09:57:10 AM »
Is it me or most LA10 players are pulled from youth camp? I haven't seen all countries youth, but at least in Argentina top LA players list, LA10 players are rarely from academy, most of then are from camps...
In Argentina maybe, cause you have just few best academies. In Poland we have 7 LA 10+ players this season. In total there is more LA 10+ players form academies then Youth Camps, IMHO

Add 1. Players form academies are many times better than those form YC cause they are at CA 3 or 4  from the beginning.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:51:05 AM »
Agree, I see Error got 3 LA 10 from Germany, Brazil and Argentina . He invested about 5-6 mln in each country. So he go three CA 1 player and PR 4. They need 4-5 seasons training in first team . He can't do this. IMHO he wasted his money. Yesterday 2/11/4 form YC was sold for 2,89 only!!!

Add 1
IMHO,YC are for teams in lower divisions , who cant farm those rookies. Or teams in small country without any competitions
wow, great price for buyer
really? anymore wanted him:P It is very hard to train CA 1-2 players with PR 4
edit. not LA but CA

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:45:55 AM »
Agree, I see Error got 3 LA 10 from Germany, Brazil and Argentina . He invested about 5-6 mln in each country. So he go three CA 1 player and PR 4. They need 4-5 seasons training in first team . He can't do this. IMHO he wasted his money. Yesterday 2/11/4 form YC was sold for 2,89 only!!!

Add 1
IMHO,YC are for teams in lower divisions , who can farm those rookies. Or teams in small country without any competitions

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 19, 2013, 07:37:30 AM »
Daniele, please. Caps lock off. No need to shout. Nothing changed till last time. I don't understand why some people want easy way to develop their teams?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Why can not my team win
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:48:25 PM » Lets look at this game bought on 8,09,13 , cause of adaptation ( -15%) 31 y old, he will be only worst plyed as Dl , out of position  (-10%) Ca 2!!! and play on worst postion (-5%) , even bots have better players again the same unkward position ( -20%) an CA =2 worst position and 31 y old, and he is on adaptation still 31 y old he also can be worst only

Man , you made 8 mistakes at choicing players only. even bot can win if you do almost all wrong :P

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Questions & Answers
« on: September 17, 2013, 09:19:02 PM »
Yes, but you have to remember that rnking points limit are 10000 now . When you are closer to 10000 rating grows slower

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:16:03 PM »

Ruta Best    2-0   KS Targówek
Empire    1-1    FC Trance 2010 ciekawy mecz o wydostanie sie ze strefy spadkowej
Dynamit Warszawa    3-0    The Magpies
RLU Squad    0-2    FC Kabacki
AC GDAŃSK    1-1    F.C. Chelsea Londyn
Perfeko    0-2    Torcida Hooligans
Vulture Squad    6-0    leningrad
Katastrofa    1-0    Sokół Wola

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Questions & Answers
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:14:38 PM »
Yes, friendly games affacted ranking. Less than league or cup games but still. You have to remember that you don't earn ranking points , not loss

Poland / Re: U21- c.d.
« on: September 15, 2013, 01:00:26 PM »
No właśnie sam się boję o Gliszcza   :(

Poland / Re: U21- c.d.
« on: September 15, 2013, 08:41:13 AM »
Po rozmowach z Adamem zapadła decyzja ze z 3 DMC Gliszczyński (7/10/4 18 lat) Tokarz (4/10/4 17 lat) i Dobrzyński (4/11/3 15 lat) będziemy ciągnąc Gliszcza bo juz jest prawie zrobiony i tylko jednego młodego DMC . Stawiamy na Dobrzyńskiego bo ma większy potencjał , a nie ma pośpiechu.

It is totally weird and painfull :( I see that Germany are not alone. Russian U21 coach don't call their best player , either. But the most unaccepted thing is that staff do nothing about this .

Who voted for him?
This is an answer for those who wants human coach for small nations! He and his friends or multiaccounts won elections for him. I think that there he won cause he had just few votes (5-7)

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: September 13, 2013, 09:45:56 AM »
leningrad    vs    Ruta Best 0:6 Armando juz wypozyczony
Sokół Wola    vs    Empire 0:2
F.C. Chelsea Londyn    vs    Dynamit Warszawa 0:0 he he pozaklinam troche przyszłosc ,lol
Torcida Hooligans    vs    RLU Squad 1:0
The Magpies    vs    AC GDAŃSK 1:0
FC Kabacki    vs    Perfeko 3:0
KS Targówek    vs    Vulture Squad 1:0
FC Trance 2010    vs    Katastrofa 2:0 jak Trance wyjdzie wreszcie najlepszym składem. Ziołek- jak graja to expa łapią :P

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: September 10, 2013, 03:00:20 PM »

Ruta Best    vs    FC Kabacki 3:0 moze sie udac jak Jakskula nie bedzie :P
Empire    vs    The Magpies 0:1
Dynamit Warszawa    vs    FC Trance 2010 7:0
RLU Squad    vs    KS Targówek 0:1
AC GDAŃSK    vs    Sokół Wola 2:0
Perfeko    vs    leningrad 1:2
Vulture Squad    vs    Torcida Hooligans 1:0
Katastrofa    vs    F.C. Chelsea Londyn 0:2


Suggestions/Bugs / Re: It's time to control chat rooms
« on: September 08, 2013, 06:33:09 AM »
I find all reasons what argentinain managers so I put mine ads in chat room. I'm not happy with that but  I need to do this. As I said in other topic we need more filters in LA ability search. Time goes on and there is many people who are looking for better players. Filter LA=5+ gives just too weak plyers for almost all teams. And please don't tell me about scouts cause premium managers can see 100 best players at each country. IMHO scouts are for see others players skills not LA.

Diffrent thing is to keep some ethic when we do somethings. When I put my ads I always have rare players and I don't repeat my ads if he is still visible in chat. I always try to meke my price reasonable, also

I hate this users who put their crappy playes for weaks at so high price.

Need help ? / Re: How much does a good GK will cost
« on: September 07, 2013, 02:12:11 PM »
I've  seen some transfers for LA 8 at 3 mln level and I want for mine same price :P

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: September 06, 2013, 04:06:27 PM »

Torcida Hooligans    0-2    Ruta Best
F.C. Chelsea Londyn    2-0    Empire
Sokół Wola    0-4    Dynamit Warszawa
leningrad    1-1    RLU Squad
FC Trance 2010  0-2    AC GDAŃSK
KS Targówek    2-0    Perfeko
FC Kabacki    1-0    Vulture Squad
The Magpies    2-0    Katastrofa

Poland / Re: Jedenastka marzeń
« on: September 06, 2013, 06:38:51 AM »
to ja troszke inaczej, moja najmocniejsza na chwile obecną  11  zawodników polskich oraz grajacych w polskich ligach.

GK: Christofer Harman (Ruta Best)

DR: Zbyszek Kurkowski (5-5 apem)
DC: Konrad Sobiech (Ruta Best)
DC: Daniel Olczyk (Dynamit Warszawa)
DL: Miłosław Franczak (Vulture Squad)

MC: Greg Tift (Dynamit Warszawa)
MC: Kittypoom Senniam (Ruta Best)
MC: Theodor Badowski (The Magpies)

MR: Honghui Sui (Ruta Best)
AML: Maciej Szweda* (Dynamit Warszawa)

FC: Martin Prihoda * (Dynamit Warszawa)

* największe gwiazdy

Witt Iwan, Jacenty Figura, Sulislaw Stawski, Roch Dudek, Bronislaw Zielonka, Lucjusz Woźna, Sobiesław Zielinski, Świetopełk Drozdowski,

A do Ruty Best najbardziej bym chcial Szwedę i Prihodę :P

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Questions & Answers
« on: September 04, 2013, 10:43:01 AM »
It is looks  strange and suspicious how bot select players for NT games. IMHO it is not about LA and CA.  I suppose it is about  level of player. As we can see on transfer market there was/ is many  old high experienced players with very high level, even 61-63 and their CA is only 5-6. As we all know even CA =8 young player with very low exp rarely reach so high level.

For U21 is because of LA, for NT is about level. Old players with high experience have more level (I got one of level 65-68 that is CA6) than players with high value unexperienced.
I still standing that LA doesn't matter even for U21 when bot selects players

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Questions & Answers
« on: September 04, 2013, 10:02:43 AM »
It is looks  strange and suspicious how bot select players for NT games. IMHO it is not about LA and CA.  I suppose it is about  level of player. As we can see on transfer market there was/ is many  old high experienced players with very high level, even 61-63 and their CA is only 5-6. As we all know even CA =8 young player with very low exp rarely reach so high level.

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: September 03, 2013, 07:46:52 PM »

Ruta Best    5-0   FC Trance 2010 ostatnio to popularny wynik
Empire    0-2    KS Targówek
Dynamit Warszawa    3-0   FC Kabacki
RLU Squad    0-1    The Magpies
AC GDAŃSK    1-1   Torcida Hooligans cos Zuraw na siebie nie stawia. rezerwy?????
Perfeko    0-2   F.C. Chelsea Londyn
Vulture Squad    2-0   Sokół Wola
Katastrofa    2-1    Leningrad odchodza zawodnicu z Lennigradu ,kiedys tej pary w kotle musi zabraknac!

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [Help] Stadium quality
« on: September 01, 2013, 08:44:27 PM »
The best stadium gives more then very good in home games. IMHO it gives about 15-20% of basic possession . I.e in neutral team has 50 % on the best stadium it will be 50+ ( 50*stadium influence)= about 57-60 %.
 For others it is about:
10-15% very good
5-10% good
3-5 % okey
1-3 % bad

It's far more expensive (5M) and it increases your expenditures, so every single seat you don't use is an extra burden.
I think the best stadium is only worth if your stadium isn't bigger than min attendance rates or if all your league opponents have really high rating and you are sure that you will play at stadium filled always.
You missed WCC games , there are far more attendance then in league matches. I have always full in those games, so it is worth for me to have bigger stadium then even average league attendance :)

Poland / Re: Top Level
« on: August 30, 2013, 01:10:54 PM »
Ja tez mam jeden cel: bic mistrza:) Szkoda ze juz 2 sezon z rzedu :P

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