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Messages - Ruta

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Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: October 15, 2013, 08:03:49 PM »

General Discussion(English Only) / About Forum
« on: October 15, 2013, 10:18:29 AM »
First I need to say that mods do a great job on this forum. I appreciate it and thanks for it.

But since some times I realized that a lot of topics are cleared and gone out :( I know that users topics with suggestions or complaining are less important but discussion under announcement of changes in game engine or rules are strictly needed to save! Cause Admins announcements are really short and not precise so in further explanations makes many things more clear. I know there is  GKO Updates and explanations on one place which is good for quick information.

I don't know why i.e. topic  SEASON 8 UPDATES are deleted :( In general I don't understand why there is no archive in this forum , especially for topisc started by Admin??????

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: October 12, 2013, 06:34:33 AM »

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: MOTS
« on: October 10, 2013, 05:47:56 PM »
I don't know why is new topic abuot same issue? Why mots don't merge those together?

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Player for player
« on: October 09, 2013, 03:47:44 PM »

I guess it would be nice having the possibility of exchanging players with private using players as currency.

I could exchange my FC for a MC if needed or even for more than one players.
I could exchange my LA 10 for two LA 8 for example...

Just sell your LA10 for the combined price of the two LA8 players...or sell your FC and buy a need for this I think
no he need 3 LA 8 for one LA 10 and this is main reaso was this idea is not to accept. Only the market can give real value of players!

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [Bug] No substitution for injured player.
« on: October 09, 2013, 08:55:00 AM »
Not fix.
You have 16 players only ( including youth) . Did you have players on the bench in those games?  IMHO only senior squad players when match is proceeding can go on substitute.

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: October 09, 2013, 06:12:39 AM »

new sale ....

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: This game is Rubbish I quit !!
« on: October 05, 2013, 02:29:37 PM »
In Poland we had situation when GK scored a goal. It is still can happen , trust me

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: This game is Rubbish I quit !!
« on: October 05, 2013, 02:12:12 PM »
Levan in GKO are sometimes matches when better side lost. Ii happened, and there is only one explanation - probability. Ewery one of us had same game like You. Don't need a worry, then :)

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: October 04, 2013, 09:58:29 AM »

As Admin said experience rate is hidden factor. And it vary for players.

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: October 01, 2013, 05:47:04 AM »

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Player's data.
« on: September 30, 2013, 08:11:50 PM »
National Team Managers can see the players skills only when he confirm the we have to call players to national team only based of his value,LA or experience,without knowing players skills...i think national team managers must can see skills of players before calling them to national team and confirm the this way we can chose properly players for tactic that we want to use in next game
you may ask the owner of the players to help you with the needed informations before call them.
Agree, we can call up to 23 players it is enough to get knowledge about best players in every country in 2-3 weeks

Not to menction that most NT aready have a 10-15 players list that is a "must be called". And if the country have a minimal structute, NT manager should also know how U21 players are/will be.

That excuse would be useful only in small countries who are starting with the "Human NT manager" stuff.

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: September 28, 2013, 06:22:49 AM »

Poland / Re: U21- c.d.
« on: September 27, 2013, 08:59:36 AM »
Roland Boche?ski 16 la ML,AMLC 4/9/4 od Kabackiego. Z Mroza nic nie bedzie ale dobra i 9 na AMC.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 26, 2013, 10:48:58 AM »
Yeah, I agree that new youth players overall skills should be boosted a little bit.
I got a decent player this season but his CA is like 0.5, literally all of his skills <6 LOL
I don't know why players from YC should be better? And why those from academies not? Or maybe let give everyone LA 10 now? :)

Maybe they should younger only cause CA 1 is hard to train.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 26, 2013, 08:21:32 AM »
Ok, my bad. I misunderstood you. So we both agree that after block in LA it takes more then 2 seasons when player gets one more in CA. Do we? IMHO it is rather 4 but to my prediction above I took 3 cuase I don' want to be far then Brian's 2.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: ADMIN, Youth Camp
« on: September 26, 2013, 07:35:49 AM »
Nice analyze , Brian :) . It is absolutely true that CA 1 players are hard to develop and there is almost impossible to train them in league games by majority of users. So for me is clear that youth camps system is for users from lower leagues or them who can sacrifice present results for future goals.

I have some different look at this table. Lets look for best coach (700k) and very good training facilities.

             Youth Camp            Academy
Age    1/7/4     1/11/4     3/7/3     3/7/3
15                                      3
16                                      4
17         1            1             5           3
18         2            2             7           5
19         3            3             7           7
20         5            5             8           7
21         7            7             8           8
22         8            8             9           8
23         8            9             9           9
24         9            9             10         9
25         9            10           10         10
26         10          10           11         10
27         10          11           11         11
28         11          11           12         11

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: September 25, 2013, 11:08:16 AM »

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: September 24, 2013, 10:06:17 AM »

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: September 20, 2013, 11:55:33 PM »

There is only few team which made Best Academy in diffrent way then sacrifice their youth. I sacrificed LA 10 FC when he was like todays LA 12! Now I can buy  but the begining was not easy.
 I was against how academy begins: first who got best academy got all stars and now I am against when somobody think that when he put more then others will get a special player.

When academy starts I was pushed to sacrifice my team. Now  we have choice if we want to invest in Youth Camps. There wasn't  any available stars on the market 3-4 seasons ago, now they are . No one have to invest money in academy or youth Camps. Now is 3rd way , we can buy suitable players. From this side  it is better then was.


There's an argentinian team with The Best academy since season 8, after pulling 14 youth, his best player were a 4/7/4. If you would be on his foot, would you be so pleased?
As I said before limits of youth is about LA 10. For two seasons I got max CA 8 from best aca , but Pr and age was pretty good. Here is real difference about level of academy. The best academies gives better of youth in total . I didn't get worst then Ca2-La 6- PR 3 and all no older then 18. This season I spent 1,5 mln and get LA 9 and 10.

2 seasons ago, a higher wage algorythm and wage wars were introduced, i asked admin if they were willing to increase income from facilities, he said "yes", i spent 3M in facilities and then he changed his mind. My strategy had only one mistake: i believed in admin's words, as a result, i had to fire a 120 credit coach, that were the only way my finances remained under control.
You didn't wrong. Facilities are good in general but agree that should give more.
I don't consider myself a bad manager, but i think that there's only one thing here that determinates a team's success, they are the way you develop your players and the tactic you pick in matches. Management strategy is an illusion here, luck and real money determinates a strategy success.
Yeah, pay for win is bad thing here :( Luck is random for everyone :) But I think that are some possibilities to develop faster then others. I think I can call it general strategy.

You can call me asshole or what you want. This not change anything about your situation :P You made wrong decisions, you came here to complain, you first used CAPS LOCK and word expressive like : shit. So don't blame me I used your style of speak :P And I told in general , if you looks closer you will see words like users, everyone.

And your memory is short and selective.
Yes, introducing Youth Camps was short and unclear.
 But there was nothing about value of youth. Nothing about LA , CA or PR. Anything was promised.

It users fault that they go into spiral of investing. Second thing is that bug was about youth form countries with lower total invest. First time they were better then it should be according to first announcement.

PS.It is great thing to see own mistakes, it is easy to blame others.

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