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Messages - Ruta

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General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:23:57 PM »
information about the engine is indeed needed.

Just played my friendly, and had 4 red arrows with zone marking, when with same team last season i would have had around 1-2 blue one's.
Sadly, because of lack of information, i don't know why it has dropped so badly
agree looks like in new engine is harder to get descent ZM then before. But I think it is not bad. for me it was too easy to have very good ZM because 4 defenders have 3 excellent skills: positioning, acceleration and tackling. Now all players contribute in ZM.

@ Rincewind
in my analsys it looks that ZM afected more in new angine then OZM. It looks like defs have better OZM then atackers ZM. As I said above . it is harder to get descent ZM now

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:14:01 PM »
Absolute nonsense is new engine!!!
ok, I have to ask couse you said nothing.Why do you think new engine is bad?

Seems all players have equal weight for the tactic.
IMHO they don't
The colours explain only the roles of players, offensive, midfielders and defensive I think....
no, this is about how players contributed in each factor. Imho green gives 90-100%, yellows about 75-80% and reds about 45-55%

Quick excell table gives those thoughts
If you as not premium and don't see analisys it looks like defs and DMC give 100 % to defense and 50%to attack, MC gives 80%to both attack and defense and AMC, AML/R give 100% to attack and 50% to defense. Counted skills for each factors like ZM, OZM,PM, MM. OM..... looks same as before

I've got one -GK on LA 4 and another 3/5/3 on DL :p

Outch  :o
no problem . one 3/10/5 is better at present circumstances then few 3/8/4 :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:58:57 PM »
Absolute nonsense is new engine!!!
ok, I have to ask couse you said nothing.Why do you think new engine is bad?

I've got one -GK on LA 4 and another 3/5/3 on DL :p

You can wait for 2 months but if you dont get good players you ll have to pay for another ones and wait again for 2 months.. Thats 4 months or bacically a season. You are missing one entire season of training and if he was younger then 18 you missed a nice training bonus

Say that you get 19y  3 / 10 /3 player, that will be at the season end so you can already make it a 20y old.

Well, it might be a waste of time, but i think it's a lot better than pulling a 3/6/4 player blindly..... That player won't reach CA10 either.

I can't train more players, so i decided to pull the remaining 3:

GK 2/4/4
DL 3/6/4
FC 4/6/3

I still have 3 more players in academy, all of them will be available to pull next season, i will decide what to do with them when i can see their reports.

BTW +1 to Brian's suggestion.
Agree wit you Carlos. Is always better to wait for better players.

But some things I  have to say.
300 k or tokens for new youth is high price cause this season from best academies come players wit La 4 even!! It was very rare  now is LA 4-5 is very common. La 6 is worth about 200 k and La 7 about 400-500. So possibility to cash back is not so good.
We need to realize that good times are gone. Now academies give only chance for good player in the future not concrete like it was.

PS. at some level even LA 10 means not so much. I can not train Ca 2 or 3 players with descent effective. So I am going to sell  3/10/5 I got this season. Now I have to buy players with Ca 6+ 
 e: cannot train

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:05:51 PM »
Haha, seems like staff are getting pretty desperate to destroy this game.
To think that I was actually considering to buy premium, thank god I didn't, would have definitely regretted it.  :(

Anyway folks fyi as long as you keep supporting the game nothing is going to change. Without profit they'll either start being active to win us back or close/sell the game which might actually be for the best taking into account the carelessness last few seasons..
maybe something is wrong with me , but I like this season changes :) At least AMC, AML and AMR now have some disadvantages . I past they had only pros- gave to attack and didn't participate in defense. So it went to situation when line up without MC, MR/Ml were superior , extreme example Thai U21 who plays 2 DMC and 2 AMC sometimes or even Argentina with their amazing Sandoval on AMC who was key man to win WC tree times. Now users need to balance their line-ups , IMHO

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [BUG?] Error in team reports?
« on: December 23, 2013, 10:13:15 AM »
The colours explain only the roles of players, offensive, midfielders and defensive I think....
no, this is about how players contributed in each factor. Imho green gives 100%, yellows about 80% and reds about 50%

Quick excel table gives those thoughts

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 10:11:24 AM »
it is easy to check. Put your players on the market at highest prizes and you will see their level on v.good morale. Next just sum them up.
From my experience each player is 3-5 points low on okey morale then on v.good. so for 11 is about 35-55. if you players were on high very good morale or even superb yore level gone down even more.

add. Derfos made a right statement , too

Ps. if we would know your team we could say more.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How new engine works!!?
« on: December 23, 2013, 10:01:18 AM »
Calm down, you total team level dropped cause of morale drop. For players were a little changes only


Admin, engine rebalance aside, honestly i don't expect new features (they would be really welcome), but will you at least finish the new game design? There are many things unfinished there (coaches faces, uniform in player avatars...), how about some bug fixing?
and most important for me: when game manual will be updated?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Questions & Answers
« on: December 11, 2013, 11:00:15 AM »
ok then no coach but you put him also light training, that i wanted to hear,

I use light training when play matches. On seasons brake I use heavy or even very heavy training.

Poland / Re: U21- c.d.
« on: December 07, 2013, 06:56:58 PM »

 Awans pewny , graja wszyscy poza Chmielewskim , bo nie ma kondycji. prosi?em Harpera ?eby my kodycje zachowa?, bo w razie kontuzji moze wejsc za MC. Poza tym co widac gramy ca?y mecz folzofia balanced i do 30' contain z linia defy very deep, potem wchodzi Iwan i gramy juz attacking i linia norma. Od 45' wchodzi Olczyk za Frackiewicza i gramy All attack i linia Push up :P

edit: w 60' wejdzie jeszcze Jaroszewski za Dudka, dzi?ki Adam za przypomnienie :)

Poland / Re: U21- c.d.
« on: December 05, 2013, 10:07:11 PM »

Gramy z botem a wiec bez kombinacji , atak skrzyd?ami. Chcia?bym zeby Wo?na i Kozik poszaleli. Z ciekawych rzeczy to Franczak dosta? dryblowanie.

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:11:09 PM »
Rincewind, I am sad that you have so rude guys in you community.
But this

And something more... Bulgarian league might not be equal, but it is definitely not one-sided. Last seasons we had 3-4 participants in the WCC group stage. There are several teams that are progressing and trying to achieve something, but the current situation kills any development of our community!
  is almost all because Aramazov got the points for Bulgarian. I don't want to offend you but we have 15-20 teams in Poland like your 2nd or 3rd. You have medium strong league with one extra strong team.

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:21:08 AM »

Agreed, but match fixing won't dissapear just removing mots, there are many ways to fix matches, agreeing how to play mots is one, but not the only method to manipulate a league:

You can play a weak tactic, even using players outside their natural positions or easy tackling to give him ball posession.
You can leave a weak spot in your formation and tell the other team where to attack you.
You can play hard tackling against some teams, just to hurt his players.
You can play using a fierce defense, only to avoid a follower to collect 3 points, and then play easily to let a leader win.
You can legally play with more than 1 team in the same league, no need to say something more...

Agree, but this topic was in general about who and when gave MOTS. So removing MOTS will be 1st step  and don't need change in
GKO Staff doesn't pay enough attention to the game, that is the biggest problem.

This thread is 2 days long and we still there's no reply from the GM, and admin didn't showed up yet, without control, match fixing WILL surely happen!

which is IMHO a harder to change, sadly :(

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:09:56 AM »
So again MOTS do huge dameges to community and defence them in the way that MOTS are needed for weaker teams is not good way. This is not about one man feelings but about health of whole community.

I don't think it should be removed, but it has to suffer major changes in order to get weakened!
O yaeh , we were talk about it many times. Condition and morale is easy to rise by credits which means tokens. Tokens users will be very happy , you know? With games system we have in GKO even if 2 matches after MOTS will so low-powered as high powered with MOTS there is a lot of leagues where this change do nothing. Simple, if you have any competition in own league you can use MOTS in internatonal matches :(

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 30, 2013, 10:24:30 AM »
All this mess is because of MOTS. We had same situations in Poland but a lot quiet ( no international ). Our community have a scarf till today. If I good remember same was in Spain , too. I saw their quarrel on chat.
I remember  in season 7 Error was an leader in Thai Top and got MOTS against him in 29th round from team who was already relegated. And Error finished at 2nd.

So again MOTS do huge dameges to community and defence them in the way that MOTS are needed for weaker teams is not good way. This is not about one man feelings but about health of whole community.


General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Injuries and suspensions
« on: November 30, 2013, 10:03:09 AM »
So anyone else have this problem recently? Four of my starters are out through suspension/injury for the Cup final. My backup for both the positions, which were playing this last league game, got injured and banned. I'm playing the cup final minus 4 starters, and minus 2 backup for them. Starting centerback injured, backup centerback banned, starting striker injured, have 3 good strikers, but I always sub one out during the game, starting right mid injured, backup right mid injured... :o
I'm guess my MOTS would go to waste hear assuming the league champion still has his for this cup final. >:(
Bbad luck man. But please tell me why you didn't rest those banned player in last game? Do you use hard tackling in your matches? It increases chance of getting cards and injuries a lot.   
I am playing almost all time easy tackling and had as I remember only 1 or 2 bans.

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 07:42:51 AM »
I don't know if Aramazov did something wrong or didn't cause I don't now much about whole situation.It is all about Admit to do his job now

BUT there are plenty conclusions form this case.

1. The system of each country league is a fail. There are just few Top Levels with real challenge for a title i.e . Thailand, Argentina, Poland  ...... Leagues without competitions have advantage in international competitions. Can rest players in home games , save MOTS for WCC ....

2. MOTS are bad at all and should be removed ASAP!!. We were talk about it  and there is no way to change them cause we have schedule with 3 or 4 important games a week in different competitions. more see point 1.

3. There is usual now that many managers make agreements about to use or not. It is so common especially in cup competitions. So again MOTS must be removed!

4. And again we back to staff of this game. They or just he is vanish, many countries in GKO where is just a few users are running without any control. Now transfers about 400-500 k or even 1 mln are so common that international community can't trace them for cheating :(. So I think that countries without community less then 10-15 users should be also removed or merge in regions like : CONCACAF or OFC or another geographic factors.

5. Staff again. Abusive language and  sensitive names of team are so popular and there is no action about it :( We have Hitler, Jesus at names of teams.
I am curious when  when International institutions who fight against racism , antisemitism.........makes some moves to GKO owners ? 

6.We  should remember that there will always be a local patriotism in each country. It is natural that everyone wants to helps own country participants in International competitions.

Poland / Re: Typer - Sezon 9
« on: November 28, 2013, 02:42:37 PM »

Poland / Re: Top Level
« on: November 28, 2013, 10:30:58 AM »

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: where are the boys from youth camp?
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:06:43 AM »
Yeah, I am pretty sure that they have to come today :
- Another youth competitions will be held between the 25th week to 30th week of league competition to select another youth player for each club.

- Therefore, each youth camp will send 2 youth players to the club every season.
So we now have week 30 and nothing :P

Yes I have the same situation on section Post-match player stats I have different player then in match overview many times or  like today I havn't anyone as captain :P . Still don't know if it has an effect on match result. Only Admin can answer us.

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