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England / Re: U21 - read
« on: January 30, 2012, 03:43:48 PM »
Hello my friend,  can understand your perspective  :)

However, the current manager was voted in by the majority of English league managers. I personally ran in the campaign and received just two votes... one was from a friend lol  :-[... so one can assume that the votes sent to the current manager were from canvased managers/friends and if deals were offered in this process (considered it myself), then that is just a part of politics!

Unfortunately it is down to the current international managers and the director of English football to decided exactly how teams are selected, lined up and used... but then again... thats football for you  ;)

Dont let these feelings of being snubbed internationally effect your league team... your time may still come :)

All the best

Players being available for loan should be implemented roughly following Etienne's guide, as should B team leagues (or maybe even youth matches at club level) with no profit as suggested by CarlosT....

But only when these features will fit well into GKO, eventually there should be a bigger gap between old active team quality and new team quality... this would be a good time to implement both structures IMO  8)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Transfer advertising in National chat!
« on: October 15, 2011, 01:23:52 PM »
Hmmmm, flaming on two current threads  :(

Have people no SHAME?!?!?!?

Especially with comments of racism, please remember GKO and its forum are for ALL age groups... would you like your children or younger siblings reading such comments?

Hey if you dont care you dont care, thats fine... but please respect those that do care  :)

We are all different PEOPLE with different PERSPECTIVES, CULTURE, OPINIONS and BELIEFS... i have a saying 'if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all'

I just hope this all stops before the forum turns into a flaming station  ::)

Peace to all  :D

Need help ? / Re: Offside Question
« on: October 09, 2011, 11:44:48 AM »
Indeed :)... the higher the off the ball stat the higher the chance of staying onside, the higher acc and pace the higher the chance of your player getting 1on1 with their GK :)

hope this clarifies for you :D

Need help ? / Re: Offside Question
« on: October 09, 2011, 01:11:42 AM »
The higher the better :)

The only stat relevant to staying onside is off the ball... the accel and pace is for running away from the defenders once your player gains the ball :D

Need help ? / Re: Finance
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:18:17 PM »

So just make sure your G balance minus current G offered for players minus academy upgrade cost equals positive G... or you can make up the difference quickly for certain :)

Need help ? / Re: Finance
« on: October 04, 2011, 07:12:19 PM »
Situations like this...

You make several bids for players equal to your available funds... you then make upgrades to your club facilities before the bidding time has passed and use all of your money... you then win all of your bids you made earlier!

... Will make you go into serious dept at your club!! Experience talking  :-[

I was in negative for just less than a week and had no penalty... BUT i had already compensated with gate recipts and player sales before going into dept... otherwise i would have been in dept for a LOT longer  ::)

So in answer to your questions... you get into negative G by being... stupid with your money... and you can get away with... at least for... just under a week :D

The manual refers to actual club G holdings and not the finance balance sheet  :)

Hope this helps

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Set new position on substitutions
« on: October 04, 2011, 03:39:16 PM »
..... Even a 2nd choice option for each of these settings should achieve this.

Totally agree, second and maybe even third choice free kick takers, penalty takers, corner takers and captains would improve the forementioned situation  :D

Player settings are not defult... the player coming on will copy the same settings as the player coming off ;), this is good if you are making a like for like swap... not so good if you are bringing on a different style player!

So it would be nice to be able to set each player individually regardless if they are in the starting 11 or not :)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Set new position on substitutions
« on: October 04, 2011, 02:26:41 PM »
 8) Indeed... you should be able to change your formation with the in match advanced instructions  :D

England / Re: U21 NT Prospect(s)
« on: October 04, 2011, 01:51:17 PM »

Thanks for that Champione, always useful to have players highlighted for our would be U21 manager  :)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Different Trophies or size trophies
« on: October 03, 2011, 11:17:07 PM »
Hi Perrito  ;D

I see your point  :)... it would be a nice finishing touch to the clubs achievement gallery!

Different sized cups, shapes and different colors depending on what the cup is for... the biggest and shiniest for the best competitions  8)

.... Should not be too difficult to do as well... not an important thing, but nice to have  :D

Need help ? / Re: Target Man-Marker (TMM)
« on: October 02, 2011, 11:05:50 AM »
IMO it should not matter what marking system you use with TMM!

The idea is one man on one man throughout the match to prevent the opposing player getting on the ball or playing their game :)

If you are playing zonal and the target player enters another of your players zones (not your TMM players zone) then both players should mark and challenge the opposing player!

If you are playing man marking then the TMM player should mark as well as your player with the opposite number of the target man (if the TMM player is not the opposite number)!

This strategy should not improve your team efficiency but, when used right, should worsen the oppositions efficiency :)

Hence, if the opposition is using target man and playing a lone striker as the target (5-4-1 for example)..  big thumbs up!!!

If they play the same strategy with three strikers (4-3-3 for example) you are in trouble ;)

You should use a dmc with high marking, tackling, acceleration and pace ideally... or your next best defender IMO

hope this helps!!

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [suggestion] improve the bid system
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:19:39 PM »
Ah yes, but if a player scouts the max bid, then makes a bid within the last 10min or so... the time to buy the player will be set forwards by a minimum of 30min you see?

This will allow the opportunity to out bid that manager instead of being beaten in the last minute  ;)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [suggestion] improve the bid system
« on: September 28, 2011, 11:45:00 AM »
After bidding during last 1 min, the offer time should expand with more 1 extra min. Wich means other teams will have a chance to bid again, if they bid at like 0.54s systiem adds 1 min to an offer, so others will have 1.54 min for bidding. reapeat that until 1 team will surrender

Although i think the time difference should be bigger (30min minimum) this is a well used and proven method of managing last minute online bids!!  :)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [suggestion]Bid reserve
« on: September 28, 2011, 11:34:26 AM »
Hmmm almost like automated bidding, where your club 'assistant' would make the bid in your place when you are not available once you have instructed him to do so!?

The best way something like this would work is if the 'automated' bid is made the moment the available funds are cleared for the previous bid, eliminating the ability to do automated last minute bids on players  :)

Personally i dont see the need for this feature, but can see it could be useful and is a nice thought  ;)

Cheater, Ban List / Re: Cheater with 10 Teams discover!!!!
« on: September 26, 2011, 07:53:18 PM »
 ::) ::) ::) ::)that is outrageous ::) ::) ::) ::)

Well spotted Perrito 8)

In theory you are correct, it would make sense that a DML that is proficient in the AML position should also be proficient in the ML position... certanly you are correct that such a player should, in many cases, have stats mimicking a ML player also!

However, a players field position proficiency is not as simple as that in real life, so i guess this has been built into the game also :)

For a real life example, i can use myself... When in defense i would play CB, however i had to play right of center and struggled to play left of center! I could play ML or MR but in the center of midfield i could only play a DMC position (many moons ago lol).

So, although there are links with other positions, being proficient in specific 'zones' is a very delicate balance... and in essence not a lot to do with the skills of the player (to an extent)  :)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: [Suggestion] Halftime with instructions edit options
« on: September 25, 2011, 10:09:02 PM »
FYI... I think advanced instructions(AI) are BRILLIANT and an amazing part of this game, having more AI slots would be awesome!  8)

Totally agree... real time adjustments would give a bigger advantage to those more active during match days, an advantage that is not needed (i am available for pretty much every match!!).

However more AI slots would cover this for everyone that would like to change their tactics during the match at the same time as giving EVERYONE the same advantage if they choose to use it and think a little in advance  :D

... just my thoughts all be it a little late  :P

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Red Card
« on: September 23, 2011, 06:02:31 PM »
Hmmmm... it is fairly common for a team to play better with just 10 men

These stats would also depend on team ability and formations and which position was sent off

However i feel for you!

Need help ? / Re: Effects of experience, morale, and adaptation on stats
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:20:02 AM »
Great questions Champione  :)... my pockets are empty for this lol

I can however speculate...

Experience SHOULD be a percentage improvement on current performance (but only a small percentage per star)

Moral SHOULD be a percentage improvement on current performance (a larger percentage per stage)

Adaptation SHOULD be based on player age, use in the team and nationality... younger, first team natives SHOULD adapt a lot quicker than older, substitute foriegn players

Although the players stats should not be effected... their performance rating should improve (or go down) according to these factors.

Like you, just a guess... but a second opinion sometimes helps :)


I use SHOULD as a disclaimer for any informations being incorrect at the time of posting, neither INTUTD nor their manager Intervention may be held responsible for any informations suggested and used as a matter of fact :P

Off-topic / Re: Music !
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:03:25 AM »
Lmao... granted Champione... much better than Arsenals 'hot stuff'!!!

Although i have to flip a coin for my fav football song... Three Lions (lightning seeds featuring Baddiel and Skinner) or World in motion (New Order featuring John Barns rap)

England / English friendly requests
« on: September 22, 2011, 11:20:20 AM »
A place for English league managers to arrange friendlies between each other  8)

INTUTD 92337

My next slot is taken but feel free to challenge me any other time :)

It would be great if other English league managers drop their team id here as well for open challenges :D

Cheater, Ban List / Re: 19.09.2011
« on: September 21, 2011, 11:40:38 PM »
If transfers have been made between the same IP then that is breaking the rules without doupt so Admin will act accordingly :)

Cheater, Ban List / Re: 19.09.2011
« on: September 21, 2011, 11:28:46 PM »
Would i be wrong in saying that using the same IP for multiple accounts technically is NOT cheating!?

However... in this case, if the multiple accounts have preformed actions to create an advantage between them (player transfers for example) then this IS cheating!?

Whole families may share a computer to play GKO... this could explain the same IP over multiple accounts  ;)

Off-topic / Re: English Premier League
« on: September 21, 2011, 08:49:02 PM »
LOL I am an Arsenal supporter  :o

In Wenger i trust, too early to write the Gunners or Arsen off  ;)

There is a lot of talk about Wenger packing his bags, but i for one can not forget how brilliant he has been at Arsenal and how he has changed the Arsenal culture... Only Nottingham forrest (in their hay day of course) under Brian Clough had managed to achieve what Arsene did in the 'untouchable' season! Along with some impressive trophies (yes yes still missing the Champions league  :'()!

Even if the Arsenal does have a poor season (like Liverpool last season) we will still be in the premiership and will be at large improved on this season  8)

Lets also not forget that after that disgusting performance against Man U, Arsene Wenger was offered a job at PSG... one he turned down the same day  ;)

Anyway... rant over  :P

Are Arsenal the best team in the world... lol no! Are they the best team in the Premiership... no! But hey... i love them  :)

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