Sorry, I was waiting for Carlos advising but i noticed the torunament has already started. I will invite Orfebre in my stadium to play on 22/02, ok? 
Sepp, i sent you a private massage as soon as admin confirmed when the world cup would end.... haven't you received it?
I want to suggest (if both of you don't mind) that you play a one match only round..... i know it might be unfair to seppibra (if the match ends in draw, orfebre would keep going because he's got lower rating) but that's the only way the tournament would keep its normal course, playing the next roun on saturday..... do you agree?
Tomorrow late i'll be back from vacations, it's quite complicated write too much through my phone, sorry my absence in the last days, but SeppIbra, i sent you a message about a week ago.
Gente, le propuse a SeppIbra que juegue contra Orfebre esta ronda a un partido unico, como si hoy hubieran jugaodo y empatado, le propuse esto de manera que ya tengamos decididos los equipos de la siguiente fase para la fecha del sabado.... el principal perjudicado seria SeppIbra, pues el tiene rating mas grande y esta obligado a ganar.
Si Dios quiere mañana a ultima hora ya estare a pleno con ustedes.... me hacian falta unas vacaciones familiares, ahora ya estoy con las pilas a pleno!!!!