I think there is a way to give managers in small nations (without elected NT managers) some involvement in the management of their NT without full managerial controls.
Allow these nations to elect an
"assistant NT manager" with limited controls, specifically:
the ability to select formation and tactics prior to the weekly player selection deadline. Ideally the computer would then select the best players for the formation and tactics, but the manager could not select the players directly.
the ability to set advance instructions and edit individual settings after the weekly player selection deadline. Starting lineups and tactics at kickoff would be set (and unchangeable once player selection was made) but special instructions could be used to alter these during the match and individual settings (long shots, run with ball, on penalty area) could be edited to improve the effectiveness of individual players.
Thus, the game engine would do all the player selection, but the "assistant manager" could still influence their NTs by selecting formations/tactics that would enable their nation's best players to play in their favoured positions, and affect how the team played without directly selecting players, eliminating the possibility for managers in small (and off-the-radar) nations to abuse their position as full NT manager.
What do you think?