Author Topic: Huge match fixing issues  (Read 36002 times)


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Re: Huge match fixing issues
« Reply #100 on: December 03, 2013, 05:11:29 PM »
Provide facts that you aren't involved in any of those, please. Oh wait you can't instead all you've done so far is show some "chats" from years ago that don't excuse you in anything even a tiny bit. I won't stop until you receive your deserved punishment, don't worry!

Congrats its 100th post, you're definitely "not involved" in anything else who would bother with all the useless attempts to cover anything?  :)


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Re: Huge match fixing issues
« Reply #101 on: December 03, 2013, 05:15:44 PM »
I'd like to share a problem we've been having for the past few seasons in Bulgaria's Top-Level : Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

Basically in our championship there are 2-3 players that constantly support ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV everywhere, like they wouldn't face him with their main lineup in semi-final cup matches and so on. Here's some proof : - season 7 semi-final cup matches, as you can see his opponent isnt with his main 11, on top of that hes got MotS available where if this wasnt an arranged match I don't see a reason why he wouldn't try and take him out with it, IT IS SEMI-FINAL. - season 8 semi-final same story with the other person that supports him, and you can see later on in the league he returns the favor by giving him easy 3 points and helping him for 3rd place :

This is one of the main reasons hes managing to save up MotS and use them in WCL.
Also he's constantly abusing others in chat and making unnecessary quarrels between the community (trying to create sides and stuff like that).
Anyone can copy and translate his chats from his homepage HERE all tho google translate for example wont really translate the vulgarisms properly and I am not sure if its right for me to translate it here.

Even if no action gets taken I want you guys to know how he's winning his trophies, offending others and so on.

I am going to sum up the overall topic cause its gotten filled with too much spam!

As the topic progressed you were accused into even more rule breakings which you haven't tried to deny even once, so far it looks like this :
#1 Match arrangements with decent enough proof of others intentionally losing to benefit your behalf
#2 Offensive language towards others in the Bulgarian community
#3 Account sharing
#4 Possession of a second account to benefit yourself even further

I wonder how much more violations does a person have to commit to get any rightful consequences here?
The whole discussion -
about a month ago
      Kanar4etata  says :
може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга
      absolut  says :
Окей, макар че имам два мача дето са 50:50 и пак е възможно да не се получи за 2ро място
      Kanar4etata  says :
лека ти е програмата имаш шанс да станеш втори
      Kanar4etata  says :
аз ще бия Младост в нашия мач
      absolut  says :
Офертата за събота остава ли още? :Д
      Kanar4etata  says :
да ще биеш ама и ти ще помагаш някой сезон ако се наложи :-)
      absolut  says :
Остави това излез си с титулярите. Реално погледнато още не съм за второ място и с тия точки пак програмата ми е трудна и се очаква мотс от академик т.е. силно вероятни -3точки от там и мача с арсенал е 50:50 и сигурно и от там ще загубя точки т.е. пак няма да запазя 2ро място. Като му дойде времето само ще се получи :Д
      Kanar4etata  says :
ти си знаеш
      Kanar4etata  says :
Ще видиш че Алмус ще пусне мача на Младост
      absolut  says :
Само се надявам да не решиш последния мач да пуснеш на академика 3те точки и да вземе ме мине.. ако това не се случи първенството ще си завърши, както е в момента. Квото стане - станало здраве да е :)
      Kanar4etata  says :
абе ще ти играя с резервите в събота.щото после и срещу Академика сигурно ще играя с резервите да не се сърдиш ако падна.няма закво да си мъча титулярите играя в WCL и купата на България.
      absolut  says :
Е добре, така става. Просто не искам да изглежда някъв нагласен мач с цел младост да не вземе 2ро място, макар и те да не са много за пример, щот сигурно алмус ще му легне в мача им, пак не е яко.
      Kanar4etata  says :
айде дано бия тоя след 15 минути почва мача.силен отбор има.осминафинал
      absolut  says :
Успех, имаш по-добър отбор стига да не ти е сложил мотс не би трябвало да е проблем.

Kanar4etata says:
will you play with the reserves on Saturday, and then against Academica cos I will probably play with the reserves not to be mad at me if I fell into the gaming culture not to agonize holders play in the WCL and the Bulgarian Cup.
absolut says:
Well, that's what happens. I just don't want to seem some fixed match with target youth not to take second place, although they are not very for example, cos I'd expect almus match them again is not cool.
  :( :( :( manipulator clown good night  :( :( :(
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 05:19:08 PM by aramazov1978 »


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Re: Huge match fixing issues
« Reply #102 on: December 03, 2013, 05:17:48 PM »
Thank you for the free bump, go ahead and copy-paste that every single day so this topic stays on top, please!

I am not concerned even a tiny bit since that random chat doesn't say anything that breaks any rules, unlike what we've provided so far.
I got to go you go ahead and copy something from a year ago, have fun.