It's that time again!
Group A: 1 April - 13 May 2013Group B: 25 March - 20 May***see 2nd post for schedules***
This time, the
re will be no knockout rounds will be single elimination, but there will be two separate brackets, similar to UEFA Champions and Europa leagues. Instead, the competition will primarily consist of two separate round-robin tournaments. The winners of each group
will can then play each other in the "Friendly Supercup" following the round-robin portion.
Also age limitations were decided by voting;
group B teams favored U23 while group A teams favored U21.Also, teams will be placed in groups based on academy level through season 7; recent upgrades are irrelevant.
Group Academy level Age limitations*B Very Bad/Bad/Okay U23
A Good/Very Good/The best U21
* 2 overage players may start; one additional overage player may come on at 45'
Also, one
additional overage player may be used in matches prior to start of season 8 (25 March, 1 April) if necessary to complete the squad.
Tournament tables - stadium size/quality as of 25/3/2013
Key to stadium quality:The BestVery goodGoodOkayBadVery Bad
GROUP A (U21)Nation | Club | Stadium | Pld | W | D | L | GF | GA | GD | Pts | Warnings |
| Espada FC (47997) | 20,000 | 9 | 8 | 2 | 0 | 14 | 0 | +14 | 23 |
| Sopelana C.F. (50354) | 28,000 | 9 | 9 | 0 | 2 | 20 | 4 | +19 | 21 |
 | Mean Machine (29585) | 25,000 | 9 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 4 | +6 | 17 |  |
| Estudiantes de Olavarria (111776) | 22,000 | 9 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 7 | -1 | 11 |
| pile of shite (22746) | 25,000 | 9 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 10 | -5 | 10 |
 | Gonococo (30569) | 26,515 | 9 | 2 | 3 | 4 | (-1) | 3 | -4 | 9 | |
| Necaxa (134117) | 20,400 | 9 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 8 | -4 | 9 |
| Roostophe Rovers (40012) | 20,000 | 9 | 2 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 12 | -12 | 6 |  |
 | Crunchis FC (189865) | 15,000 | 9 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 12 | -10 | 6 |  |
| Scarpari del Vallo (99436) | 21,000 | 9 | 0 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 10 | -9 | 5 |  |
ResultsRound 1 1/4/2013
Mean Machine 2-0 Necaxa
Estudiantes de Olavarriea 1-0 Crunchis
Sopelana C.F. 3-1 Scarpari del Vallo
pile of shite 3 - 0 Roostophe Rovers
Espada Fc (F) -

Round 2 (3/4/2013)
pile of shite 0 - 0 Necaxa
Sopelana 5-0 Crunchis FC
Estudiantes de Olavarria 0 -
2 Espada FCGonococo 0 - 0 Mean Machine
Roostophe Rovers


Scarapari del Vallo
Round 3 (6/4/2013)
Roostophe Rovers 2-1 Crunchis FC
Scarapari del Vallo 1-1 Necaxa
Gonococo 2 - 1 Estudiantes de Olavarria
Sopelana C.F. 0 -
1 Espada FCMean Machine 3 - 0 pile of shite
Round 4 (8/4/2013)
Mean Machine 1 - 0 Estudiantes de Olavarria
Espada FC 2-0 Roostophe Rovers
pile of shite 0-0 Scarpari del Vallo
Necaxa 1-0 Crunchis FC
Round 5 (15/4/2013)

Mean Machine 1 - 0 Scarpari del Vallo
Sopelana C.F. 0 -
2 Estudiantes de Olavarriapile of shite 0 - 0 Crunchis FC
Gonococo 0 -
1 Roostophe RoversNecaxa 1 -
2 Espada FCRound 6 (22/4/2013)
Sopelana C.F. 2 - 0 Mean Machine
Scarapari del Vallo 1 - 1 Crunchis FC
Estudiantes de Olavarria 1 - 0 Roostophe Rovers
pile of shite 0 - 2
Espada FCGonococo 2 - 0 Necaxa
Round 7 (29/4/2013)
Mean Machine 1 -
2 Crunchis 
Sopelana C.F. 2 - 0 Roostophe Rovers
Scarapari del Vallo 0 -
3 Espada FCEstudiantes de Olavarria 0 - 0 Necaxa
pile of shite 1 - 1 Gonococo
Round 8 (6/5/2013)
Mean Machine 2 - 0 Roostophe Rovers
Espada FC 1 - 1 Crunchis FC
Sopelana C.F. 1 - 0 Necaxa
Gonococo 0 - 0 Scarapari del Vallo
pile of shite 1 - 0 Estudiantes de Olavarria
Round 9 (final round) (13/5/2013)
Mean Machine 1 - 1 Espada FC
Necaxa 1 - 0 Roostophe Rovers
Crunchis FC


Sopelana C.F. 4 - 0 pile of shite
Scarapari del Vallo 1 - 1 Estudiantes de Olavarria
GROUP B (U23)Nation | Club | Stadium | Pld | W | D | L | GF | GA | GD | Pts | Warnings |
| Manchester of the South United (138516) | 20,000 | 10 | 9 | 1 | 0 | 21 | (-2) | +23 | 28 |
| Penquin FC (83858) | 17,834 | 10 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 14 | 2 | +12 | 21 |
| SWAGGA FC (203610) | 10,000 | 10 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 16 | 9 | +7 | 20 |
| Lubricants (224618) | 20,000 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 4 | 2 | -1 | +3 | 18 |  |
| Bossaray (128272) | 30,000 | 10 | 3 | 0 | 7 | 2 | 12 | -10 | 9 |
| Don-muang (108944) | 19,000 | 10 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 0 | 7 | -7 | 8 |  |
| Nuna FC (89059)(disqualified) | 14,080 | 9 | 4 | 1 | 4 | (-6) | 0 | -6 | 13 |  |
 | united fc 2012 (241798) (disqualified) | 20,000 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 3 | -4 | 2 | -6 | 3 | |
 | Kob NFL (187635) (disqualified) | 14,630 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 4 | (-5) | 3 | -8 | 2 |  |
 | 11hilo (233257) (disqualified) | 16,708 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 4 | (-1) | 10 | -11 | 1 | |
** see 1 (25/3/2013)
KobNFL 0-
1 BossarayMots Utd 7 - 0
BDA** treated as 1-0
11hilo 0-
4 SWAGGA FCLubricants 0 - (-3) fc united 2012
Nuna FC - Penguin FC
(po)Round 2 (1/4/2013)
Lubricants 1-0 SWAGGA FC
Bossaray 0-
3 Manchester of the S..11hilo 2-2 Don-muang

(F) united fc 2012Kob NFL 0 - 0 Nuna FC
Round 3 (3/4/2013)
Lubricants 0 - (-3) BDA
Manchester of the S.. 3-0 Nuna FC
Don-muang 0-
1 SWAGGA FCBossaray 0-
1 united fc 201211hilo 0-
1 Penquin FCRound 4 (6/4/2013)
Don-muang 1-0 Lubricants
Penquin FC 6-0 SWAGGA FC
united fc 2012


Nuna FC


Round 5 (8/4/2013)
Manchester of the S... 3 - 0 11hilo
Bossaray 0 -
2 LubricantsDon-muang 0 -
2 Penquin FCKobNFL 0 -
1 SWAGGA FCNuna FC 0 - (-3) BDA
Round 6 (15/4/2013)
Penguin FC 0 -
1 LubricantsBossaray 0 - 2
Nuna FCDon Muang 1 - 1 kob NFL
Manchester of the South Utd 1 - 1 SWAGGA FC
united fc 2010


Round 7 (22/4/2013)
Lubricants 0 - 1
Nuna FCPenguin FC 1- 0 Kob NFL
Don-muang 0 - 1
Manchester of the South UtdSWAGGA FC 2 - 1 united fc 2010
Round 8 (29/4/2013)


kob NFL
Manchester of the South Utd 4 - 0 Penguin FC
Bossaray 1 - 0 11 hilo**
Don-muang 1 - 0 united fc 2010**
Round 9 (6/5/2013)
Manchester of the South Utd 0 - (-3) kob NFL**
Nuna FC 0 - (-3) 11hilo**
Penguin FC 0 - (-3) fc united 2010**
Bossaray 0 - 5 SWAGGA FC
Round 10 (13/5/2013)
Manchester of the South Utd 3 - 0 Lubricants
Nuna FC

Bossaray v

Round 11 (20/5/2013)
Lubricants 1- 0 11hilo**
Manchester of the South Utd 1 - 0 united fc 2010**
**Nuna FC 0 - 1 Don-muang
Penguin 2 - 0 Bossaray
Round 1 makeup
Lubricants 1-0 fc united 2010**
**Nuna FC 0 - 1 Penguin FC
**team has been disqualified; match is optional for the emboldened team (see rules for more information)
The rules-
Easy tackling only! Using default tackling will give a "yellow card" warning; do this a 2nd time during the duration of the league and a 2nd such warning will be issued, and a 1 goal penalty will be assessed in the match. If "hard" tackling is used, it counts as a "Straight red card" and the 1 goal penalty. If a second "red card" (or 2 "yellow cards") is received during the tournament, it amounts to a 2 goal penalty and so on.
- No more than 2 players aged ?? (determined by poll) or more may start a match. A 3rd overage player may be subbed on at or after halftime (45') but no more than 3 may play in a match at any given time*. Note: all teams may play one additional overage player prior to the start of the new season (when new academy players will become available) The first additional overage player that is used will result in a 1 goal penalty** and a warning; use of more than that will result in a 2 goal penalty OR the number of goals to force a loss, whichever is smaller and a "red card" unless the team lost the match anyway, in which case only a yellow card will be issued. You are responsible for checking your opponent's lineup. Report infractions by posting in this thread.
- Matches are held in the stadium that maximizes revenue. This is calculated by the following equation: stadium capacity x (1 + level of stadium quality x 0.125)
where very bad = 0, okay = 2, very good = 4 and so on.
If a match is arranged incorrectly a "yellow card" warning will be issued.
- If you accept a friendly match with a club other than your assigned competitor, or fail to arrange/accept a friendly invitation, then it counts as a forfeit (loss) with a 3 goal penalty**, and a "red card" issued to the team failing to arrange the match in a timely manner. Teams can accept the forfeit as early as 12:00 UTC the day before the fixture by posting their situation in the thread so they may arrange an alternate friendly match, so make your friendly arrangements EARLY. However, if the manager posts a sincere apology after the first "red card" warning they receive, it will be reduced to a "yellow card". Any additional "red cards" cannot be changed.
-Accumulating 2 "red cards" or 5 "yellow cards" through the duration of a tournament will result in responsible club being DISQUALIFIED and not being approved for friendly tournaments/minileagues for the following 2 seasons.-if a team is disqualified from the tournament through warning accumulation, their remaining matches are optional at the discretion of the opponent. If you are scheduled to play a disqualified team, you may choose not to play them and you will be given a 1-0 win (goals credited to the winning team); or you can play them and the result will stand.
* automatic substitutions made due to injury do NOT count toward this; overage players may be substituted for overage players.
** goal penalties are accrued to goals scored tally as negative goals (goals are not awarded to opponent for YC infractions while 1 goal is awarded for RC infractions), which may result in a negative GS
Tiebreakers for teams level on points1. Head to Head result; no away goal rule
2. Goal Difference
3. Goals scored
4. Club Rating (lowest first)