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GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« on: November 23, 2012, 03:43:29 PM »
25. APRIL 2011. will change the match engine in the upcoming season
in order to make it look more realistic as well as to enhance your gaming experience.

Features that we will certainly have are as follows...
- Selecting free-kick taker.
- Selecting corner tacker.
- Changing  plan and picking substitute players (in advance)
- Setting specific tactic for a player such as focusing on long shot, focusing on passing, etc.

Before that major changes, we have made some change to balance the game as follows...

1. Training system
We have added the "specific skill training" feature which allows you to focus on certain skills.
This type of training guarantee an increase in the selected skill but the outcome of this training will be only
75% of the outcome of normal training. However, if your training ground is at level 4 (Good) you won't have this penalty.
The same thing applies for fitness or speed training with fitness center of level 4 (Good).

The engine of the training system has changed as follows...

It is calculated from...

The progress rate of the player + (progress rate of the player x (The level of the training facility/6)) +
(progress rate of the player x (The skill of the coach/20))

- Players under the age of 18 have the following bonus
=>  (50+ Working with Youngsters)%
e.g. If a coach with working with Youngster skill of 10 trains a player of age 16,
that player will get a bonus of 60%

- Players under the age of 22 have the following bonus
=>  (20+ Working with Youngsters)%

- Players over the age of 27 have -50% training penalty.

- Attributes of a player over the age of 29 decline every day.

- At the end of each season, the progress rate of players over the age of 23 decline by 1
until the progress rate reaches 1.

- A player uses more skill points as the skill is closer to 20.
The rate of the development is also slower as the skill is closer to 20.

-  When the 'current ability' of a player reaches his 'limited ability', training has  no effect in improvement.

- Appearances in a match (play for more than 30 minutes) help him improve his skills.
The amount of improvement depends on his rating and his progress rate. The improvement from appearances in a match
is about the same as the improvement from training. It is advisable to put a player in the first-team frequently if you want to enhance his attributes quickly.

2. Scouting System

The scouting system has been improved. The margin of error has been reduced.

- We don't need to scout the players in your own team anymore since the result is always 100% correct.

- The margin for errors when you scout a player in another team greatly reduced.
The result is also displayed as a range of values. This range is smaller when your scout's level is higher.

- The energy uses to scout a player decreases as the level increases as follows...
Level 1 uses 50 energy
Level 2 uses 20 energye
Level 3 uses 15 energy
Level 4 uses 10 energy
Level 5 uses 5 energy

- The margin for errors when you scout estimate the maximum bid greatly reduce.
The energy uses to estimate the maximum bid decreases as the level increases as follows...
Level 1 uses 40 energy
Level 2 uses 20 energy
Level 3 uses 15 energy
Level 4 uses 10 energy
Level 5 uses 5 energy

3. Estimate value of a player does not depend on the suitable skills for him like the old estimated value engine.
It is now calculated mainly from the current ability which is displayed as the number of stars in the player report.

The interesting thing about current ability (CA) is that a player with higher CA might perform poorer than a player with lower CA.
This is because CA is calculated from the overall ability ignoring his position.

Therefore, it is advisable to focus on the necessary attributes of a player for his playing position rather than
the CA or the estimated value when you choose a player or buy a player.

Apart from CA; age, experience, and progress rate are also taken into account when the engine calculate the
estimated value of a player.

The player report displays 3 values.
- current ability (maximum 15 stars)
- limited ability (maximum 15 stars)
- progress rate (maximum 8 stars)

Please note that the ability and progress rate are estimated value which means that two players having the same number of stars in their current ability don't always have to have exactly the same current ability but they should be about the same.

Though CA can not clearly define how good a player is but it can be use together with the limited ability
in order to determine how much a player can develop further.

- 'Current ability' of a player can be more than his  'limited ability' since
appearances in matches could still help him improve his skills.

- There are 4 levels of "Adaptation to the team" as follows...
1. He has just started to adapt in the team.
2. He still need time to adapt to the team.
3. He has yet to fully adapt to his new surroundings.
4. He has fully adapted to the team.

"Adaptation to the team" of a player has influence on how he performs in competitions.

"Happiness " of a player has influence on how he performs in matches. (Will be effective in the next season)

4.  We have balance the finance and facilities such as
-Maintenance costs of facilities decreases.
-The price to built facilities at level 4 or above decrease.
- Money from activities decrease.

- This changes is to make sure the new teams not to be unfavorable.

Weekly income of Hotel, Megastore, and bar depends on the level of the building and the club rating as follows.

level of Hotel , Megastore , Bar
level 1 => (5000-7000) +rating
level 2 => (8000-12000) +rating
level 3 => (15000-20000) +rating
level 4 => (25000-28000) +rating
level 5 => (35000-40000) +rating*1.5
level 6 => (50000-60000) +rating*2

5. Contract

Renewing the contract...

If the remaining contract  of a player is greater than or equal to 3,
the new contract will be expensive.

You should renew the contract when the remaining contract is less than or equal to 2.

Gokickoff match engine V2.0 will be used in the next season. Here is a summary.

Changes in the tactic section...

1. You can select free-kick taker, corner taker, target man(FW), Mark opponent Target Man (DC),
and pk (in game).

**Target man in the tactic section refers to a player that your team will generally look to pass to.
***Mark opponent Target Man refers to a defender who mark the opponent target man.
** You don't need to to set a target man if you have several forwarders who have good heading ability
because the defender can't mark them all the time.

2. You can set advance player instructions specify what a player should do when he has the ball.
- Longshot => Rarely, According to the team's tactic, or Often.
- Run with ball - is to dribble past defenders => Rarely, Sometimes, or Often.
- Tactic in the penalty area => Normal, Take the shot,  Pass the ball (unless he is 1-1 with the keeper)

3. We will remove Corners, Free Kicks and Throw Ins instruction.

4. We will add long shot instruction for the team => Rarely, Sometimes, or Often.

5. we will add a new feature in tactics screen called "Match of the Season" (or simply MotS).
MotS" are matches which managers get their squads extremely motivated and ready.
When use this option, all players become highly concentrated on the game.
They put all their efforts toward victory and glory.

** You can select only 2 Mots in a season.

6. You can change your tactic during match. However, you have to set the conditions and instructions in advance
Examples of conditions are goal difference, time, etc.


There will be much changes in the match engine.

We have added a new attribute call "env" which controls every players' performance in a match. (maximum is 100%)
A player will not perform exactly 100% as his attributes shown in his player's profile.
There are factors affecting his performance as follows...

1. Experience - The higher experience, the better chance he plays well regularly.
2. Morale
3. Proficiency of him in the chosen playing position.
4. Condition - Won't have penalty if his condition is over 92%.
5. Adaptation to the team.

You can't just evaluate a player's ability by the number of stars in the scout report
since it is calculated from the overall ability ignoring his playing position.

The system evaluates the net ability of a player in his playing position and multiply by env.
**  From now on, when we talk about the ability of a player we refer to this ability.

Factors affecting ball possession...

1. Team formation affects ball possession - Attacking formations tend to let your team have more ball possession than defensive formations.
Midfielder is the position that affect ball possession the most. However, having too many midfielders isn't a good idea.

2. Ability of all players except the goalkeeper.

3. Advantage of home game (only for league competitions)

4. Team tactics that have influence on ball possession.

4.1  Strategy - Has great impact on ball possession. Attacking strategy increases the team chance of
creating an opportunity to attack. While on the other hand, defensive strategy decreases this opportunity on both sides.

4.2 Defensive Line - Push up defensive line increases the opportunity of building an attack from the back, whereas
deep defensive line decreases this opportunity.

4.3 Creative Freedom - Increases your ball possessions if your team has creative midfielders.

4.4 Tackling - Hard tackling increases your ball possession. (Not much though)

4.5 Marking - Using the right strategy increases your chances of winning possession of the ball.

System evaluates the difference between the average value of both teams. (The more, the better)


Team Use  AVG (mc mr ml dmc dmr dml dl dr dc)
Acceleration  Positioning  Tacking

opponent Team AVG (mc mr ml amc amr aml fc fr fl)
Acceleration  Off the ball passing

man marking

Team Use AVG (mc mr ml dmc dmr dml dl dr dc)
(Strength+balance)/2  Marking   Decisions

opponent Team AVG (mc mr ml amc amr aml fc fr fl)
(Strength+balance)/2  Technique  Dribbling

4.6 Closing Down

Press More

Team Use AVG  (amr,aml,amc,mc mr ml dmc dmr dml dl dr) 
(Pace+Acceleration)/2 , Stamina , Tackling

opponent Team AVG (mc mr ml amc amr aml fc fr fl)
(Pace+Acceleration)/2 , Agility , Technique

Stand-off More

Team Use AVG  (amr,aml,amc,mc mr ml dmc dmr dml dl dr) 
(Strength+balance)/2 , Marking , Positioning

opponent Team AVG (mc mr ml amc amr aml fc fr fl)
(Strength+balance)/2 , Off the ball, Passing

4.7   Roaming

More Roaming

Team Use AVG  ( mc mr ml amc amr aml fc fr fl)
(Pace+Acceleration)/2  Stamina  Teamwork Off the ball

opponent Team AVG (  mc mr ml dmc dmr dml dl dr dc)
(Pace+Acceleration)/2  Marking   Teamwork Positioning

Stick to position

Team Use AVG  ( mc mr ml amc amr aml fc fr fl)
(Strength+balance)/2  creativity  Technique Passing

opponent Team AVG ( mc mr ml dmc dmr dml dl dr dc)
(Strength+balance)/2  Decisions   Tackling Marking

4.8 High influential captain have a positive effect on your team.


Next topic is about opportunities to score.

Please note that we mention only the key attributes affecting the creation of opportunity to score.
There are, however, other factors that have positive effect on these opportunities.
Also keep in mind that not all factors are equally weighted for they depend on the actions.

Surroundings have effect on player's action as well. Excellent attackers may have
a hard time scoring against a packed in defense. Whereas in contrast, weak attackers
may pass through the defense easily if  he is outnumbered by the defenders.

pass ball on floor

Player Action : Creativity 
      Off the ball

Opponent Player: Decisions 

pass high ball

Player Action : Creativity 
      Off the ball

Opponent Player: Decisions 

Drill Cross (By line)
Player Action :Acceleration
      Off the ball

Opponent Player:Positioning

Float Cross (By line)

Player Action :Acceleration
      Off the ball

Opponent Player:Positioning


Player Action : Dribbling

Opponent Player:Decisions

Finding an opportunity to score (with the ball)

Player Action : Off the ball

Opponent Player:Positioning

Challenging the defenders for a heading

Player Action : Jumping
      Off the ball

Opponent Player:Jumping

Beating the defenders for the ball from a drill cross.

Player Action : Off the ball

Opponent Player:Marking

Shot (Score or not)

Finishing and the result of finding an opportunity to score.

Long Shot

Long shots and the result of finding an opportunity to score.

Heading on goal

Heading Technique the result of finding an opportunity to score.

GK :      Handling
     One on ones
     Rushing out
     Aerial ability

One on One Shot

Player (Att) : Finishing
           Off the ball

GK (Att) :  One on ones


Player (Att) :  Off the ball

AVG (DF) (Att) : Positioning

Corner : Setpiece

    Long shots


Counter Attack (Short)

 Player who launch a counter attack -> passing , creativity
 First Attacker ->  passing,off the ball , acceleration, pace
 Second Attacker   -> passing,off the ball , acceleration, pace

Defenders -> positioning,tacking,marking,acceleration,pace

Counter Attack (Long)

Player who launch a counter attack -> crossing,creativity
Payer who run for the ball -> off the ball , acceleration , pace
Defenders ->  positioning,tacking,marking,acceleration,pace

Standing philosophy make you team squads play as plan. Whereas in contrast, dynamic philosophy
allows your team to play better or worse depending on your luck (Randomly).

- Use standing philosophy if you are sure that your team is better than your opponent.
- Use dynamic philosophy if you certain that you will have a hard time defeating your opponent.
Dynamic philosophy, at least, let you test your luck.

**** Stadium quality has positive effects for home games (League competitions only). The higher, the better.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 11:01:49 AM by Littmann »
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2012, 03:57:47 PM »
Changes in Transfer System Updated 23/11/2012

Same as ->

But for ...

1. A player will remain in the transfer market for 3 days. Team that offer the highest wage for the player, in the mean time, place the bid not less than 40% of the highest bid will get the player. (2 offers : wage + bid)

Change to

1. A player will remain in the transfer market for 3 days. Team that offer the highest wage for the player, in the mean time, place the bid not less than X % of the highest bid will get the player. (2 offers : wage + bid)

Where x is a random number for each player.
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2012, 04:07:15 PM »
Training System Update 5. July 2011.
Training bonus from competitions increases...

-League,WCL => 8 times the number of progress rate star. (old 5)
-Cup => 6 times the number of progress rate star.  (old 3)
-Friendly match => 4 times the number of progress rate star.  (old 2)
-Nation team => 10 times the number of progress rate star.  (old 6)
-Nation u21 team => 8 times the number of progress rate star.  (old 4)

In the case 'Current Ability' < 'Limited Ability'


For daily training,

When the 'current ability' of a player reaches his 'limited ability' or current ability >= 7,
training has no effect in improvement. Only Appearances in matches help him improve his skills.


This change allows a player to improve faster if you put him in competitions since he will
get almost twice as much training bonus as he used to get.

For a player that has current ability >= 7, you should not drop him in competitions
if you want him to improve.



Player A => CA 7 LA 8 PR 4
Player B => CA 7 LA 6 PR 4

Bonus from league

Player A => Bonus = 0.32 (for skill < 15, non-specific training)
Player b => Bonus not more than 0.03 because CA >= LA
« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 04:11:31 PM by Littmann »
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2012, 04:57:26 PM »
19. June 2011. UPDATE

Welcome to Gokickoff season 3. In this season, players will experience major changes.  Gamers will enjoy a more realistic match experience. Visit Gokickoff version 2.0 now at .

List of major changes…

1.   New features for tactics section such as changing your strategy during a match, setting advance player instructions, selecting free-kick taker, selecting target man.
2.   Match engine version 2 is more realistic than the previous version. In this version, tactics play a more important role. Details can be found in this link ->
3.   We introduce the “World club champions’ cup” which is a football tournament held annually between the best clubs from all over the world of Gokickoff. Details can be found in the game manual.
4.   We introduce the “National team” and the “International competitions”.  A national football manager is elected by the gamers in  (Only countries with active players may have national football managers.)  The goal of him is to win the world cup.
5.   Rules for penalty cards change.  Accumulation of yellow cards and red cards is only for official competitions (excludes friendlies). The accumulation of 5 yellow cards results in disqualification of the offending player for a match (official match not including friendlies).
6.   We cancelled certain club activities and added some specific activities for a player.
7.   Skill increment from daily training and training bonus from matches is now shown on the training report. 8 youth players in the youth squads are selected randomly to earn training bonus from each match.
8.   Match statistic page has been improved showing more information as well as informing you the effectiveness of your strategy.
9.   Match preview is available for top league competitions of every country.
10.   We introduce a new mini-game. In this game you guess the result of the matches from the top divisions in your country. Each week there will be 8 matches that you have to guess the result (win, loose, or draw). You receive 1 credit if 4-5 matches out of 8 matches that you make the guess are correct. You receive 2 credits if 6-7 matches out of 8 matches that you take the guess are correct. You receive 5 credits if every match that you guess is correct.
11.   Other gamers may now see more information of players in another team in the player profile page - condition, status, experience, and moral.
12.   You can now promote up to 7 youth players per season. (Last season you can promote only 5 youth players)
13.   You need to have set your tactics at least 2 hours before the match.
14.   In some countries we have changed the time for kicking off a match.
15.   We have added new filters to the transfer market page – experience, rough limited ability.
16.   Condition decreases not the same for different types of competition. Condition a player decreases only a small amount if he plays for only a few minutes.
-League: Condition decreases 10 per match.
-Cup: Condition decreases 8 per match.
-Friendly Match: Condition decreases 8 per match.
-WCL: Condition decreases 4 per match.
-Nation Match: Condition decreases 2 per match.

We do hope you enjoy our new version of Gokickoff.

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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2012, 06:47:58 PM »
Training progress rate (PR) will be changed in season 6

PR of a player starts to decrease when his age increases from 21 to 22

And the PR of a player decreases as follows...


The reason for this is to force users to send youth players with good progress rate and limited ability to play more often.
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2012, 06:49:34 PM »
Injury from training solution
We were hoping that the new system of training will make the game looks more realistic. However, we apologise that we didn't inform you in advance.

Injury from training are only minor injuries. To make these injuries evenminor you have to upgrade your "team physic" (Decrease period of recovering). And a better way to avoid injuries from training is to find a player with "Prone to injury" status of hard rather than easily since the chance of injury for easily is 40 times that of hard.

Many people are complaining about getting bad result from training. So we decide to modify the system so that you can choose how intense you want to train each player. Intensive training increase the chance of getting good training result, whereas incomprehensive training increase the chance of getting bad training result but it decrease the chance of getting injured.

We decided to remove the "Prone of injury from training" feature temporary because we are going to improve the system as soon as possible.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 04:05:36 PM by admin »
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2012, 06:51:15 PM »
New season starts on the 17th of November
Data migration to new server of the 14th of November - 17 UTC
(The website will not be accessible until the migration has completed.)
After that server will be reopened and we will still be in old season.
New season starts on the 17th of November - 17 UTC.

Academy change in season 7

1. There will be list of youth players in your academy. You can only view certain attributes of these players such as height, nationality, and approximated CA LA PR value (3-5 , 3-7, 4-6 for instance). 8 new youth players will come to your academy each season. A youth player of age 18 will move out of your academy at the end of each season if he is not promoted.
2. You can promote at most 7 youth players. You can't use token to increase your quota like the previous season.
3. You may use token or budget to bring more players [1] to your academy but you can only promote up to 7 youth players [2].

We will see more about the new academy altogether when the new season start.


Note : Youth camp feature won't be launched in this new season.
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2013, 12:40:01 PM »
Transfer market search new feature

You may now view attributes of players from the drop down list.

Non-premium may view
- Transfer market
- General
- Contract

Premium may view
- Transfer market
- General
- Contract
- Physical
- Mental
- Technique
- Attack
- Defend
- Goalkeeping

Both premium and non-premium can see the same things. We just added it "shortcut", now you can see player's attribute easier. See image below

« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 05:26:19 PM by Littmann »
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2013, 05:25:40 PM »

1. We will introduce "Signing On Fee" which is the amount of money that a team need to pay to the player upon bidding success.
[Signing On Fee = 30 x Wage.] This system will decrease the problem of unreasonable offered wages.
Example : Bid a player for 500K and offer wage for 10K => Must pay Signing On Fee for 10x30 = 300K

2. We will increase the amount of transfer value when selling a player, which is promoted from your academy. (Previous system =  35%)

3. We will increase the bonus of the transfer value when selling a player, which is promoted from your academy, from 5% to 10%.
This means that you receive at most 80% + 10% = 90% when selling any player promoted from your academy.

4. The percentage of money a team receives from selling a player will increase faster than the previous version.
We use straight line model for the previous version, whereas we will use curve model for the new version.
This means that at the beginning the percentage of money will increase faster. (This change applies to all players.)

- Youth camp

- You can build up to 3 youth camps in any countries (but not your country)  without any cost but you have to pay maintenance fee on a weekly basis (at least 5,000 G per week).

- On Thursday at 06:00:00 (server time), each club has to invest an amount of money on every youth camp that it owns.

- If the amount of money is not enough to deduct, only 5,000 G will be invested for that week.

-  Your Investment will be accumulated up to 2 seasons.
E.g. First year invest 50,000 G -> cumulative investment = 50,000 G
Second year invest 100,000 G -> cumulative investment = 150,000 G
Third year invest 200,000 G -> cumulative investment = 300,000 G
Fourth year invest 100,000 G -> cumulative investment = 300,000 G

- In each country, every youth camp will be ranked based on the cumulative investment of each club.

- The total investment on youth camps of each country will affect the ability of youth players in that country.

- Between the 9th week to 15th week of league competition, youth competitions will be held to search for young talents.
Each youth camp will sign a player and send that player to the club automatically.

- Another youth competitions will be held between the 25th week to 30th week of league competition to select another youth player for each club.

- Therefore, each youth camp will send 2 youth players to the club every season.

- A youth player will choose to join a club based on the ranking of the club's camp that suit his ability.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 02:09:04 PM by Littmann »
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2013, 08:38:28 AM »
Gokickoff match engine balanced season 9

In this season, FL and FR will affect pressing more and stand off more tactics.
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2013, 08:40:17 AM »
Youth camp update

The quality of your youth depends on your rank of global youth camp contribution in the world of GKO as follow.

1 LA 10+ (random)
2-10 LA 10   
11-25 LA 9
26-50 LA 8
51-100 LA 7
101-200 LA 6
201-500 LA 5
501+ LA 3-4

If your rank in the selected country is 1
and global rank is between
101-200 -> You get LA7 
201-500 -> You get LA6

But if your rank in the selected country is not 1
and global rank is between
101-200 -> You get LA 6
201-500 -> You get LA 5
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2013, 08:41:46 AM »
Gokickoff match engine balance season 10

Every positions apart from goalkeeper will affect every tactics.
Each position, of course, has different weight factors contributing to each tactics.
Team work will now has an effect on all tactics of around 10% - 15%.
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Re: GKO Updates and explanations on one place
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2013, 12:08:55 AM »
Changes to the player transfer system in season 7

The player transfer system will be changed as follows (Launch date : 09/09/2012) :

Buying player will categorised into 2 categories  1. Auction system 2. Free agent

1. A player will remain in the transfer market for 3 days. Team that offer the highest wage for the player, in the mean time, place the bid not less than X % of the highest bid will get the player. (2 offers : wage + bid)

Where x is a random number for each player.

2. A free agent is a player who is eligible to sign with any club. To get a free agent your team has to offer the highest wage for the player. (The player transfer value is 40 times the offered wage)


Transfer fee will be changed as follows :

1. You will receive 35% of the transfer value when selling a newly bought player or newly promoted player. The longer the length that he stay with the team, the lower the transfer fee. You receive at most 80% of the transfer value if he stay in your team long enough.

2. You receive 5% bonus of the transfer value when selling a player, which is promoted from your academy.

Example : player1 promoted from A Club -> Transfer to B -> A receive  80%+5%=85% of the transfer value

3.  Transfer value when selling a free agent depends on the length that he stay with your team as follows :
- 10% of the transfer value for the first season.
- 30% of the transfer value for the second season.
- Use the rule from (1) to determine the transfer value for the third season and so on.

Remarks :
- Rule (1) will be applied for all players that stay with your team before 09/09/2012.
This mean that you receive 80%-85% by selling any player (promoted from academy or bought from transfer market)
that is in your squad before 09/09/2012.

- Wage budget of the player room will be increased as follows

none  50,000-->50,000
Very Bad 75,000-->100,000
Bad 100,000-->150,000
Okay 150,000-->250,000
Good 200,000-->350,000
Very Good 300,000-->550,000
The Best 500,000-->800,000


- You can only renew a player's contract if he request for a new contract or the remaining contract of him is only 1 year and he is still happy with your team.

- After the update we will use different heuristic to calculate the wage for the new contract.
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