จาก กระทู้
http://forum.gokickoff.com/index.php?topic=32651) Do you know how much and how is affected the performance of a player recently bought ? ( who is not adapted yet to the team ).
It does affect Env but not clear how Env is affecting perf.
2) Does the player need to play to increase his adaptability level with the team ?
1. Around 10% - 20%
2. He should as it affects quite a lot (maximum of 20%)
การปรับตัวมี 4 ขั้น
He has just started to adapt in the team.
He still need time to adapt to the team.
He has yet to fully adapt to his new surroundings.
He has fully adapted to the team.
Start adept = ENV - 20%
Still need time = ENV - 15%
Yet to fully = ENV - 10%
Fully adept = ENVปล.ถ้าจะเอาชัวร์ ถามแอดมินเอาเอง