What do you think about tree system from sixteenth of finals cup matches to final cup match and without random as now?
I mean a system like this (I show only from eighths of finals to final for space reasons):
1. A vs B
QF1. 1winner vs 2 winner
2. C vs D
SF1. QF1 winner vs QF2 winner
3. E vs F
QF2. 3 winner vs 4 winner
4. G vs H
SF1 winner vs SF2 winner (FINAL MATCH)
5. I vs J
QF3. 5 winner vs 6 winner
6. K vs L
SF.2 QF3 winner vs QF4 winner
7. M vs N
QF4. 7 winner vs 8 winner
8. O vs P
Now there isn't a system like this (at least I rememb so) and I hope it can be a nice suggestion for National Cup.
What do you think?