Different seasons, same old story...

This is a long discussion, and to be honest i think that "the F * U button" somehow exist.... Most of us experienced the massive injury stuff at least once, as you pointed, easy tackling doesn't seem to help much, injuries will probably keep rolling, and the number might be even higher if you switch to normal tackling.
Bad luck mate, this season might he tougher than expected for you, at least the massive injury stuff usually goes next season.
Why only FCs are injured? Probably they are less resistant to injury than others, i don't think that the game dediced to strike FCs only, just coincidence.
BTW: Playing easy tackling all the time, i had 16 injuries in season 10, most of them were long, last season i only had 3, anf most of them were minor, i know how you must be feeling, imassive injuries are really frustrating....