Author Topic: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?  (Read 4326 times)


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Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:02:58 AM »
Our English Top League has had some great finales over the last few seasons and in this respect Season 6 is no different. The difference this time is that in my opinion the title is being contested by three teams with genuine claims to be the best in England. I will now examine the credentials and assess the strength of thier respective title challenges.

Please note this is just my view, based on the information available to any user. I have no special insights and mean to cause no offence with my comments. If anyone does take offence please dont shout about it here - just go out and prove me wrong!

1. Manager's Pedigree

Liverpooh- Cocobronco's team are currently sitting top of the pile and are pushing for their 4th consecutive title, having won titles in B2,C9 and D12. They are the current holders of the national cup (cruisng past my team in the semis - the rotters!) and also finished runners-up in season 3.  Rating 9

Maggica Roma - Ermejo has been a personal inspiration to me ever since he was kind enough to play friendlies against me when I first started out. I have watched him move up the leagues while devloping some excellent young players and building the  largest stadium in the country. He won titles in C8 and D15 with a further runners-up medal in B1. Rating 7

Devil Hell - Hecc is probably the most successful English manager in GKO, he won the English top prize last season at the first time of asking after battling his way up from D5 in the course of which he won the national cup twice (S2 and S3) and also finished runner up (S4). He has never finshed outside of the top 2 in any division and has made a great start to managing England U21s. Rating 10.


2. The Title Run-in

Liverpooh                    Maggica Roma            Devils Hell

Robotic Utd (a)                                  Amazing Thailand (a)                 Spirit FC (h)
Gidoo (h)                                           Devil Hell (h)                             Maggica Roma (a)
Wolfskin (a)                                       Sandy Utd (h)                            Xe Palm (h)
The Gunner (h)                                   Xe Palm (a)                              Sandy Utd (a)
Xe Palm (h)                                        The Gunner (h)                         Wolfskin(a)

Red indicates potentially difficult matches

Liverpooh - on the face of it appear to have the easier of the run-ins but they are still fighting to hold onto the national Cup where as their rivals are concentrating on the league - rating 9

Maggica Roma - have the hardest run-in although they also have the opportunity to land a telling blow on Devil Hell's hopes when the later come to  visit the huge Roma Arena. - rating 7.

Devil Hell - have a quite a tricky run-in with two very difficult away matches. rating 8

3. Squad Strength

Liverpooh - 12 players valued 400,000 or more and 1 player valued 600,00 or more.

Best Defender - Jeffery Walsh (DMC) The 27yr old enforcer of this very talented squad. It is scandellous that he has been overlooked in the Albanian national team. This season he has scored 2 goals, made 4 assists, won 1 mom and has an average rating of 7.11

Best Attcker -  Kiefer Frank (AMC) Based on stats the 22 year old is surely the best player in England, he has 19 full caps but ridiculously most of them from the bench, he will surely benefit next season when a new manager takes over international duties. His stats this season are 37 goals, 27 assists,19 moms and an average rating of 8.04. Incredible reading and I can assure you he is no one season wonder either.
Overall Squad Rating - Not as strong in depth as their rivals but they do have the best player Kiefer Frank - rating 9

Maggica Roma 16 players valued at 400,000 or more and 3 players vslued at 600,000 or more.

Best Defender - Antioco Nicosia (DR) - the 19 year old has 5 U-21 caps for Italy and this seson he has scored 3 goals, made 3 assists, won 2 moms and has an average rating of 6.31.

Best Attacker - Timmy Thomson (FC) - the 19 year old is arguably the best U-21 in England (highest value anyway), he has scored 2 goals in 4 appearences for England U-21s. For his club he has been sensational: scoring 12 goals, wining 1 mom and an average rating of 7.23. Crucially he has picked up a nast injury that may rule him out for the season, I'm sure ermejo will do all he can to get him back sooner.

Overall Squad rating - Surely the best young squad and perhaps deepest but they are carrying no less than 5 injuries and perhaps lack a little in experience. Rating 7.

Devil Hell -  14 players values at 400,000 or more and 3 of which at 600,000 or more.

Best Defender - Addison Pelley (DR) - the 20 year old England U-21 player has this season scored 3 goals, made 5 assists, won 3 moms and has an average rating of 7.41

Best Attacker - Walker Traver (AML) - the 27 year old is having a fantastic season he has socred 12 goals, made 12 assists, won 11 moms and has an average rating of 7.32

Overall Squad. Hecc has depth, youth and experience in his squad - rating 9

Overall Assessment

1. Liverpooh               27 rating points
2. Devil Hell                27 rating points
3. Maggica Roma        21 rating points

I cant really decide between Liverpooh and Devil Hell, so I will give it to Liverpooh as they already have thier noses ahead and will take some stopping. Maggica Roma look like they are well placed for a serious challenge next season but for this season I think injuries and inexperience will derail their chances.

Thank your for reading this far. Please use the voting buttons to let us know who you think will win the title Race.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 08:52:27 AM by Andy »
leeds utd (114207)

English League: Top League - Winners s10, s11, s13, s15
Trophies: National Cup s8,s9,s10,s14,  4 minor league titles.


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Re: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2012, 05:49:13 AM »
wow, great stuff

i'm honestly flattered to be in such position so late in the season, my aim was to inject younger blood into the team while avoiding relegation this season, i currently have a very inexperienced squad and loads of players new to the squad meaning i would be happy with 2nd place and a crack at the WCC

Next year the squad will be stronger and so will the competition, the title will be won sooner or later by this bunch of players

Thanks and looking forward to welcome you in the premiership

Real Compton

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Re: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2012, 08:40:06 AM »
yes good luck to those teams, i really want a WCC spot from the cup but im not sure if my teams good enough maybe a few more seasons.

Mr T Mellor


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Re: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2012, 01:24:01 PM »
congrats to liperpooh, they won all their games and grabbed the title

i finished 3rd in the end, happy with it considering it was my first season in the premiership, will be stronger next year thanks to the more exp and better team adaptation

looking forward to next year


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Re: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2012, 06:02:46 PM »
Yes, well done to Liverpooh who also clinched the double today. Fantastic arrival in the top league for them.

Great effort by Magica Roma and Devil Hell. I've got a feeling that these three could become in the big 3 in the English Top league and they certainly look the teams to beat next season. Hopefully you will all do the English league proud in the WCC next season :)

All hail Cocobronco and Liverpooh, the undisputed champions of Season 6.

leeds utd (114207)

English League: Top League - Winners s10, s11, s13, s15
Trophies: National Cup s8,s9,s10,s14,  4 minor league titles.

Real Compton

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Re: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2012, 02:46:08 PM »
yeah congrats to top teams, ill be there in 2 season - if plans work
Mr T Mellor


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Re: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2023, 03:29:14 AM »


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Re: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2023, 05:27:47 AM »


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Re: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2023, 09:15:23 AM »


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Re: Season 6 - Who will win the championship race?
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2023, 06:35:38 PM »
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