This has been bugging me ever since I joined GKO, and now I feel I should point it out.
When I first saw the GKO login page, the very first - and I truly mean very first - thing I saw was the header, and it's grammatical mistakes.
It actually put me off joining the site at first, as I thought that the rest of the site would be filled with errors that would annoy a native English speaker like myself. But when I joined, and saw the site was run by people who speak English as a second language, I shrugged it off and made sure the errors wouldn't annoy me too much.
The problem is, the site header is what every one of us see on every single page. It's going to be the first thing a potential new member will see, and chances are this new member will be another user who speaks native English, who will then close the page and never come back.
So, I think it would be good if these mistakes were corrected on the header. It will make the site look a bit more professional and it won't put off other users.
What do you think?