i give my questions again with number and give you also choices for answers,so you can answer quickly because you are busy.
1. Do you think the new academy is fair to every club? you can answer yes or no.
2.If it is automatic,that everyone get 8 new players,when the new season is refreshing? you can answer yes or no.
3.In this new system,can you change the new players data of any academy of any club in the new season refreshing by hand? you can answer can or can not.
4.Only a question,Did you change any data of any academy of any club by any reason in this season?Will you change any data of any academy of any club by any reason in next seasons? you can also answer yes or no.
5.Can you tell us the rule for the new player from academy?how is the rule between the ca/la/pr and the grade of the academy?if you tell us,i can check if my academy is right or not.