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Topics - spamrulez

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Player Transfer Ads / 4/6/5 DC of 17yo for sale
« on: October 11, 2013, 11:08:27 AM »

Suggestions/Bugs / Player for player
« on: September 06, 2013, 08:15:40 PM »
I guess it would be nice having the possibility of exchanging players with private using players as currency.

I could exchange my FC for a MC if needed or even for more than one players.
I could exchange my LA 10 for two LA 8 for example...

Player Transfer Ads / Cheap DL/DML
« on: September 02, 2013, 11:13:31 AM »
Young and after all not so bad one.

Ideal for UZM in low series.

Suggestions/Bugs / [Help] Stadium quality
« on: September 01, 2013, 04:07:08 PM »
I know that the quality of the stadium has influence over the player performing.

The manual say nothing about the amount of the advantage of having the match in the home stadium.

Can someone help me?

I've a good quality one. Is of any advantage if I should upgrade it to very good or the best quality? How much?

Suggestions/Bugs / [Request] Save the line up
« on: August 31, 2013, 01:23:03 PM »
I would like a feature for the saving of the line up.

That way it would be easier set up the line up for the ufficial game and for the friendlies.

It should be a kinda shortcut like the ones for the market or for the friendlist.

Thank you.

Italy / C4 - Stagione 9
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:20:15 AM »

Girone ricco di BOT, ben 4 (Voghera Wonderers, Alpignano Villa, Trento FC e Bassano del Grappa), con 1 squadra bannata (AS Roma Fc), 2 squadre inattive (Extremadura ed [email protected]) e 1 squadra poco attiva (Kaliari) per un totale di 8 comparse su 16 squadre. Un quadro non molto incoraggiante.

Per ora spiccano le classifiche stranamente deludenti di Oca Giuliva (che nella stagione 8 era stata protagonista nella parte alta della classifica) e di Homer Soccer (neo retrocessa con un lungo trascorso in Top).

Mi meraviglia come Homer Soccer abbia perso addirittura contro un BOT alla prima giornata per poi pareggiare con Thon dopo che questi era stato duramente legnato in casa (1-7) da W La Foca.

Un Astronomy Domine rigenerato nella pausa parte a razzo e mostra un altro splendido bomber LA 10. Dopo Caruso nella stagione 8 è l'ora di Oddo nella stagione 9. Punteggio pieno (come la stagione 8 ) con 5 gol fatti e 0 subiti (meglio della stagione 8 ).

E' presto per dare giudizi sul come evolverà la stagione ma di sicuro i manager a contendersi il girone sono pochi.

Suggestions/Bugs / The importance of the player's room
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:19:38 AM »
I guess that it should be an important part of the player life.

A better room should be for a better rest, motivation and even part of the transfert motivational choice of the player.

The rest formula could be
1*Players Room Level

For example if I own a level 5 of Player's room my player shall rest 5 point of condition every night. If I own a level 2 Player's Room my player shall rest 2 point of condition every night and so on.


The transfert motivational could lend a player wage to be considered like:
Wage offered+2*(player's room level)%

for example if I own a 5 level Player's Room and I try to bid a wage of 1000 it could be like I tried to bid a wage of 1100. If I own a 2 level Player's Room and I try to bid a wage of 1000 it's like I tried to bid a wage of 1040.


I don't know enough about the motivation formula

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