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Messages - bataraz

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Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Admin, remove the energy activities please.
« on: May 05, 2013, 03:20:48 PM »
its all up to you if you want to spend time in gko or not, active players are rewarded with couple of coins from the activities
Excellent answer, dude!  8)

Update prices and players   :P

Update  ;D

Update  8)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: MotS revisited
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:44:30 PM »
everybody has voted option 5 then please remove them as soon as.
This option don't talk about remove mots. It talks about reduce his effects and about the need of add two more mots for the WCC competition. You need more atention to read!  ;)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: MotS revisited
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:51:42 PM »
I vote for the 4th option. The teams who plays or have played WCC should have the same quanty of MotS than clubs who don't play WCC, but MotS should have an effect in condition because MotS increase his efforts to maximum and his condition shoul should be affected, IMHO. This is only my opinion ^^

Update  ;D

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: U-21 teams with 22 years players
« on: April 17, 2013, 06:45:20 PM »
From different look U21's are playing friendlies this season , only
Yes, it's true. But it's something against the rules. It's very rude see a 22 year old playing in a selection U-21.
Also we have to stay without doing anything now? If not resolved now, next season happen exactly the same  :(

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: U-21 teams with 22 years players
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:23:23 PM »
But why the system don't erase those players who have 22 years old from U-21 nations actives? It's so much ask that?  ::)

Suggestions/Bugs / U-21 teams with 22 years players
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:10:19 PM »
I was looking our rivals in the schedule of U-21 team, and ...  Oh surprise, players with 22 years in the list of the national U-21 team of Czech Republic! (4 players with 22 years). I was still looking for others similar chases and found the same thing in Venezuela (8 players), Slovenia (2 players), Greece (1 player) and Albania (2 players). The most funny thing is that teams are managed by active users.
Admin do something, this is against the rules, that´s not fair!!!!  >:(

Update   :P

Argentina / Re: Arreglo de entradas y MoTS en Top Level
« on: April 06, 2013, 03:42:50 PM »
Inauguro el foro y me propongo para jugar con entradas ligeras y sin MoTS con quien quiera hacer lo mismo. Y tambien aviso que si hay alguien que no está en la lista casi que me veré obligado a usar entradas normales y consideraré la opcion de usar el MoTS. Saludos

Argentina / Arreglo de entradas y MoTS en Top Level
« on: April 06, 2013, 03:40:07 PM »
Propongo este foro para que aquellos usuarios que quieren arreglar entradas ligeras se ahorren la molestia de comunicarse, andar preguntando y demás. Y también propongo que aquellos que no quieren enfrentarse con MoTS por liga para dejarlos ya sea para la copa o para la WCC aquí tienen la oportunidad. Hago una aclaración, en el caso de que una persona aquí anotada ya sea por MoTS o por ligeras enfrenta a un usuario que no está en la lista, este está en todo su derecho de utilizar las entradas que quiera y utilizar el MoTS si es que así lo desea, ya que sino seria injusto que por un tema de palabra quede sujeto a quedar en inferioridad de condiciones.
Así que los invito a dejar su nombre y yo personalmente iré actualizando el foro para que esto quede a la vista de todos. Gracias. :)

Equipos que jugarán con entradas ligeras:
Equipos que no utilizarán MoTS en liga:

Update  :)

Argentina / Seleccion Argentina Sub-21 Temporadas 8 y 9
« on: April 05, 2013, 05:55:05 PM »
Quiero agradecerle a toda la comunidad argentina por haberme votado y por elegirme para representarlos en el mundo. Se que es una gran responsabilidad pero les aseguro que voy a hacer todo lo que este a la alcance de mi mano para poder estar a la altura de las circunstancias. Y para aquellas personas que no me han votado les aseguro que voy a dar todo para que la imagen que tengan de mi cambie a base de resultados, buen juego y un buen manejo y entreno de jugadores que, en un futuro, brillen con la camiseta de la Selección Mayor :D

Como ya hemos hablado con mi predecesor creo que vamos a hacer mucha hincapié en estas dos temporadas en los jugadores argentinos Sub 21 que jueguen en CLUBES ARGENTINOS. Así que todo aquel que crea tener un juvenil con buen futuro para vestir la camiseta argentina acá tiene el lugar para hacerlo o sino vía mp haciendo click aqui  ;)

Mas adelante, cuando esté mas organizado, voy a postear nuevamente planteando los requerimientos para que cualquier jugador Sub-21 argentino quede en mi consideración. Desde ya muchas gracias  :)

United States / Re: 4th N. American Friendly tournament
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:32:33 PM »
I forget to say you something: if you need add a new team in the tournament when the schedule was already posted in the forum, please don't change the schedule of the others participants. The team you add would be bye the first round, and the rest of the others rounds you would change as you want. It's about organization dude. The teams who arrange her friendlies correctly (like Sopelana and me) don't know what to do  :(

United States / Re: 4th N. American Friendly tournament
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:23:55 PM »
I ask again: my match vs Sopelana C.F. who will play tomorrow count for the tournament or not? I want a clear answer  :(

United States / Re: 4th N. American Friendly tournament
« on: March 24, 2013, 02:14:32 PM »

For group A, let's go ahead and wait a week to start. Anyone in group A that already arranged their match for 25 March will have a "bye" on 1 April. Hopefully just the one match in group B will be affected.
Are you try to say the matches who we play this monday don't count for the tournament??? Another thing, I saw the schedule had change and now says I play against Crunchis but a week ago I send friendly match vs Sopelana because (in that moment) he was my rival in the first round. Explain to me please, I don't understeand anything. A lot of changes everyday  >:(

United States / Re: 4th N. American Friendly tournament
« on: March 18, 2013, 06:42:47 PM »
Estudiantes de Olavarria (111776) Very Good Academy!  :)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Election of National Team's Manager
« on: January 23, 2013, 02:23:00 PM »
Thanks for the commentaries. We need more votes to take the attention of the admin. Please vote if you can!  :)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Election of National Team's Manager
« on: January 22, 2013, 11:35:34 PM »
Admin and owners what do you think bout it?  :-\
I don't know yet. But, my idea is give to admin a solid propose, with the support of the majority of active users of GKO  :)

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Election of National Team's Manager
« on: January 22, 2013, 08:58:38 PM »
The best part for the admins is the surely increase on the bought of premium accounts with that implement. If they realize this, they will surely make the implementation of this idea  :D

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Election of National Team's Manager
« on: January 22, 2013, 08:28:38 PM »
I don't agree because managers will cheat. They will take National Teams to make easier job to their REAL NT. So I don't think that's good idea.
The cheaters ever will find a way to cheat, everybody knows that. How anyone would know the schedule of a NT? In the case it to be so as you say, who would be so stupid to want to manage a NT to lose games? perhaps that make any sense?

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Election of National Team's Manager
« on: January 22, 2013, 07:49:33 PM »
I think we should bring more ideas and pressure the admin to he considers this suggestion and sending it via email. Maybe, in that way once and for all the admins will listen us  :(

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Election of National Team's Manager
« on: January 22, 2013, 07:11:34 PM »
but I don't think that the solution youare proposing will resolve the problem. You are saying that If someone is in a country having a bot NT manager, he can be a candidate to be the NT manager of any other country having a bot NT manager as well! In my opinio this is absurd! as you are saying, if his NT manager is still a bot, it's because no one from this country has postulated to be the NT manager! So how do you want to find somone in this country willing to be a candidate to the NT manager election of another country!!!! ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)

I don't find it logical! Maybe I misunderstood what you are proposing. If it is the case, would you please explain better your idea so we can vote for it?  :)
No, you don't understeand. I say: anyone of any country be able to manage any NT. Some countries like Thailand have so many users. Otherwise, other countries like Argelia don't have so many users. So, a user of Thailand can propose him to manage the Argelian NT. You understeand now? A user ONLY can be postulate for ONLY ONE NT

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