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Topics - Mubashar

Pages: [1]
This season, every player of my team has scored at least one goal  ;) except goalkeepers. However, there are two players, one who never played a game (neither start nor substituted) and another player I bought just a few days ago after the league ends.

I am just curios to know which is best record or how many other teams do it. Will be inetresting if GK also scored.

Suggestions/Bugs / Many Pages Not Opening Properly
« on: June 14, 2014, 09:14:04 PM »
Hello all.

I am having this problem since last night that many pages like Activities and Tactics are not opening properly. I can not see anything on the page neither can click, if something appears.

Is this due to some problem in my browser or in the game/website???

Is there any way to cancel a transfer deal. I have made a bid for the player but now don't want to proceed due to high offers from others etc.  :-\

Player Transfer Ads / MRC 19 years 4/7/2 for ----50,000 ONLY-----
« on: March 27, 2014, 04:08:05 PM »

General Discussion(English Only) / CHEATER IN INDIA
« on: February 13, 2014, 10:07:31 AM »
Just found a cheater in India. Nischintapur.. has sold 3 average players for 3 M. Many other players sold at other prices. Manager for 3 clubs including selling club is pranab  haldar. ::)

Indian league
and Club page

He has invested this money in buying high quality players.


Need help ? / Reliability of Scout Report???
« on: February 09, 2014, 02:35:24 PM »
Dear Friends, I am having embarrasing scout reports since I upgraded "Judge Player's skills" to level 2.
Example 1: my scout report predicted CA 5, LA 6-7 and PR 3-4. I bought the player and he is 5/5/3. Why LA out of range?
Example 2: Scout reports predicted CA 5, LA 6-7 and PR 3-4 and he is actually 3/5/3. Even now his predicted ability in Next Season is 6 and after 2 seasons is 7. What the hell is that???????
I have spent 400k on upgrading the scouts and lost additional 510k on the player that I dont meant to buy. :'(

Player Transfer Ads / Sale- 2/7/4, 3/7/2, 2/8/2 --- Updated
« on: December 24, 2013, 04:06:43 PM »
19 years DC 2/7/4 --- 600k
17 years FC 2/8/2---- 1,300k
17 years DR 3/7/2---- 700k

Prices are negotiable.. PM or add comment please  ;)

Ask Admin / Unfair amount of Money Deducted
« on: July 05, 2013, 03:10:43 PM »
Hello. Some days ago my balance dropped from 126k to -1860k. you have placed my club (156227 Shah Faisal Abad FC) in "money deducted list 02/07/2013" and after spending 2 days I got that it is due a transfer deal.
"FC UTA ARAD sign Shah Faisal Abad FC player Petru Antonescu for 2180000 G. 84000 is for the signing on fee."
First, I do not know this club, his owner I we never had a contact. I think this was a mistake, he tried to sign on 218k but put an extra zero to make it 2180k. That is all.  I waited for 2 days to have any contact but not, so spend money on academy. it is not my fault but a piece of luck. I did not received whole money but only 85% of that. Or perhaps he tried to outweigh other bids.
Even if you are going to fine me make a sensible fine. He was going to sign him on 218k which I deserve to recieve you can deduct the remaining. Give me 218k back. Or drop the whole deal and return my player.

Ask Admin / My balance dropped from 126k to -1,800k. Why????
« on: July 03, 2013, 07:50:19 AM »
Hello. I am Mubashar Rehman manager of Shah Faisal Abad FC (156227). I had 126,000G and set up large souvenier booth which usually yields 3,331G but instead of increasing, my budget dropped down to -1,866,564G  ::)
It is a horrible situation for me. I had no transfer, no excessive money (set almost 200,000G only which is not paid yet) for youth camps. I think it is a bug  :-[
I request the admins and GKO management to please fix this bug. Such a big loan will take more than 1 seasons to be payed off.  :'(
Regards from Pakistan

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