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Topics - spamrulez

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Off-topic / Beautiful Womans in your city - Live Women
« on: August 01, 2024, 04:11:31 AM »
Unlock a world of casual fun and excitement with the premier dating site.
Beautiful Girls in your city

Off-topic / Finest Сasual Dating - Real-life Girls
« on: July 02, 2024, 02:54:19 AM »
Make dating stress-free and enjoyable with the best casual dating experience.
Genuine Females
Top-notch casual Dating

General Discussion(English Only) / Sheen gays in your town
« on: May 13, 2024, 04:13:35 AM »
Bonny gays in your town
Superb gays

Discover the ultimate in relaxed romance with the best casual dating platform!
Free connections, adventures await you
Living Women
Top-notch casual Dating

General Discussion(English Only) / Season 21
« on: November 29, 2017, 04:28:53 PM »
As usual we'll have a down on saturday and we'll be online again on sunday then the new season will be begun.

The server will be down on saturday 16th december and then will be back online on the morning of the day after (about 9:00 server time).

The first match of the season 21 will be on december the 27th

Italy / Stagione 21
« on: November 29, 2017, 04:25:06 PM »
Sabato 16, verso le 16,00 il server andrà down e domenica 17 verso le 9,30 sarà di nuovo online.
La nuova stagione inizierà quindi come di consueto di domenica e come di consueto dopo un down.

Per la prima di campionato dovremo attendere fino al 27 dicembre, mercoledì come di consueto.

Sono i canonici 32 giorni tra l'ultima di un campionato e la prima di quello successivo.

Italy / Cambio di stagione
« on: February 26, 2017, 08:46:13 AM »
Il 4 marzo giocheremo l'ultima di campionato poi saremo in pausa.

Il server andrà down il 25 marzo verso le 16:00 e sarà di nuovo up il 26 marzo intorno alle 9:00 e la nuova stagione sarà iniziata.

Il 5 aprile giocheremo la prima partita della nuova stagione.

General Discussion(English Only) / Gokickoff season 19
« on: February 26, 2017, 08:39:07 AM »
04/03/2017 will be the last league match then we'll start the pause.

The server will be down for season change 25/03/2017 about 15:00 (UTC) and will be up again 26/3/2017 at about 08:00 (UTC).

The first league match will be fixed for 04/04/2017 at your league time.

Have fun.

General Discussion(English Only) / Fees on transfert
« on: November 26, 2016, 08:02:48 PM »
I am trying to sell a couple of older players. They're both 30 years old and they're in my team since a lot of seasons (more than 6). I didn't made any BOW (bid on wages) on them and I didn't paied any fees so their wages are the normal wages for their CA.

I can't understand why for each of them the system requires more than 200k for the transfert fees. This is making impossible for me to sell them, even for 20k and since they both are capped I can't even fire them.

How could it be possibile that their buyer have to pay all of that fees for their transfert?

General Discussion(English Only) / "the best" is not enough
« on: November 25, 2016, 06:22:31 AM »
Can a "The best" accademy give you a 19 years old player with a LA of 5-6?

This should be a joke not "The best" accademy one.

This season I received at least 3 player with a LA of 5-6.

Admin, please do something.

I can consider to sell him for a serious bid of not less of 8millions G.

Send me PM if interested.

Italy / Stagione 17
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:14:16 AM »
Il server dovrebbe andare down il 2 luglio alle 16:00 circa ed essere di nuovo online il 3 alle 8:00 circa e questo dovrebbe segnare l'inizio della stagione 17 con le giovanili cariche di nuovi talenti e di giovani promesse.

Il primo turno di campionato dovrebbe essere il 13 luglio.

Se dovete programmare upgrade delle strutture tenetene conto.

Buon divertimento.
Saluti da Ostia Lido (Roma).

The awaiting is just started. We'll need 32 days for having the really first league match of the season 17. It will be on july the 13th. Be patient.

The server will be down in july too on saturday the 2nd at about 14:00 (server time) and will be up again on sunday the 3rd at about the 8:00 (server time). If you want to upgrade some facilities you should be prepared to terminate them before that date.

Have fun.
Greetings from Rome (Italy).

Italy / U21
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:04:30 AM »
Messa alle spalle la stagione delle amichevoli tra circa 30 giorni inizierà la stagione del mondiale.

Spero che la gestione di Manu prenda una deriva più social sul piano della comunicazione (non sto parlando ne intendo farlo sul piano delle convocazione, degli schieramenti e delle tattiche).

Player Transfer Ads / FC 16yo 3/9/4
« on: March 07, 2016, 08:37:56 PM »

Just 2.250.000 G not so much in these times of famine.

Player Transfer Ads / FC CA8,8 - Good headshotter
« on: February 16, 2016, 05:19:44 PM »

He's a 20 yo italian FC
3 Experience star yet
Good header
Great sense for scoring.

Make your bid.

Thailand / Can someone make him a call?
« on: February 01, 2016, 03:00:22 PM »
Hi everybody. Is there anybody that would like to call this guy for say him: Wake up! GKO needs you! Are you still alive?

His name is Pruitthachan Jantanupa Admin Phone: +66.0843215678
He would be the Admin of this game.

Please let me know something.

Italy / Pausa di fine stagione 15
« on: February 01, 2016, 10:08:28 AM »
Sabato 20 febbraio il server andrà down, verso le 16,00 ora italiana, e la stagione 15 sarà finita.
Domenica 21 il server sarà di nuovo up, più o meno verso le 9,30 ora italiana, e la stagione 16 sarà iniziata.

Mercoledì 2 marzo alle 17:00, ora italiana, le squadre saranno di nuovo in campo per la prima giornata di lega.

General Discussion(English Only) / End season 15 pause
« on: February 01, 2016, 10:05:20 AM »
We had the last league match.

Starting today we are in season pause.

The server will be down, so that the season will be finish, Saturday the 20th of this month at about 15:00 (server time).
The server will be up again, so the season 16 will be at his very beginning, Sunday the 21st of this month at about 8,30 (server time).

The very first round of the league of the season 16 will be on Wednesday the 2nd of march.

If you are planning some update of your facilieties now you can plane it carefully.

Have fun.

Player Transfer Ads / DR 6/7/5
« on: January 31, 2016, 01:05:44 PM »

Estimated value : 636,399 G and still CA6. 
Really soon he will turn CA7 and he will be a truly high one.
19 yo only. Really young.

Just 500.000 G.

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