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Topics - investdm

Pages: [1]
По мое јас мислам игецот и сезонава ќе биде незапорлив  :) само ме интересира дали оваа сезона ќе заврши без пораз  :)

Player Transfer Ads / 1 young and 2 older players for sale
« on: December 01, 2012, 06:41:49 AM »
This is the young player :)
Gordan Trpcheski - CA-2/LA-7/PR-3  - 18 years old

And this is the older players :)
Caelan Ness - 26 years old
Lacy Becket 26 years old

Player Transfer Ads / 2 young and 1 older players for sell :)
« on: November 06, 2012, 10:46:05 PM »
Young Players :

1.Darrell Quickley MC  PR - 4
2. Gordan Trpcheski DL 17 y LA 7 PR 3

One older player:
Fraser Cartwright 27 y AM R  in 18(2) 9gls,3asts

Pages: [1]