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Topics - Etienne

Pages: [1]
Suggestions/Bugs / pace of the game
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:39:37 PM »
Please make seasons shorter, I am more and more inactiv in this game because I would not wait 3 real years to see my youths becoming senior...
Less team per league or more league match per week, or both... but today this is just too long

Player Transfer Ads / DMR LA6/PR5 ! 16y old
« on: October 28, 2011, 09:51:07 AM »
for sale :

future NT player if well trained.
High potential : Limited Ability 6 / Progress Rate 5.

Suggestions/Bugs / [suggestion] youth pulls every week
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:00:12 AM »

It would be nice to have one youth pull every week instead of 7 youth pulls for the season.
It's always exciting to have every week the possibility to get a new talent. One more action to do each week. Of course at the end, this should not change the amount of talented players you get per season, this should be balanced. ( = it means that most of the youth you will get will be fired because of insufficient potential ).

Suggestions/Bugs / [suggestion] improve the bid system
« on: September 28, 2011, 09:16:16 AM »

The way it works is quite original and that's positiv but something is worrying me... When a player is disputed, there is often the case that in the last second, someone check with scout what is the highest bid, and place a bid just above it. Ok I try to do it also, but at the end, this is the last one who did that who can get the player. And you cannot be sure to be the last. One solution is to overpay the player, so you are sure that nobody will get it, but nobody do it, as everyone want to pay the correct price.

So I imagine a different way to do it.. We would still place a bid, but this bid would be the max you would spend to get this player.
An example : teams A, B and C fighting for a player.
- team A places 500k bid
- team B places 400k bid
- team C places 750k bid

Team C would get the player for 501k. 750k was the max the team was ready to pay, and 501k is enough.
Ok what happen if team D is scouting at the last second, and place a bid at 760k ? Ok team D will get the player, but not only by adding 1k to highest bid, but it will move the final bid to 501k to 751k which is totally different. Beeing beaten in the last second by a 1k overbid is really frustrating, and transfering a player should not the the game of "I managed to be the last to scout".

In that case it's useless to wait the last minute, even the last second to bid, you just have to put the max budget you think the player is worthing and you know that you will pay in any case always the best market price of the player and nothing more. And this is what every GKO manager wants to.

Suggestions/Bugs / [suggestion] highlight up/down of player skills
« on: September 24, 2011, 07:20:46 AM »

It would be usefull to highlight where a player got an up last week ( from 12 passing to 13 passing for example, by having 13 in bold or different color ) ? This can be updated at weekly update maybe.

Suggestions/Bugs / [suggestion] fee for transferlisting a player
« on: September 21, 2011, 12:07:42 AM »

Today, there isnt any fee, you can transferlist a player for the minimum price you want, and the number of times you want if nobody buy him.
In similar games, you have to pay something like 2 or 4 % of the minimum price everytime you transferlist the player.

Pros are :
- to have the transfer market more "liquid", as users will often set a min price very low to not pay anything and be sure to sell their players
- to bring out money of the game
- Daytrading on low value players may be a bit more difficult or less valuable
- give to the user a real manager choice, either to set a high minimum price and pay a fee with the risk to not sell the player and lost money, or to set a very low minimum price, pay no fee but have the risk to sell his player for a lower price than expected.

What do you think about it ?

France / Caractéristiques des joueurs
« on: September 17, 2011, 11:29:36 PM »
Pour les joueurs de champ :

Coup francs = la capacité de tirer les coups francs et corners.
Centre = la capacité de centrer de l'aile
Dribble = la capacité de courir avec le ballon
Finition = la capacité de mettre le ballon au fond des filets en étant dans la surface de réparation
Tête = La capacité de bien jouer le ballon avec la tete, que ce soit offensivement ou défensivement
Tir de loin = la capacité de cadrer les tirs de loin
Marquage = la capacité de marquer correctement le joueur avec ou sans le ballon
Passe = la capacité d'adresser de bonnes passes au sol à ses coéquipiers
Tacle = la capacité de récupérer le ballon dans les pieds adverses
Technique = la capacité du joueur à s'appliquer et à etre précis dans son jeu

Aggression = la capacité à aller spontanément tacler ou aller au pressing ( important pour la possession de balle )
Creativité = la capacité de bien lire le jeu, et de créer des opportunités ( concerne le jeu offensif )
Décisions = la capacité de prendre les bonnes décisions au bon moment ( concerne le jeu défensif )
Détermination = la capacité de garder sa concentration durant la partie
Influence = la capacité d'inspirer l'équipe...
Placement = la capacité d'être au bon endroit au bon moment
Appel de balle = la capacité de trouver des espaces, faire des courses vers l'avant sans etre hors jeu
Jeu d'équipe = la capacité d'agir comme un joueur d'équipe et non solo 
Accélération = la capacité d'atteindre sa vitesse de pointe rapidement
Agilité = mobilité du joueur, important pour les défenseurs et les attaquants
Equilibre = la capacité de rester d'aplomb face à des adversaires
Saut = la capacité d'atteindre des ballons aériens
Vitesse = vitesse max du joueur
Endurance = La capacité de tenir tout un match sans perdre en performance
Force = La force du joueur, important pour les défenseurs et les attaquants
Pour les gardiens :
Prise de balle = la capacité de saisir/garder le ballon après un tir ou une tête
Réflexe = la capacité de réagir rapidement sur un tir ou un centre
Dégagement = la capacité de faire une passe correcte lors d'un 6 mètres.
Duel = la capacité de gagner un duel avec un joueur adverse qui aurait transpercé la défense
Sortie = la capacité de bien gérer les ballons aux abords ou à l'entrée de la surface
Jeu aérien = la capacité de saisir les ballons aériens

Gokickoff Language Translation / Questions about translation
« on: September 14, 2011, 01:22:24 PM »
Maybe it would be nice to have place where to discuss translation/meaning/issues etc... so I created this thread.

So I have a first question, what is really "off the ball" attribute.... Does it mean behaviour of the player without the ball ? what does it reflect ?

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