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Topics - Aquilicua

Pages: [1]
Spain / [Seleccionador] - ILINTXA
« on: October 12, 2015, 08:58:02 PM »
Ilintxa tiene problemas para entrar en el foro y por eso me ha pedido que lo ponga yo. Espero que en breve pueda solucionarlo...

Esto es lo que me ha pedido Ilintxa, candidato a seleccionador, que ponga en el foro para explicar su programa con la selección:

En la absoluta jugaran los mejores, dependiendo de la condicion, la moral y la tactica que decidiese para cada partido. en la primera temporada, ya que hay mundial sub-21, convocaria jugadores de 22 años en adelante para dejarle a daniele el abanico completo de menores de 21 años y en la siguiente temporada con mundial para la absoluta si llamaria a los mejores tengan la edad que tengan. Jugar todos los partidos con la intencion de ganarlos, ya que no entiendo el juego de otra forma. Contestare a todas las preguntas que querais hacerme, lo hare via chat, ya que no puedo entrar en el foro. Muchas gracias.

DMC 21 years

Tackling 20
Acceleration 20
Positioning 18
Teamwork 16
Stamina 13

High tactical levels:
UZM: 80-87
UPM: 69-75

ONLY for 997.000 G NOW 780.000 G!  ::)

18FC (2/7/2) Noé Alonzo 125.000G 85.000G

18FC (2/7/3) Mario Anívole 275.000G (3 bids) SELLED

19AML (2/6/3) Xavier Bosque 95.000G (1 bid) SELLED

Ask Admin / How do creative freedom settings work
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:16:57 PM »
I try put my question here, now.

About how CREATIVE FREEDOM works...

I think this tactic is not clear at the manual. The other tactics are compared with your rival, but admins don't explained this tactic in depth.

To win this tactic; is compared the creativity of your midfielders with your rivals?
More players (with high creativiy) in your midfield = more arrows?
How works "predefined" and "more expressive"? (if I have midfielders with 10 in creativity I have to select "predefined" and if my midfielders have 16 I have to select "more expressive"?
Could both teams win at the same time this tactic?

Could some ADMIN answer this question, to know better this game?


Level 54 - ( Antoine Rome - 485.000G (excellent physicals)
Level 55 - ( Siri Intachack - 250.000G

Need help ? / Analisis of match
« on: August 22, 2011, 10:53:46 AM »
Could someone tell me, why I lost this match?

I won the possession ball, 66 - 34%. I had 3,5 hearts and my opponent only 2 hearts (1,5 hearts of difference).

But, the opportunities... 3 to 3... and 0-1 the result.

Could someone tell me what I did wrong? (I won 3 advanced tactics!)

Suggestions/Bugs / [BUG] Some transfers appears more times
« on: August 19, 2011, 10:15:24 AM »
It's a copy-paste:

17/08/2011   M C,AM C   Darío Villalobos   17    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   32,100 G
17/08/2011   M C,AM C   Darío Villalobos   17    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   32,100 G
17/08/2011   M C,AM C   Darío Villalobos   17    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   32,100 G
17/08/2011   M C,AM C   Darío Villalobos   17    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   32,100 G
17/08/2011   AM R   Carlitos Trujillo   16    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   11,100 G
17/08/2011   AM R   Carlitos Trujillo   16    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   11,100 G
17/08/2011   AM R   Carlitos Trujillo   16    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   11,100 G
17/08/2011   AM R   Carlitos Trujillo   16    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   11,100 G
17/08/2011   GK   Erik Ojeda   16    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   9,100 G
17/08/2011   GK   Erik Ojeda   16    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   9,100 G
17/08/2011   GK   Erik Ojeda   16    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   9,100 G
17/08/2011   GK   Erik Ojeda   16    Berrios    GGz zavage_z   9,100 G

Suggestions/Bugs / [suggestion] To see increases skills in training
« on: August 19, 2011, 08:53:33 AM »
Hi, It would be great, to see the increases in skills in training in the report (daily) but too weekly, for example... not every day you can see the evolution of your players.

Now is very difficult to see the increases of the habilities of your players.

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