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Messages - shomyguca

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Serbia / Re: GKO Srbija - Kratka istorija varanja - Pregled
« on: July 12, 2016, 02:00:51 PM »

Glavni uzrocnik svega tj. pionir varanja je Rasha/Pepika sa svoja 3 kluba (mozda ih je bilo i vise ali ovi su opste poznati):

Naissus >>>
Radnickii Nis 1923 >>>
Naissus B >>>

Problem je bio sto su prva 2 uvek bila u topu i davala jedan drugom "vetar u ledja" a opstruirali ostale klubove.
Ovaj problem se drasticno intenzivirao uvodjenjem MOC-a, valjda ne treba da objasnjavam na koji nacin i u kojoj meri.
MOC je samo mnogostruko pojacao efekte multi-accountinga tj. igranja sa vise od jednog kluba po menadzeru.
Probleme sa transferima medju tim timovima nisam uocio.

Sledeci koji je ostavio znacajan trag u istoriji lopovluka je Raketa (Mladi Rudar >>> a drugi klub koji je kontrolisao bile su Frokaste Macke. I ovde nije poznato da li je bilo vise klubova.
Za razliku od prethodno navedenog, ovaj se najvise bavio prevarama u sferi (medjusobnih) najcesce daleko preplacenih transfera.
Treci ali ne manje vazan je Nidza (Provo >>> i njegov "skolski ortak" Schwarzeneger (OFK Klosars >>>
Ovaj poslednji je ako se dobro secam imao minimum 15-20 timova i najveci uticaj je imao kod izbora za selektora A ili mlade repke.
Takodje, isticao se i u medjusobnim preplacenim transferima gde su velike pare prebacivane iz rezervnih timova u timove nosioce putem kupo-prodaje bezvrednih igraca.
Konacno, 4-ti jahac apokalipse, Crni (Budcnost-NS >>>, dao je svoj doprinos kroz ujedinjenje sa prethodnom trojicom i formiranje jedne lopovske GKO "hobotnice".
Kupovao je premijume svojim "pajtasima" i njihovim multi-accountima da bi ucvrstio taj "savez" a i sam je doprineo otvaranjem nekoliko multija:

Bunker >>>
FC Cape >>>
Vrbas >>>
Celarevo >>>

Ovo iznad su oni za koje znam nakon istrazivanja od 30 sekundi. Naravno, medju njima gomila neregularnih transfera, bezocno MOC-ovanje onoga koji je protiv njih itd.

I ovaj deo je ta?an.

U ovakvoj situaciji, ne samo da je izostala sveopsta osuda ovakvog zverskog lopovluka vec su pojedinci - nasa "siva eminencija" GKO-a, orvoreno stali na stranu ovih varalica i cak ih branili i saradjivali sa njima sa ciljem dobijanja neke koristi.
Jedini koliko toliko "opravdan" razlog za izostanak osude ovih lopova od strane nase GKO zajednice bio je eventualni nedostatak ambicije kod ostalih igraca po principu - "ako npr. ja nisam prvak, bas me briga da li je to Naissus na kvarno ili Kikinda na posten nacin".
Drugim recima "ja nisam konkurentan pa mi je svejedno sta drugi rade".
Danak ovim okolnostima je placen i kroz odustajanje od igre mnogih finih momaka sa perspektivnim klubovima.
Dobar deo je uz rezignaciju i jos manju ambiciju nastavio da igra uprkos uslovima koji vise nisu imali veze sa sportskim i fer takmicenjem.

Na kraju, jedan broj korisnika medju kojima su moj kum Ziva (Umbrella Corporation >>> i kuma (Barcelona FC >>>, i njegove kolege sa posla BMS (, Goodfellas ( i Ajkula >>>, odlucili da uzvrate.
Iako ne opravdavam njihov potez, smatram da je u nametnutim okolnostima to mozda i na zalost - jedini nacin borbe protiv ustolicenog i grupisanog zla.
Ajmo realno - sta je alternativa tome? Tebi vezane ruke a stoka te mlati?
Na kraju - kako uopste da ukrades od lopova?

Ovde je meni licno zanimljiv momenat da je jedan broj uticajnijih GKO-vaca vrlo entuzijasticno okrivio takozvani "Zivin" klan za zlocin koji su mnogi cinili pre njih!?! Potpuni paradoks i licemerje.

Zbog svega sam se potpuno povukao iz GKO-a Srbija i tako ce ostati. Misljenja gore izlistanih i onih koji se prepoznaju me ne zanimaju a i oni znaju sta o kome mislim tako da u nekoj eventualnoj diskusiji necu ucestvovati.

Ako neko ima pitanja ili zeli dodatna objasnjenja neka me kontaktira putem poruke u igri.

Serbia / Re: Reprezentacija
« on: October 23, 2015, 07:29:48 PM »

Need help ? / Re: Limited avility combined points
« on: April 21, 2015, 05:04:01 PM »
You have to remember that mental skills don't  take ability.

To clarify, Ruta mean about skills that increases using mental training (Aggression, Determination and Influence). The other mental skills cost as any other skill.

Wait the minute. Does it means that if I set training for a player to "Mental", LA points of that player will not be spent? He can improve these skills to 20, and still be the same LA as before mental training? In another words, the only thing you lose when training mental skills is time? Please, did I understand correctly?


That's why you can't use specific training to improve aggression, determination or influence.

Do a simple test: put any player to train mental, do not use him in matches and see if his est. value increases.
Est. value increases only if the experience increases or if his skill points are spent (in other words, if he improves attacking, defensive, physical, goalkeeping or tactical skills), but if you are lucky enough to have a player improving only mental skills, he can be a whole season improving, and no skill points would be lost.

This is very interesting. I didn't have a clue about it! Thanks! 8)

Need help ? / Re: Limited avility combined points
« on: April 21, 2015, 03:18:46 PM »
You have to remember that mental skills don't  take ability.

To clarify, Ruta mean about skills that increases using mental training (Aggression, Determination and Influence). The other mental skills cost as any other skill.

Wait the minute. Does it means that if I set training for a player to "Mental", LA points of that player will not be spent? He can improve these skills to 20, and still be the same LA as before mental training? In another words, the only thing you lose when training mental skills is time? Please, did I understand correctly?

I have the feeling that academy youth are younger, could it be true? Today i added another 2 extra youth to my academy, and again, they are younger than 17 years old!
Since the season started, i had 13 youth players in total (8 basic, 5 extra), only 3 of them were 17 years old, the others are younger, so after pulling 5 players, i still can pull another 2... I have 8 players in academy now and i after pulling the remaining 2 i will have 6 players with report at hand, ready to be promoted next season.
I always invest some money in extra youth, but having so many 15/16 years old youth never happened to me before, how about you guys?

I have completely opposite feeling. My youths:

M L/AM RL, 17

still waiting reports:
M C,16
GK, 17
GK, 18
M R, 19
D C, 18
M C, 18
D R,DM R, 17
D C, 17
D C, 19
AM R, 19

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Assistant NT manager for small nations
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:06:51 AM »
1. question: How would the NT Assistant be chosen? From whom?
2. question: If there already is the way to choose NT Assistant, why not to give him full rights, and make him NT Manager? It is certainly easier and IMHO better, than making additional constrains for NT Assistants.

Although, any solution is better than having bot nations! Cheers!

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: MOTS
« on: December 19, 2014, 11:01:23 AM »
In Serbian Top Level, we have an agreement not to play MotS in league matches. I think this was very nice and fair season behind us! The order of teams is based only on their strength and manager's skills! I suggest to every nation to make that agreement. It is the best solution so far!

Serbia / Re: Istinomer
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:57:58 PM »

Serbia / Istinomer
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:41:55 PM »

In the previous matches, when everything was OK, if you click on "tactics" (of your team) before and during the NT matches, you could actually see that condition of your NT player is decreased for 1 or 2%. Today, condition of my NT players is not decreased, which means that NT matches are not proceeding yet...

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: So the transfer system sucks
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:53:54 AM »
Although I think that above mentioned player is far from being worth 4M (IMHO, 2-2.5M for him is more realistic), I will remind all of you for one possible solution regarding to TL:

That is nice observation, but there is one more possibility:

1. You put player on TL without an asking price.
2. Every manager can bid for that player, and the highest bid is visible to everyone.
3. At the moment you get satisfied with bid value, you confirm that player is sold.
4. Then player stays for another 3 days, where everybody else can additionally increase bid value. After 3 days, the player is sold to the manager with the highest bid.

What do we get whit this?

We do not have to make assumption about asking prices. The market itself will create it. You just decide is it enough for you, or not.


1. I put 3/9/4 player on TL, and all the managers are free to bid for him.
2. First few days, it will probably reach the value of 2M (just a guess). Than it will probably stop increasing, or at least slow down.
3. I can decide to sell the player for these 2M, or I can wait longer. In the meantime, the bidder is also free to withdraw his offer (he can bid for more players, and when he gets confirmation for one, he can withdraw bids for the rest).
4. If I (manager who sells) decide to accept, I click the button and confirm transfer.
5. At that point, bidder cannot withdraw his offer, and I can not keep my player.
6. Player stays for additional 3 days for additional increase of bid, and afterwards he is sold.

Addition 1: it could be arranged that all the managers interested for that player receive a message that transfer is confirmed, and they have 3 days to bid for that players.
Addition 2: On the TL window, it should be possible to see and sort players, whether they are confirmed or not for transfer.

Regarding to the player's salary, it should be automatic, as before season 7.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Transfer system
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:26:12 AM »
Admin, could you please inform us if you plan any changes in season 12 regarding to TL?

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Transfer system
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:53:10 AM »
That is nice observation, but there is one more possibility:

1. You put player on TL without an asking price.
2. Every manager can bid for that player, and the highest bid is visible to everyone.
3. At the moment you get satisfied with bid value, you confirm that player is sold.
4. Then player stays for another 3 days, where everybody else can additionally increase bid value. After 3 days, the player is sold to the manager with the highest bid.

What do we get whit this?

We do not have to make assumption about asking prices. The market itself will create it. You just decide is it enough for you, or not.


1. I put 3/9/4 player on TL, and all the managers are free to bid for him.
2. First few days, it will probably reach the value of 2M (just a guess). Than it will probably stop increasing, or at least slow down.
3. I can decide to sell the player for these 2M, or I can wait longer. In the meantime, the bidder is also free to withdraw his offer (he can bid for more players, and when he gets confirmation for one, he can withdraw bids for the rest).
4. If I (manager who sells) decide to accept, I click the button and confirm transfer.
5. At that point, bidder cannot withdraw his offer, and I can not keep my player.
6. Player stays for additional 3 days for additional increase of bid, and afterwards he is sold.

Addition 1: it could be arranged that all the managers interested for that player receive a message that transfer is confirmed, and they have 3 days to bid for that players.
Addition 2: On the TL window, it should be possible to see and sort players, whether they are confirmed or not for transfer.

Regarding to the player's salary, it should be automatic, as before season 7.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Transfer system
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:32:29 AM »
+1 for Drifter!  8)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: How much does Experience count?
« on: August 25, 2014, 10:33:36 AM »
I do not know the exact formula, but experience is extremely important!

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Debt
« on: August 24, 2014, 09:51:15 AM »
As far as I know, no one went to bankruptcy yet. And there were people with millions in debt. That is one more fuzzy thing about this game! I think you are safe! :) 

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Integrate Training menu in player Menu
« on: July 06, 2014, 09:57:51 PM »
It would be great improvement!

Serbia / Stranica za lecenje kompleksa :D
« on: May 13, 2014, 08:49:11 PM »
Posto smo svi krenuli da se hvalimo igracima, ajde da otvorim temu na forumu gde svako moze da okaci sliku svog favorita. Ovo radim iskljucivo da neko ne bi greskom lupio manju cifru, pri postavljanju igraca na TL! :)

Posto sam dobio konstruktivan predlog da ne kacim reprezentativce, evo mojih CA6 defanzivaca:

Serbia / Re: U-21 Reprezentacija
« on: May 09, 2014, 09:38:23 PM »
Aj kad sam te vec prozvao, sad nesto i da napisem! :) Svaka cast, samo napred!

Serbia / Re: Reprezentacija
« on: May 09, 2014, 07:50:31 PM »
Cestitke na prvoj pobedi! Samo napred!  8)

Serbia / Re: Reprezentacija
« on: April 27, 2014, 09:47:48 PM »

Serbia / Re: Fudbal u balonu (Beograd)
« on: April 25, 2014, 07:28:23 PM »
Sto se mene tice, nije mi problem da je nosim. Mada je bilo dosta negodovanja... Kako god resite, meni je sve jedno.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Server maintenance time changed
« on: April 24, 2014, 06:07:06 AM »
Please note that youth in the academy on the 26th will be the same as youth on the 27th.

what's the point for this?

If someone upgraded academy that suppose to be finished on 27.04, he would normally get youths from previous academy level. But with above mentioned sentence, admin said that youth will be from the upgraded academy even on 26.04.

Serbia / Re: Analiza SP (sezona 10)
« on: April 22, 2014, 10:30:21 AM »

Serbia / Re: Analiza SP (sezona 10)
« on: April 22, 2014, 09:47:47 AM »

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