My intention is to meet all the managers GKO community about cheating in GKO Croatia, because of everything familiar Admin and his reaction was unimaginable treasures. The height of arrogance and contempt of individual managers culminating in this 10th season, my team had a nine(9) game opponent with mots, which will get relegated. But this is a minor problem, because these managers have announced that they will chat so go all that oppose them!!
I do not know whether it is the manager who so far had more than nine(9) opponents mots in one season!!!
Several season two manager -
brothers Medić manage with several teams and make fraud about falling out of the league. The last case is fabulous and goes unpunished and the consequences for these managers.
In the 29th week league match was played between the teams of favorites,
HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI (85097) and a candidate for falling out from the league, the team
Đardin K.Novi (239634) . The match was played and it happened a surprise win for candidates for relegation and with the help of games with mots. All this would normally happens following:
Please see the connection for these two teams and it will be pretty clear!!
Manager Medo (HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI (85097)) was on the day of playing match logged with the same IP address under his nick in
08:38:43, then re-logged by the nickname
Šare (Đardin K.Novi (239634) in
08:39:26, then
the Medo again logging in at
This can be seen here:

After completing the match Medo is the intention of concealing the visible identical shared connections made 10 new connections (it is known that they are visible only the last 10 connections to the server GKO). See to:

It is clear that the manager
Medo manages both clubs is evident from these auction set to sell players, which are (not again accidentally?) Almost simultaneously:

., or the situation of the Cup match of 17/03/2014, in which they played
Medo and

Medo controlled from both clubs is evident from these placed bids for the sale of players, which are (not again accidentally?) almost simultaneously:

See just a small part "of the spectrum of their connections .......:

Because of the illegal transaction of sale of players, both clubs have been fined, while Đardin got BAN, however payment premium account is saved:

brothers Medić in this game lasts more than two years, a few seasons in the GKO leagues.
First they started to cheat with these teams
NK Brela (239901) and
Konoba K. Novi(177329) :
Then they were cheating with teams
Konoba K. Novi(177329) and
Brce-Kaštela(86178) ;

When it comes to the identical IP addresses with which they are used, except
Brce-Kaštela(86178) and
NK Brela (239901) are more teams (this is a couple of 100 identical connections and I quote only some dates that coincide):
Konoba K. Novi(177329) Date : 08/07/2013 19:01:50 - ip : -
Brce-Kaštela(86178) Date : 19/07/2013 15:02:52 - ip : -
Šeprtlje United(136612) Date : 03/09/2013 14:25:24 - ip : -
Đardin K.Novi(239634) Date : 27/07/2013 06:49:58 - ip : -
HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI(85097) Date : 27/07/2013 10:27:27 - ip : -
KONOBA B(246743) Date : 07/01/2014 07:12:05 - ip : By the way, the
brothers Medic has managed to avoid falling out team
Đardin K.Novi (239634) from top level to a lower rank. I point out that they are just
brothers Medic with the help of teams over which they have control in a lot of matches against my team played with the help mots, which is why my team dropped out of the Top Level.
Is it normal that in
nine(9) matches to be played with
nine(9) mots? Is it permissible under the Rules of the game? Is it regular?: these abominations of their illegal actions write in the forum? Because the brothers Medic announced a similar scenario to the other managers in the Croatia GKO who oppose their disgraceful conduct. Many managers are worried and feel helpless because Admin does not show the will to solve these problems!
Once again I ask you: is it normal to their teams and friendly teams in one season playing the match with nine mots?
Admin, please do something to stop these illegal actions, limit the usage of games with mots, as the game becomes no sense.
On the Croatian chat we are exposed to insults, threats and curses mentioned managers and their friends. Because of their illegal actions of the situation in Croatia GKO community is not normal, no sports motivated and unsociable. I fear that some managers because of inadequate responses to leave this very interesting game. It would be a shame for this to happen!
I am sure that in other countries there are similar examples like this from the Croatian.
Admin, expect your response and decisive response!