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Messages - Golex

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Croatia / x??x i nove uspješnice u 2024....!!
« on: January 25, 2024, 03:47:40 PM »
NAVALI NARODE***PRILIKA***.... DMR 33g.( Pichet Leophai-ratana (9127455) igrač orjunaša), vrijedan 360kG, nudi se po istoj cijeni (360kG) + 1.41M Signing on fee + 37.649 G tjedna plaća i samo 1 BID (bas me zanima tko je taj (sutra budemo saznali) :-))))))) BRAVO (ne)VIDLJIVI !!

..ali zato mu je najbolji Draft a speech: VAN IZ REPKE MRTVU MATER TI JEBEM....Samo podsjećam - radi o Tajlandjaninu :-)))

Prije ovoga transfera još jedna uspješna prodaja od strane orjunaša i to igraća LA8 Shayne Harlow (10776716) DMC 24g. kojega je isti kupio za 1.36M i sada prodao za 1.88M i to, ni manje niti više u SOKOL, kojega također x??x vodi nakon što je Samba (iz ECONOMIC) napustio oba kluba - plus još dodatna 2 koje je Samba isto napravio:

General Discussion(English Only) / Can't connect to server
« on: March 21, 2023, 05:51:55 PM »
Today 21/03/2023 (at 15.30 UTC) GKO server is not available, it became active again at 17:35 UTC !!

Big cheater from Croatia x??x (145742) with team FC I N V I S I B L E (260654)  , who created many teams through which he makes false and illegal transactions, was NEVER punished by a sleeping admin!
x??x latest fake sales of players is spitting in the face of all honest managers in GKO.
Take a look:
Manager x??x sold his 34 year old player Vincent Tjader (8810660) ). who by the way has a value of 259.999 G and a weekly salary of 27.731 G/week, and for his purchase for the asking price of 2,259,999 G, and singing for fee 1,029,280 G should also be added, in total the new manager paid 3,289,279 G.!!

On the same day, the club NK Sokol bought second player DR 19y (Hernán Bosque (11143648) for an incredible 2,615,999 G.

Earlier, NK Sokol bought from the manager x??x, the same young MR player Mario Duarte (10666967) who became a free player!

This is the transfer history from NK Sokol, look at the transactions with the teams TC Texas (which got a BAN, is now destroyed) and FC ECONOMIC, these are the teams managed by x??x

x??x has created many fake teams with which he does illegal transactions or fixes matches and results, for example NK Brela (239901)
He also made many teams with whom he would do fraudulent transactions in the future. All these teams have the same IP addresses, while x??x tries to use a different IP address, but he also knows how to make a mistake:

I know that ADMIN will not do anything to prevent these frauds and cheating, this is just my voice that GKO managers know about this cheating from Croatia.
I would also like to add that x??x with his teams regularly plays with motivation in Top level matches against my team. In the worst seasons my team got at least 15 MOTS from x??x and his satellite teams.
x??x has a game with MOTS only because I told everyone in the Croatian community about the scams and fixing the results!!
There are many more fake transfers made by x??x with his satellite teams and I informed the admin about everything, and many more teams that x??x manages, but I don't want to bore you all with the facts. I think it's enough for you to realize that x??x is a sick cheater!!

x??x (145742)

Croatia / x??x - kako "uspješno" prodati panjeve za dobre novce.....
« on: November 21, 2022, 03:08:11 PM »
Naš toliko hvaljeni i neodoljivi menadžer x??x ponovo je iznenadio uspješnim prodajama njegovih igrača i to za iznimne iznose, nakon uspješno okončanih licitacija, na kojemu je masovno sudjelovalo samo jedan menadžer.  I to ponovo tim koji je x??x preuzeo od Sambe (koji je napustio igru i svoje klubove predao x??x na upravljanje). Znači, radi se o NK Sokol(305265) bivša momčad od Sambe!!
Tako je prodao svoga 34.godišnjeg igrača Vincent Tjader (8810660) , pravo pojačanje novog kluba. Ovaj kapitalac, koji uzgred ima vrijednost 259,999 G i tjednu plaću od 27,731 G/ week, te za njegovu kupnju za traženu cijenu od 2,259,999 G treba još dodati i 1,029,280 G, ukupno je novi menadžer uplatio 3,289,279 G. Zaista prodaja za svaku pohvalu!!

 Malo poštenija prodaja koju je isti menadžer ostvario je i mladoga 19.  godišnjeg DR Hernán Bosque (11143648), vrijedan 615,999 G za pohvalnih  2,615,999 G

Croatia / Re: EVO KOLIKO x??x VOLI RH....
« on: January 15, 2022, 10:01:21 PM »
Očekivano naš ljubitelj žabara je (naknadno) obrisao uvredljive poruke, koje su bile ispisane uz njegove igrače u NT i sada tih poruka više nema, ali i dalje postoje u arhivi i u pripremi su za predaju na policiji. Dođe mi da ih ponovo stavim na popis NT, pa da vidimo da li će riečitost dotičnog ljubitelja žabara ponovo bude aktualna. Možda to i napravim ...

Croatia / EVO KOLIKO x??x VOLI RH....
« on: January 14, 2022, 09:32:56 PM »
Mogu čak razumjeti da netko može nekoga mrziti toliko bolesno koliko to ćini x??x prema meni, ali ne mogu razumjeti da netko poput njega, koji je uz to pripadnik Hrvatske vojske - HRVATSKE RATNE MORNARICE, te časnik HV, da nevoli vlastitu zemlju, koju bi isti trebao braniti, ukoliko bi to zatrebalo.

Siguran sam da će x??x biti izlika da je ovaj dojam (da ne voli vlastitu državu) samo zbog toga što sam ja selektor Hrvatskog nacionalnog tima u GKO. Ali današnji njegovi komentari u meču između Hrvatske i Italije u kvalifikacijama za Svijetsko prvenstvo zapravo potvrđuje, ne samo o tome o kakvoj se osobi radi, već koliko nisko netko može pasti i besramno se uvlačiti i ulizivati Talijanima. Na početku meča x??x je postavio očekivanu (i ranije pripremljenu poruku za mene:
"x??x : VAN iz repke FC,DML,DC !! JADNIČE LJIGAVI,BIJEDO BIJEDNA OFUCANA,KAKO JADNI POTEZI,OD NAJVEĆEG NEPRIJATELJA UZIMAŠ IGRAČE I TRAŽIŠ USPJEH!"  da bi nakon toga, u tijeku samoga meča postavio dvije "domoljubne" poruke:
x??x : I Vespri suonò!! Stringiamci a coorte SIAM PRONTI ALLA MORTE l"Italia chiamò!!! "

i potom

x??x : Dall"ALPIaSICILIA dovunque è Legnano,ogn"uom di Ferruccio ha il core ha la mano.I bimbi d"Italia si chiaman Balilla.Il suon d"ogni squilla"

Iako ne znam talijanski jezik, google translator je ipak dočarao domoljubnu ushičenost našeg "hrvata" (po potrebi) i evo slobodnog (google) prijevoda:
"...Večernja je zvonila!! Pridružite nam se u kohorti SPREMNI SMO NA SMRT Italija zove !!!
Od "ALPA do SICILIJE, gdje god da je Legnano, svaki čovjek Ferruccia ima srce, ima ruku." Djeca Italije zovu se Balilla.Zvuk svakog zvona...."

Vjerovali ili ne ali je ovaj tekst zapravo tekst Talijanske nacionalne himne koja se izvodila i u vrijeme kada je Dalmacija bila pripojena Dučeovoj fašističkoj Italiji !!
I sada za bolje razumjevanje pogledajte malo bolje logo kojim se koristi naš čuvar Hrvatskog Jadranskog mora i vidjeti će te da je to upravo dio Hrvatske koji je nekada bio pripojen Italiji!!

Svakom pametnom je ovo dosta da shvati o kakovoj se osobi (x??x) zapravo radi!!

Na istom meču jedan (od dvojice) talijanskih navijača je napisao (iako taj prijevod google translator nije najbolje preveo, ako netko zna talijanski molio bih da ovo ispravno prevede) : "...Il sangue d Italia e il sangue polacco bevé col Cosacco, Ma il cor le bruciò .... Son giunchi che piegano le spade vendute già l Aquila dAustria Le penne ha perdute ..." ali iz njega se može dokućiti što je isti htjeo reći: ".. Krv italijanska i krv poljska pila se s kozakom, Ali srce ih je peklo.... To su rogovi koji sklapaju mačeve već prodani Orao Austrije Perje je izgubilo ...". Očito je da mi Hrvati nikada nismo bili dragi Talijanima, niti prije, niti danas, stoga ovo uvlačenje x??x u talijansku stražnjicu, pardon čizmu govori o njegovoj odanosti kao profesionalnog hrvatskog časnika zaposlenog u  hrvatskoj ratnoj luci Lora u Splitu!!

Naravno, njegovi igraći više nisu na popisu NT jer i prema današnjem rezultatu to i nezaslužuju. Vjerujem da će reći da sam tome zapravo ja pridonijeo (moguće da je dijelom u pravu), ali s obzirom kakav kvalitet (i izbor) imamo za NT, rezultat je očekivan! Još bih dodao da se više neću kandidirati za izbornika, neka dotični preuzme repku (jer ju je već i prije vodio, kao i njegovi trabanti, bez ikakovog uspjeha, kada je repka bila puno jača nego ova današnja)
Uzgled pogledajte poruke koje je napisao uz svakog od svojih igrača koji su bili na popisu za NT.
uz Zlatko Pavletića (DML): "...ČIME MAŽEŠ KARU DA STOJI USPRAVNO?MRTVU MATER TI JEBEM: VAN IZ REPREZENTACIJE!!!!By:Ursy.." i za token igrača kojega je izvukao iz akademije (i kojega je jedino uvodio u igru, da napreduje, dok je sve ostale (kao i danas) držao u Youth team i potom prodavao),
Šta više reći osim da je bolest dobrano uznapredovala i naravno i ove slike (sa "poučnim" tekstom) ću dodatno upotpuniti i iskoristiti u kaznenoj prijavi na policiju zbog vrijeđanja na društvenim mrežama!!


Croatia / Re: x??x - matematičar, genijalac ili....?
« on: January 12, 2022, 09:41:59 AM »
Naš vrli matematičar, stručnjak za IP adrese  je ujutro postavio ovaj post na chatu gdje navodi da su Wrapchester city (83770), Upisničar(346870) , i tajlandski klubovi thanabadee ( 241802 ) i MOURINHO FC (241184) isto tako moji klubovi...

...da bi par sati, nakon što sam na forumu objasnio koliko je informatički nepismen i globalno neuk, tu istu "vijest" koju je x??x ujutro velebno najavio, sada proglasio "TREĆERAZREDNO ODVLAČENJE OD PROBLEMA" i nastavio sa lupetanjem o mojim transferima kojih se nakon što su napravljeni prije 10-tak sezona (eto) iznenada sjetio i istiće da su nelegalni. Ajde matematičaru, potrudi se da ovdje na forumu slikovno i riječima objasniš koji su to sporni transferi, ja ću ti se potom očitovati o svakome od njih i ako se dokaže da sam bilogdje muljao, da sam ih preplatio ili po višestrukim iznosima prodavao igraće (kao što si ti radio u TEXAS i ECONOMIC!!) napustiti ću GKO. Evo čekam tvoj odgovor i tvoje jake "dokaze"

 I još jedna stvar, kad se toliko dičiš sa tvojim brojem osvojenih titula u prvenstvima i kupovima, ajde onda napiši koliko si ti i tvoji trabanti (samba, psihooo, Ivo, medo, Branko, Jure  i još mnogi drugi koje se sada ne mogu sjetiti, kao i tvoje drugo "mini JA" iz BRELA) imali igru sa motivacijama protiv moga tima, kako bi mi onemogučili  da osvojim titulu ili kup. Sječaš li se ili su ti moždane vijuge toliko isparile da se toga više ne sječaš?! Ti i tvoji trabanti ste u jednoj sezoni igrali sa 13 mots-ova protiv mene, i kad je broj bio ispod 10 motsova to je bilo za veliko slavlje...... pričali ste da NIKADA neću osvojiti titulu ili kup ( što se ipak dogodilo da sam osvajao), da će te me izbaciti iz Top Levela i da ću vjećno igrati u B ligi i slićno..... Sječaš li se tih rijeći, prijetnji.... ma to je nebitno za tebe, jer za tvoj ego i tvoju sreću je najbitnije da si osvojio toliki broj titula, sve ostalo je nebitno. KAo i ova "vijest" što si ujutro objavio da su navedeni timovi zapravo moji timovi, te nakon moje objave ovoga posta na forumu gdje sam dokazao koliko si .....(već znaš šta mislim), potom tu veliku vijest proglasio nakon par sati trećerazrednom.....hahaha

Croatia / x??x - matematičar, genijalac ili....?
« on: January 10, 2022, 02:51:49 PM »
Mislio sam neodgovarati na nove optužbe x??x ili (kako ga iz milja zovu Nevidljivi...heh) na HR chatu, ali eto reko-porekao i nakon ovoga odgovora neću više polemizirati sa "stručnjakom".

Prema njegovim tvrdnjama, znaći, ja (sa IP vodim timove: osim Upisničar (, Piranha (, Wrapchester( i dva tajlandska tima (thanabadee (137217) i MOURINHO FC(241184) ,oba sa i još nekoliko timova koje je ranije spominjao da su moji i to zbog istih IP adresa. Ajde molim te usporedi te IP adrese sa IP adresom od NK Brela ( , za koje SVI ZNAMO DA TI VODIŠ i ono sto je tebi promaklo, NK BRELA ima iste IP adrese kao i timovi za koje navodiš da su moji (osim Piranhe). 
Malo proguglaj (valjda to znaš) pa češ pronaći objašnjenje zašto je to tako, jer se ne samo sramotiš, već ispadaš.....!

Još nešto: pogledaj Top level od Tajlanda i njihovu B,C, D ligu  i pronači češ hrpu timova sa ovim adresama( i onda češ reći da su sve to moji timovi?! Pogledaj  vice prvaci svijeta Chelsea(273468) i lastrainny(129458)  imaju ISTE OVE IP ADRESE kao i pobjednik WCL Ruta Best(21685) iz Poljske, trenuačno prvi u TL iz Kine    切尔西(260472) i još nekoliko timova iz Kine iz TL imaju ISTE IP ADRESE (响应中央号召:坚决卖房炒股!!!(285497)..传中狂魔FC(294614)..Southampton Football Club(222007)  ..DT. Chelsea(180974) ..Chievo(189558)! ...da ne nabrajam, i u drugim ligama u GKO   postoje timovi sa identičnim IP!!  Znaći, prema ovim identičnim IP adresama, ja sam prema tvojim optužbama bio nekoliko puta WCL prvak ili viceprvak, višestruki prvak Tajlanda, Kine, Poljske....
S tobom zaista nesto nije u redu, ali ja nisam specijalista za takvu vrstu problema koji tebe mući, obrati se nekome drugome.
 E vala nazdravlje....!!


Danas sam imao prijateljski meč sa D- ligašem sa Tajlanda, (แมนฯยูไนเต็ค (148651)) koji isto ima "kompromitirane" IP adrese za koje dotični tvrdi da su moji timovi. Kao što sam rekao pogledaj u svim ligama ima upravo ovih IP adresa za koje tvrdi da su moje.....svašta

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: GKO Season 29
« on: November 21, 2020, 08:18:55 AM »
The server will be down on 11.21.2020, at 15:00 UTC and new season starts on 11.22.2020, at about 8:00 UTC.
Amin server was down at 08.00 UTC not at 15:00 UTC !! I don't understand why you give bad information.

Olimpia is banned. spanodi has premium, but is on debt, so I assume a deduction was applied

Mihut thanks, now everything is clear. The situation is similar with Jacques Poirier (9126420) ( ) , former player of spanodi (274970) from Chile , also selling in olimpia2013 (276478) from Romania . It is not fair that the cheater spanodi (274970) is protected with a premium account and that there is without BAN!!

most likely, I would say that the player was the subject of transfer cheating and when the admin punished the teams, he deleted the transfer history. by not being visible in the transfer history, any user who would investigate those teams for cheating, would not report the same transfer again.
Mihut but all three teams are active and have not been deleted! The admin didn’t make the penalty for possible cheating,  that’s so strange...!?

Is there an explanation for this strange situation, the player moved to another team without a transfer history:
The player Karlo Ilić (8971896) ( bought the team spanodi (274970) from Chile and now is in another team olimpia2013 (276478) from Romania
The player was not sold and bough or free player or loan, he is now in the Romanian team without a transfer history.
What is the explanation?
Is it a bug in game or hacking or we have been similar situations before..?

host images

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: GKO Season 28
« on: June 28, 2020, 10:58:53 AM »
The server will be down on 07.11.2020, at 15:00 UTC and new season starts on 07.12.2020, at about 8:00 UTC.

Now is June and your incorrect information is that the game ends in November and starts in December. You're really out of work, maybe a corona in your head

 :( ???

you are still a premium account and probable tokens buyer too....stop doing that and maybe something will change

Yes, but when the premium expires I will not renew. I stopped buying tokens!
I suggest that all managers in game: STOP BUYING PREMIUM ACCOUNTS, of course dont buy tokens!
Let's make a deal and stop buying a premium account, all together.
Maybe the admin will open his eyes ... or the game will die, forever!

Teams who used the free player bug for their advantages have been penalized.
Please don't exploit the bug of the game again. Otherwise, you may be banned from the game.
Admin - what are you talking about? What bug of game? The all GKO is filled with bugs! You do nothing to make the game better! The cheats came because you didn't react in time and your don't care. The game is outdated, full of bugs, no progress, no news, no improvement. You only live for premium accounts and tokens, and it's not fair!  You take our money and you do nothing to make it better!
Many managers have left the game and I believe many will also escape, as I think if they don't change for the better. To kill cheaters is just annoying our eyes, you are guilty of this situation.
Admin you are like a corona virus!
Maybe I get a BAN because of the truth the admin doesn't want to hear, but nothing important. BAN might be a help for me to quit the game too!

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: YOUTH ACADEMY
« on: October 24, 2019, 10:00:38 AM »
I asked the game designer. He told me that ban users with best academy has no effect on academy.
:-[  :-[  :-[
Dear Admin, you either don't understand the problem or don't want to understand!! It's not a problem in the deleted or baned users or teams and their academies, the problem is if my team has the best academy and I only get this season 1 player LA9, the rest of (watch now) LA5  :P , most LA6 and LA7  :-X , and one LA8  ::) . The biggest problem is when I buy for money or tokens a new young player and get a player with LA5, LA6 or LA7. The problem is, there is no reason that if I pay (extra) for a new player, then that player is just as weak. YOU MUST TO CHANGE THAT !!

General Discussion(English Only) / Your connection is not private ...!!!
« on: August 01, 2019, 03:28:45 PM »
Today (as usual) I tried to connect to my account, but it is not possible. Is my account broken  or it is this a common problem!??
This is a message:


Croatia / x??x i bolesne objede "maloga Gebelsa" na chatu i forumu
« on: July 23, 2019, 09:18:47 PM »
AntiCheater999(339992) iz  USA je LAŽAN profil koji je napravio stvarna varalica iz Hrvatske x??x (145742) i njegov tim FC I N V I S I B L E (260654)  .

Na Cro chatu i globalnom chatu , te na forumu naš vrli i bolesni x??x,  koji sebe naziva Nevidljivim (heh.... visoko mišljenje ima o sebi) danas se "radosno obradovao" postu koji je objavio (najblaže rečeno) IZVJESNI AntiCheater999 . Ali idemo redom:

 Postoji SAMO jedan i ISTINSKI AntiCheaters (187660) iz Korea DPR   , koji je pravi borac protiv varalica u GKO svijetu, dok je LAŽNI AntiCheater999(339992) iz USA, kojeg je napravio menadžer x??x (145742) samo da bi nastavio prljavi rat protiv mene i moje momčadi.
Kako je to x??x (145742) napravio:
1.   Kreirao lažni profil u USA i koristeći se nickname poštenog borca u GKO AntiCheater kako bi zavarao sve u GKO svijetu (u početku je i  mene uspio prevariti jer nisam mogao vjerovati da je sve to PRAVI AntiCheater mogao napisati)
2.   Napravio objavu na Forumu GKO pod lažnim nickname AntiCheater999(339992), montiranjem slika (Photoshop za početnike), izmišljenom prićom pokušao je “dokazati” umiješanost moga tima u nepoštene radnje
3.   U poruci na Croatia chatu i Global Chat navodi tekst : 
 AntiCheater999 : FC golex(131510) the notorious cheater has done it again .Same IP ,Quite profitable to cheat Take a look at this shit! [f_id]19929.175[/f_id][/b]
Možete primjetiti PRVU pogrešku: ime moga tima je napisao FC golex(131510) dok je ispravno FC Golex(131510)    - znaći da je napisao ime moga kluba drugačije neko je to u službenoj verziji sa početnim malim slovom “g” umjesto veliko slovo “G” !!

Takvu grešku može napraviti netko tko jako dobro poznaje ime moga tima i koji inače piše ime kluba sa početnim malim slovom! Svatko drugi (pa i pravi AntiCheater) napravio bi copy-paste imena kluba i ID, samo "naš genijalac" prvo napiše ime moga  sa malim slovom (jer ga oduvjek tako piše!) i potom kopira ID i ubaci ga u zagradu!
4.   Stvarni AntiCheaters (187660) iz Korea DPR   svoje objave o varalicama objavljuje ISLJUČIVO na njegovom Twiter profilu i na taj način nema greške ili varanja. "Naš" LAŽNI AntiCheater999(339992)    iz USA je iskoristio mogučnost da na GKO Forumu kreira  lažni profil i na taj način pokuša prevariti sve igrače u GKO svijetu sa “njegovom (lažnom) istinom”
5.   Sa LAŽNIM profilom vrli naš x??x, odnosno AntiCheater999(339992)   iz USA je napisao poruku u stilu "PRAVOGA" AntiCheatersa:”… FC golex(131510) the notorious cheater has done it again .Same IP Two worthless players have been sold over 2 million.7/3    Have a lot of team ,Quite profitable to cheat,Friendly ,Another.  Take a look at this shit!…”  sa slikom mojih IP adresa i mojim transakcija na kojima su podvučene:
6.   Proglasiti GK od LA10 kao LA7-8 može samo idiot:

Ovoga mladoga GK je na listi 014/100 u svijetu mladih GK i prvi na listi GK u mladih Srbije, prodao sam za 12,5M i vjerujem da je danas na transfer listi, njegova najniža cijena mogla bi biti 20M. Njega je kupio moj prijatelj Rasha iz Srbije (koga svi znate) prema unaprijed dogovorenoj cijeni. Danas bi ovaj igrać na transfer listi vrijedio puno više, njegova postignuta cijena bila bi puno veća od plaćenih 12,5M. Problem koji vidi x??x odnosno LAŽNI AntiCheater999(339992)  je taj što je ovoga GK upravo kupio baš Naissus (33011). Drugi problem koji "vidi" naš vrli menadžer x??X alias AntiCheater999 je taj što su još 3 moja igraća kupila dva različita tima koja imaju predznak Naissus, jedan iz Hrvatske i drugi iz BiH (oba tima imaju dozvolu Admina da budu u igri!). Koliko se sjećam radi se o igraćima LA8-9. Takvih transakcija na transfer listama imate "mali milion" i nitko zbog njih nije imao problema. Zanimljivo, čak su i neki prodani igraći od strane x??x (da ne spominjemo braću Medić) LA8-9 prodani po sličnim iznosima. Naravno, po promišljanju promočurnog x??x te transakcije su u redu, samo Golexove su sumljive :-)
Naravno opet "gura" pod moje upravljanje NK Biokovo, čudim me da nije ubacio  još kojega koje je ranije navodio da su pod mojom upravom. NAZDRAVLJE!
Svima vama je već poznato koliko motsova x??x sa svojim timovima i trabantima "lupa" u mečevima protiv moga tima. Naravno i ova sezona je slična prijašnjim, s tom razlikom da bi mogao oboriti rekord u broju "primljenih" motsova.....
Na kraju, kontaktirao sam PRAVOGA AntiCheater i evo šta je odgovorio na moje pitanje da li je on "novi" AntiCheater999 i evo njegova odgovora:

ZA kraj sami prosudite o kakovoj se psihičko-labilnoj osobi radi. Žalosno je što upravo takva osoba je zaposlenik Ministarstva obrane - Hrvatske ratne mornarice, te kao visoki časnik HRM-a može donositi odluke koje mogu odlučivati i o (vašoj) našoj sudbini.

Hebiga, stvarno sam mislio da mi je ova 25.ta sezona u GKO moja posljednja i da ću definitivno napustiti, no izgleda da me x??x svojim "prokazivanjima" ipak pokušava zadržati u igri. Valjda shvaća da igra nebi bila zanimljiva samo sa braćom Medić i sa Sambom, njegovim Brelima, pa i sa Predatorom (da ne nabrajam ostale "njihove").... te da "ostatak" lige od strane Gia, Tony Maranta, Pivkana, Nevena, te još poneki menadžer poput Vukovara, mikia, mudroga... nebi im predstavljao problem da se dogovore i ostvare tko će on njih biti prvak, tko će osvojiti kup, tko će igrati u WCL. To su i do sada radili, samo ih je moja malenkost sa ustrajanošću koju imam sprječavala da taj naum već nekoliko sezona nemogu ostvariti !! Također, svaka čast svima onima koji se ne boje protiv njih igrati sa motivacijom...
B R A V O O O O O O O O AntiInvisible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evo odgovor koji je ISTINSKI AntiCheater ostavio na internacionalnom GKO Forumu u svezi "istine" dotične persone:

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: cheater reporting
« on: July 23, 2019, 05:54:24 PM »
FC golex(131510) the notorious cheater has done it again .Same IP Two worthless players have been sold over 2 million.7/3    Have a lot of team ,Quite profitable to cheat,Friendly ,Another.  Take a look at this shit!

AntiCheater999(339992) from USA is a FAKE profile created by a real player from Croatia x??x (145742) and his team FC I N V I S I B L E(260654)

There is REALLY AND ONLY ONE AntiCheaters (187660) is  from Korea DPR, who is the true fighter in the GKO World, while FAKE AntiCheater999 (339992) from USA and made it a manager x??x (145742) from Croatia GKO,  just to continue the dirty war against me and my team.
How is x??x (145742) made by:
1. Created a fake profile in USA and uses a fair name of AntiCheater to disrupt everything in the GKO world (initially and me)
2. He made a release at the GKO Forum under the false nickname AntiCheater999 (339992) from the USA and assembled pictures (Photoshop for Stupid) and fictional story attempted to "prove" my team's admixture in dishonest actions
3. In a message to Croatia chat and Global Chat states the text:
  AntiCheater999: FC golex (131510) the notorious cheater has done it again. Sam IP, Quite profitable to cheat Take a look at this shit! [f_id] 19929.175 [/ f_id][/u]

You can notice the first mistake: the name of my team was written by FC golex(131510) , but FC Golex (131510) is correct  - it means that it has written my club name differently some is in the official version with the initial letter "g" instead of the big letter "G "!!

4. The actual AntiCheaters (187660) from Korea DPR publishes its bulletins extensions on Twiter profile and there is no mistake or cheating. FAKE AntiCheater999 (339992) from USA has taken the opportunity to create a new false profile on the GKO Forum and thus deceives all players in the GKO world with his "false truth"
5. With FAKE profile AntiCheater999 (339992) from USA made the following message: "... FC golex (131510) the notorious cheater has done it again. Same IP Two worthless players have been sold over 2 million. 7/3 Have a lot of team, Quite Profitable to Cheat, Friendly, Another. Take a look at this shit! ... "with a picture of my IP addresses and my underlying transactions

I contacted the TRUE AntiCheaters (187660) from Korea DPR and got his message and answer. I hope that they will also come to the GKO forum to confirm the truth of this message.
Message from TRUE AntiCheaters (187660) from Korea DPR is:
" ....Hello. I noticed that there is someone using the same name as mine. I have no connection with anyone who claims of fighting cheaters. I document myself all the time and i don\'t use other people\'s screenshots because they can be fake. So no, it\'s not me. I am only here! Best regards! ..."

This is a true story .... Manager from Croatia x??x (145742) and his team FC I N V I S I B L E(260654) is a sick lie and now you see how many problems I have in my league with this gambler and cheater, and their endless games with motivation, setting match results and deciding who will be the champion in Top level Croatia or in a cup of competitions. DISGUST ME !!

Thanks for your time and understanding!

Croatia / NT igraci i mladi potencijali
« on: June 18, 2019, 11:25:38 AM »
S obzirom da NT vrsta igra samo prijateljske mečeve, odlućio sam uzeti većinu mladih koji napreduju kroz treninge i njima dao prednost u odnosu na iskusnije igraće. Prednost starih od 21 godine dao sam onim igracima koji su po godinama mlađi! Ako se u međuvremenu pojavi neki novi mladi igrač, budite slobodni i dojavite mi kako bih ga stavio na popis NT igraća (naravno ako je njegov CA/LA/PR veći od igraća koji je trenutno na popisu za NT).
-------- U-21 ------

-------- Stariji od 21 .g. ------

-------- Golmani ------

Croatia / Re: IVO JOVO MEDIĆ, junak našeg doba...
« on: May 17, 2019, 10:11:49 AM »
Sezona 21:
24/02/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   1-0   NK Opatija   League(Top Level)   Piranha players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
28/02/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Rovinj   1-0   NK Brela   League(Top Level)   Rovinj players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
21/03/2018 (15:00 UTC)     ECONOMIC F.C.   2-0   FC Golex   League(Top Level)   ECONOMIC F.C. players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
31/03/2018 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   0-4   ECONOMIC F.C.   League(Top Level)    ECONOMIC F.C. players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
31/03/2018 (15:00 UTC)     FC I N V I S I B ..   0-0   NK Opatija   League(Top Level)   NK Opatija players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
02/04/2018 (15:00 UTC)     FC I N V I S I B ..   5-0   FC Golex   Cup [Cup] Round Semi Fin   FC I N V I S I B L E players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
02/04/2018 (15:00 UTC)     NK Brela   0-6   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   Cup [Cup] Round Semi Fina   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
04/04/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Konoba K. Novi   4-0   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   Konoba K. Novi players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.

22. sezona:
10/05/2018 (14:00 UTC)     ReaL of MaN   1-0   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   WCL Qualifying Phase Round 1   ReaL of MaN players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
6 days ago               
16/05/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Naissus Internation..   0-1   Wrapchester city   League(Top Level)   Naissus International players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
16/05/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Antizidari   0-1   Predatori   League(Top Level)   Antizidari players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
09/06/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Wrapchester city   1 ~ 1   Piranha   League(Top Level)   Wrapchester city players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
30/06/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   2 ~ 1   Marant United   League(Top Level)   Kud pivo tud i ja players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
18/07/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   1-0   Predatori   League(Top Level)   Piranha players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
18/07/2018 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   0-5   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   League(Top Level)   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
   Marant United   0-1   XinYan United   CUP Round  4   XinYan United players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
25/07/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   0 ~ 4   Kud pivo tud i ja   League(Top Level)   Kud pivo tud i ja players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
25/07/2018 (15:00 UTC)     XinYan United   4 ~ 0   Đardin K.Novi   League(Top Level)   Đardin K.Novi players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
25/07/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Predatori   0 ~ 3   NK Biokovo Zagvozd   League(Top Level)   NK Biokovo Zagvozd players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
28/07/2018 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   2 ~ 1   XinYan United   League(Top Level)   XinYan United players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
04/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Wrapchester city   1-0   Predatori   League(Top Level)   Wrapchester city players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
04/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex    2 ~ 2   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   Both teams did their best as if it was their match of the season.
06/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     FC I N V I S I B ..   2-0   NK Biokovo Zagvozd   Cup [Cup] Round 6   NK Biokovo Zagvozd players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
08/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Konoba K. Novi   0-5   FC Golex   League(Top Level)   FC Golex players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
13/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..    2 ~ 2   NK Opatija   Cup [Cup] Round 7    NK Opatija players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
18/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   4-0   NK Opatija   League(Top Level)   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
18/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Marant United   0-0   Piranha   League(Top Level)   Both teams put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
20/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     ECONOMIC F.C.   2-0   FC Golex   Cup [Cup] Round Semi Final   ECONOMIC F.C. players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
20/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     NK Opatija   1 ~ 1   FC I N V I S I B ..   Cup [Cup] Round Semi Final   FC I N V I S I B L E players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
22/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     NK Opatija   1-0   Đardin K.Novi   League(Top Level)   Đardin K.Novi players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
25/08/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Konoba K. Novi   5-0   ECONOMIC F.C.   League(Top Level)   Konoba K. Novi players did their best as if it was their match of the season.

23. Sezona:
27/09/2018 (14:00 UTC)     AZ 59   0-1   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   WCL Qualifying Phase Round 1   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
10/10/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Antizidari   2 ~► 2    ECONOMIC F.C.   League(Top Level)   Antizidari players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
03/11/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   0-0   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   Piranha players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
12/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   3~2   Konoba K. Novi   League(Top Level)   Piranha players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
17/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Antizidari   0-3   ECONOMIC F.C.   Cup [Cup] Round 6   Both teams were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
17/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   0-0   Konoba K. Novi   Cup [Cup] Round 6   Kud pivo tud i ja players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
22/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     NK Opatija   0-3   Konoba K. Novi   League(Top Level)   Konoba K. Novi players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
24/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   1 ~ 1   FC I N V I S I B ..   Cup [Cup] Round 7   Kud pivo tud i ja players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
26/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     ECONOMIC F.C.   1 ~ 1    NK Opatija   League(Top Level)   NK Opatija players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
29/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   7-0   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   FC Golex players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
29/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     NK Opatija   7-0   NK Brela   League(Top Level)   NK Opatija players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
29/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     Konoba K. Novi   3 ~ 1   Kud pivo tud i ja   League(Top Level)   Konoba K. Novi players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
31/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   1~4   ECONOMIC F.C.   Cup [Cup] Round Semi Final   ECONOMIC F.C. players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
31/12/2018 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   0-3   FC I N V I S I B ..   Cup [Cup] Round Semi Final   FC I N V I S I B L E players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
Sezona 24:   
23/02/2019 (15:00 UTC)     FC I N V I S I B ..   4 ~ 1   FC Golex   League(Top Level)   FC I N V I S I B L E players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
20/03/2019 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   0-2   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   League(Top Level)   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
20/03/2019 (15:00 UTC)     ECONOMIC F.C.   1-0   Piranha   League(Top Level)   Piranha players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
13/04/2019 (15:00 UTC)     Wrapchester city   0-3   Konoba K. Novi   League(Top Level)   Wrapchester city players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
15/04/2019 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   0-2   Kud pivo tud i ja   Cup [Cup] Round 4   Kud pivo tud i ja players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
17/04/2019 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   0-2   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   FC I N V I S I B L E players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
22/04/2019 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   1-0   NK Opatija   Cup [Cup] Round 5   Kud pivo tud i ja players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
29/04/2019 (15:00 UTC)     XinYan United   1-0   Antizidari   Cup [Cup] Round 6   XinYan United players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
01/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     NK Opatija   0-1   Antizidari   League(Top Level)   Antizidari players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
06/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   0-0   Wrapchester city   Cup [Cup] Round 7   Wrapchester city players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
06/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   0-1   XinYan United   Cup [Cup] Round 7   XinYan United players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
06/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   0-3   Konoba K. Novi   Cup [Cup] Round 7   
11/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     FC I N V I S I B ..   0-1   NK Opatija   League(Top Level)   NK Opatija players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
11/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   0-5   FC Golex   League(Top Level)   FC Golex players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
11/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   0-0   Naissus Internation..   League(Top Level)   Naissus International players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
11/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     Antizidari   5-0   Konoba K. Novi   League(Top Level)   Antizidari players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
15/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     Solin   0-1   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   Solin players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
15/05/2019 (15:00 UTC)     ECONOMIC F.C.   1-0   NK Biokovo Zagvozd   League(Top Level)   NK Biokovo Zagvozd players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season
Vjerojatno je još bilo mečeva u Top levelu  i kupu, u kojima je bila igra sa motivacijom, ako je koji izostavljen nije bilo namjere, isprika zbog toga!

Croatia / IVO JOVO MEDIĆ, junak našeg doba...
« on: May 17, 2019, 10:08:31 AM »
S obzirom da Ivo (Jovan) Medić sa ekipom u zadnje vrijeme učestalo vrijeđa i napada moju malenkost na nacionalnom chatu, odlučio sam da ponovo odgovorim njemu i ekipi na način da to trajno ostane u ovoj igri (dok ista jednog dana se ne ugasi)
Prije  svega, MUDRI tebi hvala na razumjevanju i pokušaju da utječeš na neke koji zbog svoga dinaroidnog oblika glave i skučenog mozga to nemogu da shvate. Mudri, savjetujem te da ne kometiraš i  ne izlažeš se mogućim napadima ili mots-ovima u igri, svima njima  kojima je droga i alkohol spržila ono malo moždanih vijuga što im je preostalo,
Između ostalog,  Jovan tebe Mudri upozorava i prijeti:  "...budi pametan igraj igru posteno i niko te nece dirat a budes li i dalje zaustavlja namjerno bit ces zaustavljen" !!! Pitam se samo kako ce te to napraviti i prema Mudrome ( i drugim kome ste obečali vratiti mots-ove) kad ste najavili da če te sve motsove potrošiti u igri protiv moga tima? Malo si se Jovane opet zaigrao u matematici koja očito u tvome mozgu nema mjesta.

Jovane - daj prestani srati o tome da imam timova (sad već kažeš 10 komada) i da stvarno imam toliko timova vjeruj mi da bi svi oni bili u vrhu naše lige. Ko papagaj stalno ponavljam da sam u ovoj igri SAMO ZBOG VAS jer guštam gledati vas kad cvilite i serete od nemoći jer mi ništa ne možete. Još davno ste najavili da neću vidjeti Top level i da je moj domet B liga i od tada sam stalno u vrhu TL i uzeo sam nekoliko titula, kup, stalno igram WCL.....pitam te kako ako nemam pojma kako kažeš i ako svake sezone dobijem od vas 5-10 motsova. Kako? Ako je to ne znanje onda to netreba uoće komentirati. Svakom pametnom je sve jasno!
Koliko netko može biti bolesno zajedlljiv i opak je Jovanova izjava kada mu je Gio "udrija mots bezveze i izbacija me iz utrke i sta sad nista pamti pa kad mu bude najpotrebnije vrati i to tako ide..", toliko trebaš biti bolestan u glavu i mrziti svakoga tko se USUDIO odigrati meč sa motsom, dok oni bez pardona i uz bolesne najave meni prijete svake sezone igru sa motsom SAMO da me spriječe (bezuspješno) da bilo što osvojim.
Jovane- kažeš da sam stvorio ekipu sa pravima novcima. Od kuda ti pravo da mi ovo prebacuješ, kad si ti hrpu sezona kupovao premium, stvorio B tim u kome si KUPOVAO ZA TOKENE igrače (da ne spominjemo i hrpu drugih timova koje si imao, sve je ranije objavljeno na forumu)
Reći ću vam ono šta vi ostali Jovanovi tupani  neznate: u ovoj igri postoji "kvaka 22" za izvlačenje mladih potencijala sa LA10 i više, što sam doznao od bivših igrača iz ove igre i koji (na žalost) više nisu u njoj. Ja svake sezone (bez tokena ili novca) promoviram na tu foru najmanje 2 mlada LA10 iz akademije promoviram, a o čemu se radi, to budem rekao nekima na kraju iduće sezone kada budem (iskreno se nadam) napustio igru! Naravno, taj netko neće biti nitko od vas koji me svake sezone "hvalite", "volite" i "nagrađujete" sa mots-ovima!!
Neka završi ova sezone i vjerujem da je iduća za mene zadnja u ovoj igri jer sam iscrpio svu volju da budem u njoj. To što me je držalo do sada u njoj samo je ova "vesela" ekipa kojoj nisam želio toliko toga lošega, koliko oni meni!

Sutra je zadnji meč lige i nije sve odlučeno, sve je u rukama jednoga menadžera (Pirane) da odredi pobjednika ove sezone. Istina, ja sam svoju priliku prokockao prošlo kolo protiv Piva (koga ne krivim zbog toga, samo je nesretna okolnost odlučila da završi nerješeno) i jedino je sigurno da ću pobjediti uobraženog nakomana iz Kaštela i staviti ga na mjesto gdje zaslužuje!
Sutra nažalost neću pratiti meč jer idem sa svojim bajkerima na druženje u Italiju i bajkerstvo je strast kojoj nemogu odoliti. Stoga mi ova igra samo oduzima vrijeme i  svakim danom sam sve manje u GKO ....

Što još reći o Ivanu-Jovanu Mediću. Neki su možda zaboravili ili neki možda i neznaju da je ovaj naš junak iz Kaštela jedan od učesnika huliganskog ispada na utakmici Europskog nogometnog prvenstva u Francuskoj kada je u 86.minuti  pri rezultatu 2:0 za Hrvatske protiv Češke, Medić sa svojom bratijom izazvala prekid zbog kojega smo se svi mi crvenjeli u Hrvatskoj. Sječate se da je nakon tog prekida Češka zabila 2 gola i završilo je umjesto našom pobjedom, remijem 2:2.....E to je jedan od največeg uspjeha našega člana GKO zajednice u Hrvata. Poznati naš GKO domoljub (pardon rodoljub) je završio u zatvoru u Francuskoj i nakon čega je bio protjeran u Hrvatsku. Pogledajte njegove  GKO mečeve iz  sredine lipnja i srpnja 2016, i uvidjeti  će te da je dotični bio "službeno odsutan". Prvu stvar koju je napravio po povratku u Hrvatsku je brisanje facebook probila na kojemu se prije početka prvenstva u Francuskoj hvalio i dogovarao da napravi prekid. Isto je to učinio (brisanje profila) i njegov brat Medo, TAKOĐER!!

Prije nego  stavim popis svih mečeva TL timova od 15._te sezone pa do zadnje, 24._te sezone i gdje možete vidjeti da su u nekim sezonama igrali čak 10 puta sa MOTS igrom , završiti ću sa citatom jedne mudre izreke koju je izrekao krajem 18. stolječa poznati francuski pisac i propovjednik  Lacordaire Henri koji je pametno zborio:
Ako želiš na trenutak biti sretan, OSVETI SE!!.
  Ako želiš viječno biti sretan, nauči opraštati.
Ja im sve opraštam, a Onaj gore  će valjda i NJIMA to jednom znati vrednovati!!

15._ta do 17.-te sezone:
10/03/2016 (14:00 UTC)     Predatori   6-0   FURIA ROSSONERO   WCL Qualifying Phase Krug Semi Final   Predatori Igrači su se potrudili kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
17/03/2016 (14:00 UTC)     Dynamit Warszawa   1 ~ 0   Predatori   WCL Qualifying Phase Krug Final   Predatori Igrači su se potrudili kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
30/03/2016 (15:00 UTC)     FC I N V I S I B ..   1-0   FC Golex   League(Top Level)   FC I N V I S I B L E Igrači su bili koncentrirani na utakmicu kao da je zadnja u sezoni.
   17.   SEZONA         
16/07/2016 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   5-0   FC Golex   League(Top Level) MoTs no.1   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI Igrači su bili motiviriani kao da im je ovo utakmica sezone.
23/07/2016 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   2-0   NK Sokol   League(Top Level) MoTs no.2   NK Sokol Igrači su bili motiviriani kao da im je ovo utakmica sezone.
21/07/2016 (14:00 UTC)     ProRock FC   0-6   FC Golex   WCL Qualifying Phase Krug Semi Final   FC Golex Igrači su bili motiviriani kao da im je ovo utakmica sezone.
28/07/2016 (14:00 UTC)     UFC Rapid Bucuresti   1 ~ 1   NK Kolpamorte   WCL Qualifying Phase Krug Final    Oba tima su bila ekstremno motivirana i sprmena kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
03/08/2016 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   1-0   Konoba K. Novi   League(Top Level) MoTs no.3   Konoba K. Novi Igrači su se potrudili kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
10/08/2016 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   1 ~ 1   Marant United   League(Top Level)   Piranha Igrači su bili motiviriani kao da im je ovo utakmica sezone.
13/08/2016 (15:00 UTC)     ECONOMIC F.C.   0-1   FC Golex   League(Top Level) MoTs no.4   ECONOMIC F.C. Igrači su se potrudili kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
27/08/2016 (15:00 UTC)     Wrapchester ..   3-0   Antizidari   League(Top Level)   Wrapchester city Igrači su se usredotočili na pobjedu i slavu kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
27/08/2016 (15:00 UTC)     Predatori   5-0   FC Golex   League(Top Level) MoTs no.5   Predatori Igrači su se potrudili kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
31/08/2016 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   0-3   FC I N V I..   League(Top Level) MoTs no.6   FC I N V I S I B L E Igrači su bili koncentrirani na utakmicu kao da je zadnja u sezoni.
21/09/2016 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   1-0   NK Spartak Mala Sub..   League(Top Level)   Piranha Igrači su bili koncentrirani na utakmicu kao da je zadnja u sezoni.
24/09/2016 (15:00 UTC)     ECONOMIC F.C.   1 ~ 2   Antizidari   League(Top Level)      Antizidari  Igrači su bili koncentrirani na utakmicu kao da je zadnja u sezoni.
28/09/2016 (15:00 UTC)     Antizidari   2-0    Predatori   League(Top Level)      Antizidari  Igrači su bili koncentrirani na utakmicu kao da je zadnja u sezoni.
08/10/2016 (15:00 UTC)     Marant United   1 ~ 1   NK Spartak Mala Sub..   League(Top Level)   NK Spartak Mala Subotica Igrači su bili motiviriani kao da im je ovo utakmica sezone.
10/10/2016 (15:00 UTC)     XinYan United   1 ~ 1   NK Kolpamorte   Cup [Cup] Krug 7   XinYan United Igrači su se usredotočili na pobjedu i slavu kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
10/10/2016 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   0-2   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   Cup [Cup] Krug 7   Kud pivo tud i ja Igrači su se potrudili kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
15/10/2016 (15:00 UTC)     Konoba K. Novi   5-0   NK Sokol   League(Top Level)   Konoba K. Novi Igrači su se potrudili kao da je bila utakmica sezone.
15/10/2016 (15:00 UTC)     Marant United   1 ~ 2   geni kameni   League(Top Level)   Marant United Igrači su bili motiviriani kao da im je ovo utakmica sezone.

Sezona 18
20/02/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   1 ~ 4   Predatori   Cup [Cup] Round 7   Predatori players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
22/02/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Konoba K. Novi   0 ~ 1   ECONOMIC F.C.   League(Top Level)   ECONOMIC F.C. players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
22/02/2017 (15:00 UTC)     XinYan United   0 ~ 5   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   XinYan United players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
22/02/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Krapina rangers   0 ~ 1   Đardin K.Novi   League(Top Level)   Đardin K.Novi players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
01/03/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Marant United   0-1   NK Opatija   League(Top Level)   Marant United players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
04/03/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Marant United   1 ~ 3   Kud pivo tud i ja   League(Top Level)   Marant United players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
06/03/2017 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   2 ~ 1   Predatori   Cup [Cup] Round Final   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOVI players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.

Sezona 19:
13/04/2017     samkings   0 ~ 4   geni kameni   Both teams became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
13/04/2017     FC Golex No.: 1   1 ~ 0   Black Eagles   Black Eagles players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
15/04/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex No.: 2   1 ~4   ECONOMIC F.C.   "League(Top Level)  ECONOMIC F.C. players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
20/04/2017 (14:00 UTC)     FC Kabacki   3 ~ 1   FC Golex No.: 3   WCL Qualifying Phase Round Final Both teams became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
20/04/2017 (14:00 UTC)     Bananas Jrs.   0-0   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   WCL Qualifying Phase Round Final Both teams became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
20/04/2017 (14:00 UTC)     geni kameni   1 ~ 1   Black Boy C.F.   WCL Qualifying Phase Round Final Both teams became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
06/05/2017 (15:00 UTC)      FC Golex  No.: 4   1 ~ 2   NK Brela   "League(Top Level)  NK Brela players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
13/05/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Opatija   3-0   ECONOMIC F.C.   "League(Top Level) NK Opatija players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
20/05/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   6-0   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   FC Golex players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season
20/05/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   0-0   geni kameni   "League(Top Level)  Piranha players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
24/05/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex No.: 5   2~1   Predatori   "League(Top Level) Predatori players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
31/05/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Brela   1-0   NK Biokovo Zagvozd   "League(Top Level) NK Biokovo Zagvozd players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
07/06/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Antizidari   2~1   Predatori   "League(Top Level)  Antizidari players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
14/06/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Konoba K. Novi   2~1   Antizidari   "League(Top Level)  Antizidari players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
19/06/2017 (15:00 UTC)     HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   1-0   NK Sokol   "Cup [Cup] Round 5  NK Sokol players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
21/06/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Brela   0-1   NK Opatija   "League(Top Level)  NK Opatija players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
24/06/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   No.: 6   2 ~ 0   Konoba K. Novi   "League(Top Level)  Konoba K. Novi players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
26/06/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   3 ~ 2   geni kameni   "Cup [Cup] Round 6   Kud pivo tud i ja players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
28/06/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Biokovo Zagvozd   0-2   Piranha   "League(Top Level) NK Biokovo Zagvozd players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
28/06/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Brela   0-3   FC Golex   No.: 7   "League(Top Level) NK Brela players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
01/07/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Konoba K. Novi   3-0   NK Kolpamorte   "League(Top Level)  Konoba K. Novi players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
03/07/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   No.: 8   1 ~ 2   ECONOMIC F.C.   "Cup [Cup] Round 7 ECONOMIC F.C. players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
03/07/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Opatija   0-5   Mertojak   "Cup [Cup] Round 7 Mertojak players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
12/07/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC I N V I S I B ..   6-0   FC Golex   No.9   League(Top Level)
15/07/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC I N V I S I B ..   4-0   Konoba K. Novi   "League(Top Level) FC I N V I S I B L E players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
15/07/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Predatori   4 ~ 1    FC Golex   No.10   "League(Top Level)  Predatori players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
17/07/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Kolpamorte   0 - 0   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   "Cup [Cup] Round Final   Both teams did their best as if it was their match of the season.

Sezona 20:
19/08/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Opatija   1-0   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   "NK Opatija players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
31/08/2017 (14:00 UTC)     Black Boy C.F.   0-1   HNK BRCE KAŠTEL NOV..   WCL Qualifying Phase Round Final   Both teams did their best as if it was their match of the season.
13/09/2017 (15:00 UTC)     ECONOMIC F.C.   0-1   Antizidari   League(Top Level)   Antizidari players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
13/09/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   2-0   NK Opatija   League(Top Level)   Kud pivo tud i ja players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
23/09/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   0-2   Predatori   League(Top Level)   Predatori players put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
23/10/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Piranha   1 ~ 2   FC Golex   Cup [Cup] Round 4   Piranha players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
01/11/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   1 ~ 1   FC I N V I S I B ..   League(Top Level)   FC I N V I S I B L E players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
04/11/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Antizidari   0-2   ECONOMIC F.C.   League(Top Level)   ECONOMIC F.C. players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
08/11/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Predatori    1 ~ 1   XinYan United   League(Top Level)   XinYan United players became highly concentrated on the game as if it was their match of the season.
06/11/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Brela   3-0   FC Golex   Cup [Cup] Round 6   NK Brela players were extremely motivated and ready as if it was their match of the season.
08/11/2017 (15:00 UTC)     FC Golex   3 ~ 1   Konoba K. Novi   League(Top Level)   Both teams put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
15/11/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Predatori   2-0   FC Golex   League(Top Level)   Both teams put all their efforts toward victory and glory as if it was their match of the season.
20/11/2017 (15:00 UTC)     NK Kolpamorte   0-0   Konoba K. Novi   Cup [Cup] Round Semi Final   NK Kolpamorte players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
22/11/2017 (15:00 UTC)     Kud pivo tud i ja   0-3   Konoba K. Novi   League(Top Level)   Konoba K. Novi players did their best as if it was their match of the season.
  ......nastavak u  postovima ispod ovoga jer se ovdje u osnovnoj formi može napisati max. 20.000 slova (znakova) !!....


Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Bug after bug
« on: September 18, 2018, 11:30:04 AM »
Player room is under construction and will be completed on 16/09/2018.
But today is 17/09/2018 and not completed. What the fuck?

Your mistake, unfortunately! You had to built by the end of the 22th season  until 13/09/2018, no 16/09/2018

General Discussion(English Only) / cannot connect db !!
« on: June 30, 2018, 12:18:50 PM »
Today (30/06/2018)  ..... cannot connect db !!  AGAIN

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