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Messages - CritheX

Pages: [1]
Suggestions/Bugs / Re: Own "Help Thread"??
« on: January 14, 2011, 06:28:25 AM »
ok  :)

Suggestions/Bugs / Own "Help Thread"??
« on: January 13, 2011, 05:28:36 PM »
I am sure that many people would have appreciated an own "Help Thread", where people can post their problem. So we can keep the "General Discussion(English Only)" Thread to General Discussions.
And if there is a "Help Thread", people could easy look through it to find similar problems, for an faster answer.
With regard to the future since GoKickOff is growing every day, so a help thread wold be very nice. 8)
Your opinions  :-\
Thx  :)

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:31:44 PM »

I've heard that most Norwegian speak english, don't they ?
And on top of that Norway is a very beautiful country.
I'd love to visit Norway. Hope we've many Norwegian players soon.
(Don't forget to use your referring link to get credits :D)

Sure, you can be both the Chairman and language translator at the same time..if you want.

Yeh, Most of the kids/youth (age above 13) can speak/understand English.
Hehe, from my opinion the North-Norway is the most beautiful part of Norway  :)
If your going to visit Norway, i recommend the Steam Coaster, it takes you along the Norwegian coast. 8)

About cheriman and translator, I think I will give it a shot, if its okay  :)
Do I need to do that "cheirman application"?

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: January 13, 2011, 03:21:06 PM »
Hey ;D
I was just wondering, do you get something for translating?

Yes, you would have a premium account which will be implemented in the future.
And on top of that your it will enhance game experience of people in your country.

Nice, I have to think about it  :) (Explore the game a little bit more)  ;)

Thanks anyway. We want do tell you that we do need help.


Hehe. I see the activity in Norway is quite low, mabye I am the only one  :'(
Norway is a small country, and it is hard to find someone who cares about manager games  :'(
I have writed a post on the Norwegian forum where I recommend everyone who reads it to try the game, and don't give up so fast. And since the game is in its first season, they can easly compete with everyone here  8)
So I hope someone gets active  :)

A question, it is possible to be the Cheirman of your country and a translator at the same time??  :-\

Norway / Pjattetråden
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:38:27 AM »
Hey ;D
Norge er jo ikke akkurat en veldig stor nasjon, og dermed er det vanskelig og finne spillere til forskjellige managerspill.
Jeg anbefaler alle som leser dette å prøve spillet litt til. Det kommer til og bli mer og mer interesangt.
Jeg kommer ihvertfall til og fortsette med dette, og jeg anbefaler alle og gjøre det samme  8)
Spillet er ganske nytt, og dermed er alle lagene på samme nivå, så man kan lett kjempe om toppen nå.
Gjerne vær aktiv på forumet, så skal nok vi få satt fart på GoKickOff Norge  8) 8)

Lykke Til.
CritheX :) :)

EDIT av Kola: har nå gjort denne tråden om til den offisielle pjattetråden.

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:30:38 AM »
Hey ;D
I was just wondering, do you get something for translating?

Yes, you would have a premium account which will be implemented in the future.
And on top of that your it will enhance game experience of people in your country.

Nice, I have to think about it  :) (Explore the game a little bit more)  ;)

Gokickoff Language Translation / Re: Language Translators Most Wanted !!
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:01:29 PM »
Hey ;D
I was just wondering, do you get something for translating?

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