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Messages - TommyJ

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General Discussion(English Only) / Re: GKO COPYRIGHTS
« on: December 12, 2017, 01:29:20 PM »
To be honest, this Idea is good, and I guess that many of us in the past years had these though's of buying the game and so on.I just don't know if the admins are interested in selling, because with minimal effort they have some relatively good income (money form premiums and token). why would they lost this regular income, I know I would not sell if I were in their place, as long as I have good income from it.

And let's say, somehow the admins agree to sell the game. This whole concept of "lets collect the money" is not a good one. Imagine 50-100 members donate some amount of money, and after that considering them as owners of the game.It will bring total chaos, even more that the current one. There is no need for me to explain every possible scenario, just use your imagination, what would 100 "owners" do to this game.
Ex : 100 people gather money to rent one whore..... :D

My point is (to the guy who started this topic), just ask the admins, if they agree, hear their asking price, go to bank, take some loan (if you don't have enough money) and then "rule" the game. Be the admin that this game deserve.


General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Gokickoff new season [10th October]
« on: September 25, 2015, 09:33:45 PM »
anything new coming ?
Yes, a new season  :P :P :P :P

In Macedonian league such an agreement is just between me and Igec (coffe shop) and only for league games, it is a genleman agreement, everybody else make no respect of such an agreement, they will play mots against you even if they have no benefit of it, just to harm you or help other team. But this mots talk is 10 season old and will be here until the game is over, sadly.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: WORLD CUP season 12
« on: January 03, 2015, 01:33:08 AM »
First of all congrats for the win today, it was a good moral booster for you, and for your players, you have tough matches up front. But let me give you most friendly advice, keep it calm man, don't brag around for what have you done. It is great to win, especially on your debut, but it was not surprise for me, you have great squad, and CA8-10 first team members, as your opponent Portugal, so it was not David and Goliath fight today, as you are trying to present it. There were many underdogs on this game that won the national league, cup, qualified for the WCC, World Cup, made it to the knock out stages, but they were all quiet, because when you fail (and we all fail sometimes) the noise will be much quieter,and the pain much smaller. Try to be grounded, humble, and the merits and accolades will come, we all noticed your success with your country. Once again, congrats for the win and good luck tomorrow and for the rest of your adventure through the World Cup  8) 8) 8)

P.S : We beat Germany today, Man City turnaround stile :))

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: MOTS
« on: December 30, 2014, 11:18:29 PM »
I think many users don't know nothing about fair play :( More it is look like they don't know nothing about competition in other leagues then their.  There was many examples that one MOTS decide who won the silverware, more many of those MOTSes made  a champion for friend of user who used it, more there were situations where group of users set MOTS after MOTS against one man. How  MOTSes can make game more alive? Yaeh, when somoene threw a grenade into group of soldiers they are alive more on the same way..... untill dead. Funny?? I don't think so.  MOTSes bring only anger and mess.
8) 8) 8) 8)

Find Friendly Match / Re: Friendly
« on: May 14, 2014, 10:25:17 AM »
Friendly match 89934, 28000 capacity, Very Good Stadium. Reserve team match, and only for teams with rating above 3500.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: When the season 11 started
« on: April 22, 2014, 01:53:49 PM »
Based on previous seasons, season reset should occur on 11 May

Server Maintenance on the 27 of April.
not season restart as far as I can tell.
But the name of the topic was  Gokickoff Season 11, and i think that the update will be done in Sunday/Monday

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Gokickoff Season 11
« on: April 13, 2014, 09:37:57 PM »
I decide to upgrade my academy level, and for the first time admins decided to make season brake shorter :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Gokickoff Season 11
« on: April 13, 2014, 08:51:15 PM »
Tomorrow i will have the money to upgrade my academy level, so it will be updated the night 27 to 28, the same night game update is done, can someone tell me from which level i will promote my youth players :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: MOTS
« on: February 27, 2014, 01:37:29 PM »
If the team who plays mots against you is doing a favor of another team, then penalty of loosing 20% condition or morale decreasing will not fix the problem, it is risk that will not stop the opponent to use mots. There is many cases when inactive team (log in 2-5 times monthly) are using mots just to help someone to win league, avoid relegation, or eliminate favorite from cup competition. MOTS are often used to harm the opponent, by stopping him in winning something, instead helping your team winning. In my country there is often accusations for using MOTS to help your friends, by playing with MOTS against his rival. For me, MoTS has more negative then positive effects on this game. He ruins managers friendly relationships, instead of closing the gap between so called BIG and SMALL teams. Many of you now will say that if your team is good and your tactics is set like it should, you will win the game. But sh.t happens, sometimes GE "want you to lose" even if you are 100lvl stronger than you opponent. These has been said million times on different forum themes, and MoTS is still here, so we must accept these conditions and rules of the game.

Kind Regards

Player Transfer Ads / Great players for cheap price !!!
« on: January 29, 2014, 09:54:42 PM »  /// DM R, 22 years, 3 stars experience 6/6/5  /// AM L FC 26 years, 5 stars experience 6/6/1

Thay are all on the market for 650000

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: MOTS
« on: November 18, 2013, 11:29:57 AM »
1 mots per season is reasonable idea. I hate present MOTS set up and usage. We know nothing about his power, for example i lost game in cup against team who just join GKO month ago, he played with MOTS, i have 130lvl strongest team, it was a tight game, but i lost the game in extra time. My next match I was one who played with mots (against strong team, much stronger than the one i lost, but weaker from my team) and i won the game 1-0 with much efforts. If someone ask me, i will "kill" the mots option in GKO, and find some other solution for close the gap between big and small teams.

Player Transfer Ads / Looking for player CA8+
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:08:36 AM »
I want to buy CA8+ player, prefer AML or MC, but i.m willing to listen any other offers. Wrote me in PM. My team W11, Macedonian Top Level

Variable condition lose? Variable stamina recovered? Good suggestions indeed.

Maybe stamina would affect the condition lost each match and a facility (fitness center maybe) should grant you some extra condition recovered (just a bit... let's say an 1% extra at okay level, another 1% at very good or something like that).

That would be more realistic and also would give non-premium users the chance to have his players fit in more matches, what do you think?
That's the point, this will give non premium users great possibility. The idea will bring the game closer to reality. What version should it be, it isn't important, we suggest, they decide, but stamina must take effect on condition.

Suggestions/Bugs / Stamina has to take effect on a player match condition
« on: September 18, 2013, 08:32:08 AM »
In SI games (CH/F Manager) stamina has effect on players conditions, so i think this should be implemented on this game. For example on FM i played CR7 for almost every match and his condition never went down under 90% maybe 88% sometimes, and he recovers faster than other players who have lower grade for stamina. In GKO there is no such a thing, everyone has the same downs and ups of % after the match. My opinion is that this must change, maybe not recovery, only the lost of condition in game day. And this should apply only for league, friendly and cup matches.

For example
- Player with gray grade (0-10) has no bonus, he continue with loosing 8%
- Player with light blue grade (11-15) has 1 % bonus or lose just 7% of his condition
- Player with dark blue grade (16-20) has 2% bonus or lose just 6% of his condition

This should bring the game more close to real world, and its not something that will divide big and small teams, it.s not something that you can buy.

It just my opinion, and i'm not expecting you all to agree with me, but i would like to read others opinion, and because game engine will change in S10, maybe this can be implemented in those changes, at the end of the day we all try to improve this game, and this is my idea to contribute with something.

Regards  :)

DeGlen, thanks for worrying for my financial situation, but i will lose around 150k every Friday (for now, i'm planing to upgrade money facilities), but my income is around 430k-480k per week (league, friendly(cup) matches, activity (premium user from September)), so there is no reason to worry for me, i intend to build competitive squad and you know what they say "The end justifies the means"

Find Friendly Match / Re: Friendly Requests
« on: August 19, 2013, 06:35:51 AM »
Friendly for today (19.08.2013) Very Good Stadium , 26000 capacity. Team 89934

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: REMOVE MOTS
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:16:10 AM »
Introduce TEAM PEP TALK , like in Sega,s FM, player's motivation level also, depending on opponent's strength, ranking, rating....this will reduce the gap between top teams and mid-table teams. This pep talks can have positive and negative effects on players, depending on selected motivation sentence.

Сега какви се мислењата ?  ::)    ;D    :D
Шарени  8)

ARCHIVE / Re: Next round of Youth Camp
« on: July 03, 2013, 01:28:08 PM »
What's the date for the new round of youth camp?
25 round of National League Competition until end of the season. From 03/07/2013 till the end of the season

Well ... today is 03/07/2013. Did anyone get any or we are waiting for the next round.
Last time, youngsters came on Thursday, not Wednesday (league match day), so let be patient and wait until tomorrow

motsojte gi cuvam za vas od TL  :P :D
I nie gi cuvame za tie od C ligite :)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: cannot edit the team badge
« on: May 30, 2013, 09:49:25 AM »
i uploaded the new badge for the team and i pressed confirm, and the game answered me EDIT SUCCESS. but in the page the old badge remains there, i think it is a bug
Refresh the page, or logout - login

Off-topic / Re: GKO MEMES
« on: May 28, 2013, 07:53:42 PM »
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 8)

Етиопија 4/12 и Авганистан 10 / 315, ќе гледам да стигнам прв во Етиопија и да бидем меѓу првите 5 во Авганистан, па да видиме каде ке даде подобар играч

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