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Messages - aramazov1978

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Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 05:40:29 PM »
I telephoned my wife to say and Tactics-what is the problem

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 05:06:14 PM » Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

You do not say what I replied and misleading players and admin! I accepted this or denied ? This is the sixth season. Then exactly collect players which put constantly MOTS against ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV. He was angry. My last game is with Aramazov. I finished second with 63 points. Third is Levski Mladost with 58 points. We finish 0 - 0. We played a game no matter the classification for Top Level !!! And to ask: Why keep silent three seasons the moderator to Bulgaria - Nickname : absolut (96050) Name : Chefo, if I accepted this ?

So in your opinion its better to keep quiet rather than reveal anything unfair? You are very hard to understand, hardly make any constructive argument ever. I think I've cleared all the "anger" nonsense you accused me of so far, I couldnt careless what he's won. What truly bothers me is how he's won it and how you keep trying to cover up for him while its god damn obvious already.

P.S. This thread has turned into chat-box so I wont bother replying unless truly constructive argument comes up which is unlikely to happen.
chefo not to sleep since winning WCL Get some sleep will have a heart attack out of spite-worry about you

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 04:49:17 PM »
I I've been in England and why my wife enter from your home computer in Bulgaria the game - :)malice malice and laughter

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 03:11:07 PM »
I win the world title with the national team of Bulgaria next season -this person will commit suicide out of spite-Chefo -Bulgarian -Moderator

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 02:25:10 PM »
 the moderator to Bulgaria - Chefo mentally not well

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 10:06:41 AM »
I'd like to share a problem we've been having for the past few seasons in Bulgaria's Top-Level : Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

Basically in our championship there are 2-3 players that constantly support ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV everywhere, like they wouldn't face him with their main lineup in semi-final cup matches and so on. Here's some proof : - season 7 semi-final cup matches, as you can see his opponent isnt with his main 11, on top of that hes got MotS available where if this wasnt an arranged match I don't see a reason why he wouldn't try and take him out with it, IT IS SEMI-FINAL. - season 8 semi-final same story with the other person that supports him, and you can see later on in the league he returns the favor by giving him easy 3 points and helping him for 3rd place :

This is one of the main reasons hes managing to save up MotS and use them in WCL.
Also he's constantly abusing others in chat and making unnecessary quarrels between the community (trying to create sides and stuff like that).
Anyone can copy and translate his chats from his homepage HERE all tho google translate for example wont really translate the vulgarisms properly and I am not sure if its right for me to translate it here.

Even if no action gets taken I want you guys to know how he's winning his trophies, offending others and so on.
after I have 10-15 points over 2 ranking I always play with the youth to take training and this season I have only 2 losses the last team-he falls in Division B

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 09:46:56 AM »
continues to insult in Bulgaria CHAT olut : Добре се справяш, продължавай да спамиш та може и да изтрият темата да се спасиш от присмиването на всички в играта. Да те видят що за стока си, смешник.
10 minutes ago
now insults another person in Bulgaria  CHAT  absolut : Другата будала, тука всичките минали средна възраст сте меко казано най-заблудените индивиди, които съм виждал през живота си. Лично мнение, нямам за цел да се заяждам.
5 minutes ago

translator-Other chumps here all past middle age are mildly misguided individuals that I've seen in my life. Personal opinion, I do not intend to offend

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 09:30:04 AM »
^ Sad but most of the ignorant people think Carlos is part of the staff members here and this is my reply to one of those kind of people just telling him that he's as equal as a player as all of us here. They believe he decides who gets punishment and so on, its not even funny.

Imma do the mistake and go down to your level, since there isnt another way to deal with you.

"Kanar4etata : и Аржентинеца Карлос сега ми пише на лично да ми се извинява и да ми вика че съм голям менажер-Абсолюта ги е подвел по форумите ама хората не са прости като него-От село отишъл в София и гони трамваите да им дава банички "
Translation : Hes saying CarlosT apologized to him on private saying hes one of the best managers in the game (hilarious in itself).

Wont bother replying any further to his futile attempts to create unnecessary dramas again.
and also translated-40 annual wretch
again trying to manipulate and lie to people.
also wrote-such teams as Aramazov Plovdiv should not have them because is very strong and that will destroy.

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 09:27:33 AM »
ADMIN CHECK- Мoderator-Chefo how our insult chat me and vashnov.because we have national coaches

Ask Admin / Re: Huge match fixing issues
« on: November 29, 2013, 08:50:10 AM »
about 11 hours ago
absolut : ХААХАХАХАХ
about 11 hours ago

about 11 hours translation
vashnov fuck
a lot of envy and he constantly insults.moderator swearing-and provokes.
absolut  АХААХАХ, продължаваш да показваш колко си невеж и ограничен. Карлос е НИКАКЪВ в тая игра, има думата където и да е колкото имам и аз - и ти, не знам кво си си го набил в главата толкова. ИМаш 4-5 епитета в речника си и ги използваш на макс като гледам, върви се скрий 40 годишен пропадняк
about 12 hours ago
constant insults
yesterday urged teams:quote Aramazov won all the cups What did you enjoy have to destroy it.People wrote him that makes it out of spite

Player Transfer Ads / FC 18 YEARS 4-8-3 Onnly 1 900 000 G
« on: October 06, 2013, 02:51:53 PM »
 FC 18 YEARS  4-8-3 Onnly 1 900 000 G
FC  18 Years   3-7-4  1 250 000 G

Does it matter Ranking 1/1 or 5/5 example

Bulgaria / Re: NT- избори
« on: November 24, 2012, 05:12:28 PM »
Вече всички тренират правилно затова стойноста става важна част.Друг е въпроса в конкретния мач треньора кой ще използва да му пасне на тактиката.Примерно аз как излъгах Полша с високи топки и 2 гола с глава на Захариев 1,91 см

Player Transfer Ads / FC CA 3-LA 11-PR 3 Hristo Valeriev (6183382)
« on: November 18, 2012, 02:57:38 PM »
FC CA 3-LA 11-PR 3 Hristo Valeriev (6183382)

Player Transfer Ads / Seek MC
« on: August 30, 2012, 07:38:50 PM »
MINIMUM VALUE 730 000 pay well

Bulgaria / Re: Национали-трениране
« on: July 30, 2012, 03:13:16 PM »
CA, LA, PR за големите национали не ме интересува -защото сега играем квалификации за световно и гледам качествата а не потенцяла.Това не е задача по математика да ти я сметна.Сега имаме играчи с 19-20 на основните умения и пак ти казвам играе който прецени треньора за конкретния мач който да му пасне на тактиката.Колкото треньора толкова и различни тактики.Аз може да пускам 1 играч Блекрама и Лъчо да не им пасва на формацията.

Bulgaria / Re: Национали-трениране
« on: July 30, 2012, 10:23:10 AM »
Аз критериите ти ги написах в първия пост колкото повече толкова повече.Ако питаш за даден играч прати ми уменията му на лична и ще ти кажа какво да му вдигнеш за да е национал

Bulgaria / Re: Национали-трениране
« on: July 30, 2012, 05:13:26 AM »
Сборовете се променят постоянно защото играчите тренират постоянно и качват.Решението кой да играе взимат треньорите.Един треньор може да харесва примерно защитника му да има много Подвижност друг не толкова.Затова и Блекрама не ти отговаря на въпросите

Bulgaria / Re: Национали-трениране
« on: July 29, 2012, 02:16:17 PM »
Добре, не разбирам, обясни, какво ти пречи да напишеш едни минимални изисквания за качествата за националите ?!
Аз съм ги написъл горе -примерно вратаря всичките умения които съм описъл се събират и играе играчът с най голям сбор.А ти искаш да напиша примерно ако вратаря има 20 манипулеране и 20 рефлекс го взимаме-НЕ НЕ ГО ВЗИМАМЕ СБОРА Е ВАЖЕН.Аз пак ти казвам при мъжете изборът е малък по скоро Блекрама трябва да ти отговори какви изисквания има щото младежите с висок потенцял са повече от мъжете

Bulgaria / Re: Национали-трениране
« on: July 29, 2012, 09:45:45 AM »
LA минимум 7 за полеви играчи а за вратари може и 6

Bulgaria / Национали-трениране
« on: July 28, 2012, 01:01:14 PM »
M-LR-пас,ценриране,дрибъл,техника,скорост,ускорение,далечен удар
FC-завършващ,глава,,дрибъл,техника,скорост,ускорение,далечен удар,Зад топката.баланс.сила

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: GOKICKOFF Records
« on: June 18, 2012, 12:32:38 PM »
Treble  Aramazov Plovdiv  season 5   (Winners  -Top Level,WCL,Cup of Bulgaria)

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