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Messages - mathieu29

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 19
Player Transfer Ads / Re: Does someone has a MR i can develop??
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:01:07 PM »
For less than 500,000, I have a young MR/AMR : Mael Dubois (CA 5 / LA 7 / PR 2)
He is PR 2, but he is only 18 year old.
He will be CA 7 at the end of next season.

Prone to Injury : Quite Hard
Use both feet to shoot
Adaptation rate : 13

Transfer price : 350,000 G
(could be sold the double, at least, in 2 seasons)

If you are interested and need more information, contact me.

France / Re: Equipe U21 S12-S13
« on: September 27, 2014, 04:01:43 PM »

France / Re: Equipe U21 S12-S13
« on: September 27, 2014, 03:52:53 PM »
Bangladesh - France : 0 - 4
(J.Gagne '1,'55, C.Sartre '39,'63)

Pas vraiment. je suis heureux du score mais il reste du chemin a faire et nos adversaires etaient relativement faibles jusque la. De plus, je compte faire tourner pas mal de monde. Mon equipe type ne se dessinera qu'a la fin de la saison, au mieux.

Avez-vous choisi entre Maxence Mynatt et Jasmin Gagne, au poste de milieu droit ? (Herve Miaou - Anal Football Club) ?Pourquoi avoir change le gardien. D'habitude c'est Bordier, non? (Christian Juan Pedro - Dix+un mondial)
Je crois que vous voulez dire Brodeur, non ? Gilles Brodeur est pour l'instant le titulaire a ce poste. Mais je profite de quelques matchs plus faciles, pour faire rentrer des gardiens prometteurs. Constantin Bellamy, qui joue a l'Olympique Zyrkonien, en est un.

C'est vrai, coach, Ermenegilde etait quasi transparent ce soir. Mais c'est un joueur d'exception et il reste un des meilleurs choix a ce poste.

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Training on NT
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:06:41 AM »
I agree with Ruta. I have players that have been playing for 10 seasons (but no international cap) with less experience than young  international players from my team.
Experience gained in international game is already huge, compared to what players gain in championship. Let's not do it even bigger.

France / Re: Equipe U21 S12-S13
« on: September 19, 2014, 05:08:12 PM »
France - Anguilla : 4 - 0
(Mynatt '1, Granger '36, '56, Daniau '87)

Il a raison, il faut donner du temps de jeu international aux meilleurs espoirs. Guillaume est encore jeune et j'attend de voir ce qu'il donnera pour son club.

Pour l'instant, il y a un petit nombre de joueurs de ce niveau. Le duo d'attaquants Desrosiers - Jordan a deja son ticket pour les qualifications de la coupe du monde. A ceux ci s'ajoute le jeune milieu offensif gauche Marcellin Granger. Pour tous les autres, tout est possible d'ici la saison prochaine.

Qui pensez vous aligner pour le prochain match contre le Bangladesh ?

France / Re: Equipe U21 S12-S13
« on: September 19, 2014, 01:33:16 PM »
GK :
- Brodeur (19 ans, Slamz United, 6/8/3)
- DuChamps (17 ans, PSG Winner, 3/8/3)
- Rousseau (20 ans, Olempique Lyon, 6/7/5)
- Tremblay (20 ans, Reims Olympique, 3/9/3)
- LaRue (20 ans, Papier Tue-Mouches, 5/6/2)
- Bellamy (20 ans, Olympique Zyrkonien, 4/6/3)

- Faucheux (17 ans, PSG Winner, 5/8/4)
- Travert (18 ans, PSG Winner, 4/8/3)
- Berger (17 ans, ???, 4/8/3)
- Lemaire (18 ans, Clamart, 4/10/2)
- Hebert (19 ans, Papier Tue-Mouches, 7/7)

- Bonnet (19 ans, Ruta Best, 7/12/3)
- Gagnier (20 ans, Pire Jeu de Foot, 5/7/3)
- Leandres (20 ans, Papier Tue-Mouches, 7/7/3)
- Bellerose (20 ans, PSG Winner, 7/7)

DC :
- Roux (17 ans, Padakor, 4/10/3)
- Buckley (20 ans, Reims Olympique, 4/10/5)
- Dufort (17 ans, PSG Winner, 4/9/3)
- Porcher (18 ans, La Rochelle FC, 6/7/3)
- Macon (18 ans, Bawah Tanah, 5/7/4)
- Denis (19 ans, Keropee, 7/7/4)
- Pape (17 ans, F.C.S *Jiul Petrosani*, 4/9/3)
- Fontaine (15 ans, Anfeh La Rochelle, 2/8/3)

- Gagne (19 ans, Panda Dangerous CFC, 9/9/3)
- Mynatt (20 ans, Padakor, 8/8/4)
- Dubois (19 ans, Clamart, 3/8/3)
- Charpentier (20 ans, Clamart. 6/6)

- David (17 ans, Landean, 5/8/3)
- Granger (20 ans, FC Stephen Tataw Eta, 8/8/3)
- Gardinier (19 ans, PSG Winner, 4/9/3)
- Poirier (18 ans, ROMANAmente, 6/8/3)

- Segal (17 ans, Cartoons CF, 7/9/5)
- Mathieu (19 ans, Rave Breath, 8/9/4)
- Montagne (19 ans, Papier Tue-Mouches, 6/9/4)
- Patenaude (19 ans, La Rochelle FC, 5/9/2)
- Fournier (18 ans, Ouro Futebol Clube, 4/8/3)
- Charbonneau (20 ans, Clamart, 8/8/4)
- Bonheur (18 ans, Papier Tue-Mouches, 8/8/6)
- Romilly (Papier Tue-Mouches, 7/7/5)

- Desrosiers (19 ans, ErRoR, 11/11/5)
- Jordan (19 ans, PSG Winner, 8/10/3)
- Sartre (18 ans, noeiwoon@lfc, 7/10/3)
- Daniau (19 ans, La Rochelle FC, 5/10/3)
- Cote (19 ans, Padakor, 5/9/2)
- Jacques (16 ans, Padakor, 3/9/3)
- Albert (18 ans, Papier Tue-Mouches, 4/8/3)
- Sauvage (18 ans, Papier Tue-Mouches, 4/8/4)

France / Re: Equipe U21 S12-S13
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:50:57 PM »

France / Re: Equipe U21 S12-S13
« on: September 17, 2014, 08:38:54 AM »
Il y a beaucoup de jeunes prometteurs qui ne seront pas prets pour la coupe du monde mais qui ont un enorme potential : Dufort (PSG Winner, 4/9/3), Morin (Clamart, 2/9/3), Roux (Padakor, 4/10/3), et maintenant Mathieu Fontaine (Anfeh La Rochelle, 2/8/3).

Si les managers les font jouer regulierement, j'essaierai de leur donner un minimum de temps de jeu en U21.

France / Equipe U21 S12-S13
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:48:13 PM »

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Adaptation Rate - Help!!
« on: September 13, 2014, 11:02:44 PM »
The average time is something like that :

1 - 5     = 1 season
5 - 10   = 3 months
10 - 15 = 2 months
15 - 20 = 1 month (for a player of adaptation 20, he should be ready in 2-3 weeks)

It is difficult to know if the player improves even when he does not play. But I would say no.

France / petite_marie
« on: September 10, 2014, 11:25:56 PM »

France / Candidature U21
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:22:40 PM »

Ask Admin / Re: cheats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:20:10 PM »
So, this a 7/2 sold as a 7/4.


Ask Admin / Re: cheats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: September 05, 2014, 09:57:47 PM »
Cheating alert !!!!!

Delta is actually selling a player ( ) telling he is LA 7 and PR 4. For 180,000G this is a really good bargain. And he just bought him for only 20,000G.

The problem is, when you scout, this player is not 7/4. At best 6/3 !!!

I am sorry for the 13 people who have already bet on him. They have been fooled !

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Questions & Answers
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:55:12 AM »
Yes, this is good to see admin back !

Winter is coming !
Sorry, New season is coming !

Well, actually, he did nothing really interesting, like for example giving news about major changes in GKO.

Ask Admin / Re: cheats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:38:53 AM »

Suggestions/Bugs / Re: money lending system
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:43:33 PM »
IS UNFAIR TO US THAT PLAY THIS GAME , that is what I meant with it. It has to stop charging so much, and even if You save 1 million, is still going to be disappear in two-3 weeks. Something has to change

By the way, manual is outdated, incomes from facilities are higher than game manual says:
I improved my megastore to the best level and i got more money than it should be (i should have get 18k profit, got close to 45k).

This is very interesting. I always thought it was worthless to invest in the facilities.
For example, getting from BAD to OKAYS costs 500,000 G and we should get around 7,000 G more, according to the rules. Meaning, that it takes 70 weeks to just compensate your investment.
I am glad it is not true, after all.
I would be interested to know if other players think the facilities are more interesting than it is written in the game rules.

France / Re: Systeme de transfert
« on: August 28, 2014, 11:49:51 AM »

France / Systeme de transfert
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:20:10 PM »

France / Re: Stars et futures stars fran�aises du championnat
« on: August 27, 2014, 09:12:51 AM »

France / Stars et futures stars fran�aises du championnat
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:20:17 PM »
La Rochelle FCPadakor FCAnfeh La RochelleFC LesdinsClamartPSG WinnerPapier Tue-Mouches FCOlempique Lyon C.FReims Olympique(A suivre, avec les equipes de division B possedant de grands joueurs)

General Discussion(English Only) / Re: Transfer system
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:50:40 PM »
If we compare to real-life, unless the player is out of contract, the first move is for the team and not the player.
First, the team accepts a transfer fee, and the wage comes afterwards.
In my case, the selling team loses a lot of money and I think this is not fair.

General Discussion(English Only) / Transfer system
« on: August 25, 2014, 10:38:10 PM »
We all know the transfer system is not perfect (to say the least).
I thought I understood how it worked but I didn't, obviously.

Today I tried to buy a DR I wanted. he was on the market for 755,200, with a salary of 10,300/week.
I really wanted him, and I bet 1,300,000G with a salary of 10,300. Much more than all the other teams which have bet on him.
And I was really surprised not to win. This player went to a team for 755,200 and a salary of 13,000/week.
This team paid 755,200+a salary fee of 108,000 (40x(13000-10300)) = 863,200G
This is much less than what I wanted to give for that player !!!  :o

Does it mean that only the salary proposed is taken into account ??

France / Re: Qualifications U21
« on: August 02, 2014, 12:05:27 PM »
Creativity, Off the ball, Passing, Technique, Teamwork
pass high ball
        Player Action : Creativity

France / Re: S�lectionnables U21 pour la prochaine saison
« on: August 02, 2014, 10:14:21 AM »
Et voici la suite et fin de la liste :


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