The Official GoKickOff Online Community Forums
General Category => General Discussion(English Only) => Topic started by: spoletino on February 26, 2016, 04:45:42 PM
Chearer reporting !!!!
do not make threads about, only reports
This is not a discussion about the post cheater, but wants to be a black book where to report cheaters so that it remains on track when the admin will deign to do anything
same user:
DC rezer fc (306085)
FC gareng (306329)
sale of GK from DC rezer fc (306085) to FC gareng (306329) palyer Ardito Grimi (8616666) for 1,900,000 G
3 team
transfer history of Spargatorul De Buci Arad (
he transferred 8 players to: Fc CFR1907 Cluj (
he transferred 7 players to: A.S Minerul Jilt Matasari (
he transferred 3 players to: F C Luceafarul (
he transferred 3 players to: Muresana Mandruloc (
10.893.000 G cheated
there are other teams, apparently created with the single purpose of making one transfer:
Kaya (, that has only one transfer (,
Home Farm (, also one transfer (
also, a very important aspect about team Spargatorul De Buci: the name of the team translates to: buttocks cracker (butt cracker). it's an indecent spin or the name of the ballet: nutcracker.
he tried this name on other online managers and all of the game masters changed his team name.
transfer history of RAPID OBSESION (
5 transfers to Botev Plovdiv (
2 transfers to San Martin Formosa (
2 transfers to Boavista ( (LOCRI is the previous name of RAPID OBSESION)
3 transfers to Logrones (
5 transfers to Solin (
4 transfers to Perak (
2 transfers to Hangzhou (
5 transfers to Turnovo (
2 transfers to PRO Titan (
2 transfers to Daegu (
2 transfers to Admira Praha (
1 transfer to Baloch (
1 transfer to Al Sareeh (
1 transfer to Vaduz (
1 transfer to Roda JC ( (team that has switched it's focus on financing Spargatorul De Buci Arad - see previous post)
1 transfer to Novi Sad (
1 transfer to Kocaelispor (
plus 1 transfer each, to teams with only one player bought, ever:
Durham (
Paksi SE (
FC Emmen (
Hottin (
Sousse Tigers (
Senica (
Bistrica (
Halmstads BK (
DC United (
Valur (
Fovu Club (
CS Herediano (
and many, many others. i got tired of all this copy-paste, here. in the last 2 years, almost all his transfers are cheated and the amount stolen is at least 39.000.000 G
apparently, his last honest transfer dates back to over a year ago.
notice the fact that almost all those teams were created in july-august 2013. that's 2 and a half years ago and he waited all this time to cash in!
by this method, he managed to upgrade quite a few facilities to the best.
there is a serious problem in terms of cheaters , which dates back many seasons , no less than 3-4 seasons, which have not been audited
each one of us has at least found , 6-7-8-9-10 cheats or more , these teams have 2-3-4 without premium , and make transfers large sums of money
Now I appreciate that the administrator has arrived
but I never worry about this, because it has the tool, an easy detection program
sr.administrador if not solve this quick , any competition would not exist , because to win should only be cheating, and many do not like to win so
CSKA ALEX ( has:
11 ( transfers to FC Perlovetc ( worth 3 042 530
9 ( transfers to FC Belite orli ( worth 2 281 999
In addition, there are 2 transfers from FC Perlovetc to FC Belite orli worth 226 944
Total turnover = 5 551 473
All three teams log in from same IP.
Transfers were repeatedly reported by different users and no actions have been taken so far…
mençıstırspor (310225)
[email protected] (309735)
Galatasaray Fc (296575)
Beyazıt Bezirgan (163097)
mete tunaboylu (168684)
ahmet bayram (168194)
And look how this "manager" ILIJA83 ( asks for no MOTS agreement before WCL match and then he uses his MOTS to win and go into WCL groups....laughing in the match chat like a stupid boy, saying to his friend something like "i am a fox who has fooled the master who not put the MOTS"....
This is the match:
This is the previous conversation (well, he write english like my dog could do):
We play this game for fun, not needing to fool anyone. Not needing this kind of shit people.
i had the same with this team: Sawada FC (85308)
topawel says :
Hi unfortunately we will play in third round against each other. Can we play without mots in our game next week?
Sawada says :
yes sir
topawel says :
ok greate so we have a deal, game without mots? i think that is the best solution, we will have two mots for the rest of the season:)
but after two days i wasn sure if he understand me and i asked him one more time:
topawel says :
So can you confirm our game without mots?
topawel says :
I know that tou have written \"yes\" :) but i need finally information that you also will not use mots in our game. So write it to me please:)
topawel says :
I will use mots if you will not answer
Sawada says :
up to you
topawel says :
So i will play without mots but please give me information that you also will not use mots. I never breake my word. So lets play without mots:)
topawel says :
So do you agree game withot mots?:)
Sawada says :
topawel says :
ok thanks for clear answer and good luck!
and now he wrote to me that he dont need cheeter deal with me and my messages were spam!!:)
of course he used mots and will play in group stage
Hi, i was cheated by: wanichebe adamani (37994) Nickname: Sawada, team Sawada FC (85308)
i have written to him one week before our game in final round qualifications for champions league becouse i wanted to play without mots. His answers for begin wasnt clear for me so i asked him twice about the same thing. Last answer i received from him one day before the competition.
Here is history:
Maybe it was my fault to speak with somebady who i dont know, but i think that if somebady write or speak something, he should do that.
So he could doesnt make any response or something else but he twice agreed to play without mots. I asked him one more time becouse i wasnt sure if he have understood me weel.
In my opinion his behave is rubber and cheat, we all should reported cheater like him. It is no difference between cheating in transfers and cheating against another managers.
He and another managers who make the same things shuld be banned forever and ever from this game:)
We should reported this behave as a cheat. I read that another one manager had the same in third round of qualifications. In my opinion everey case like that should have a description in our forum and not only victims shuld reported it to admins, only bigger action can bring a result.
What is the best that today i received answer from him that he dont need cheater deal with me:))
Sawada is f.. lier and poor man. Don't make an agreement with him, people !
And look how this "manager" ILIJA83 ( asks for no MOTS agreement before WCL match and then he uses his MOTS to win and go into WCL groups....laughing in the match chat like a stupid boy, saying to his friend something like "i am a fox who has fooled the master who not put the MOTS"....
This is the match:
This is the previous conversation (well, he write english like my dog could do):
We play this game for fun, not needing to fool anyone. Not needing this kind of shit people.
I feel sorry for you,but if you read forum before,you surely noticed his name couple of times in cheater report column,and he cant be trusted.He had fooled me several times also.
Thank you for posting this conversation,cause now i know that he prepares his other MOTS for me :o
I have to disagree. This is not cheating, This is dishonesty and/or lying. Not a good trait, but not cheating.
Could I say the same thing about making no-mots agreements? Is This fair for your other opponents?
Suck it up and move on.
Cheating is a word that may have many meanings. Actually everybody does that what they tried to do, it's very common. Mots is shitty option, but it exists. It's a warning for rest of players to take care when they face that Sawada team.
And, very funny, both crap teams (Sawada FC and Juve Stabia) are now in the same WCL group (group A) :P
I have to disagree. This is not cheating, This is dishonesty and/or lying. Not a good trait, but not cheating.
Could I say the same thing about making no-mots agreements? Is This fair for your other opponents?
Suck it up and move on.
Well, lying is synonym of cheating, in this case he lie in clear purpose. This is huge cheating !!! Of course it is not against game rules but he did cheat against game user and that is the point of this post. I hope some moderator can run official list of that kind of cheaters 8)
I hope some moderator can run official list of that kind of cheaters 8)
8) 8) 8) 8)
Mots is meaning Cheater... :-\
This is a word for loser... :-X
I think we can do a post, puting a list of user "without word" like a BLACKLIST, for don't pact with they, playing always mots againist them. In this way, brake the word will not be a joke like it is actually.
We must fight againist lier men, using our weapons.
What do you think about?
I have to disagree. This is not cheating, This is dishonesty and/or lying. Not a good trait, but not cheating.
Could I say the same thing about making no-mots agreements? Is This fair for your other opponents?
Suck it up and move on.
He cheats as soon as he lie. Saying no to a no-mots agreement nobody is lying, only don't accepting an agreement. The cheat is accept it and don't do the terms of agreement.
Is a no-mots agreement fair? I will answer you in other terms, with another question ... are mots fair?
My friend had a similar situation in the past WCL match CANTEENIA - Arsenal_lux 3:0 ( For opponents got a team CANTEENIA (275521) with manager Martin Michaëlle (151530) ( from Canada, and before the match are agreed the game without motivation. Of course bad guys from Canada has played with Mots and came in the group phase of the WCL:
( (
( (
All of us who love the honesty sure will concerned this situation because many cheaters rampant in this game, including in Indonesia. As a fellow gamer we can only remind them, but we can not delete them like we push the delete button on our keyboard to delete wrong words or useless files.
This problem is not found in this game only. In many aspect of live we can found knavery and dishonesty (i.e.: in sports world, schools, companies, more over trading and politic)
It was prophecied in the Bible on 2 Timothy 3:1-5. It's said:
"But know this, that in the last days + critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of Themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, Headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of Godliness but proving false to its power; + and from Reviews These turn away.
My reponse of thread on this forum is not to make all of us pessimist but let us think realistic. It's very-very good to have attitude to remind them (the cheaters) and asked them to stop their bad mental attitude. That's all. More of that we will keep hoping admin action, but the problem is we don't know when Admin will do that. :( :( :(
So if I tell my next opponent that I will be playing without a goalie and put him as an attacker for our next match, but then I don't do this (or I forget), am I then a cheater or a liar? I'm not defending this jerk who's clearly a moralless soab, but he didn't cheat. Cheating is if you break the set rules of the game, like playing several teams or somehow increasing the stats of your players by altering the gamecode.
Drahcir if somebady do something else that he spoke to you in order do arrive something this is cheat. You can named it by another word but cheating its not only braking the rules
So if I tell my next opponent that I will be playing without a goalie and put him as an attacker for our next match, but then I don't do this (or I forget), am I then a cheater or a liar? I'm not defending this jerk who's clearly a moralless soab, but he didn't cheat. Cheating is if you break the set rules of the game, like playing several teams or somehow increasing the stats of your players by altering the gamecode.
Your example is not appropiate. Nobody pact about formation, we are speaking about mots. In WCL mots should disappear, them should be like in NT matches where nobody is surprised about no mots.
Nobody have enought mots to play to everyone who doesn't want to pact (or to all the small countries who don't need mots in league neither cup). So, pacting mots is necessary. You can understand it, but be sure you will understand it better when you face this problem.
In WCL should be the best teams, no the teams who don't need mots because their league and cup is so weak. If I play WCL I want to play againist the strongest teams in the game. And, the winner of WCL should be the strongest team, no the team who can save his mots until the final while the opponent can't keep at least one.
Cheating is also say that a player is 5/15/8 when the player is 5/7/2. And like all in real life, there are written rules and non written rules. The no mots pact is a non written rule, that means who break it is cheating.
Like you think, increasing player stats altering game coding should not be cheating, because it's not written on rules ... but you said it's a cheat.
But, for the health of the game and for the wellness of all honest people this persons should be punished (I'm not saying a ban). Unfortunely, all here know that Admin. will not make anything with this kind of acts so they will do again ...
Guys, this conversation is leading to nowhere....
If i have to be honest, i don't even know if Sawada FC is a one manager team or a communitary account, created to farm youth player's experience in a low level league and WCC matches, i always had that tought about that team.
Just look at that team's trasfer story and tell me if it doesn't look suspicius....
Nowhere could be a fun place to go sometimes... :)
Hello guys, I want to tell you how to cheats "pure". You need only password of any team, whose owner himself refusing to play Gokickoff. It may be a friend or relative - no matter! Can and a new team to create but will become very slow. The "new" Your team are using only in mobile Internet. For example : Kalikratia(201730) - ip : and Ботев Пловдив(21026) - ip : . Finish and the two have different IP. You already have four MOTS and two vote for national coach. You can to use your MOTS thus :
1. Season 12 - - Akademik finish second
2. Season 13 - - Akademik finish second
3. Season 14 - - Akademik finish second
4. Season 15 - - Akademik finish first
- - Akademik win the cup without negotiation opposite Levski Mladost (84055)
5. Season 16 - - current season
You can to use your MOTS and for the cup. For example not using them and after a time, on convenient occasion, remind the other team, that you you helped him. Now he can to use MOTS against your old opponent by the other team. So win new "friends" and more MOTS.
Now, If you make it, you can unleash your imagination and to enjoy of your "clean" and "fair" game!
Season 10 - surer mario 3-1 Akademik - Cup [Cup] Round 7 - with MOTS against me
- ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV 1-0 surer mario - Cup [Cup] Round Semi Final - without MOTS, but there is another MOTS surer mario
This team Akademik (36859) champions last season,because helped him Almus (87974) 2 МОТС against me
Levski Mladost (84055) 2 МОТС against me
look at all seasons-they always play MOTS only against me
Akademik (36859) Almus (87974) Levski Mladost (84055) They are from Sofia and friends.and something even worse Almus (87974) and Levski Mladost (84055 They played with the reserves to become champion Akademik (36859)
please check these matches
Akademik (36859)-Almus (87974) 5-0
Levski Mladost (84055)-Akademik (36859) 0-5
So unfairly Akademik (36859 ) champions in season 15 please let him be taken away title.
The story could begin much earlier with MOTS in order to be Ботев Пловдив (21026) champion :
1. Season 8 - - Levski Mladost finish second
2. Season 9 - - Levski Mladost finish second
3. Season 15 - - How does one become champion - Launches reserves of Kallikratia against himself !!!!!
If you are buying player from these teams, you support cheater !!!
They transfer most of money to Galatasaray Fc(recently promoted to Top level), and supporting each others in the league and breaking balance of Turkey. If they are going to promote top level of Turkey, I can't imagine how they make a chaos in the top level with cheat and give free matches to each others.
Galatasaray Fc (296575)
mençıstırspor (310225)
FC Massachusetts(312438)
SSC Napoli (314810)
Schalke04 (309811)
1.FSV Mainz 05 (142759)
ulokiton(315386) - BANANAFISANG(315385) - FC. GARUDA(274414) - Yatengsu D.c(309397)
Sawada all what Harper has written to you is true:)
Decided to delete his post, as iit has nothing to do with that topic//H.
24/02/2016 M C,AM C Saša Rubežić 16
Barcelona FC - Orange 2,200,000 G 816 G
2,2M for a crappy player is a mistake..? ::)
transfer history of RAPID OBSESION (
5 transfers to Botev Plovdiv (
2 transfers to San Martin Formosa (
2 transfers to Boavista ( (LOCRI is the previous name of RAPID OBSESION)
3 transfers to Logrones (
5 transfers to Solin (
4 transfers to Perak (
2 transfers to Hangzhou (
5 transfers to Turnovo (
2 transfers to PRO Titan (
2 transfers to Daegu (
2 transfers to Admira Praha (
1 transfer to Baloch (
1 transfer to Al Sareeh (
1 transfer to Vaduz (
1 transfer to Roda JC ( (team that has switched it's focus on financing Spargatorul De Buci Arad - see previous post)
1 transfer to Novi Sad (
1 transfer to Kocaelispor (
plus 1 transfer each, to teams with only one player bought, ever:
Durham (
Paksi SE (
FC Emmen (
Hottin (
Sousse Tigers (
Senica (
Bistrica (
Halmstads BK (
DC United (
Valur (
Fovu Club (
CS Herediano (
and many, many others. i got tired of all this copy-paste, here. in the last 2 years, almost all his transfers are cheated and the amount stolen is at least 39.000.000 G
apparently, his last honest transfer dates back to over a year ago.
notice the fact that almost all those teams were created in july-august 2013. that's 2 and a half years ago and he waited all this time to cash in!
by this method, he managed to upgrade quite a few facilities to the best.
this team is now banned. good job, Admin!
BigBird Team (264421)
Avenger # 2 (296190)
HUN_HUN (293423)
Viza_M (302068)
LoGoManU (302069)
transfer history is cheater .
English language not well.
4 Echipe=13 juc la ATLETICO-16 juc la EM Foot-20juc la Viitorul-8 juc la mulfatlar-total 57 juc vanduti la 4 echipe,o fi bine?:)) arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 703,000 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 233,333 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 240,000 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 200,000 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 245,332 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 150,000 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 280,000 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 213,333 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 255,000 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 220,000 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 120,000 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 166,666 G arrttessya fc ATLETICO DE .. 107,066 G TOTAL 3,133,730 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 300,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 306,666 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 400,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 200,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 500,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 300,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 300,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 350,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 390,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 300,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 200,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 293,333 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 250,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 450,000 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 176,666 G arrttessya fc E.M. Footbal.. 176,749 G TOTAL 4,993,414 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 650,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 500,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 350,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 400,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 550,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 550,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 450,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 550,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 600,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 500,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 558,999 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 450,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 250,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 270,999 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 65,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 300,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 120,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 120,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 200,000 G arrttessya fc Viitorul Con.. 75,250 G TOTAL 7,510,248 G arrttessya fc snc murfatlar 250,000 G arrttessya fc snc murfatlar 380,000 G arrttessya fc snc murfatlar 140,000 G arrttessya fc snc murfatlar 135,000 G arrttessya fc snc murfatlar 210,000 G arrttessya fc snc murfatlar 118,000 G arrttessya fc snc murfatlar 118,000 G arrttessya fc snc murfatlar 90,000 G TOTAL 1,441,000 G TOTAL GENERAL 17,078,392 G
now prove how i'm encouraging this team to cheat.
i don't transfer to this team or from this team, i don't ask this team to cheat.
transfer history of RAPID OBSESION (
5 transfers to Botev Plovdiv (
2 transfers to San Martin Formosa (
2 transfers to Boavista ( (LOCRI is the previous name of RAPID OBSESION)
3 transfers to Logrones (
5 transfers to Solin (
4 transfers to Perak (
2 transfers to Hangzhou (
5 transfers to Turnovo (
2 transfers to PRO Titan (
2 transfers to Daegu (
2 transfers to Admira Praha (
1 transfer to Baloch (
1 transfer to Al Sareeh (
1 transfer to Vaduz (
1 transfer to Roda JC ( (team that has switched it's focus on financing Spargatorul De Buci Arad - see previous post)
1 transfer to Novi Sad (
1 transfer to Kocaelispor (
plus 1 transfer each, to teams with only one player bought, ever:
Durham (
Paksi SE (
FC Emmen (
Hottin (
Sousse Tigers (
Senica (
Bistrica (
Halmstads BK (
DC United (
Valur (
Fovu Club (
CS Herediano (
and many, many others. i got tired of all this copy-paste, here. in the last 2 years, almost all his transfers are cheated and the amount stolen is at least 39.000.000 G
apparently, his last honest transfer dates back to over a year ago.
notice the fact that almost all those teams were created in july-august 2013. that's 2 and a half years ago and he waited all this time to cash in!
by this method, he managed to upgrade quite a few facilities to the best.
this team is now banned. good job, Admin!
the latest development:
just now, the banned user showed up on the romanian chat, logged in on another team (he owns other teams, with premium), and claims that he is requesting his money back. not just the premium left, on the banned team, but the last 9 months of premium, on all the teams he owns!
imagine that! he stole, got caught, and now he wants someone else to pay for the things he did! these cheaters, they really have balls, don't they?
dozens and dozens of cheated transfers, but he still claims he is clean as a whistle! outrageous!
A lot of cheating in thailand .
Now a lot of player have a group for deal<buy-sell>player ,it destroy your games. :o
Umbrella Corporation (242447) IS CHEATER!!!! check hos trnasfers!!!
Fire Beach (293390)
FC San Diego (273441)
Bayern München (295021)
Green Street Hooligans (287792)
นักรบแห่งสายรุ้ง (295322)
คาวบอยพื้นที่ (302145
)แข้งเทพ (312313)
Monsters of Rock (312315)
FC Nitra (287237)
FK AS Trenčín (309641)
FK Ajkula (249539)
Goodfellas (243133)
BMS (248970)
Barcelona FC (285520) etc ....
Teams from Albania (even those old and known) are also cheating. They use other teams to make high value transfers of weak players.
In Belgium we also have a cheater. He has been reported several times without any action.
Galaxy FC (310437)
FC Nitra (287237)
Senica (279066)
Muskali (310392)
Liverpool Fc (309767)
FK AS Trenčín (309641)
MFK Nová Baňa (310223)
Other leagues:
FC Pedomon (310128)
FC Soldiers (310140)
Cult of Terror (275472)-->Alpha Squad (318343) SPAIN team with SLOVAK IP
> 100 000G
> 550 000G
-->Beitar Jerusalem (309666) ISRAEL team with SLOVAK IP
> 1 150 000G
> 200 000G
1st team Umbrela Corporation
stolen amount is much more than 30 000 000 G
2nd team Barcelona FC
stolen amount is much more than 8 700 000 G
same IP
Friendly teams:
BMS stolen amount is much more than 5 800 000 G
Goodfellas stolen amount is much more than 5 300 000 G
FK Ajkula stolen amount is much more than 10 000 000 G
with transfers with at least 3 of these 5 teams
Horda zla
UMB: 1,900 000
1,450 000
BAR: 1,500 000
BMS: 1,250 000
Corinthians Alagoano
UMB: 499 000
577 000
BAR: 750 000
FKA: 899 000
UMB: 800 000
GOD: 596 666
FKA: 700 000
490 000
UMB: 900 000
557 000
GOD:760 000
593 333
FKA 1 691 732
AS Trenčín
UMB 749 000
GOD 920 000
Super Warta
UMB: 1,200 000
BAR: 900 000 *the player no longer exists, but has it in the list of transfers
BMS: 1,645 465
FKA: 799 999
331 000 *
UMB: 745 000
BAR: 1,200 000
BMS: 600 000
FKA: 578 000 *
Fire Beach
UMB: 369 000
349 000
GOD: 846 666
BMS: 799 999
FC San Diego
UMB: 949 999
499 000
FKA: 500 000 *
GOD: 2,000 000
FK Hobotnica
UMB: 1,255 000
680 000
BAR: 900 000
BMS: 578 000
50 000 *
GOD: 565 000
with transfers with 2 of this 5 clubs
Millwall FC
Tottanham knights
Bayern München
other BOT teams:
2, 200 000 for player which does not exists anymore form FC Barcelona to 16 years old
etc., etc...
at least ban the players without premium account for next season, tnx. if you can't ban all of them i understend your business interest ban some of tham at least ONE like an example for others to not to try to do such cheats again, our league have many players, and we are all dispointed with fraud from this group of teams.. this are the clubs for fraud..
This are the MAIN CLUBS.
just look at the transfers history and you will find a connection, there are more clubs which are created only for frauds for this five main clubs so ban ONE of them at least, just for example i would like to ban all of them but that is not possible, but at least ONE is necessary i think. JUST FOR EXAMPLE FOR CHEATERS. Otherwise this would become
normally for all clubs in the country, and perhaps beyond. TNX ahead..
:o :o :o
Cult of Terror (275472)-->Alpha Squad (318343) SPAIN team with SLOVAK IP
> 100 000G
> 550 000G
-->Beitar Jerusalem (309666) ISRAEL team with SLOVAK IP
> 1 150 000G
> 200 000G
Esza (
fc.beerlao (
fc.tarnoy (
26/06/2016 F C Srbislav Tomić 18 PARKSUN UNIT.. ---> fc.tarnoy 2,500,000 G 9,118 G
26/06/2016 DM C Srinivas Mitun 17 PARKSUN UNIT.. ---> fc.beerlao 2,500,000 G 3,722 G (LA7 PR2)
26/06/2016 AM L Adam Zolnerowich 20 PARKSUN UNIT.. ---> Esza 2,500,000 G 2,555 G
26/06/2016 M L Thiti Nakprasitte 19 PARKSUN UNIT.. ---> F.TEAM 2,500,000 G 3,388 G
04/02/2016 AM C Soukaphone Souliyavongsa 19 PARKSUN UNIT.. ---> fc.beerlao 2,500,000 G 2,388 G
ip!!! LA!!!
Cheating worth it? Yes!!!
Penalty? No !!!
ALL THIS TEAMS ARE FROM ONE MAN. Crni-ns, and we all in Serbia knows that
GAME IS DEAD :( :( :(
Buducnost NS (
to Vrbas 237K the player no longer exists
CA 3 1,206 K
LA 4 500k + few more overpaid transfers
to Celarevo
500k the player no longer exists
to Naisus B
paid 3,500 000 G ca 7, played for 0 games, and sold for 684,800 G in same season.
TTL AMOUNT STOLEN: 5,943 000 G and few more overpaid transfers, so more than 6 milions for sure.
Borussia Dortmund 09 (
Saint Petersburg (
07/07/2016 F C Joop Van Schoorl 27 Borussia Dor.. ==> Saint Peters.. 1,000,000 G 2,288 G
and cheating is way too absurdly easy and users is done without any fear, because the administrator does not does absolutely nothing
I sent more than 100 messages mentioning cheaters and nothing, nothing, nothing
It is amazing that we are still here ..... if you have any suggestions where you can play a new game, it would be excellent
From Turkey
this user has three teams and makes absolutely ridiculous transfers of large value
Galatasaray Fc (296575)[email protected] (309735)--mençıstırspor (310225)
China, earns millions by ridiculous transfers
brids4 (275051)-jjyy321 (309766)--
Manager :
Gerneral Tripple (170148)
Manager :
Jupitor Thunder (170157)
Manager :
Geminiman Coconut (169995)
Manager :
สุดหล่อ แสนเท่ (160605)
Club Name :
MINNIE-05 (293914) Look the history of their transfers, SAME IP!!!!
:o :o :o :o
>:( >:( >:( >:(
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
1st team Umbrela Corporation
stolen amount is much more than 30 000 000 G
2nd team Barcelona FC
stolen amount is much more than 8 700 000 G
same IP
Friendly teams:
BMS stolen amount is much more than 5 800 000 G
Goodfellas stolen amount is much more than 5 300 000 G
FK Ajkula stolen amount is much more than 10 000 000 G
with transfers with at least 3 of these 5 teams
Horda zla
UMB: 1,900 000
1,450 000
BAR: 1,500 000
BMS: 1,250 000
Corinthians Alagoano
UMB: 499 000
577 000
BAR: 750 000
FKA: 899 000
UMB: 800 000
GOD: 596 666
FKA: 700 000
490 000
UMB: 900 000
557 000
GOD:760 000
593 333
FKA 1 691 732
AS Trenčín
UMB 749 000
GOD 920 000
Super Warta
UMB: 1,200 000
BAR: 900 000 *the player no longer exists, but has it in the list of transfers
BMS: 1,645 465
FKA: 799 999
331 000 *
UMB: 745 000
BAR: 1,200 000
BMS: 600 000
FKA: 578 000 *
Fire Beach
UMB: 369 000
349 000
GOD: 846 666
BMS: 799 999
FC San Diego
UMB: 949 999
499 000
FKA: 500 000 *
GOD: 2,000 000
FK Hobotnica
UMB: 1,255 000
680 000
BAR: 900 000
BMS: 578 000
50 000 *
GOD: 565 000
with transfers with 2 of this 5 clubs
Millwall FC
Tottanham knights
Bayern München
other BOT teams:
2, 200 000 for player which does not exists anymore form FC Barcelona to 16 years old
etc., etc...
at least ban the players without premium account for next season, tnx. if you can't ban all of them i understend your business interest ban some of tham at least ONE like an example for others to not to try to do such cheats again, our league have many players, and we are all dispointed with fraud from this group of teams.. this are the clubs for fraud..
This are the MAIN CLUBS.
just look at the transfers history and you will find a connection, there are more clubs which are created only for frauds for this five main clubs so ban ONE of them at least, just for example i would like to ban all of them but that is not possible, but at least ONE is necessary i think. JUST FOR EXAMPLE FOR CHEATERS. Otherwise this would become
normally for all clubs in the country, and perhaps beyond. TNX ahead..
let me add new team to the list
to be continued...
and... one more
becoming GIGA CHEATERS :)
After a random observation on the transfer market... a cheater in Denmark. Imagine if somebody actually monitors all the transfers (they are not so many)!
danmai003 (316728) (
Same IP and overpriced transfers to many teams:
danmaigko (316089) ( – Denmark, registered 31.12.2015
see (316730) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
open (316731) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
denmark (316732) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
danmai10 (316737) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
denmark8 (316733) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
GOFXXK (316729) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
wewwt (318360) ( – Denmark, registered 19.03.2016
sgfgd (318362) ( – Denmark, registered 19.03.2016
sthbgh (318361) ( – Denmark, registered 19.03.2016
gohell (318357) ( – Egypt, registered 19.03.2016
lostmoney (318356) ( – Egypt, registered 19.03.2016
Total amount of cheating transfers – 8 498 000
Here is the transfer history:
( (
FK DRVAR ( cheater had 19 transfer 19 players to FK Germany (
Dorcol (33250) a lot of cheated
21/12/2016 DM C Miloš Jovanović 17
Barcelona FC (285520)
FC Nitra (287237)
2,150,000 G
19/12/2016 DM CL Jancsi Lakatos 24
CHELSEA F.C. (309204)
FC Nitra (287237)
2,894,666 G
16/11/2016 D C Pavle Tumbasević 16
Barcelona FC (285520)
FK AS Trenčín (309641)
1,450,000 G
This teams and their trasnfer are exorbitant!!!!! >:( :o ??? GAME IS DEAD!! :'(
21/12/2016 DM C Miloš Jovanović 17
Barcelona FC (285520)
FC Nitra (287237)
2,150,000 G
19/12/2016 DM CL Jancsi Lakatos 24
CHELSEA F.C. (309204)
FC Nitra (287237)
2,894,666 G
16/11/2016 D C Pavle Tumbasević 16
Barcelona FC (285520)
FK AS Trenčín (309641)
1,450,000 G
This teams and their trasnfer are exorbitant!!!!! >:( :o ??? GAME IS DEAD!! :'(
Admin is DEAD ??? ??? ??? ::)
After a random observation on the transfer market... a cheater in Denmark. Imagine if somebody actually monitors all the transfers (they are not so many)!
danmai003 (316728) (
Same IP and overpriced transfers to many teams:
danmaigko (316089) ( – Denmark, registered 31.12.2015
see (316730) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
open (316731) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
denmark (316732) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
danmai10 (316737) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
denmark8 (316733) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
GOFXXK (316729) ( – Denmark, registered 09.02.2016
wewwt (318360) ( – Denmark, registered 19.03.2016
sgfgd (318362) ( – Denmark, registered 19.03.2016
sthbgh (318361) ( – Denmark, registered 19.03.2016
gohell (318357) ( – Egypt, registered 19.03.2016
lostmoney (318356) ( – Egypt, registered 19.03.2016
Total amount of cheating transfers – 8 498 000
Here is the transfer history:
( (
Seems like all these clubs are created by a Chinese user
Same Chinese IP address appear in some of these clubs and few more that are not shown in your report...Check out latest transfers in Denmark!
He is controlling both Senior and U-21 Danish NT by two of these clubs. Seems like he is created all these clubs in Denmark just to train his and his Chinese friends players in NT and to buy his and his Chinese friends players and doing many illegal transfers between these clubs. That's a MEGA CHEAT!
please chek this team:
263814 305796 273752 264224 306410 309574 306047 309403 309397 309283 309574 274414 306612 him have 1 manajer. is reza phantom. and him have total 18 account. please banned him. thanks. >:( >:( :D
38 Millions for a LA3 player??? :D :D :D
His team in Portugal but his IP address in United States...
Incredible even something we could imagine
Since more than 3 seasons that we do not have the help of the administrator, in each league are created ghost teams to make cheating transfers, but this is absolutely a mockery and laugh ridiculously of us all, it is imperative that the administrator regulates and Sanction since this was absolutely out of control
Look on today's Denmark transfers!
danmai9 (316736)
Today 6 transfers from this club denmark .. for more than 9 million
Of young players, having academy in very bad
Transfers to surely 6 teams created by this player, if there is no penalty to the cheats, there is no fear of anything, and more and more will be the cheats ... is the only game where this happens, I am sure
Umbrella Corporation CHEATER!!!!! GK With LA 7 for 2,5 mil. to Fk As Trenčín!!!
24/01/2017 F C Titi Vongkiertkamjorn 17
Umbrella Cor..
Cetnici Sever
1,580,000 G 3,241 G
24/01/2017 F C Sutthiphong Wareerat 19
Umbrella Cor..
Horda Zla
1,799,000 G 3,388 G
24/01/2017 F C Pathi Assawanon 18
Umbrella Cor..
1,880,000 G 2,555 G
24/01/2017 F C Chimo Salazar 21
Umbrella Cor..
FK Hobotnica
1,945,000 G 2,888 G
24/01/2017 D C Maruai Kongying 24
Umbrella Cor..
1,670,000 G 2,388 G
24/01/2017 GK Zlatoje Gmitrović 16
Umbrella Cor..
FK AS Trenčí..
2,450,000 G 958 G
24/01/2017 M C Rainerio María 25
Umbrella Cor..
This transfer between Teams Are against The rules! Many of transfer Are between this same teams!
I give money deducted 300k for The same 1 transfer and these teams Are still playing?? I and many others managers ask WHY?
Admin love cheaters, they make him rich ;) And thats why they still playing
player : 2/3/4 , bought for 38.000.000 G !!!.....the cheaters still play , and nothing happend.
Big cheater: Milansini (320986)
04/03/2017 D R Gandolfo Sansa 18 Milansini 四川绥定 1,460,000 G
04/03/2017 D RC Giocondo Rabito 19 Milansini Wastein 1,160,000 G
04/03/2017 F C Ludano De Martino 17 Milansini Milandini 2,500,000 G
Hello Admin,
Please see big CHEATER in Thailand,
Many teams with same IP buy a lot players from this team Megacreep (142296)
Teams below are same IP
1. Devilling (286271)
24/02/2017 D C Pierluigi Aggio 20
3,850,000 G 10,586 G
Date : 21/02/2017 00:55:26 - ip :
Date : 20/02/2017 03:47:48 - ip :
Date : 20/02/2017 01:14:33 - ip :
Date : 15/02/2017 00:55:36 - ip :
Date : 08/02/2017 01:15:46 - ip :
Date : 03/02/2017 01:08:09 - ip :
Date : 20/01/2017 06:02:32 - ip :
Date : 17/01/2017 10:27:00 - ip :
Date : 17/01/2017 01:58:52 - ip :
Date : 17/01/2017 01:35:59 - ip :
2.The Rising Sun (312882)
26/01/2017 M L Valeh Haqverdiyev 23
The Rising S..
1,980,000 G 11,333 G
Date : 20/02/2017 03:51:32 - ip :
Date : 08/02/2017 01:21:17 - ip :
Date : 03/02/2017 00:57:58 - ip :
Date : 23/01/2017 04:41:35 - ip :
Date : 20/01/2017 06:11:18 - ip :
Date : 18/01/2017 00:16:53 - ip :
Date : 17/01/2017 01:48:02 - ip :
Date : 09/01/2017 04:40:10 - ip :
Date : 15/12/2016 09:00:44 - ip :
Date : 02/12/2016 00:50:19 - ip :
3.What hell happen (309650)
07/10/2016 F C Prajin Chanarung 25
What hell ha..
1,994,666 G 11,455 G
Date : 20/02/2017 03:49:37 - ip :
Date : 16/02/2017 00:53:59 - ip :
Date : 08/02/2017 01:19:17 - ip :
Date : 03/02/2017 01:02:08 - ip :
Date : 30/01/2017 02:54:59 - ip :
Date : 20/01/2017 06:01:21 - ip :
Date : 17/01/2017 09:51:22 - ip :
Date : 17/01/2017 01:52:15 - ip :
Date : 09/01/2017 04:37:48 - ip :
Date : 27/12/2016 04:41:31 - ip :
and more than 5...
This team is happy with his CHEATS
If admin still a live please do something!!!
i'm pretty sure the admin doesn't care anymore, back in the day if you make transfer with 500k with same IP you will get ban, now they made transfer with 38 million and still got away :)
Sadly it's useless talking about cheating since this game has no admin and no active or approved GM for fighting aganist the cheaters.
WE NEED TO BAN CHEATERS!!!!! Admin................
New Big Cheater:
Team: NGRAU_FC (302465)
22/04/2017 DM C Balaputra Yackob - 18y - NGRAU_FC - albania01 - 2,100,000 G - 975 G
22/04/2017 D L Sawlat Jafri - 18y - NGRAU_FC - NAPOLI 01 - 1,600,000 G - 825 G
14/03/2017 M L,AM L Eko Prihatin - 17y - NGRAU_FC - PML05 FC - 1,000,000 G - 825 G
27/10/2016 D R Angsana Hardja - 33y - NGRAU_FC - - PML05 FC - 1,000,000 G - 1,778 G
21/10/2016 D C Arief Sahib - 34y - NGRAU_FC - PERSIB 1933 - 1,100,000 G - 1,990 G
21/10/2016 GK Syahrul Arsyat 32y - NGRAU_FC - Inspiration - 1,000,000 G - 1,343 G
17/10/2016 AM R,F C Ash Armistead - 19y - NGRAU_FC - Dalian Aerbi.. - 1,100,000 G - 991 G
ecc. ecc. ecc. ecc.
New Big Cheater:
Team: NGRAU_FC (302465)
oohh cheater from Indonesia. I'm so sorry guys... we can not stop them...:( :( :(
??? BIG cheater, need to kill them!! ???
player : 2/3/4 , bought for 38.000.000 G !!!.....the cheaters still play , and nothing happend.
I noticed this transfer is deleted from database, seller's club fined and buyer's club banned ;)
26/04/2017 M C Setia Kurniawan 18
2,276,000 G 1,111 G
26/04/2017 F C Vance Styles 22
1,200,000 G 3,555 G
26/04/2017 M C Rafid Reza 30
1,250,000 G 1,751 G
Milandini (277285)Milansini (320986)四川绥定 (322989)Wastein (318084)milanardo (320987) 1 manager 5 teams not premium and market exchanges
It's just a waste of time.
We have no GMs and the Admin seems to have no interest in this game.
Continues to cheat, so no one controls anything: Umbrella Corporation (242447):
Makes 2 millionaire sales of 2 bins to a team created by him:
29/05/2017 F C Ljubivoje Novaković 18 Umbrella Corporation (242447) - FK Ajkula (249539) - 9,900,000 G
29/05/2017 AM R,F C Velimir Antonić 18 Umbrella Corporation (242447) - FK Ajkula (249539) - 8,000,000 G
The biggest cheater in Indonesia like below :
( (
( (
Big cheater from Serbia - Umbrella Corporation (242447)
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
New Cheater
ThongThai FC (181480)
22/06/2017 - AM L Fengge Qi - 30y - ThongThai FC - BanKoa FC - 1,700,000 G
Nome : Fengge Qi (5448243)
Squadra : BanKoa FC (320939)
Miglior posizione : AM L
Età : 30 anni vecchio
Stipendio : 9,023 G/ Settimana
Valore stimato : 480,000 G
BMS (248970) Ratislav Bajović (9099258) 4/7/3 11M :P
Maximum price 7M, asked price 9,5M, received bid 15M!!!!! >:(
Super Super DC 9/4 for 11M!!!! >:( >:(
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Why are you write here........ Admin dont ban cheaters..........
Włodzimierz Strzałkowski (6654667) 28y value 509k bought for 18 mln:)
FC Barceloona (312273)
see (316730)
danmai003 (316728)
18/11/2017 D C Warner Petit (8257773) 23 FC Barceloona to see---15,100,000 G
18/11/2017 D CL Casimir Godfrey (8610767) 22 FC Barceloona to danmai003---12,200,000 G
Włodzimierz Strzałkowski (6654667) - Жемчужина Одеса (323627) > Cult of Terror (275472) - 18,100,000 G
28y 510k value for 18M >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
how easy it is to cheat, and in this way, before they were sales of 1,000,000-2,000,000 now over 10,000,000, for many manage to earn that money is with much sacrifice, while cheats are helped
HI everyone, i will end with game. I have more clubs :/ i have very more hackked teams. now , when i leave i will give him all teams!
Admin piece of shit if you like cheaters
And what about the user who is creating at least 5 teams in each league with the name ending with "INDIPSE"?!?! ::)
And what about the user who is creating at least 5 teams in each league with the name ending with "INDIPSE"?!?! ::)
Don't think any of them is getting assigned to any leagues though, guess admin is wise enough to avoid doing that.
Hello , I have nothing to do with these transfers , I do not know why Aramazov has made these offers. I know this is unfair and violates the rules, but there was nothing I could do, I could not stop the transfers. I wrote to admin to check and remove that money from my balance. I am not a cheater , I will not use these money
This team is A CHEATER ???
---> 3-7-3 (CA-LA-PR) but SOLD with price ~14M ::)
---> Bought 33K and SOLD 16,8M >:(
....and other
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? CANNOT CONNECT DB ??? ??? ??? ???
??? :( :o ??? ::) :P. Cannot connect db!!!!!! ??? ??? ???
:o ??? ???
I dont want to waste my time to list down all of his club.. go check ur self GKO admin, if you still exist..
i hope he can win big throphy someday :-*
im leaving this game :'(
HI everyone, i will end with game. I have more clubs :/ i have very more hackked teams. now , when i leave i will give him all teams!
I am a big cheater...I have cheated my wife last night, lol...Just joking :)
and follows the match with arttessya that will surely be dubious, watch Wednesday
has made many tops in past seasons
19/12/2016 DM CL Jancsi Lakatos 24
CHELSEA F.C. (309204)
FC Nitra (287237)
2,894,666 G
This teams and their trasnfer are exorbitant!!!!! >:( :o ??? GAME IS DEAD!! :'(
1st team Umbrela Corporation
stolen amount is much more than 30 000 000 G
2nd team Barcelona FC
stolen amount is much more than 8 700 000 G
same IP
Friendly teams:
BMS stolen amount is much more than 5 800 000 G
Goodfellas stolen amount is much more than 5 300 000 G
FK Ajkula stolen amount is much more than 10 000 000 G
FC San Diego
UMB: 949 999
499 000
FKA: 500 000 *
GOD: 2,000 000
just look at the transfers history and you will find a connection, there are more clubs which are created only for frauds for this five main clubs so ban ONE of them at least, just for example i would like to ban all of them but that is not possible, but at least ONE is necessary i think. JUST FOR EXAMPLE FOR CHEATERS. Otherwise this would become
normally for all clubs in the country, and perhaps beyond. TNX ahead..
:o :o :o
This C**T is still around...
See transfer history for this player:
About 8M too much to the rentboys I'd say
One of the first cheaters in GKO, playing with 2 teams in Top level all the time Mean Machine (29585) and F.C. United of Manchester of the South (138516), one of his favorite teams. :)
Many trophies won by match fixing with this team. Even created a no mots ''rule'' in US league to avoid questions why this team never play mots vs. him in decisive matches. Mots is created and allowed by game developers, everybody got 2 per season and can use it when he wants. Who is he to disallow it and why others should follow his rule nobody knows :-X
Look at his last cup game vs. his satellite . F.C. United of Manchester of the South is on pole position to promote his team in top, playing vs. top team but not using mots, playing with subs and on right flank are playing MC as DR and FC as MR. Mean machine is attacking that side. Easy win! :)
Let's see how is winning Top level titles: 25 league round brave F.C. United of Manchester of the South is parking the bus and earning a point vs. his title opponent team league round F.C. United of Manchester of the South is playing vs. Mean machine... Oh, noo, he is playing with second team and losing, what a disappointment for MM rival club :-[ At the end of the season Mean Machine won the title by goal difference :(
It's a shame, he is moderator chosen by game administrators but he is a cheater from the beginning :( What can we say about regular users? 95% of active users are cheating more or less...Let's report all of them. Or let's create a white book with non-cheating clubs. Who will be the first to put his name in white book? ME! ME! Of course... :)
One of the first cheaters in GKO, playing with 2 teams in Top level all the time Mean Machine (29585) and F.C. United of Manchester of the South (138516), one of his favorite teams. :)
Many trophies won by match fixing with this team. Even created a no mots ''rule'' in US league to avoid questions why this team never play mots vs. him in decisive matches. Mots is created and allowed by game developers, everybody got 2 per season and can use it when he wants. Who is he to disallow it and why others should follow his rule nobody knows :-X
Look at his last cup game vs. his satellite . F.C. United of Manchester of the South is on pole position to promote his team in top, playing vs. top team but not using mots, playing with subs and on right flank are playing MC as DR and FC as MR. Mean machine is attacking that side. Easy win! :)
Let's see how is winning Top level titles: 25 league round brave F.C. United of Manchester of the South is parking the bus and earning a point vs. his title opponent team league round F.C. United of Manchester of the South is playing vs. Mean machine... Oh, noo, he is playing with second team and losing, what a disappointment for MM rival club :-[ At the end of the season Mean Machine won the title by goal difference :(
It's a shame, he is moderator chosen by game administrators but he is a cheater from the beginning :( What can we say about regular users? 95% of active users are cheating more or less...Let's report all of them. Or let's create a white book with non-cheating clubs. Who will be the first to put his name in white book? ME! ME! Of course... :)
What a joke
You are so smart, you did not manage to even make one accusation that breaks any GKO rules ::)
However I must respond to such a diatribe.
Yes, my wife used to play the game with me, and we both had premium accounts to be 100% legal. We never fixed matches. Even if I were lying about my wife - who happens to also have a first name that starts with the same first letter as mine - there is no rule against playing two teams with premium accounts so long as the teams do not make permanent transfers between themselves. Can you find any such player transfers between those teams? No you cannot.
Anyway she doesn't really play anymore, which is why her team has disintegrated from a top 5 side in the top level to the USA B-leagues (so far lol). Looks like it too, all the team's players were very low condition from not being managed this season, which might explains the odd formation, don't you think?
BTW I am not a moderator, I am the only moderator. I could have just deleted your post, which is what I would do with any unsubstantiated accusations, but I have nothing to hide.
Then I noticed that you posted some very sensitive information...information that is not available to the average user...and had to delete the usernames you posted. TBH I would delete any post that did that. I will bet you are CHELSEA FC manager, considering you posted the same lies on my manager page. Did I expose your insane transfer? Actually someone else brought it to me.
Now please go find someone that is actually doing bad things to disparage. :-[
Brian is a legendary player of this game, CHELSEA FC is just one of many managers with suspicious transfers, players sold for a lot of money to clubs with almost no activities, multiple accounts created to cheat and make money...this is the reality of this game.
Seems like some people don't know the rules despite they are playing from first seasons. Match fixing in any form is cheating same as illegal transfers, multiaccounting, cheating with Nation Teams, borrowing friend's account and many other cheats in this game.
Some people say ''I'm not a cheater, because my second account is premium''.
Again, you can have only 1 account in the country where you live in. If you want to open second account it must be in different country and it must be covered with premium. If you open 2 or more accounts in same country, no matter if they are premium or not, that's cheating. So, my dear, you are a cheater.
Let me guess that second account belongs to your wife, husband, brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter, cousin, uncle or to your pet ::)
That's why I would agree with the man who said that most of the managers are cheating but they don't know that. Or they don't want to know...
Some people say ''I'm not a cheater, because my second account is premium''.
Again, you can have only 1 account in the country where you live in. If you want to open second account it must be in different country and it must be covered with premium. If you open 2 or more accounts in same country, no matter if they are premium or not, that's cheating. So, my dear, you are a cheater.
You need to show the rule that specifics such claim. All I found, under Premium Features, is:
17. A premium user is allowed to join league in any country
Nowhere does it say anything about not having 2 teams in the same country.
Unless you provide proof, I'm afraid you're going to have to apologise.
So funny.
I have talked about my wife having a team in the forums before...clearly it was no secret:
Yes, once I wanted to get a player my wife was selling so I asked admin directly and got their answer. :(
Also we notified admin about our teams and recieved permission to both play in the same league. We have emails.
We never traded players
or fixed matches - Cheater didn't mention this cup final: (
did he?
This is simply the case of a manager getting caught making an egregious transfer between teams that appear to be managed by the same individual using the tu quoque logical fallacy against his accuser in an attempt to avoid scrutiny.
If the timing of Cheater's accusations aren't suspicious, I don't know what is. I very very rarely make posts about cheating. Within 24 hours after making the first one in ages I suddenly become the accused? Then FC San Diego manager attacks me in USA chatroom after being inactive for years? It's pretty obvious what's going on here....
From now on I think I will delete any and all unsubstantiated accusations of cheating in the forum. I may even spend some time deleting old threads with such content.
This is only an hunt to man against you Brian. All we knows, or at least should know if we are not novice in the game, that buying premium feature, you are allowed to have even more clubs in the same league. The other arguments they are bringing up have no foundation...just silly accusations of poor little boys with no evidences of nothing. Just free shit.
I want to add my two pence worth, please.
Shame on those who accuse Brian.
Like overs have already said, he has done so much for this community. It is fine for people to disagree with him but if they want to call him a cheat then they need to have exceptionally good evidence or be held in contempt by all reasonable players of this game. Brian has explained everything, so I would like to see an apology.
I also disagree with the original poster, the number of people cheating is a lot less than 95%. What satisfaction can anyone take from winning against normal players when you use unfair means? How can the game feel like a football management game when useless players are sold for 9m G? How can normal players compete when top players are being sold for 27m G?
Come on guys its just a game. Play clean, put grievances behind you and have fun.
Brian, as you probably know, IPs are irrelevant. They can be manipulated. Or the cheaters may exchange purchases, you may call it money laundering. If the IP doesn't match, it doesn't mean it's not cheating.
Hard evidence comes from the M.O. they all seem to use: buy cheap, sell at ridiculously high prices.
Tell me about Sherman Attenberry. 4/10/3 @ 18 yo. You sold him for 1.2 mil, he resold him, a month and a half later, for 9.1 mil. Is that a fair market price? No. Is it cheating? Most definitely! Why? Because he has way too many such transfers for it to be an accident.
He is a cheater. Period.
Now, please delete that post, it's ridiculous. Some might find it offensive. I do.
This has gotten so ridiculous
Tempted to treat all cheater reporting as spam at this point
Sorry to have gotten involved at all
Some people say ''I'm not a cheater, because my second account is premium''.
Again, you can have only 1 account in the country where you live in. If you want to open second account it must be in different country and it must be covered with premium. If you open 2 or more accounts in same country, no matter if they are premium or not, that's cheating. So, my dear, you are a cheater.
You need to show the rule that specifics such claim. All I found, under Premium Features, is:
17. A premium user is allowed to join league in any country
Nowhere does it say anything about not having 2 teams in the same country.
Unless you provide proof, I'm afraid you're going to have to apologise.
To apology to a cheater who has intentionally breaking the game rules (read first post) which I just quoted by so obviously way in these games against Black Boy and arrttessya fc? Are you kidding me?
Cheaters are so impudent nowadays, they are fighting each other in chat and forum, blaming other people. :-[
If you want to fight with cheaters(sounds like you aren't ::)), you should report them to admin and he will deal with them, not with other cheats.
This kind of match fixing(or any kind) isn't ''better'' cheating than illegal transfers, NT manipulation or other cheats.
I'm pretty sure that admin said you can't have 2 or more teams in same country. Let somebody help me with a link for that. Having 2 teams in same league can give you a huge advantage. If I am wrong, then it's my mistake :(
If you are wrong, you must apologise. To Brian, of course, not to me :)))))))))
So, the admin will deal with the cheaters?!
All I have to do is report them?!
The last time somebody told me that, it was a cheater who knows that admin doesn't care about cheater reports. The cheaters use that line to 'prove' their innocence.
By the way, Mr. Immaculate, why don't you show us your team. Maybe we can learn about not cheating.
Until then, you still need to point out that rule, about being forbidden to own 2 premium teams in the same league. It's been a while since you invoked it. It seems that you are quick to point to all sorts of topics, but not to that one. How come?!
post evidence for any and all assertions or they will be deleted. Suspicious transfers can be posted, but any assertions of cheating will be edited out.
If anyone would like to start a thread about creating a fair criteria for determining whether a match has been fixed, please do. :-\
Djalorosi (264175) and Saketi (175826) --> SAME MANAGER selling/buying player from both teams-->
DiaMonD Kids (84155)
Inocencio Pavia (9774416) 6/2 GK 800k bid (YoYo King (328714))?
Kinfu Ruto (9604059) 5/4 1M offer (YoYo King (328714))
Kunjanapat Srimeechai (9745987) 5/4 GK 550k offer (YoYo King (328714))
Carol Abel (9574736) 6/3 800k offer (YoYo King (328714))
This huge cheater AC Horné Dolné has been recently banned -
So there is at least somebody out there who can actually do something about cheaters. Don't stop to report them! I've noticed they read [email protected] , so better use it for cheater reporting also!
Wow, finally got banned. Hope in a very long ban!
Hei admin help romania and banned the team as speranta triaj, ramonraul barcelona, fc ramon raul, for incorect transfer, help romania admin
Hei admin please help us and ban the team as speranta to level romania for incorect transfer
Hei admin please help us and ban the team as speranta to level romania for incorect transfer
This team cheats everyday selling players to multi accounts for many millions.
Transfers marked with red lines are his activity in cheater field on GKO.
I will expose many more serial cheaters from GKO. Mister Admin, please do your job and protect the honest managers by banning these cheaters!
Take a look at this piece of crap!
Take a look at this piece of crap!
Take a look at this piece of crap!
Take a look at this piece of crap!
Take a look at this piece of crap!
Take a look at this piece of crap!
Take a look at this piece of crap!
Take a look at this piece of crap!
Mister Undertaker has done it again stealing 16.5 millions in one shot! Ban him!
Hei,dear admin ban this theam as speranta triaj, recidivist manager
A part of their teams from Romania. Look at the huge amount of accounts they are using to fraud the game.
More teams used by the scumbags. Teams from leagues B and C only!
Some of their teams are set to the same field arrangement of players. Take a look!
I want to inform you that Latvian NT has been stolen by some cheater. Both managers who "won" the elections, never log in and there are tons of players from team named "Secret" in NT U-21 squad. It really destroys our national team ranking.
Admins, I really hope that you can do something about it.
Best regards,
Look at the list of german teams owned by Undertaker, Florin and Zsoka. You have few examples of how they exchange money in between these accounts.
Romanian cheaters keep on stealing millions!
Brotherhood of cheat between teams with the same type of names, same type of transfers between eachother. Ban them!
Brotherhood of cheat between teams with the same type of names, same type of transfers between eachother. Ban them!
Mr. Cheater, excuse Mr. aNTICHEATER, I do not think you can put the results of the teams on the forum, in fact the few teams I will write below, FC Petrolul ploiesti, manager Mihut Mihut [67586}, TIKI TAKA BARCELONA, [77549] Arrttessya, manager Arty66 [38099], ZIZE RUPTE, manager Don Wilson {31630], following the results of these teams plus a few more you will realize the correctness of these managers, arty66 owning several accounts that I will let you you find it alone, mister cheater like this you are using another account
'm starting to help you, FC Petrolul Ploiesti-arrttessya 0-6, FC Petroleum ploiesti-black boy cf 0-7, SPEEDYPlay-fc Petroleum Ploiesti 9-0, Cs Bacau-FC Petrolul Ploiesti 5-0, FC Petrolul Ploiesti - 0-7 squadron, 0-5 squatted petroleum boots 0-5 and the same results were last season between the same teams to help somebody to the detriment of others, all of them are some last-timers, they broke the atmosphere in gko Romania through the arrangements made :D 8)
fc petrolul ploiesti-magicasteaua 0-7, fc petrolul ploiesti-CIZME RUPTE 0-5,ARRTTESSYA FC-FC Petrolul Ploiesti 3-1, fc petolul ploiesti-black boy cf 0-7,speedyplay-fc petrolul ploiesti 9-0, fc petrolul ploiesti-arrttessya 0-6, cs bacau-fc petrolul ploiesti 5-0 8) :-[
The trio of cheat formed by Undertaker, Zsoka and Florin are cheating some more.
Cheater from Antigua. Promoting youth players from Very Bad Academy and selling them for millions.
Partial list of the abroad teams of the "trio" of cheat.
Ban the trio!
Ban these cheaters!
Ban these cheaters!
Hei admin ban the infractor team as speranta triaj and company for fraudulos transfers
More cheats. Zsoka, Florin and Undertaker transfers. B league in Romania.
Another illegal account belonging to the trio of cheat is making illegal transfers. And the latest cheats from their account which i already posted everywhere.
And Latvian national team is again stolen by a cheater with his several accouts made just for voting. Is banning these people that hard? ???
Administrator please check arrttessya fc (85413) and its multiple transfers with SSC Napoli, Atletico Cornitoiu, Viitorul Constanta, EM Foottball, Mortal Kombat, Barbateni fc, Barbarosa and other teams appearing in his transfer list with transfers multiple in favor of arrttessya fc team, thank you in advance
Administrator please will ask you to analyze the team matches FC Petrolul Ploiesti (132271) and Tiki Taka Barcelona (145197) last season (24) with the Black Boy CF teams (20348), Rupte boots (63680), Arrttessya fc (85413) 312410), magic (27400), games lost by the managers of the two teams with scores like 0-9, 0-8, 0-7 influencing in this way the final standings and I have the request to take the necessary measures for the two or if I\'m wrong please let me know, thank you in advance and I await your answer in their case if it\'s right what they did
arrttessya fc (85413) and its multiple transfers with SSC Napoli, Atletico Cornitoiu, Viitorul Constanta, EM Foottball, Mortal Kombat, Barbateni fc, Barbarosa and other teams appearing in his transfer list with transfers multiple in favor of arrttessya fc team,
FC golex(131510) the notorious cheater has done it again .Same IP Two worthless players have been sold over 2 million.7/3 Have a lot of team ,Quite profitable to cheat,Friendly ,Another. Take a look at this shit!
Let's see
FC golex(131510) the notorious cheater has done it again .Same IP Two worthless players have been sold over 2 million.7/3 Have a lot of team ,Quite profitable to cheat,Friendly ,Another. Take a look at this shit!
AntiCheater999(339992) from USA is a FAKE profile created by a real player from Croatia x??x (145742) and his team FC I N V I S I B L E(260654) .
There is REALLY AND ONLY ONE AntiCheaters (187660) is from Korea DPR, who is the true fighter in the GKO World, while FAKE AntiCheater999 (339992) from USA and made it a manager x??x (145742) from Croatia GKO, just to continue the dirty war against me and my team.
How is x??x (145742) made by:
1. Created a fake profile in USA and uses a fair name of AntiCheater to disrupt everything in the GKO world (initially and me)
2. He made a release at the GKO Forum under the false nickname AntiCheater999 (339992) from the USA and assembled pictures (Photoshop for Stupid) and fictional story attempted to "prove" my team's admixture in dishonest actions
3. In a message to Croatia chat and Global Chat states the text:
AntiCheater999: FC golex (131510) the notorious cheater has done it again. Sam IP, Quite profitable to cheat Take a look at this shit! [f_id] 19929.175 [/ f_id][/u]
You can notice the first mistake: the name of my team was written by FC golex(131510) , but FC Golex (131510) is correct - it means that it has written my club name differently some is in the official version with the initial letter "g" instead of the big letter "G "!!
( (
4. The actual AntiCheaters (187660) from Korea DPR publishes its bulletins extensions on Twiter profile and there is no mistake or cheating. FAKE AntiCheater999 (339992) from USA has taken the opportunity to create a new false profile on the GKO Forum and thus deceives all players in the GKO world with his "false truth"
5. With FAKE profile AntiCheater999 (339992) from USA made the following message: "... FC golex (131510) the notorious cheater has done it again. Same IP Two worthless players have been sold over 2 million. 7/3 Have a lot of team, Quite Profitable to Cheat, Friendly, Another. Take a look at this shit! ... "with a picture of my IP addresses and my underlying transactions
I contacted the TRUE AntiCheaters (187660) from Korea DPR and got his message and answer. I hope that they will also come to the GKO forum to confirm the truth of this message.
Message from TRUE AntiCheaters (187660) from Korea DPR is:
" ....Hello. I noticed that there is someone using the same name as mine. I have no connection with anyone who claims of fighting cheaters. I document myself all the time and i don\'t use other people\'s screenshots because they can be fake. So no, it\'s not me. I am only here! Best regards! ..."
( (
This is a true story .... Manager from Croatia x??x (145742) and his team FC I N V I S I B L E(260654) is a sick lie and now you see how many problems I have in my league with this gambler and cheater, and their endless games with motivation, setting match results and deciding who will be the champion in Top level Croatia or in a cup of competitions. DISGUST ME !!
Thanks for your time and understanding!
Hello! This is true. I have no idea who 99 is. I don't work with anyone who uses another account on GKO. All the screenshots are taken by me and can easily be verified by anyone.
I don't know who he is. I notice you given the name of another user. I have no clue who he might be.
What's clear and i can strongly say that is not me. I don't use fake screenshots!
FC golex(131510) the notorious cheater has done it again .Same IP Two worthless players have been sold over 2 million.7/3 Have a lot of team ,Quite profitable to cheat,Friendly ,Another. Take a look at this shit!
AntiCheater999(339992) from USA is a FAKE profile created by a real player from Croatia x??x (145742) and his team FC I N V I S I B L E(260654) .
There is REALLY AND ONLY ONE AntiCheaters (187660) is from Korea DPR, who is the true fighter in the GKO World, while FAKE AntiCheater999 (339992) from USA and made it a manager x??x (145742) from Croatia GKO, just to continue the dirty war against me and my team.
How is x??x (145742) made by:
1. Created a fake profile in USA and uses a fair name of AntiCheater to disrupt everything in the GKO world (initially and me)
2. He made a release at the GKO Forum under the false nickname AntiCheater999 (339992) from the USA and assembled pictures (Photoshop for Stupid) and fictional story attempted to "prove" my team's admixture in dishonest actions
3. In a message to Croatia chat and Global Chat states the text:
AntiCheater999: FC golex (131510) the notorious cheater has done it again. Sam IP, Quite profitable to cheat Take a look at this shit! [f_id] 19929.175 [/ f_id][/u]
You can notice the first mistake: the name of my team was written by FC golex(131510) , but FC Golex (131510) is correct - it means that it has written my club name differently some is in the official version with the initial letter "g" instead of the big letter "G "!!
( (
4. The actual AntiCheaters (187660) from Korea DPR publishes its bulletins extensions on Twiter profile and there is no mistake or cheating. FAKE AntiCheater999 (339992) from USA has taken the opportunity to create a new false profile on the GKO Forum and thus deceives all players in the GKO world with his "false truth"
5. With FAKE profile AntiCheater999 (339992) from USA made the following message: "... FC golex (131510) the notorious cheater has done it again. Same IP Two worthless players have been sold over 2 million. 7/3 Have a lot of team, Quite Profitable to Cheat, Friendly, Another. Take a look at this shit! ... "with a picture of my IP addresses and my underlying transactions
I contacted the TRUE AntiCheaters (187660) from Korea DPR and got his message and answer. I hope that they will also come to the GKO forum to confirm the truth of this message.
Message from TRUE AntiCheaters (187660) from Korea DPR is:
" ....Hello. I noticed that there is someone using the same name as mine. I have no connection with anyone who claims of fighting cheaters. I document myself all the time and i don\'t use other people\'s screenshots because they can be fake. So no, it\'s not me. I am only here! Best regards! ..."
( (
This is a true story .... Manager from Croatia x??x (145742) and his team FC I N V I S I B L E(260654) is a sick lie and now you see how many problems I have in my league with this gambler and cheater, and their endless games with motivation, setting match results and deciding who will be the champion in Top level Croatia or in a cup of competitions. DISGUST ME !!
Thanks for your time and understanding!
Golex, that can't hide the truth that you're a cheater in his information...if you noticed the screenshots are in Thai. This is a Thai cheater USSM (149527) and Monrovia (221534) and many other teams, hundreds for sure. He is also appearing with nicknames terfaketeam when he has to disparage someone else. This is the biggest cheater in GKO but weirdly avoiding BAN so far...Maybe is admin's favorite. Now he is trying to help to original ''AntiCheater'', which is another Romanian cheater(ok, ''fixer'') :) to observe other cheaters but not him for sure. So, the question is why GM and his helper AntiCheaters(mihut) don't ban or penalize all kind of cheaters? Also, they left unpunished very big cheaters like this one mentioned above but banned other ''small'' cheaters with minor cheats in past. Very strange and unfair if you ask me. Seems like someone is telling the GM which accounts have to be banned and he is doing it but I've seen some teams that might be innocent was banned without checking the details obviously. That's totally unfair. So, if the GM has to ban all cheaters, that are not less than of 90% of active teams and maybe 70% of active users, many of them sponsoring the game buying premium and tokens. When I said cheaters that mean not only those with illegal transfers but those with fixed games, multiple accounts without premium, cheating NT managers with NT, borrowing friend's accounts and many other well known cheats here. So, if GM has to be fair, he has to ban all these teams. This will be end of the game but it won't happen, just GM and his snitch will make the game easier for other cheaters that will remain unpunished.
Mister BAKH, i have two things to tell you :
First : you have no idea who i am and i can tell you for sure that you are very wrong about who i may be.
Second : I am not the one who bans cheaters on GKO. The admin does it. Once again, you are terribly wrong.
Good day!
so bakh could just call people like Mihut cheaters without any kind of proof and no one will punish him, but if I call him stupid for doing that I`ll get punished? because if so, I won`t call him stupid :)
I assume BAKH is short for florin+Undertaker49+zzocka=crying =)))
Please, deduct the money from this transfer and/or ban Maesot. The owner of this team is not Bulgarian anyway
Interesting is that cantonafc is already banned.
My next transfer:
Name F C Abuna Aswad Asking price 650,000 G Bids average 113,908,843 G Number of bids 1 bids Deadline 18/08/2019 09:04:59
Mihut, this is a counter-attack of the cheaters. They buy players from clubs who they hate with unreasonable prices so that the club is banned by admin. Really sneaky. Be careful all.
Mihut, this is a counter-attack of the cheaters. They buy players from clubs who they hate with unreasonable prices so that the club is banned by admin. Really sneaky. Be careful all.
This should only result in money deducted :o
Yes, everything is fine.
Who is this fucking anticheater ?
We played from a long time now with several because we are several people in the same house and now cause to this fucker guy we cannot play together. We played together, we spent a lot of money in this game and now just one account works. It is easy for you, probably you have more than one computer in your house, i have just one but now it is impossible for me to play with my family.
It is totally unfair
Link to those teams, please, so we can form an opinion
the number of computers doesn`t matter, it`s the IP that is the same for all the computers connected to the same network
Who is this fucking anticheater ?
We played from a long time now with several because we are several people in the same house and now cause to this fucker guy we cannot play together. We played together, we spent a lot of money in this game and now just one account works. It is easy for you, probably you have more than one computer in your house, i have just one but now it is impossible for me to play with my family.
It is totally unfair
The guy is total idiot,anyway i don't want to play this stupid game anymore cause some spoiled kid wants to rule the game and ban teams without single evidence!
Ban the real cheaters if you dare you dickhead!
พวกเมิงโกงแล้วเขาจับได้อย่าดิ้นสิครัช :P
Who is this fucking anticheater ?
We played from a long time now with several because we are several people in the same house and now cause to this fucker guy we cannot play together. We played together, we spent a lot of money in this game and now just one account works. It is easy for you, probably you have more than one computer in your house, i have just one but now it is impossible for me to play with my family.
It is totally unfair
The guy is total idiot,anyway i don't want to play this stupid game anymore cause some spoiled kid wants to rule the game and ban teams without single evidence!
Ban the real cheaters if you dare you dickhead!
please show us the teams that were banned without a single piece of evidence. as we all know, once a cheated transfer is taken care of by Admin, that transfer gets deleted and no trace is left, so i'll ask Admin if anything that is portrayed as clean is really clean or has been cleaned.
until then, let's look at the original post, that claims he was playing fair and only got banned because of the ip.
that guy's team is: (
judging by his loan history, he had a close relationship at least with Jesuischarlie (
he even shares the same ip with Jesuischarlie, so this must be one of the teams from the same house.
he transferred several players between these 2 teams, even though the rules clearly state: A premium user may play multiple accounts but every accounts that he plays have to be premium accounts. However, trading players between these accounts is not allowed.
and he got banned, totally fair, good job, Admin, good job anticheater!
should we inquire into other teams, that seem to have been created to pump money to these 2 teams? here is one: (
and another: (
and another: (
and another: (
and another: (
and some of those teams have multiple transfers with Clamart (, a team in debt. is this the only account that still works? i would think so. but this account has different ip's. so there are more than one device in that house. and imagine, a french family so poor, that it cannot afford more than one device, does it sound believable? certainly not to me, i think it's the same person, a cheater and a liar.
panjcof, please prove me wrong.
oh, wait, panjcof is also a cheater. i just found his banned team =)))))))
no wonder he is siding with the other cheater =))))
don't panic, people, we don't have a spoiled kid dictating to Admin what to do. instead, we have an Admin that is doing his job.
Good job, Admin!
Yeah Mihut my dear frined,banned without any evidence,my account was hacked i wrote it to Admin but of course nobody cares... And now this IDIOT shows up and ban every fuckin team... Enjoy this stupid game i don't mind...
I'm still waiting for you to show the cases of bans without evidence. As for your claim of being a victim of hacking, I find it convenient and hard to believe.
Of course, if your password was easy to guess, then you have only yourself to blame, but I still don't believe it.
Re: cheater reporting
« Reply #200 on: September 18, 2019, 11:58:05 AM »
Yeah Mihut my dear frined,banned without any evidence,
Do you think people is stupid?,
just see your transfers to understand.. :-\
Dear administration , Today i found that the banned team CHELSEA F.C. is back in the game, under a new name of The Economist (309204) , with all his original players , is this the type of banning GKO uses ? you will pay premium and the banning is lifted? if yes, then that's why the game is full of cheaters, and the cheating problem is not solved, i think that with this attitude ,it will grow bigger now, dear administration.
Dear administration , Today i found that the banned team CHELSEA F.C. is back in the game, under a new name of The Economist (309204) , with all his original players , is this the type of banning GKO uses ? you will pay premium and the banning is lifted? if yes, then that's why the game is full of cheaters, and the cheating problem is not solved, i think that with this attitude ,it will grow bigger now, dear administration.
The ban on his Bulgarian team has been also removed! And the same... the team is renamed from ПФК Ботев Пловдив to Vanga FC ( and its financial status is secure.
This is one of the largest cheaters in the game and he has dozens of multiple accounts - just take a look at the transfers of all of them. He is also part of the huge multiple accounts network in Denmark and other nations.
So, admin, why you or the GMs have removed his bans? Does anyone that pays for premium and tokens can cheat in this game?
Was banning cheaters lately only a single case and you think of abandoning the game again? If yes, just to remind you that keeping the game fair is the only way to continue making some money of it. Otherwise it will just die in months, like many users already left it.
309204 and Vanga FC has been banned permanently.
INDO-SQU4D-TM (321903)
Last transfers:
25/10/2019 DM C,M C Þór Hauksson 19 INDO-SQU4D-TM IxProPlayer 11,500,000 G
22/10/2019 M C Lúðvík Gunnarsson 19 INDO-SQU4D-TM IxproAzuma 11,000,000 G
Please check it out.
INDO-SQU4D-TM (321903)
Last transfers:
25/10/2019 DM C,M C Þór Hauksson 19 INDO-SQU4D-TM IxProPlayer 11,500,000 G
22/10/2019 M C Lúðvík Gunnarsson 19 INDO-SQU4D-TM IxproAzuma 11,000,000 G
Please check it out.
@Admin or @Game Master
Please BAN it
That is the old cheater from Indonesia. I know that very well.
The club is satellite from the BANNED club here:
ezer fc (305288)
;) other new slovakia thief-manager (or old?)...TJ SOKOL ŠIŠOv (337236) his transferts, he opened a lot of new teams in the gko world for drain money in new team..the same logo of dalailama, only casuality????? hmmm..Admin control he!!! ;D
INDO-SQU4D-TM (321903)
Last transfers:
25/10/2019 DM C,M C Þór Hauksson 19 INDO-SQU4D-TM IxProPlayer 11,500,000 G
22/10/2019 M C Lúðvík Gunnarsson 19 INDO-SQU4D-TM IxproAzuma 11,000,000 G
Please check it out.
The Club has been banned by admin :)
Thanks admin.
Please check the link below :
5 team or more in Australia League same ip and cheat vote on National Team also most too
*SENA Villa 84 (328246)
*ัDarwin Juve F.C. (333080)
*Darwin FC (333071)
*FC Wongphisol 2018(331856)
*FC Canberra (330973)
**** i'm the one to pay for premium if they not get ban i will not pay for it anymore please checking
W11 (89934) from Macedonia.
Last 3 transfers are not marked price what so ever. Sold to 3 different clubs from same country as well.
Porsche United (http://41418)
Lamborghini FC (http://229931)
2 clubs with the same IP address login history
Also, there's a strange interaction between these two in terms of loan players
Apparently, this guy is rich enough to buy premium account for both clubs
What do you choose between keeping him in game for money or banning him permanently for the sake of fair play?
Admin, please keep this game a fair play
Thank you,
It is allowable to loan players between clubs of the same ownership.
If you look-up the premium features under Shop:
5. A premium users can loan out players to other clubs (premium users) and take players on loan form other clubs (premium users). Loan deals on the same LAN is permitted.(max 2 player per season)
12. A premium user may play multiple accounts but every accounts that he plays have to be premium accounts. However, trading players between these accounts is not allowed. Using multiple accounts for match-fixing (dishonest activity to make sure that one team wins a particular match) is also unacceptable.
This guy has done nothing wrong
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I'm thankful for the depth of your analysis; it's given me a deeper understanding. Your perspective is invaluable; it's broadened my horizons. Thanks for your insightful contribution; it's added richness to the discussion.
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