The Official GoKickOff Online Community Forums
General Category => General Discussion(English Only) => Topic started by: Drifter on September 20, 2014, 12:27:51 PM
;) Personally, I don't care anymore about peoples complaints about the Nat. Team or coaching. Nobody cares what happens to the Bermuda team so I laugh and cheer when I see everyone else complaining about such things. Ha ha ha! You are still the lucky ones. We don't get a say about our national team and the bot takes LA5 players over the best in Bermuda. Suck it up folks. I know you'll like to do nothing but complain but there are others with far more to complain about that gets brushed aside as unimportant that I am almost happy to see others getting this unfair treatment. As far as I am concerned these days, I could care less. I care as much as Admin does basically. We aren't treated fairly in Bermuda and nobody cares.... Why should we care that others who have it better are complaining. Maybe I am just venting, but seriously, I have a small violin for all the cry babies who complain about minor concerns when there is so much more unfairness that everyone seems to accept and appreciate at the Bermuda league (and other small countries) expense.
I can't wait to hear the next episode of "Lets complain about GKO." It always warms my heart to know that I am not the only one getting screwed by the GKO world and unfair practice that you all say is the only way. I don't believe it and I also hope more unfair things come your way cause unfair is a part of life in my league. It should be a part of life for everyone. Yes... I am bitter and I hope you all get everything you all deserve... which is nothing.
Fairness is as fairness does... Face it... you are all hypocrites. You only care about what benefits you and your own teams.
When it comes to real fairness, I have seen and heard few who truly are concerned about bringing parity to this game.
How ironic, the "i play top level since the very beginning, i had the chance to play WCC in my second season" user speak about unfairness and call hypocrite to others, just because he receive 500k less when he wins a league and his NT is a bot team.... Just curious: did you ever used a mirror? You have not the slightest idea about unfairness in this game, when you start to learn how hard are things are for others, you'll probably keep your mouth shut, in the meantime we have to deal with your childish behavior, too bad :(
drifter, why do you complain about bermuda's national teams, but don't train all the bermuda players you get from academy???
you only have 7 bermuda players in your team, yet, this is your 7th season and your youth facility is only good. on top of it, you want to run the national team! stop moaning, since you're not willing to DO anything for bermuda's national teams!
YOU are to blame, not the game.
besides, if you really wanted to have a player in a bot national team, you would have trained it accordingly. i have some players playing in various bot national teams and i had to give them some training that i considered useless, just to have them play. you need to sacrifice some, in order to get some.
You are right, top level. Bermuda is not the only bot country in the game, but their player's level doesn't seem to grow, and that is not only because "they get less prize money to improve academy". Other countries eventually did the jump, but their users did something to improve the NT level, Malta is a good example of it, their NT still have a lot to learn but i saw users in the forum analizing the situation and working on it, stefan (who sometimes post here) is a good proof, he had all the cons to deal, but he (and his countrymen) worked on improving their user database and their teams started to get national talent investing money on national talent. That's the way a country must improve.
But playing as victim is a lot easier
You are right, top level. Bermuda is not the only bot country in the game, but their player's level doesn't seem to grow, and that is not only because "they get less prize money to improve academy". Other countries eventually did the jump, but their users did something to improve the NT level, Malta is a good example of it, their NT still have a lot to learn but i saw users in the forum analizing the situation and working on it, stefan (who sometimes post here) is a good proof, he had all the cons to deal, but he (and his countrymen) worked on improving their user database and their teams started to get national talent investing money on national talent. That's the way a country must improve.
drifter, why do you complain about bermuda's national teams, but don't train all the bermuda players you get from academy???
you only have 7 bermuda players in your team, yet, this is your 7th season and your youth facility is only good. on top of it, you want to run the national team! stop moaning, since you're not willing to DO anything for bermuda's national teams!
YOU are to blame, not the game.
besides, if you really wanted to have a player in a bot national team, you would have trained it accordingly. i have some players playing in various bot national teams and i had to give them some training that i considered useless, just to have them play. you need to sacrifice some, in order to get some.
How ironic, the "i play top level since the very beginning, i had the chance to play WCC in my second season" user speak about unfairness and call hypocrite to others, just because he receive 500k less when he wins a league and his NT is a bot team.... Just curious: did you ever used a mirror? You have not the slightest idea about unfairness in this game, when you start to learn how hard are things are for others, you'll probably keep your mouth shut, in the meantime we have to deal with your childish behavior, too bad :(
But playing as victim is a lot easier
;) Just to respond to all of those who are accusing Bermuda to be a bot league, let me inform you all that I live in Bermuda... born in Bermuda. Most of the people in the league I know personally and also are Bermudians. All this crap you all speak about fairness and bot teams is probably the reason admin doesn't listen to you anymore.
Seriously, the fact that you all are calling bermuda a bot league makes me believe that the real cheaters in this game are most likely the ones who are pointing fingers at my league. Seems strange to me that whenever I read this forum I hear the complaining... all I ask for is parity but apparently I am the one who is the hypocrite because I want what you all have... the same thing everyone in my league wants... to get the same money as you all get. We want to compete in the WCL too. So maybe we should, like you say, train only bermuda players? Really? That BS from the guy who calls LA7 trash. Take a look at the list of players in Bermuda? Really... lets stop talking a lot of BS and call a spade a spade. Fairness demands that we get the same money as other leagues. Seriously, our league is almost ready to have two spots in the WCL but stil we get 300K to compete with league champions who are getting 1 million. This from the same people who complain about closing the gap. I say this... If you know it all, do what you have done with your teams in Bermuda. Go Premium and prove me wrong... Probably not gonna happen cause even with all your talk, it amounts to nothing to me.
At the end of the day, most only care about themselves I am finding... Its to the benefit of all the leagues getting real money for championships or even placement in the league to keep leagues like bermuda down. Why should the small countries get fair treatment. Yeah, I get it. The game will die... because of things like this. There will never be new markets or any new countries and eventually... players in leagues like Bermuda will disappear. When that happens, you all can play with yourselves and compete in the farce that is the WCL and the world cup.
;) And don't let me forget to add this. As far as I can tell, it makes no sense to train anything that is less than LA7. Perhaps my critics wish to mire Bermuda in a swamp of trash players. Perhaps I should train those low levels in my team... the same team you say has too many players... Really? And perhaps you would like me to fill my team with LA less than 7 trash... and throw that trash into the national team. Let me make this clear. I train any and everything that is Bermudian regardless of age if they have LA7 or higher regardless of the growth rate. I buy them from people who don't want them as well... give them careers. The reality is you don't have a clue what you are talking about and don't care except to open your mouth to keep everyone that isn't from your country down. Lets face it. If you cared about the game really, you would care about developing countries where the game is loved. There is so much passion in the Bermuda... small and still more exciting than most I visit. I'll accept the challenge, but if my team should ever defeat any team from those who criticize why I ask for fairness for my league, I will laugh at you and know that I did it as an underdog while you did it with the continuous help of your GKO sponsors. Go Go Little countries.
;) Strange, how the most vocal person against giving small leagues fairness is from the country that has two of the four world cup victories. Coincidence? Doubtful... there is a real invested interest in keeping the status quo.
Drifter, you don't have an idea how pathetic you sound....
First of all, who said that Bermuda LEAGUE is bot? I said Bermuda NT is bot, is that wrong?
you are putting in our mouth words that none of us said.
Secondly, now Bermuda have low quality players because our fault? Is our fault that you decided to buy players to develop them avoiding to improve your academy? Good academy level after 7 seasons playing is... Well, you can't expect more than LA7 players with it.
Now, what is you big problem? You only get 500k after winning your league? Do you have any idea how many users get 500k or more each season in my country? I'll tell you, only 5: top level champion, top level runner up and the 3 B level champions, of course, you can't win B level twice in a row so you must be really good if you want to get 500k in 2 consecutive seasons.
But okay, 500k is a big concern for you, well.... 500k is the money that a D/E level team get from matches in A WHOLE SEASON, how much money from matches did you get in your first or second season?
You say that you will laugh at us if you ever beat us, right? Well you will have far more chances than any lower level team worldwide, because only 6 teams can reach top level, and unless they become national cup champion (close to impossible) they won't play WCC either, a new user in Bermuda needs to win the league on their first season and... Tada! WCC is there for you, but of course, things are hard for you.
Just to add, any Argentinian top level team who never won top level (so, get less prize money than you) is stronger than your miserable squad, same words could be used if you compare your squad with thai, polish, serbian, italian, spanish top level teams (and i am forgetting many for sure), by the way, did i menction that most of them had to do a maaaany seasons long road before reaching the top? You have almost everything handed over from the very beggining, and want more and more? Do you want to play WCC final directly too? Do you need more mots too?
Just one more thing: you said "go little countries", i don't think of Bermuda as a little country, it's a small country but not a little country, the only little thing here is your attitude, it completely sucks!
EDIT: So, i am afraid of Bermuda and small countries now? I don't think i should menction wich teams we beat before reaching the top, but i wouldn't be afraid of Bermuda NT even if your database would be 100 times bigger, do you know why? Because in order to win 4 cups we had to beat countries 10.000 times bigger than yours, so your comment has no sense at all....
If that makes you happy, i don't manage on any NT anymore, so the status quo might be broken from now on, or maybe not, who knows....?
Can you feel the love? ::)
I think we can all agree that Bermuda needs a 2nd level already! How does a nation with 25 users only have one league? I can't seem to remember, does having a 2nd level instate normal prizes? Well it should.
Then there are nations like Georgia with 72 users and still no NT manager. I thought 50 was the threshold? Who's fault is it? The developers, of course.
As far as NTs go, how many really have elected managers? 40? C'mon now, bot teams are easy prey, but I'd rather face a human manager, victory is not as sweet when there is virtually no chance of defeat.
In all fairness, my league (USA) has never had more than a dozen active managers (active in chat and/or forum, active in voting...last election we had 16 votes cast in total, a new record) yet we have 3 levels and a subforum! Is it fair that we get big prizes while others don't? I'm not so sure....
I don't know about the rest of you, but I think it is vital for any game like this to have active and healthy leagues in small nations like Bermuda. If the developers continue to neglect them, these managers will get bored and leave the game, or simply join one of the bigger nations. Let's give them the relevance they deserve.
Last but not least, the 25 Bermudan managers represents 4% of 1% of the total national population (0.04%). If Argentina had that level of involvement, it would have 16,411 managers in GKO rather than the 690 it currently has. I think only Thailand has this level of involvement, with its amazing 7 levels of competition. As a proportion of its national population, Bermuda actually has a level of involvement in GKO that is ~25 times higher than for Argentina. My point is that national population should be taken into account in all these matters.
Brian, sorry i can't do multi-quote (stupid smartphone's touch screen). I agree in some points with you (in most of them to be honest), i think many things in the NT stuff should change but most important: the. GKO staff should be far more involved on the game, else, i'd rather choose to leave things as they are now. I see too many dirty things right now and i don't want more, Bermuda might be an interesting small team to face, but if any small country would he human controlled, then the game would be filled with Nt farms, i had enough with clubs working as farms.
Just to add, i am not against Bermuda would receive same money than others, BUT i think they should have same (or close) difficulties than most of us have: if Bermuda league would have C level or lower and new teams would be allocated at the very botton, if they would need to waste SEASONS playing with bot teams or few humans before reaching the top i would accept it, but now everything is easy for them, their only "problem" is that they get half prize money at the end of the season, but let's be honest, 500k for a top level team is an insignificant amount of money.
And before somebody say that "it would be ridiculous to play against bot teams if there are empty places free in higher levels", let me tell them that all of us had to deal with it, so if somebody wants all the money, he should do all the way to the top, then we would be in "fair" circumstances, right now i only see people getting far more advantage in lower level leagues than newbies in bigger countries, complaining and asking for more, and i don't think it's fair at all.
I could agree woth the idea of decrese experience and training from NT matches, BUT, in that case to maximize high LA players it would be neccesary to rise the age when PR decrease from 21 to 22 or 23.
In that way, a idea to do it could be that when a player is called for NT, that age could rise a little bit. Maybe for this, we need that players have years and DAYS, not all rising 1 year at the end of the season.
About small countries where the price is halved, I agree with Carlos. In spite of the price is less, the probabilty of win is higher. In Thai, for example, to win the cup is too hard, they have too much rounds than us, and againist strong teams from begining. In fact, there are many thai in other leagues due to this.
;) Just to clarify... we don't get half.. League listed prize for winning is 1 million... we get 300K. I'm not sure about you, but 700K is a lot of G. If you don't think so, try to buy a LA8 player for less. The reality is... every year, as champion, I fall further behind than the person who finishes 5 is the third and forth divisions of most countries. At that rate, what will it take for a team from a small country to win the WCL. Everyone is so concerned about cheating all the time but then support a general condition that not only encourages cheating, but makes the possibility of success seem impossible without cheating. I totally understand the allure of clubs to cheat. Let face it, the possibility of a club doing it the right way from an established league is hard... what chance to the fringe nations have of competing. We are at this point of mass cheating because of the massive discrepancy between players. I do not believe that just because you are from Argentina or some other big country that you should get more money.
If we get less, we should also pay less in proportion... less salaries, less expenses... less for everything... but this doesn't happen.
As far as the national situation goes, I think the selection for the teams should be made by the Bots for all countries... Managers shouldn't get the choice. Right there you remove that problem from the coaching situation. I don't disagree with training for all, especially since it benifits about 9 of my players, but don't think its that big a concern really. National teams in reality are a headache for club managers and are really solely for the patriots. It seems a natural condition for managers of clubs to but heads with Nat managers due to different goals for players. I say let the Bots choose the players and let them get experience when they play. If they are to get extra training from Nat team selection, it should be minimal at best. I don't agree that selection for the national team should mean you get a place there. I prefer the system as it is now making managers improve the quality of their players to insure they are selected for play rather than just a free card for Nat training. Its unfortunate that some positions are not selected by the bot, but this should be the focus and not whether players should get training for sitting on the bench or handing out water to players who are actually doing work on the field.
;) Just to clarify... we don't get half.. League listed prize for winning is 1 million... we get 300K. I'm not sure about you, but 700K is a lot of G. If you don't think so, try to buy a LA8 player for less. The reality is... every year, as champion, I fall further behind than the person who finishes 5 is the third and forth divisions of most countries. At that rate, what will it take for a team from a small country to win the WCL. Everyone is so concerned about cheating all the time but then support a general condition that not only encourages cheating, but makes the possibility of success seem impossible without cheating. I totally understand the allure of clubs to cheat. Let face it, the possibility of a club doing it the right way from an established league is hard... what chance to the fringe nations have of competing. We are at this point of mass cheating because of the massive discrepancy between players. I do not believe that just because you are from Argentina or some other big country that you should get more money.
If we get less, we should also pay less in proportion... less salaries, less expenses... less for everything... but this doesn't happen.
As far as the national situation goes, I think the selection for the teams should be made by the Bots for all countries... Managers shouldn't get the choice. Right there you remove that problem from the coaching situation. I don't disagree with training for all, especially since it benifits about 9 of my players, but don't think its that big a concern really. National teams in reality are a headache for club managers and are really solely for the patriots. It seems a natural condition for managers of clubs to but heads with Nat managers due to different goals for players. I say let the Bots choose the players and let them get experience when they play. If they are to get extra training from Nat team selection, it should be minimal at best. I don't agree that selection for the national team should mean you get a place there. I prefer the system as it is now making managers improve the quality of their players to insure they are selected for play rather than just a free card for Nat training. Its unfortunate that some positions are not selected by the bot, but this should be the focus and not whether players should get training for sitting on the bench or handing out water to players who are actually doing work on the field.
Just to clarify too I began on 5th division, with 7.000 seats, my incomes first two seasons until I get 3rd division were incomes of 7.000 seats. While you where getting incomes of 20.000 seats. Do you know how much money is that diference in a season? So much more than you are crying for (the different between 1M and 300k). I was punished last season with 10M less, and I not crying (and you can trust whatever you want, but it was not just the punishment). Now I have 10M on cash.
My philosophy is quite clear, I do my best, even all the difficulties I will have, trying too improve my team, without excuses. I'm quite sure, if I were you I would have better facilities and team in spite of less price, be sure of that. I have rise more than teams who began in TOP LEVEL, in my country, and other countries. They won more money than me in prices, and I didn't cry, and I did the best to catch them. Nowadays, I have one WCL, more facilities, and best team than they.
Do you really think you couldn't if others did it?. Maybe you should think about what you did and what you should did. Now you can't do nothing to change it, but if you find where you failed you could change your future.
Please, do not put the wages stuff into this, none of you need 40 players in your squad, if you are paying high wages it's because you picked to have a large squad, and wages are same for all, according to player quality, my squad is shorter than yours and my wages are higher than yours, but i understand that there is a balance that must be kept, my team rating is stuck (more or less) since season 9, do you see me complaining because we can't get higher rating to improve our matches attendance? I don't think i did...
So, you don't get 500k, you get 300k, too bad, still, for a top level team is not that much, tell me Drifter: how much people does teams from Bermuda bring to their matches? As far as i see, only few teams crossed the 20.000 people barrier, that means you are getting lots of extra money more than others. You are getting more money there, but you never admitted that advantage....
You say its unfair that winning the league you get 700k extra.
Let me show you how things are outside Bermuda:
New user in D lever or below: they bring 7.000 people each match (or less, if opponent is bot team), playing 15 home matches and getting 8G per seat (incomes only, i haven't considered those seats maintenance fees): 7.000x15x8=840.000 on incomes!
How about a C level team? 12.000x8x15=1.440.000g.
And a B level team? 15.000x8x15=1.800.000g.
How much would you guys get each season without min attendance rates? Right now any newbie gets 20.000x15x8=2.400.000, improve stadium capacity might take you "some" time, but it's a safe bet, you don't know what it feels to improve stadium capacity blindly to 10.000, and bring to matches only 6.500 people, improving stadium capacity is risky here, there it isn't.... Reaching top level rarely happens in 3 seasons for those teams, it usually takes more time, so who is in dissadvantage? Are your 700k less really a dissadvantage?
Would you accept to get all the prize money in exchange of removing minimum attendance rates? Would you accept that new teams in your country receive less money from matches, just for getting those 700k extra each season? I am absolutely sure that you guys would improve at a slower rate than now, am i wrong?
If I hear one more manager talking about how easy it is in the Bermda league I will smash my computer into bits. >:( ??? :o I'm so tired of hearing about people saying they are not complaining but.... (for the record, your but is a complaint.) Lets make this clear for the GKO world of babies who think because they were born in the third tier that somehow they have in unfair and its better in Bermuda.... Bring your busted philosophies and warped ideas about fairness into our league. We welcome you here if just to hear you cry when you realize the situation you will find yourself in. Please please all those managers who love to be vocal towards us here in Bermuda, set up your premium team here so that the managers here can step all over your so call philosophies and watch you wallow at the bottom with your 2 cents league money prizes. Lets see you build your seats... do what needs to be done instead of blasting a lot of hot air out the holes in your heads.
I do what needs to be done to compete in the WCL as best I can. I train the players I can for the national team and must train them so that a Bot selects them. I deal with these things like so many other managers from small countries so when some manager from an over sized country says to me that I have the better situation, I say that person is an idiot with no real vision beyond their own league and with no concern about fairness in GKO at all. The only reason to not give everyone the same money is so that people from these larger countries have an unfair advantage. My critics like the fact that they have a one up on the small countries. They don't want us to get better facilities... who will buy their trashy players at stupid prices. Who will listen to their crap if we get better? Some claim to know more about the game than anyone else or claim some higher moral ground when they are, in truth, in a swamp of shady values and compromised ideas. I could care less about being polite at this point. Your crap excuse about some league attendance is simply that... CRAP. Took me this long to get the rating my club has... my whole time in GKO... I guess that means you need to play 6-8 seasons before your theory of us having it better even goes into effect considering we don't start with 20K seats or ever see the money to build them anywhere in the near future. Your excuses for keeping us out of the prize money holds no water with me. The whole deal about limiting cheaters is also a crock of BS... As far as I can tell, premium users can join anywhere they want and might I add, we have GKO police making sure that anyone who has any success will be scrutinized by the GKO police, AKA, the most vocal people in this forum who love to chase the corruption ghost.
:-X So Please Please Please bring your busted ideas, warped philosophies, crap assumptions and erroneous beliefs to Bermuda and prove us wrong here. I dare anyone to either treat us fairly... or prove that what I am saying is not right by joining the league and proving me wrong. I welcome you... for I know that when you come you will see that indeed, words are not just falling from my face and I don't talk out of my a$$.
If I hear one more manager talking about how easy it is in the Bermda league I will smash my computer into bits. >:( ??? :o I'm so tired of hearing about people saying they are not complaining but.... (for the record, your but is a complaint.) Lets make this clear for the GKO world of babies who think because they were born in the third tier that somehow they have in unfair and its better in Bermuda.... Bring your busted philosophies and warped ideas about fairness into our league. We welcome you here if just to hear you cry when you realize the situation you will find yourself in. Please please all those managers who love to be vocal towards us here in Bermuda, set up your premium team here so that the managers here can step all over your so call philosophies and watch you wallow at the bottom with your 2 cents league money prizes. Lets see you build your seats... do what needs to be done instead of blasting a lot of hot air out the holes in your heads.
I do what needs to be done to compete in the WCL as best I can. I train the players I can for the national team and must train them so that a Bot selects them. I deal with these things like so many other managers from small countries so when some manager from an over sized country says to me that I have the better situation, I say that person is an idiot with no real vision beyond their own league and with no concern about fairness in GKO at all. The only reason to not give everyone the same money is so that people from these larger countries have an unfair advantage. My critics like the fact that they have a one up on the small countries. They don't want us to get better facilities... who will buy their trashy players at stupid prices. Who will listen to their crap if we get better? Some claim to know more about the game than anyone else or claim some higher moral ground when they are, in truth, in a swamp of shady values and compromised ideas. I could care less about being polite at this point. Your crap excuse about some league attendance is simply that... CRAP. Took me this long to get the rating my club has... my whole time in GKO... I guess that means you need to play 6-8 seasons before your theory of us having it better even goes into effect considering we don't start with 20K seats or ever see the money to build them anywhere in the near future. Your excuses for keeping us out of the prize money holds no water with me. The whole deal about limiting cheaters is also a crock of BS... As far as I can tell, premium users can join anywhere they want and might I add, we have GKO police making sure that anyone who has any success will be scrutinized by the GKO police, AKA, the most vocal people in this forum who love to chase the corruption ghost.
:-X So Please Please Please bring your busted ideas, warped philosophies, crap assumptions and erroneous beliefs to Bermuda and prove us wrong here. I dare anyone to either treat us fairly... or prove that what I am saying is not right by joining the league and proving me wrong. I welcome you... for I know that when you come you will see that indeed, words are not just falling from my face and I don't talk out of my a$$.
I invite you to our legue, begin on E level, and compare if we were wrong... or go to thai league...
I thought of doing that, but for me, even though I enjoy playing against the world in the WCL and really want parity to compete, to do it as a Thai manager or one from another country isn't as attractive. I am terribly patriotic and wear the BDA flag with pride on my team. It makes me feel good when a Bermuda team beats teams from all over the world. That is the allure for me. How do you think it makes me feel to know my league is handicapped. There is a glass ceiling here. The only reason I would do that is so that I could one day stomp on some of my critics... the same thing I ask them to try to do to us in Bermuda, since we don't seem to know what we are talking about here according to some sources. I don't just want the chance to be on par with the best in the world... I want that for everyone in Bermuda. I'm fighting a cause... not for myself. The fact is... crap prize money works in my favor in my league just as it works against all Bermuda in the WCL. If winning my league was what was important to me, leaving things as they are now makes perfect sense. Look outside my team at the other teams in Bermuda. I consider my practices to be frugal and think I have made wise investments with focused goals. Yet, after almost 6 seasons, the best level facility in Bermuda is only very good and the average facility in Bermuda is still Bad at best. With all things considered, giving up fair prize money does little to impact other countries outside the one team that competes in the WCL and the fact is, if the champions of other countries are afraid to compete with one from Bermuda because they make the same league money, then they don't deserve to be playing in that competition anyway.
;) Also, this conversation would be better suited to another discussion all together. I made my jab about fairness but lets remember this is about changing the training in the national team... which I state my opinion again... I think players that play should get the experience. No experience on the bench and they should get more for being on the Nat team when they play. (Sucks for those players on the bench but it makes their managers commit to training prospects rather than letting the NAT team do it.)
;) And I would accept removing the standing attendance rates.. not just for my country but for the world. Why should anything be guaranteed. I can agree that it would be fair to do that, but only if we all got the same league money as well. There is no restriction on building club rating and the standard league attendance never really made sense to me at all.
What's up Drifter? You have no more valid points to show so now you don't need to be polite anymore? Why don't you come here and start playing without any safe bet,come on, bring your philosophy and see if you can improve your squad with real competition amd lower incomes each week, then we will see how good you really are. Right now i only see somebody with a pathetic squad after 7 seasons playing, getting far more money each week than thousand of users.
In my country, there is a word that says "perro que ladra no muerde", wich means "dog that barks, doesn't bite". We are tired to read your complains and your threats, but the few times i saw your team in action outside your country, never saw your teeths, only a 7 seasons old team, playing to contain most of matches. Go on, keep on barking! I am done here, i tried to be polite and gave my point as polite as i could last time, but it seems you are too blinded and pissed off to analyse something, so there's no point for me to post something more here, Sopelana were clair enough, if you want more money each week, you are welcome to find more prizes, real competition and real difficulties outside your country. Or maybe we should get rid of minimum attendance rates for all divisions and all countries giving same prize money for all, that would be really "fair for all", but i have the feelling that such change would give bigger countries even more advantange, only a few of you guys have enough rating to bring more than 15.000 peaople each week after all... Then you might realize how easy are things for you.
EDIT: It seems you posted many things while i wrote only few words here (i really hate posting using a smartphone). sorry for any unproper word i posted last time, we have different points of view, for me the minimum attendance rate is an advantage for you guys, it seems you don't see it in that way. If you ask for changing min attendance rates for same prizes you will have my support, but something tells me that new teams in Bermuda won't have a real chance to reach you anymore, i am absolutely sure of it.
Structure of this game is not perfect and probably will never be...In my opinion all country's should start this game in
continental league's (exept big ones from very begining) with same rights,once reach 30-50 active users their national league start next season but now is too late...
Currently 208 countries access each year to continental league. Of course the more you win the more clubs will be from a same country, like in real world. Maybe the solution would be to re-arrange a sort of second continental competition (like UEFA League concept) including loser teams from the three qualifying WCL rounds. There will be more season incomes helping weaker clubs to grow faster.
Of course to make a strong team you must invest into him...and after several seasons you will get the results.
;) Don't we just love our fans. We would love to come to your country if only to help other teams crush your dreams of WCL. You are the most vocal advocate against Bermuda getting fair prize money and claim to be champion of all those players in the lower leagues, yet, you are not subject to the same concerns as they are. You do no fovours for those members in lower leagues and discriminate on them as much as you do use here in Bermuda and other small countries. As far as I am concerned, I don't think the lower leagues should get less money either... Lets throw this hat into the ring. I say the same discrimination we get here in small countries is the same discrimination that allows those new people in your country to accept the crap deal they get in their lower leagues. At what point do they get a chance to challenge for the WCL when teams like those of my chief critics have clubs and finances that will not in ten seasons be equaled by their new clubs in the low leagues. The same selfish ideas that keep us from getting fair prize money is the same selfish ideals that keep lower league teams in lower leagues. Punishment by late entry... that is what I call it. Punishment for being from a small country... real talk.
;) And since you seem so keen to think you are making less, why not submit your finances here before claiming to know what others are getting. I dare you to post your yearly earning for those in your lower leagues to see. Let them know the financial mountain they will have to climb to compete in their top leagues and then tell them that is fair as well. Face it... I have heard you talk a lot, but mostly I hear you protecting your own interest always.
I think you should look where i started, that is all i can say.
As GKO manager, i received a 15th placed team in D level, so it took me 2 seasons to be promoted, then i won C level, B level, Top Level, National Cup, World Chapions Cup and U 21 World Cup so i know all the way, nobody game me nothing in this game, and that includes the number of people i bring to my matches, the difference between you and me is that every thing i have i have earned it, and that includes the money i generate now. You may like it or not, but that's the truth, if you want more ingame advantage go ahead, ask for it, i don't mind (and off the record, i lost my interest on WCC since season 9, i have played subs/youth in most matches since then) but stop using me as your target, because i don't care about your pathetic team, but your continous complains are a different story, i am tired of them, grow up Drifter, leave the nest, see how hard is the GKO life outside your "paradise league" and then come at us claiming for more, in the meantime, you are an user who got far more advantages than most of us, claiming for even more, and you don't have an idea how pathetic you sound.
I'm done here, good luck, with your squad, with your full league filled with ingame advantage for newbies and your dream of crush us in WCC, don't worry if we ever meet in WCC, i will use subs against you (same than against others) so you might have a chance to make your dream true 8)
Drifter, i understand the feeling of be discriminated belonging to small country. But i don't see it like a punishment. Why arabian petroleum lords buy Manchester City, Malaga, PSG etc...etc...and do not invest money in their country? It is the real life and here it is happening the same less or more.
Again, if i create a new team in the Spanish LIGA (for example), where would i begin? In the bottom league, of course. And maybe i will be still there 20 years after. Or not? Or i deserve a 80000 seat stadium and 400 euro million each year, like Real Madrid?
You need to be patient, invest all your money in your club structures, carry out the best youngs for your academy and grow them the best you can.
Beside that, ALL country should need a human NT coach, i am with You.
You are attacking one the best GKO managers. Kr10 has been active since the beginning of times and i learnt a lot about this game by reading his posts in the forum. I think he deserves all the respect from the GKO community, but it is just my opinion.
The Bermuda's Toplevel is a really easy league.
There's a player of my accademy playing in Swagga FC, a team who's playing since season 5 and that was created in the Toplevel and never went under the 4th position. Well in that team is the bomber is a CA5 that scored 38 times in 35 games with a wage of 3.200 G and a transfert cost of 125.000 G. I could say it's easy and cheap having a good team in there.
Where's the point in complaining for 500k less in the league prize?
Structure of this game is not perfect and probably will never be...In my opinion all country's should start this game in
continental league's (exept big ones from very begining) with same rights,once reach 30-50 active users their national league start next season but now is too late...
To make it clear.
For example Nigeria and other "small" country from Africa start up GKO career in Africa Continental league and same in Europe,America etc.Managers can play against real guys in Top level B league C league and maybe more.Clubs will get same G's awards like big country's and get more challange to win a league etc.Once one of them for example Nigeria reach 30-50 ACTIVE users next season Nigeria league will be created but think we can dream about that.
;) I would agree with the your point about it being hard for those in your lower leagues to gain promotion and agree that it might take a lot of time, but you must also agree that once they reach that Top Level, they will reach a position that is not available to managers of smaller countries. Pound for pound, we stand well against most other lower leagues but in comparison to those players, like your mentor Carlos, we stand on an unfair footing when the dust settles. I respect Carlos but I do not respect his opinion on this topic nor do I respect the dues he had to pay in his league. That is irrelevant to my case here and to bring the lower leagues into this is also irrelevant. We want parity. We want a Top League that is competitive with the world and one step towards that is fair reward.
I don't view being from a small country as a punishment. This is my country after all so its neither a choice or something I dislike. I don't want to be in any other league but here but I do think its fair that we all be on the same footing.... including those in the lower leagues. This isn't reality after all. This is a game and I don't think the intention here is to reward the people who got here first.
To answer Spam, the point is what future does that player have when its time to compete against your club in the WCL. Swagger FC has visited the qualifier rounds several times but it isn't something the manager of that club views as a priority. League glory is more important to Swagger in my opinion judging from his lack of interest in the WCL or Bermudas ranking there in general. I have seen your player and he has found a niche in this league but I still question his long term future with several clubs quickly closing the gap at the top of this league. Last year there were small differences at the top and when the dust settled, it wasn't the LA5 striker that took home the league title. There was some cup glory but it certainly was on the back of the Bermuda Nat. Team defender and not that striker(and a little mots help). We have all heard the argument about LA players and what is or isn't worth investing in. The advice from those managers I trust tells me that nothing less than 10 will challenge for international glory. As far as I am concerned, buying a LA5 striker with my goals is a waste of G.
Its not about a few 100K... its more than that. You need to take into account all the league rewards. That means the payout to everyone in the league. The prorated valuation hurts the league, not just one or two players. So I make 300K for winning the league... 5th place gets what, 50K?
That is madness.
Let's all take a deep breath.
I wonder what is the difference?
Let's use Sopelana's and Drifter's teams as a case study. Sopelana starts in 5th level and takes 5 seasons to reach top level when, we can assume, the income from ticket sales becomes the same, at least hypothetically.
season(league) avg attendance total income from league ticket sales*
1 (D) 7K 735K
2 (E) 10K 1.05M
3 (D) 12.5K 1.313M
4 (C) 14.5K 1.523M
5 (B) 19K 1.995M
Total 6.616M
season(league) avg attendance total income from league ticket sales*
1 (D) 7.5K 788K
2 (E) 18K 1.89M
3 (D) 20K 2.1M
4 (C) 20K 2.1M
5 (B) 20K 2.1M
Total 8.978M
*based on 7G profit per attendee and 15 league matches/season their first 5 full seasons, Hibury earned ~2.36M (35%) more than Sopelana from league ticket sales.
League prizes were roughly the same during this time, and both played roughly the same number of cup matches. Hibury won 3 league cups in that time (worth ~1,5M together) and Sopelana won one (worth 1.5M), again equal.
Now let's take the next few seasons into account, during which both teams are in the top level.
Sopelana finished in his league's top 3 in the next 4 seasons, worth a total of 3.1M AND he won his league cup twice, worth 3M and won the WCL worth another 3M, for a grand total of 9.1M
Hibury won his league in his 6th and 7th seasons, worth 600K...If we assume he can continue this form, he'll have earned 1.2M in 4 seasons. Similarly, Hibury reached the cup final in both of the next 2 seasons, worth 500K...if we double that to extrapolate out to 4 seasons, it would be worth a total of 1M
All else being equal, and even if we subtract the 3M Sopelana won in the WCL, Sopelana's prize winnings outpaced Hibury's by (6.1M-2.2M) = 3.9M in their next 4 seasons, nearly double that of the Bermuda club. However, the wage bill for a top Spanish team is surely much higher than a Bermudan club, but this is difficult to calculate...maybe 250K-500K higher per season depending on player level, experience, and squad size.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the earning potential between a top Spanish manager and a Top Bermuda manager is:
- 30-40% higher for the Bermuda manager during the first 5 seasons
- 150-200% higher for the Spanish manager during the next 4 seasons
This is where Hibury and other managers in Bermuda or other similar nations must feel frustrated. The Spanish manager's earning potential outpaced the Bermudan's by their 7th season, and the gap only got wider from that point on. Drifter has a fair argument that this disparity even helped Sopelana reach the WCL final, something that must seem well out of reach for his club and those of his countrymen.
I think that, in theory, a small nation like Bermuda will have grown to have a 2nd level in this time, and the implementation of standard league prizes, making these nations more equal. Here is the real issue, Bermuda has grown and does deserve a 2nd level now. I sincerely hope that the developers take notice and provide this by next season at the very latest. Otherwise, I fear Bermuda managers will abandon the game, and the dream of equality will evaporate forever.
;) Thank you for doing the Math for everyone Brian. I feel that all Bermuda managers thank you for doing this research for us and pointing out something Bermuda managers have been frustrated with. The numbers actually get much worse when you consider those who are not winning league titles in Bermuda, not going to the WCL and not winning any cup money. It gets even worse if they aren't premium members. I feel for the managers in Bermuda and it has always been the reason I play... to gain glory for my country. I feel that this problem isn't exclusive to my country alone but think of all the countries where managers must be fighting against these constraints.
In Bermuda, those with WCL goals can't afford to have small teams. We need to grow our talent because we just can't afford to pay what managers from Big countries have for those players. Better league reward is a move in the right direction.
Just a question, does winning top level have the same difficult in both countries? Why don't we do some math about a new team's chance to win top level after 5 seasons? Winning spanish top level after 5 seasons is close to imposible, winning Bermuda top level for a newbie might take 3 seasons at most (if you are good enough), stadium level required (to make home aevantage worth), are different, CA/LA level required are different and error margin is different, come on! There is a bot team in Bermuda top level, in Spain all teams you meet are seasoned managers and most of them are active, or have tough squads despite their low activity rate.
In the meantime, there is a team in Bermuda top level with a stadium with 10.000 seats and finances secure (so he's got at least the 1M required to build another 10k seats, is our fault that this team is still suck?
Brian, your math are always welcome, could you do the same with some argentinian teams who never won thetop level league? Look at Bananas Jrs, Estudiantes de Olavarria, Torticolis, Fc Tigres-Vengalas and tell me, who got more money all these seasons? Who does have a stronger squad and bigger facilities? Drifter might find that analysis interesting....
About the NT stuff, i understand that collecting 50 active users is really hard for a low populated country like Bermuda, and i think that developers should pay more attention to all the activity that happens here, they should get the chance to manage their NT, but incomes should remain as they are now, unless reaching top level would take some time with them.
If new users in Bermuda league have to start in C level as minimum and they need at least 2 seasons before reaching the top, wasting time with bots and 1 or 2 active users each season, go on, bring them all the money, else, no way, things are too easy for them.
;) Fear motivates you. Fear that we will crush you team given a fair playing field. Come to my league and prove that statement. As you said... 3 season. I promise in three you will have won nothing.
Hahaha yeah Drifter, i'm shaking, i'm terrified ::)
You should add cup, Brian. An E league team on Spain will not win cup, or pass so many rounds (with incomes of money). And what about WCL, he always play it while I must to wait many seasons to play it.
And I would add, that fast money he could did allow him to invest and generate more money. I mean, he could do facilities which give him more money or buy and sell players, while I had to admistrate good my invest to keep balance.
When you are a small team in a big country, all your incomes come from stadium. And you can't do nothing because them are so low. You are so limited until you begin to generate profits.
I'm quite sure, I would be better than now if I where on small country. But like I said, there are two kinds of teams: teams who do things on rigth way and teams who do not, it doesn't depends on which country it is the team.
;) Lets consider that. A team starting out will never qualify for the WCL. With one team given the chance to play in the qualifying rounds it will still be nothing less than 5 season before a team from this league will qualify. Lets look at the history of this. Only Hibury has progress past the qualifying rouds in Bermuda. The arguement is mute given that we can't just become great teams over night either. Lets continue to assess this. League rewards here, as far as I can tell are on par with your 5th division leagues. So once you pass that devision, you are already outpacing the best teams in Bermuda in that respect. Given the math we just saw, with over estimates the earning potential in Bermuda, we can already see that teams from your second and third divisions can out earn teams from the Bermuda top league. Do the math and you will see this as well. The math is only proving what I have been saying all along and the only ones gaining here are those at the very top, I might add, those same people who falsely claim they are trying to close the gap. The reality is, our pace and growth can't even compete with the progressive standards of leagues like Spain due to the fact that their loosing teams out earn our champions. Continue to evaluate this and you will see the near impossibility of any club in Bermuda to effectively promote facility growth without severe sacrifice to the teams effectiveness and similarly no team can push for a competitive team without sacrificing facility growth.
All I hear from my critics is how easy Bermuda and small countries are and how they feel they somehow must be better because they had to climb through the ranks. Fact is, the managers in your lower leagues are better than the ones in your top league simply because the ones who got there late are working harder to close the gap than the slight work you all did to climb to the top in the beginning. I'm not a fool and I am not mesmerized by your successes. I am not flattered by your clubs either. I am certainly not impressed that given a new start you could replicate your successes so lets not have pissing contests. Save that for people who are impressed with that kind of thing. Lets simply look at the facts. The facts seem clear to me and I'm sure a lot of other readers of this forum who have been falsely lead to believe that life in smaller countries is a charmed life.
Brian, your math are always welcome, could you do the same with some argentinian teams who never won thetop level league? Look at Bananas Jrs, Estudiantes de Olavarria, Torticolis, Fc Tigres-Vengalas and tell me, who got more money all these seasons? Who does have a stronger squad and bigger facilities? Drifter might find that analysis interesting....
Well of course those clubs have won smaller prizes and thus less income. My comparison was more to estimate earning potential between top managers in their respective nations. Similarly, in Bermuda there is ROCKERS FC, Emirates FC, and united fc 2012, all of which have won nothing. To do a proper comparison, I'd have to compare these teams to those you mentioned in Argentina, and I think the results would be similar.
You should add cup, Brian. An E league team on Spain will not win cup, or pass so many rounds (with incomes of money). And what about WCL, he always play it while I must to wait many seasons to play it.
Well I did consider cup matches, you both played around the same number of cup matches during your first 5 seasons, due to the very small size of the Bermuda cup and your reaching the cup final in your 5th season. You make a good point about WCL, though. Hibury played 24 WCL games in their first 5 seasons (they reached the group stages twice), worth around 1.25M. However, if we include both of your WCL earnings from your next 4 seasons (assuming Hibury reaches the group stage either this season or the next), it shows the same pattern as well. Including WCL revenue provides the more accurate conclusion that the earning potential between a top Spanish manager and a Top Bermuda manager has been:
- 30-50% higher for the Bermuda manager during the first 5 seasons
- 150-300% higher for the Spanish manager during the next 4 seasons
The fact are too clear for me. If I were begun on TOP LEVEL (even wining less price at the end of the season) I would be better than now. You can understand or not.
Why? So easy, at the begining of the game, the incomes from stadium are very low, and you can't do nothing to raise them. With money, is easy to do more money, like I did when I begun to have it. More fast I had it, more fast I grow.
Is like in real life, if I can choose between win a millon euro in your first year working and nothing then, or win 50.000 during next 30 years, I always prefer to win fast that , millon. Why? if I had a millon I would convert it easy and fast in more money than 50.000x30 = 1,5 M.
Then you can do "your maths", but when you will understand how incomes work in GKO, before you will begin to win money.
If you see, the greatest incomes come from buy and sell players, not from prices or stadium. And, when I say the greatest I mean 60-75% or higher. So I always preffer to win here than in prices. But, you don't understand this, is clear, because if you would do, you would not being cry for prices.
And how could you buy and sell players?? Having an amount of money. And how a small team with low incomes from stadium can have them? he can't. And how you could do it? You could, but ONLY you know what you did or not. Like I said, study what you did, and what you can do.
Drifter, you are using the math onoy when they are at your advantage when they smile at you, why don't you compare the math between a team in Bermuda league who never became champion and another team who never became champion here? The income advantage you get is HUGE, this discussion is a nonesense, i have been reading your pathetic complain since i met you, this is pointless.
And i don't have any interest on having you mesmerized about my success. This is your 7th squad in the game and nobody respect you despite all the "problems" you had to meet. I started at the very botton, at my 7th season playing the game, my country had 2 World Cups and i won the WCC, i wonder wich manager did better 7 seasons.
Sorry Drifter, i can't take you seriusly, this game goes beyond some math, it is also about difficulties, attitudes and right/wrong decisions, and you are far from most of us there.
Brian, your math are always welcome, could you do the same with some argentinian teams who never won thetop level league? Look at Bananas Jrs, Estudiantes de Olavarria, Torticolis, Fc Tigres-Vengalas and tell me, who got more money all these seasons? Who does have a stronger squad and bigger facilities? Drifter might find that analysis interesting....
Well of course those clubs have won smaller prizes and thus less income. My comparison was more to estimate earning potential between top managers in their respective nations. Similarly, in Bermuda there is ROCKERS FC, Emirates FC, and united fc 2012, all of which have won nothing. To do a proper comparison, I'd have to compare these teams to those you mentioned in Argentina, and I think the results would be similar.
You should add cup, Brian. An E league team on Spain will not win cup, or pass so many rounds (with incomes of money). And what about WCL, he always play it while I must to wait many seasons to play it.
Well I did consider cup matches, you both played around the same number of cup matches during your first 5 seasons, due to the very small size of the Bermuda cup and your reaching the cup final in your 5th season. You make a good point about WCL, though. Hibury played 24 WCL games in their first 5 seasons (they reached the group stages twice), worth around 1.25M. However, if we include both of your WCL earnings from your next 4 seasons (assuming Hibury reaches the group stage either this season or the next), it shows the same pattern as well. Including WCL revenue provides the more accurate conclusion that the earning potential between a top Spanish manager and a Top Bermuda manager has been:
- 30-50% higher for the Bermuda manager during the first 5 seasons
- 150-300% higher for the Spanish manager during the next 4 seasons
Brian, I can't agree with this calculation because the incomes of the next seasons after 5th season, were because I did a good job. That's the different between me, and a spanish TOP LEVEL user.
I sold my best players to do facilities, I sacrificed my present for my future. Then, the money come from players, not from prices. If Drifter would did academy in spite of other things, he would have more money than me, even I would get more prices. WHY?
First academies were an invest more profitable than nowadays. Do you remember what kind of players come before and what are coming now?. And what was the prices of that players before? That made the diferent and gap between big, medium or small teams. And he had the posibility of do it before me, due to his bigest first seasons incomes. Now is too easy say that the prices are lower. He should take a look about what he did and what he should did.
;) More nonsense. I've sold all my best players and keep mostly youth players. I keep only what I need to win the league and gain WCL promotion because if I don't that leaves my club further behind. Fact is, you have an over inflated sense of your abilities as managers and it is fact that you were lucky with player sales. I still don't believe in the best academy theory. Its been tried in Bermuda by other clubs and I always considered this alternate approach less attractive. We need only listen to the complaints from other forums about managers who curse their investments in them. Fact is, I have found better players on the market spending far less on them with similar growth rates by simply trolling the big nations for scraps. I buy young players with good potential in hopes that in time they can compete with managers in Spain who can drop 2 million G on a player and on top of that, pay the signing bonus for his stupid high wages.
Lots of people trying to tell me how it is when I am living it. I understand that you feel you have accomplished something in your leagues and should be rewarded for it, but your leagues are no better than and reguardless of how strong you think our league is, you still have to play to win it and until you have done that, you have no right to speak about this league or the managers who are here. Fact is, you think yourselves better than you really are by claiming the things you claim. We have never been opposed to what ever requirement was asked for parity and we have done much to satisfy those requirements.
As I said before to our critics... spend some money and build a second team in Bermuda so that I can stomp on it and post the scores in the forum each season. :D That would almost be as good as fair prizes for me. :-X
;) Here at Hibury, we don't care if you don't like or respect us and our accomplishments. What we do care about is the Bermuda League. The opinions of FAT and RICH clubs does not concern us. From our perspective, it is in their interest to keep the status Quo.
Brian, I can't agree with this calculation because the incomes of the next seasons after 5th season, were because I did a good job. That's the different between me, and a spanish TOP LEVEL user.
I sold my best players to do facilities, I sacrificed my present for my future. Then, the money come from players, not from prices. If Drifter would did academy in spite of other things, he would have more money than me, even I would get more prices. WHY?
Ah yes! Now you are getting into the subtleties of what makes a great manager! Perhaps the comparison is not a fair one, but it is the best I could do. It kinda works because you both reached the top level with a big stadium in season 7; you by being promoted, Hibury by starting to play the previous season and building his stadium. To be certain: this kind of comparison only highlights the differences between these league types, not differences between your managerial styles.
First academies were an invest more profitable than nowadays. Do you remember what kind of players come before and what are coming now?. And what was the prices of that players before? That made the diferent and gap between big, medium or small teams. And he had the posibility of do it before me, due to his bigest first seasons incomes. Now is too easy say that the prices are lower. He should take a look about what he did and what he should did.
Well this is a different issue, imho. Undoubtedly those who started early and invested in their academies early have been disproportionately rewarded. I have yet to upgrade my academy to the best, and I am wondering if it is even worth it now. My league rival has the best academy and he didn't get even a LA9 this season. Those ugly youth camps are looking much more attractive these days.
;) Fear motivates you. Fear that we will crush you team given a fair playing field. Come to my league and prove that statement. As you said... 3 season. I promise in three you will have won nothing.
juz wonderin is he really a bermuda citizen or some random chinese/thai.... take a look at singapore league that my fd is competing, 6-7 human managers, and a while ago some indo ppl registered in sg league and whine about price money too then afk'ed, what the point to debate when ur stadium income is far more huge than league price money?
you whine about less income, we laugh at you from our THE BEST academy in Singapore, that even means we beat u in one of ur loved clubs specialty of munny grubbing, lol.
Feel free to consult us when you wish to know how to really run a club in low human players area. and of course without 2nd team :>
;) Real Bermudian. Check me out on Facebook. Marcus C. Tucker.
for that only : srry and respect , juz hate those foreigners pouring into local leagues
Guys calm down! ::)
Drifter i agree with you that every nation should have human manager instead of bots,and that is one of the key factor but of course Admin does not care about it,but there is something you could do about it to help your country grow 8)
Look at my country for example,we didnt have much users so i called all the people I know to join and they called their friends, and so now we built a community. Now when ever new user arrives i send him a welcome message and of course to call his friends to join,so we can become much stronger. That is not the end of my story,each year we elect new manager regardless of a success of NT,and result of all this is participaion on 3 World cups so far (last 2 times in a row),i also managed to reach knock-out round of WCC,so you see there is a formula for success! 8)
Of course I am aware that I can not compete with the stronger NT teams,but that is how things work in real life i just could not imagine that Montenegro or Bermuda beat Argentina,Brazil,Germany etc. in football :P
Now the real problem here is a big difference in the progress and finances between premium and regular users,and Admin should pay attention about it,cause for me that is the only reason why people leave this game. For me personally i think money price for all Top level winners should be the same,and the teams from strong leagues are in an advantage because they play against strong teams with great reputation which bring them more spectators and of course, more money, while others play with bots and limited earnings. And there is also cup competition where there are more games and much higher income for them. But i note that i support this, because every nation should be strong with growing number of its users,so Drifter bring more friends here cause all this is just about game and fun 8)
As i remember the slogan for this game was "MORE PEOPLE MORE FUN" so lets behave like that 8)
Guys calm down! ::)
Drifter i agree with you that every nation should have human manager instead of bots,and that is one of the key factor but of course Admin does not care about it,but there is something you could do about it to help your country grow 8)
based from my experience from another online manager game "Buzzerbeater" I cant support this IF overseas players can buy premium to get in the leagues they arnt from.
lets guess if every nation open 2 slots of NT/U21 per nation , how many chinese or thais will get em? care to have a rough guess?
I am aware that I can not compete with the stronger NT teams,but that is how things work in real life i just could not imagine that Montenegro or Bermuda beat Argentina,Brazil,Germany etc. in football :P
yes they could since many premium The Best academy users draw lots of talent with less well known nations, and with a human manager of course
Now the real problem here is a big difference in the progress and finances between premium and regular users,and Admin should pay attention about it,cause for me that is the only reason why people leave this game. For me personally i think money price for all Top level winners should be the same,and the teams from strong leagues are in an advantage because they play against strong teams with great reputation which bring them more spectators and of course, more money, while others play with bots and limited earnings. And there is also cup competition where there are more games and much higher income for them. But i note that i support this, because every nation should be strong with growing number of its users,so Drifter bring more friends here cause all this is just about game and fun 8)
As i remember the slogan for this game was "MORE PEOPLE MORE FUN" so lets behave like that 8)
the real big difference is satellite farming vs non
drifter, i see you invite people to join your league and see how hard it is.
i did it. well, sort of.
you can't invite people to join your league and see how IT WAS 7 seasons ago, when you started.
but i created my second team in an empty league, last season. i got it right after the first round of the cup, and it was already out of the cup, so i settled to get only the championship title. it was not hard to get it, but it was fun. i got the team with 5 rounds to go and it was 9 points behind, on the 7th place. so i got the 300k prize and another 200k from playing a match in wcc. right out of the box.
i have already made the first upgrades to museum, bar, hotel and mega-store, to training grounds, i have almost 15k seats on the stadium and paid for the upgrade to 20k, that will be ready soon, paid for another upgrade to bar and hotel. by the end of this week i'll upgrade the mega-store also and then i think i'll go for a few training ground upgrades. it's easy, really. piece of cake. and i'll also get 2 CA7 players to train. that is significant power for such an easy league, but i'm not interested in better performance, i'm just saying it so you can see that there is a way to get free players that could get you further in wcc. hence, more money for you.
also, you can upgrade your team extremely fast and if you go for bar, hotel and mega-store, they will bring, very fast, much more income the a new team from a D or E level would get, because they need a lot more time to upgrade. a lot more! i know, because i started in D with my first team, i think i was on the 11th place and i didn't manage to climb to 2nd until the end of the season and promote.
but it's a different story for you, because you play since season 6, only in top level and despite the easy ride, you failed to upgrade your team. you should have all the facilities at least one upgrade further. or you should have the academy upgraded to the best.
even if you'll receive 700k more per season, in case you manage to win the league, you'll do nothing useful with that money. you proved it already. you should have chosen a way: money from upgraded facilities or players from upgraded academy. you chose to buy silly players. wrong move. now you don't have money to upgrade nor players from the best academy to sell, so you choose to come here and cry about the prize at the end of the season.
assuming the admin would have made your league 'active' from the prize point of view in the past 3 seasons, you would have 1,75 mil more.
assuming you would have upgraded only your bar to the best, 3 season ago, you would have made around 2,5 mil more than what you make now, from those facilities.
of course, it's easier to just come here and cry about it, instead of actually seeking a way to improve your managerial skills.
there is the other way, of course. to go for academy. yes, it's all about luck, but if you don't like the bar upgrade, maybe you should choose the academy upgrade. this way you'll get better players for your team and for your national teams. you might not get LA10-11 every season, but you'll definitely get much better players than what you get from 'good'.
only a quarter of the LA8 and 9 players from Bermuda are from academies from Bermuda. who's fault is that? it's the fault of the users that don't upgrade. just like yourself.
another issue: the so called 'high user number'. allow me to doubt there are 22 real users in Bermuda. here's why:
ijkjijxdoy : ijkjijxdoy has been established. - ukainean trying to get a team in every league
jassiem : frisswellhill fc has been established.
jassiem : frisswellhill fc has been established.
siemy : king_negusfc has been established.
this is the same person. and there are 2 teams in your top level that have similar ip's with these. and i say similar, not identical, only because i can't see the last 3. all others are the same.
and 2 more teams with fishy ip behavior. and 3 more teams with similar ip's (identical, but the last 3 could be different).
i'm thinking there might be a reason why admin is not expanding this league. a justified reason. could admin open a second level? if he really wanted, yes. could you make him do it? yes, you could ask every friend that is on a different lan to open a team and just remind them to log in once in a while, to make it seem as they are still interested. i'm sure you could find 10 guys and i'm sure admin would fall for this trick.
i created my second team in an empty league, last season. i got it right after the first round of the cup, and it was already out of the cup, so i settled to get only the championship title. it was not hard to get it, but it was fun. i got the team with 5 rounds to go and it was 9 points behind, on the 7th place. so i got the 300k prize and another 200k from playing a match in wcc. right out of the box.
i have already made the first upgrades to museum, bar, hotel and mega-store, to training grounds, i have almost 15k seats on the stadium and paid for the upgrade to 20k, that will be ready soon, paid for another upgrade to bar and hotel. by the end of this week i'll upgrade the mega-store also and then i think i'll go for a few training ground upgrades. it's easy, really. piece of cake. and i'll also get 2 CA7 players to train. that is significant power for such an easy league, but i'm not interested in better performance, i'm just saying it so you can see that there is a way to get free players that could get you further in wcc. hence, more money for you.
That is even more interesting, it took me 3 full seasons to do those improvements.... and according to Brian's calculations, top level's stadium capacity should be on 7,5k now (as Drifter's stadium at the end of his first season), i am watching double improvement pace than previously shown (in stadium capacity terms) and extra facilities improved too.
also, you can upgrade your team extremely fast and if you go for bar, hotel and mega-store, they will bring, very fast, much more income the a new team from a D or E level would get, because they need a lot more time to upgrade. a lot more! i know, because i started in D with my first team, i think i was on the 11th place and i didn't manage to climb to 2nd until the end of the season and promote.
Incomes from matches are lower, so improve those facilities takes more time, but team rating also increases at a lower pace than playing in top level, so weekly incomes from hotel/megastore/bar are also lower.
but it's a different story for you, because you play since season 6, only in top level and despite the easy ride, you failed to upgrade your team. you should have all the facilities at least one upgrade further. or you should have the academy upgraded to the best.
even if you'll receive 700k more per season, in case you manage to win the league, you'll do nothing useful with that money. you proved it already. you should have chosen a way: money from upgraded facilities or players from upgraded academy. you chose to buy silly players. wrong move. now you don't have money to upgrade nor players from the best academy to sell, so you choose to come here and cry about the prize at the end of the season.
assuming the admin would have made your league 'active' from the prize point of view in the past 3 seasons, you would have 1,75 mil more.
assuming you would have upgraded only your bar to the best, 3 season ago, you would have made around 2,5 mil more than what you make now, from those facilities.
Brian, your math are needed now, did he said something wrong?
of course, it's easier to just come here and cry about it, instead of actually seeking a way to improve your managerial skills.
It's not easier, it's A LOT easier.....
I won't quote about those ghost teams, the reason is simple: nobody can be fooled using their existence as a valid argument, they do the opposite effect, because you are not reliable guys.....
The same I said, More money at the begining more fast growing.. HE MUST THINK ABOUT WHAT HE DID AND WHAT HE SHOULD DID.... when he think about rigth answer, he can change his future.
I will not write anymore about this case. I have it quite clear, just to finish, when I was a small team, I look at bigger clubs to see what they were doing, and after I did my analysis to decided what I should do.
Good luck!!!.
;) I have one more thing to say on this topic... Shame on you guys. Keep your little clubs at the top if you can and pat each others back because you were the lucky ones. Its only a game but for some of you, I guess its more. I guess when you use something like a game to define who you are... it makes sense that you would do all you can to protect that. It took me a while to see the true colors of some in this forum. I'm pleased to say that not everyone in GKO is selfish or high on themselves. As for the rest... whatever. :(
you've asked for a team to come to your league and see how it is at the beginning. i gave you the facts and i think i pretty much destroyed your argument (were you thinking we forgot how it was at the beginning and we don't know how it is in a small league?). is this all you have to say, is this all you can do, attack the persons, instead of the facts? prove that i'm wrong!
i'm not against giving more money to a team, but it's gotta be justified. the way i see it, you've already been given more money, so stop asking for more.
i'm not against expanding a league, but there has to be a justified reason, connected to the real number of persons interested in that league. if you desperately need a bigger league, with bigger prizes, to compensate for your managerial shortcomings, all you need to do is gather your friends, co-workers, acquaintances over for some beer and ask them to create a team. it's simple, even if it's artificial.
do something, don't just complain!
ps: just in case anyone is wondering, yes, my first and second teams are both premium. not going to make a third one in Bermuda, i don't need to humiliate drifter by making it more successful than his team >:)
Shame on you guys. Keep your little clubs at the top if you can and pat each others back because you were the lucky ones. Its only a game but for some of you, I guess its more. I guess when you use something like a game to define who you are... it makes sense that you would do all you can to protect that. It took me a while to see the true colors of some in this forum. I'm pleased to say that not everyone in GKO is selfish or high on themselves. As for the rest... whatever. :(
Drifter , I found that both sides have some rights but I don't know why you offend other users? All blame is GKO staff who don't give you B level. If there be B level you can make enuogh people to have human coaches of NT and all prizes in Top Level. That's a litlle thing but still too big for this morons who own this game.
I'm only speaking to a select few Ruta.
;) Can you tell us who your second team is? We would be interested to take a look at it.
;) I have one more thing to say on this topic... Shame on you guys. Keep your little clubs at the top if you can and pat each others back because you were the lucky ones.
Weren't you lucky? Ah yes, you got everything to improve a lot faster than you did, but your club were unlucky, you were its manager.
Its only a game but for some of you, I guess its more. I guess when you use something like a game to define who you are...
For some, this miserable game is a national pride subject, weird uh...?
it makes sense that you would do all you can to protect that. It took me a while to see the true colors of some in this forum. I'm pleased to say that not everyone in GKO is selfish or high on themselves
Interesting wods, coming from somebody who never help others, and only show his face when his interest needs to be satisfied.
If i would be so desperate to keep my "status quo", do you think i would be here, posting replies to other users's questions or sharing my experience with others?
If Sopelana, Ruta, Brian and many others would behave like most chinese/thai managers does, this game would still be a big bag of secrets, i won't ask you to think about it, because i'm not sure that you might be able to think clearly. You have realized how many mistakes you did so far, you're angry because others grow, while you are stuck, and you are the one to blame, not us, i can't expect you to think clearly now... Maybe later?
That's where your wrong. If my mistake was winning my league titles and winning my cup titles, perhaps you are right, but as far as I see it, I have done what is needed to bring success to my club. With our without the extra league prize money, something that effects my league more than it does my own club, I am finding success and without ripping off all those who are buying my players when I sell them.
Perhaps my mistake was not selling players I no longer valued at the inflated prices I have seen you selling. How many players did you dupe with players you knew were in your opinion, low quality. Toot your own horn if you want, but any help you gave the league was the result of you trying to help yourself. Since this has descended into mudslinging, I will again withdraw myself from this issue. We all have our opinions, even if some think their opinions are the end all of all things. We have seen the facts, provided by Brian earlier. Those who manage below you can read as well and can make their own opinions. As for mine... You talk a good game and have a good team but that's about as far as it goes. Many managers may think you are GKO royalty, but a few have lost my respect through the course of this discussion.
And before you go quoting me again in some attempt to continue the subject, save it. You've said enough here to show there is no more reason to discuss anything with you anymore.
Me, a cheater, sure sure. Was it me who said cheating is right here, or was it you? I wonder who is behind those ghost teams in Bermuda, you are so desperate to be recognized as "a big country" that i wouldn't be surprised if you'd be the one.
Just for the record: i have sold important players for me, not only those i found useless. Want some examples?
To improve my stadium to the best level, i sold my best striker (a player with more than 50 goals each season).
My bar and hotel will be the best level next week, how do you think i get the money, collecting season 11 prize money? I sold a LA10 keeper (something really rare to find), can you collect 10M selling players? No, you can't,.not even selling your whole squad. But if you would have decided to improve academy at least an extra level (avoiding to buy so many players) i am sure you would be a bit close.
Now, do you know why i sell? Because i have a backup plan, i usually have a backup plan and it always have an improvement estimated, and a lost, it usually is. A squad with 40 players surely have many tactical backup, but it rarely have improvement to estimate, that's the difference mate.
And, do you know why i get good money from my players? I'll give you a clue: proper training and patience ;)
Still, if you think i cheated, you know what to do, i am sure you sent a cry message to admin, pegging for extra money, waste only a few more minutes and write him again, my mind is clear.
I am done here too, there's nothing more for me to say.
And before you go quoting me again in some attempt to continue the subject, save it. You've said enough here to show there is no more reason to discuss anything with you anymore.
Agree, Drifter juz make ur Academy to THE BEST then all will be different, we can do it in Singapore then suppose u can do it in Bermuda.
I wish that everyone's mind would be calm now, to clarify this discussion, let's have a look at this team:
This team worked as a chinese manager's farm, some of his good players were sent to chinese squad (to fill the chinese squad, they aren't strong mostly) and those who required training were sent to play here (such a DC i bought later, paying "inflacted prices" as somebody said, without considering player quality at all) but the weak players were here, he won EVERYTHING, but if you see his transfer record, incomes came from selling high LA players mostly. He improved stadium capacity, with extra money he improved academy and using incomes from selling players he improved all the rest. This team is unnactive since jan 30th (close than 8 months, so it's 5 seasons active and almost 2 seasons unnactive) but still, i see a stronger team than Bermuda's teams and MILLIONS extra invested on facilities.
This team started on season 5, so it's 7 seasons old (same than Drifter's), but i must remind you guys that he is unnactive since more than a season, if his manager woyld still use this team in the last 8 months, he might be even better than now...
Is like in real life, if I can choose between win a millon euro in your first year working and nothing then, or win 50.000 during next 30 years, I always prefer to win fast that , millon. Why? if I had a millon I would convert it easy and fast in more money than 50.000x30 = 1,5 M.
And that is the reason because i said
i am not against Bermuda would receive same money than others, BUT i think they should have same (or close) difficulties than most of us have: if Bermuda league would have C level or lower and new teams would be allocated at the very botton, if they would need to waste SEASONS playing with bot teams or few humans before reaching the top i would accept it, but now everything is easy for them, their only "problem" is that they get half prize money at the end of the season, but let's be honest, 500k for a top level team is an insignificant amount of money.
And yes, for an old top level team, 500k (or 700k) IS an insignificant amount of money, or it should be, it's all about how fast you get it and how good you are using it, that team i placed is a proof of it: more than 20M ahead of Drifter's squad in money invested on facilities and another few millions extra in player's market value (not est. Value, market value) with 5 seasons and half as an active top level team.
BTW, did i menction that i met him on WCC twice, and this team were an interesting challenge despite his "farm weak players" role?
little FC 10.445.000 G
invested in youth camp. this is how much he had spent in seasons 9 and 10. he had the second investment, after ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV 14060000 G
edit: that was a week before the youth players came. the investment was 400k/week.
looking at another data, from next season, when he switched to 5k/week, i can calculate that he invested 800k more, to a total of 11.245.000 G
I think that when any small nation with substandard prizes achieves a wcl rank that provides 2 wcl places, they should get full prize money. It only seems fair....
I think that when any small nation with substandard prizes achieves a wcl rank that provides 2 wcl places, they should get full prize money. It only seems fair....
i'll remind you of this at some point, because i intend to bring my second team's country into top 40 sooner, rather than later. and that country only has 1 human team.
IMO, essence of this (and every other game) is to be simulation - not "arcade". Meaning that "realistc disparity" must be involved and present...and accounted for.
What is point of this topic? Compared to RL - to make football champion of Gibraltar and Germany equal? I mean, that would never happen (except in case of some "investor" pump huge ammount of money and make artificial team like many cases this days (years)).
Check out Champions League in RL - nearly 75% are regulars which are increasing difference towards others instead of shrinking "disparity".
In order to get closer to best teams, teams from weaker leagues must work hard and smart (smart investments in ifrastructure and players) in order to slowly but steadily compensate that difference - and not through overnight unrealistic huge prize money increase or some other also unrealistic "solutions". It takes time and lots of patience but is realistic way.
I think that when any small nation with substandard prizes achieves a wcl rank that provides 2 wcl places, they should get full prize money. It only seems fair....
i'll remind youngest of this at some point, because i intend to bring my second team's country into top 40 sooner, rather than later. and that country only has 1 human team.
Fair enough, but a 2nd WCL spot would surely make the league quite attractive for new managers to join. BTW which nation is your team in?
i highly doubt it. a league with a dominant team, that would leave them no chance at getting trophies is not attractive, compared to some empty league. i counted at least 42 bots in champions cup, there are plenty of leagues to chose from.
why do you want to know the country? you think i'm lying about the upgrades? don't worry, i'm not. and my teams are both premium, so i'm legit.
i highly doubt it. a league with a dominant team, that would leave them no chance at getting trophies is not attractive, compared to some empty league. i counted at least 42 bots in champions cup, there are plenty of leagues to chose from.
why do you want to know the country? you think i'm lying about the upgrades? don't worry, i'm not. and my teams are both premium, so i'm legit.
Only to see just how close you are to the top 40.
I think that when any small nation with substandard prizes achieves a wcl rank that provides 2 wcl places, they should get full prize money. It only seems fair....
One caveat to this...the league would need at least 16 users, enough to fill an entire league.
nowhere near top 40.
One caveat to this...the league would need at least 16 users, enough to fill an entire league.
Bermuda doesn't have 16 users.
nowhere near top 40.
One caveat to this...the league would need at least 16 users, enough to fill an entire league.
Bermuda doesn't have 16 users.
According to the Bermuda nation page, it has 22. I think at least 16 of these are legit users.
after 00 utc, you can check the club ranking for Bermuda and see how many of those teams are banned, double or triple accounts, etc.
check for yourself and let me know how it goes. use the ip's to see the real numbers.
i've checked, there are less than 16 real users. don't get fooled by big-mouth drifter. and don't throw mud at carlos and all the argentinians on bermuda's chat. it doesn't look good on you. i thought you were a gentleman, but i was so wrong!
after 00 utc, you can check the club ranking for Bermuda and see how many of those teams are banned, double or triple accounts, etc.
check for yourself and let me know how it goes. use the ip's to see the real numbers.
i've checked, there are less than 16 real users. don't get fooled by big-mouth drifter. and don't throw mud at carlos and all the argentinians on bermuda's chat. it doesn't look good on you. i thought you were a gentleman, but i was so wrong!
Well at least 10 are active and there seem to be a few more waiting to join the league.
If you can't tell the difference between mudslinging and banter, there's nothing I can do to help.
BTW what is th attraction of having a 2nd team in an inactive league? It's like playing chess against the computer on the easiest setting. Perhaps you need the ego boost?
none of the teams waiting to join are legit.
none of the teams waiting to join are legit.
Perhaps, though I don't think either of us are in a position to judge. Well, enjoy routing the bots with your 2nd team!
like i've said, wait till you'll be able to see the ranking and you'll see all the teams. there is an attempt for a triple account that is plain as daylight, a banned account, a ucrainean that's trying to get a team everywhere, some teams with random name and user like this: oucnpqyr and if you'll write down the ip's of all the teams in bermuda, you'll have serious questions about the real number of persons playing.
look beyond appearances.
and about your sarcastic remark: my goal is not round up all the bots, but to train 2 players from my first team. anything else that might come out of it, it's just a bonus. so far it helped me see how easy it is for users like drifter to develop a team. that's only if they want to.
;) So you made another team to train players for your first team? That's is what you are doing?
;) I get really tired of people like TOPLEVEL opening their mouth about the situation in Bermuda. This user claims to be working for fairness, but admittedly starts accounts in other countries to train his own players. This may sound fair to some, but to me, this doesn't seem very fair. Of course, you will probably argue that its in the rules of the game and isn't cheating, but it makes me question how much you really care about fairness at all. You probably care about fairness as much as you care about being correct about what you say. I find it interesting that even though Bermuda has an active league, that users like TOPLEVEL, fight so hard to prevent us from reaching full league status. I question your motives TOP LEVEL. You have already admitted to practices that are unfair, even if Admin. sanctions it.
:) Good luck with your second team. I hope that teams trains your players well for you. Have fun with the bots. I'm sure you picked a good league for that. Besides, if you wanted to do things fairly, you would have trained your own players at home like all the other non-premium members. Obviously, as I said before, being fair isn't what you are concerned about.
Drifter, it seems you started to reduce your squad's size, Just curious: how many more PR2 players do you have? You listed 13 players, can you expect to reach somebody else outside Bermuda with those? Was our fault that you picked to buy those low PR players in the first place? You clearly didn't lost the thread's track, because you attacked Top Level as soon as you found an oportunity. So should we wait some kind of own reflexion about all the mistakes you did or will you only chase "fairness" when it concerns you? There are many other threads that will surely find your opinión welcome. Your friend Brian suggested something that wouldn't be fair with smaller teams, i haven't seen you there (, you also have discussions about cheating ( (BTW, i am still waiting for somebody apologizing for calling me cheater now, when is mind is supossed to be "cold"), you didn't posted there, why is that? Is that because you usually play WCC? Is that because nobody creates ghost account in Bermuda trying to get a different status? Is that because cheating doesn't concern you? Do not come with the "fairness" stuff here, when things are good for you, they aren't worth to post, when you need something more, you claim the world is unfair against you, but it's okay, we all know how you are....
And to be clear, i am against multi account and Top Level's decisión to farm his players with another account. That doesn't change the opinion i have about the advantage small country teams have, the team i have shown is the clear proof of it, your team might be as good as Little Fc, if your head would be focused beyond winning Bermuda Top level and if you would have done things better, sorry dude, that is NOT our fault.
dude, it doesn't matter if it's not 'fair' by your standards.
it's within the rules and it's the only legal way to fight, on the long run, the cheaters that admin is protecting.
do i agree with a person having 2 or more teams? no, but these are the rules.
the worst part is that there are many persons having multiple accounts, without having premium on any of them and admin doesn't do anything about it!
and another thing: ''I get really tired of people like TOPLEVEL opening their mouth about the situation in Bermuda.''
YOU asked for my opinion by writing here. if you did not, you would not be writing here, you would be writing to admin. but you don't have the power to fight for your opinion, you only want people to agree with you.
and you don't have arguments to support your opinion, because there are not enough real users to fill up your top level, so there really is no need for an expansion. yet.
bring people to the game, if you are so desperate to expand the league and get more money. but no matter how much money you would get, you would still waste it. you lack managerial skills. learn from the things written here and try to do better!
like i've said, wait till you'll be able to see the ranking and you'll see all the teams. there is an attempt for a triple account that is plain as daylight, a banned account, a ucrainean that's trying to get a team everywhere, some teams with random name and user like this: oucnpqyr and if you'll write down the ip's of all the teams in bermuda, you'll have serious questions about the real number of persons playing.
look beyond appearances.
First, there are at least 8 teams with unique IP addresses. There are a couple with duplicates but this is hardly irregular in gko. In my nation there are at least a dozen teams with shared IP addresses. They all claim to be siblings or friends, and as far as I know, they truly are. I really don't care so long as they aren't selling players to each other. Like I say we are in no position to judge.
and about your sarcastic remark: my goal is not round up all the bots, but to train 2 players from my first team. anything else that might come out of it, it's just a bonus. so far it helped me see how easy it is for users like drifter to develop a team. that's only if they want to.
I've long thought that experience gain from matches should depend on the opponent's team rating as well as competition type, rather than only the latter as it is now. You make an excellent case for this.
;) So you made another team to train players for your first team? That's is what you are doing?
Just like Man Citeh and their MLS team, NYC FC. The oil sheiks must giggle with glee every time Frank Lampard scores a goal. In case you don't follow these leagues, NYC FC bought Lamps from Chelski and promptly loaned him to their parent club. That's modern football for you ::)
This also draws out an important point. In a league without promotion/relegation (like the MLS) there are few competitive incentives to get ahead of the competition with long term investments. It makes better fiscal sense to invest in the transfer market especially given today's prices.
First, there are at least 8 teams with unique IP addresses. There are a couple with duplicates but this is hardly irregular in gko. In my nation there are at least a dozen teams with shared IP addresses. They all claim to be siblings or friends, and as far as I know, they truly are. I really don't care so long as they aren't selling players to each other. Like I say we are in no position to judge.
as i've said, there aren't 22 users, not even 16. drifter once claimed there are or were 16 users that had teams plus at least another one that was on the waiting list forever. that's not the case, obviously. drifter was lying in order to promote his agenda. this is the only reason i'm still writing. if he would have been right, i would have been on his side.
I've long thought that experience gain from matches should depend on the opponent's team rating as well as competition type, rather than only the latter as it is now. You make an excellent case for this.
that would be impossible and would only distance the top teams from the low leagues teams. why is it that lots of your ideas are for creating a bigger gap between those types of teams?
another thing: are there any serious online managers out there having this system in place?
and about loaning, second teams, extra youth for academy, extra cups and all the stuff implemented as premium: i'm against! but as long as others use them, i have to try my best to take advantage of them. i haven't created loaning to a second team, i've just started doing it and it's going to be a while until i'll upgrade that team enough to be able to really create strong players for my first team.
frankly, for a while i believed admin would step in and take a official stance against this trick. i wish i had known he wouldn't do it... i would have created my second team 2 years ago.
First, there are at least 8 teams with unique IP addresses. There are a couple with duplicates but this is hardly irregular in gko. In my nation there are at least a dozen teams with shared IP addresses. They all claim to be siblings or friends, and as far as I know, they truly are. I really don't care so long as they aren't selling players to each other. Like I say we are in no position to judge.
as i've said, there aren't 22 users, not even 16. drifter once claimed there are or were 16 users that had teams plus at least another one that was on the waiting list forever. that's not the case, obviously. drifter was lying in order to promote his agenda. this is the only reason i'm still writing. if he would have been right, i would have been on his side.
No, it says there are at least 10 managers, maybe more. This does not count teams not yet placed in the league yet, either.
I've long thought that experience gain from matches should depend on the opponent's team rating as well as competition type, rather than only the latter as it is now. You make an excellent case for this.
that would be impossible and would only distance the top teams from the low leagues teams. why is it that lots of your ideas are for creating a bigger gap between those types of teams?
another thing: are there any serious online managers out there having this system in place?
no, it would only make it harder for farm teams like yours in inactive leagues. Nobody expects the players in a c-league to excel in the top level. Similarly, you don't see the world's best players on a team like QPR even though they have had a wage budget that could pay them. This wouldn't hurt players in lower leagues, only make them less experienced than their top level counterparts.
Until more managers have some opportunities to loan players, this will continue to be a problem. I have suggested that (non premium) managers should get to accept competition- dependent loans such as cup or WCL who would be returned to their home club when the team is knocked out of the relevant competition. Only these loans can't be made among managers sharing an ip address. This is just one example of a suggestion that would help smaller clubs. I also suggested managers be able to build standing terraces to boost attendance and club rating when it is low (<5000). All things considered, I think it is more important to make features more realistic than balanced as the game is ultimately balanced by the finite facility upgrades that can be made. No matter how early team a builds the best facilities, team b will eventually be able to catch up. Team a can't make further upgrades to maintain the gap of which you speak. In the end, the game is fundamentally balanced.
Edit: provided that league prizes also eventually equalise as well.
It might sound a bit offtopic, but still:
dude, it doesn't matter if it's not 'fair' by your standards.
it's within the rules and it's the only legal way to fight, on the long run, the cheaters that admin is protecting.
Unless you want to farm players from youth camp, i am not so sure of it. I mean,if you do a little sacrifice to farm your players until CA reaches 7, you can place your players in other manager's teams, just need to find another team willing to use your player. The fact that people request token/premium for letting their players on loan makes "free" CA7+ players more valuable, i sent 3 players outside my team, the 3 players are LA10, i sent them for free to trusty managers that accepted to use my players in all matches in exchange to leave them the players for free. I did tye effort to raise them until CA=7, they do the rest from now on.
Players from youth camp are a different story, nobody with some mental health uses CA1 players in an average league, you must farm them in a satellite team because using them in matches means giving too much advantage, but a CA5 player can easily be prepared in your own team and then be sent outside.
yes, carlos, the youth camp players are my target, and this is why i'll upgrade the team. if i were to make it for ca7 and ca7+, i would not need better training grounds and i could easily send ca7-8 players away to get training from other teams in need of such players.
brian, you keep pushing ideas to make strong teams even stronger, like loaning players for cup. that's not fair and here is why: let's say i have a player to loan. what kind of team would i look for? a team strong enough to make it as far as possible into the competition. that makes that team even stronger, compared to any other team that is just average.
and for the experience dependent on ranking, you say it would only be harder for me. ok, show me where that is implemented in hattrick, since it's such a brilliant idea.
oh, another thing: since you keep pushing ideas such as the one about the facilities bringing money according to the number of the matches played at home, and since all ideas are performance related, i say: make the league title prize and the cup winning prize performance related. calculate the average of the ratings for each league and make interval prizes, like so:
max average rating is 650
min average rating is 490 (the 75% condition of the bots should be computed, too!)
max prize is 1 mil
min prize is 300k
leagues from 490 to 510 - 300k
leagues from 511 to 530 - 400k
leagues from 531 to 550 - 500k
leagues from 551 to 570 - 600k
leagues from 571 to 590 - 700k
leagues from 591 to 610 - 800k
leagues from 611 to 630 - 900k
leagues from 631 to 650 - 1 mil
similar computation should be involved in determining the cup money. how does that sound, fairness-wise? since my league is so much stronger than drifter's and i have wages so much higher than his, shouldn't i receive a bigger prize, according to the way you suggest ideas?
i'm against, since it will only widen the gap between our teams.
and about what drifter said: '' Managers never get placed into the league. So its kinda sad especially since we had a full league at one point but no second division was made and the guy had to wait till the start of the new season.''
where are those 16 users that had legit teams that made Bermuda's top level inadequate?
you've seen what kind of ''users'' are on Bermuda's waiting list.
Guys, can we call a truce and bring this thread to an end? Its not like the developers are listening and its sad to see such valued members of our community disrespecting each other :(
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but after all the contributions that Brian and Carlos have made to this game and to the community, they do not deserve to be accused of acting in self interest. Similarly, Drifter and Top Level are frequent contributors to this forum so their opinions deserve to be listened to, without being attacked.
To quote Whisky Sour from an earlier, similar thread "peace".
yes, carlos, the youth camp players are my target, and this is why i'll upgrade the team. if i were to make it for ca7 and ca7+, i would not need better training grounds and i could easily send ca7-8 players away to get training from other teams in need of such players.
brian, you keep pushing ideas to make strong teams even stronger, like loaning players for cup. that's not fair and here is why: let's say i have a player to loan. what kind of team would i look for? a team strong enough to make it as far as possible into the competition. that makes that team even stronger, compared to any other team that is just average.
and for the experience dependent on ranking, you say it would only be harder for me. ok, show me where that is implemented in hattrick, since it's such a brilliant idea.
oh, another thing: since you keep pushing ideas such as the one about the facilities bringing money according to the number of the matches played at home, and since all ideas are performance related, i say: make the league title prize and the cup winning prize performance related. calculate the average of the ratings for each league and make interval prizes, like so:
max average rating is 650
min average rating is 490 (the 75% condition of the bots should be computed, too!)
max prize is 1 mil
min prize is 300k
leagues from 490 to 510 - 300k
leagues from 511 to 530 - 400k
leagues from 531 to 550 - 500k
leagues from 551 to 570 - 600k
leagues from 571 to 590 - 700k
leagues from 591 to 610 - 800k
leagues from 611 to 630 - 900k
leagues from 631 to 650 - 1 mil
similar computation should be involved in determining the cup money. how does that sound, fairness-wise? since my league is so much stronger than drifter's and i have wages so much higher than his, shouldn't i receive a bigger prize, according to the way you suggest ideas?
i'm against, since it will only widen the gap between our teams.
and about what drifter said: '' Managers never get placed into the league. So its kinda sad especially since we had a full league at one point but no second division was made and the guy had to wait till the start of the new season.''
where are those 16 users that had legit teams that made Bermuda's top level inadequate?
you've seen what kind of ''users'' are on Bermuda's waiting list.
First my idea is that teams in those competitions could accept 1 player on loan for their duration. Bermuda's cup, for example, has only 4 rounds, so it might be wiser to loan your player there. Even if the team loses in the first round he'll spend the better part of the season on loan. Your hypothetical situation may apply to Thailand, but even there, there are only so many "strong" teams, it won't take long before they have their players and other weaker teams would need to be considered.
What Carlos says is true, in theory, but not so much as n practice. I remember one manager last season who couldn't loan out a single player, all were CA 5-7 LA6-7.
Your idea to base prizes on league/cup competitiveness was suggested long ago based not on ranking but the number of levels in the nation. Maybe fairer but not palatable to many managers.
Finally if hattrick is the supposed standard bearer for this kind of game, where are loans in it? I believe there are none, does that make it a bad idea? Maybe gko can be its own game and should not try to imitate any others....
Thanks Andy but I think discussions like this are good so long as they don't devolve into mudslinging. Unfortunately it is all to easy to make unfounded accusations from behind a keyboard. I for one try to ignore them and the mockery in hopes that admin watches our discussions more than they let on....
i don't understand your idea about loaning for cup. since Bermuda has only 4 rounds, it's the worst idea to give a player in that league. only 4 weeks. there are plenty of leagues with 10 rounds and then, there is Thailand with even more, so more matches. weren't these players supposed to play only in the cup?
but i don't think it matters, anyway. i don't see it happening.
the number of levels of the nation doesn't say much. there are plenty of over sized leagues.
for example, USA: Total users : 236, leagues down to C level
Turkey: Total users : 106, leagues down to D level
the average rating (not ranking) should be taken into account, unless the game master is going to resize all the leagues to a satisfactory level. even so, the rating reflects better the power of a league and the wage expenses. in case i'm not totally clear, i mean that team level showed in premium team report.
and you still haven't commented on it. since i'm in a waaaaay more competitive league, with much higher wages (even if i have less players), why would it be fair to get the same prize as drifter, that's fighting bots, deserted teams and other easy teams that rarely have ca7's and his cup runs for only 4 rounds?
when he makes it into the champion's cup groups, he has the advantage of an easier league, that brings him higher morale. also, not having a cup that runs for 8-10 rounds, he is able to use the same players every match, he doesn't need to keep many players in his team, he can sell a player and invest the money, instead of keeping it and paying the wage.
yes, loaning is a very bad idea! that's why hattrick doesn't have it.
you avoided my question: what serious online managers have implemented the experience based on ranking?
like i've said, i don't think it's possible. i get your point that it should be based on reality, but in reality you don't have at D level 2/3 of the spectators you have on the top level. or 'the best' stadiums at D level. and also, you don't have the same number of spectators in primera or serie a as in bermuda's top level. or the same sponsorship income. or the same sales from facilities. in real life, you can't make a super-star team in a 5th level league, here you can transfer any player, it won't mind.
so stop trying to judge everything based on reality, this is not real life and it should never try to imitate real life.
If there is a standard bearer for this kind of game, it is Football Manager, not hattrick. And yes it is very realistic and played by millions.
If we wanted a truly "fair" game then let's get rid of promotion and relegation for a franchise system. 1000 credits and the best facilities will get you a permanent spot in your top level. Get rid of academies and institute a draft. He who finishes last gets the 7/12/5 player. Everyone gets the same amount of revenue from sponsors tickets and prizes. Only the best teams get to play in the cup. Etc. etc.
When you speak of balance and fairness, I think you mean parity. Fairness is good in politics and economics, but in sports it is downright boring IMHO. I, like drifter, only want fairness of opportunity, not fairness of outcome. That is all.
i don't play it and don't intend to play it, but like i've said, loaning sucks, so if FM has loans, it probably sucks. good thing i don't play it.
what it that, american football? no, thanx.
drifter had better opportunities, by starting in top level, i just showed that upgrading is done so much faster. he also refuses to take advantage of the opportunities the academy is giving.
he only wants to play one way, to buy players, train and sell for a profit. the problem is, he's bad at it. look at his players. his highest value players are bought in season 6 and had barely made it to ca7, after so many seasons!
drifter had better opportunities, by starting in top level, i just showed that upgrading is done so much faster. he also refuses to take advantage of the opportunities the academy is giving.
he only wants to play one way, to buy players, train and sell for a profit. the problem is, he's bad at it. look at his players. his highest value players are bought in season 6 and had barely made it to ca7, after so many seasons!
And let me add another thing: we all told him he's got too many players... His squad have around 40 players, any team playing league, cup and WCC need 25 players at most, so we might say that he's got 15 extra players.
Let's say that an CA4 players receives 3.500G as weekly wage and a season takes around 20 weeks, how much extra money is Drifter paying on wages?
And here he is, complaining for 700k extra each season, i can't imagine how his behavior would be if his squad would be filled with CA7 asking 10k each week.
Drifter had far more oportunities to develop a strong structure than most of us, if he would have picked a better way to invest his incomes his team and his finances should be a lot better, nobody depends on prize money to improve his academy, specially after academy system changed some seasons ago, academy is the biggest income source in short term, with less incomes than his, many users are beyond his squad, sadly, he didn't invested the potentially high incomes he received when he started so his incomes never had the proper acceleration, he might like it or not, but he did things wrong, what's the point having 3 keepers? Some seasons ago he loaned a CA4 keeper maxed, Will somebody tell me that these are good moves?
And it's a bit offtopic but still, i love FM! But if GKO would be similar than FM, the gap between big and small teams would be even higher, min. Attenance rates wouldn't exist and bigger teams would be bringing 60k people to their matches, and a low competitive league like Drifter's shouldn't bring more than 15k, so let's keep some GKO rules as they are, don't we think?
Andy, i'll take your advice from now on, i'll leave this thread for good, this is pointless, nobody from the dev staff is listening and Drifter doesn't seem to accept his mistakes so we are in an endless discussion....
;) Once again you have all missed the point, save a few people like Brian and Andy who actually listened to what I said and don't just make up words for me in their own posts. Well.. you have the rights to your opinions and I have the rights to mine. What you don't have the right to do is be as abusive as you have been in the forum.
My point was about Bermuda, not about my club personally. Basically, I fight for the rights of all Bermuda managers, the same managers that are being insulted by certain managers to get their points across. I can respect wisdom but certainly not those who try to bully people to get their point across.
My posts in this forum became a bit heated and many were quick to jump on me for that. I can easily see the unbalance in this forum. It's like they say, if you have haters, you must be doing something right. Perhaps its because they had a two years start on me... (No, couldn't be that. We will hear about how that must be wrong in the next few posts I am sure.) Either way, I will continue with my plan. Hopefully, I will throw these words right into the faces of my critics with success. I am patient and like Brian said, its not like they have any more advancing to do.
Good luck with your efforts guys. Remember... once you are at the top, there is only one way to go. I'ld like to be the one to send you on your journeys.
Lots of love from Bermuda
No Drifter, you are not patient, a patient manager would use 2 or 3 seasons to develop a strong squad with low CA high LA med PR players (last season, Sopelana went to B level raising young players, you know? ) you always put National success as a priority, a respectable decision but now you must face the consecuences, nobody in Bermuda invested real money into youth player and a youth team proyects (some never upgraded their stadium to 20k, wich is worst), i can speak for my league because i have tracked their development since they started: most of them are far stronger than Barmuda teams, all of them had to deal with low attendance rates when they started, most of them never played WCC and most of them never were premium (so, with no custom cup incomes they got less than those 700k you complain each season) so Bermuda's problem is not those extra G from prize money, i am absolutely sure that this scenario is similar in many countries.
EDIT: Ah, i forgot! About the "you are on top now, there's only one way out" comment, i told you earlier, i will play WCC using subs from now on, so you will have a chance to make your dream true, do you think i mind it?
i don't play it and don't intend to play it, but like i've said, loaning sucks, so if FM has loans, it probably sucks. good thing i don't play it.
what it that, american football? no, thanx.
So you must think gko "sucks" since it has loans? Then why do you play it?
You'll find that the franchise system is used in variety of sports including association football (MLS, Australian A-league), and rugby in the southern hemisphere.
i don't play it and don't intend to play it, but like i've said, loaning sucks, so if FM has loans, it probably sucks. good thing i don't play it.
what it that, american football? no, thanx.
So you must think gko "sucks" since it has loans? Then why do you play it?
You'll find that the franchise system is used in variety of sports including association football (MLS, Australian A-league), and rugby in the southern hemisphere.
but GKO loans system really sucks and is making more advantage for premium users. It should be a youth league when all our youth get training and exp. Now it is only for premium users.
More- a lot of loans is done for premium or tokens. So by real money. It is correct for you? I know that don't. GKO is going straight to pay for win game . Soon will be no matter how good manager you are but how much cash you spend :(
i don't play it and don't intend to play it, but like i've said, loaning sucks, so if FM has loans, it probably sucks. good thing i don't play it.
what it that, american football? no, thanx.
So you must think gko "sucks" since it has loans? Then why do you play it?
You'll find that the franchise system is used in variety of sports including association football (MLS, Australian A-league), and rugby in the southern hemisphere.
but GKO loans system really sucks and is making more advantage for premium users. It should be a youth league when all our youth get training and exp. Now it is only for premium users.
More- a lot of loans is done for premium or tokens. So by real money. It is correct for you? I know that don't. GKO is going straight to pay for win game . Soon will be no matter how good manager you are but how much cash you spend :(
I fully agree that the gko loan system needs major reforms. So does premium. I say let everyone accept 1 player on loan, make loans for real money illegal, make some premium features available to all users. At least if people want to pay for a loan, find another way to pay, don't buy tokens, don't give the money to the game!
Sorry. I wasn't clear enough. There is a lot of loans when one user buy premium or tokens to other for loaned player. And this is really sucks. I saw many times when just average team is maked very strong by 2 loaned superstars! This another way to make this game unfair.
i agree normal users can get 1 loan, but set at rating 5000+ plz
Sorry. I wasn't clear enough. There is a lot of loans when one user buy premium or tokens to other for loaned player. And this is really sucks. I saw many times when just average team is maked very strong by 2 loaned superstars! This another way to make this game unfair.
Yes I understood perfectly - it is disgraceful that some managers do this and even worse that others pay for credits to get them. This kind of loan should not be allowed.
i agree normal users can get 1 loan, but set at rating 5000+ plz
good point ;)
between the loan premium, causes great injustices to this game because is full of farms to build a team
it's something as ridiculous as cheaters many teams do every day, without the administrator do anything
from three months ago I sent a very clear message about cheating and nothing even
how we will move forward even if these things happen?
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