The Official GoKickOff Online Community Forums

General Category => Ask Admin => Topic started by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 12:45:48 AM

Title: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 12:45:48 AM
I'd like to share a problem we've been having for the past few seasons in Bulgaria's Top-Level : Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

Basically in our championship there are 2-3 players that constantly support ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV ( everywhere, like they wouldn't face him with their main lineup in semi-final cup matches and so on. Here's some proof : - season 7 semi-final cup matches, as you can see his opponent isnt with his main 11, on top of that hes got MotS available where if this wasnt an arranged match I don't see a reason why he wouldn't try and take him out with it, IT IS SEMI-FINAL. - season 8 semi-final same story with the other person that supports him, and you can see later on in the league he returns the favor by giving him easy 3 points and helping him for 3rd place :

This is one of the main reasons hes managing to save up MotS and use them in WCL.
Also he's constantly abusing others in chat and making unnecessary quarrels between the community (trying to create sides and stuff like that).
Anyone can copy and translate his chats from his homepage HERE ( all tho google translate for example wont really translate the vulgarisms properly and I am not sure if its right for me to translate it here.

Even if no action gets taken I want you guys to know how he's winning his trophies, offending others and so on.

I am going to sum up the overall topic cause its gotten filled with too much spam!

As the topic progressed you were accused into even more rule breakings which you haven't tried to deny even once, so far it looks like this :
#1 Match arrangements with decent enough proof of others intentionally losing to benefit your behalf
#2 Offensive language towards others in the Bulgarian community
#3 Account sharing
#4 Possession of a second account to benefit yourself even further

I wonder how much more violations does a person have to commit to get any rightful consequences here?
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Kr10s on November 29, 2013, 02:41:55 AM
First of all, i must say that i were surprised when i heard it, i always tought that bulgarian league was one sided, but i never imagined that this could be the reason! Did you guys reported to the GM earlier?

That image seems taken from a private message, am i wrong? The GM should have access to PM inbox if the receiver allows him to do so... Chefo, does it belong to your PM inbox?

If this is really truth and it can be checked, i am afraid that this might be a really serious issue, we are talking about one of the most succesful teams in GKO  :o

Based on

Intentionally losing a game to benefit another team expressly is considered to be violation the rules of our game.
Please don't do it and please help us keep an eye on such actions.

I can understand that some teams give up some matches for certain reasons (sometimes, there are teams who plays with subs against stronger rivals just to avoid morale drops, and so their teams can still compete against same level rivals), i think those situations might be understandable. But if somebody loses to help other team and then there's "a payent" in exchange, this could be really serious.

It would be great if the GM can check this issue and the truth can be discovered, if there's a match fixing issue, all teams involved should be punished, if not, things should be clarified to clean all teams involved's reputation.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Rincewind on November 29, 2013, 05:45:27 AM
I would like to add something to the picture: (
I have never seen this team's manager to write something in the chat or to be active in the bulgarian community somehow. Meanwhile he usually plays his MOTS against the main pretender in the championship at a time when he is close on the table.
Well, it might be a coincidence, but... ( (

You can see on the pictures above part of the both teams' logins for a same period. They have logins form a same provider... nothing suspicious so  far, but this provider is located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria while at this time Aramazov was located in England (by his own words and logins as well).

I confirm his behaviour in our chat and I think this game needs in general some control for bad language!

At the end I would like to say samething that I want to be read carefully, especially by my bulgarian colleagues.

I have reported all the things i have found suspicious and i am not writing this post in order Aramazov to be banned! I believe he would has won most of his trophies even without this "support", because he has really strong team, probably the strongest in the gko world. In my opinion this domination has simple explanation - he started in the top level from season 1, when it was full of bot teams. Moreover few seasons ago it was much more common to receive a great youngsters from the academy and transfer prices were significantly higher. This gave him an enormous financial advantage. I believe bulgarian gko community is developing and soon there will be enough competitive teams and such "support" will not be significant anymore!

And last... I am not a fan of exposing our domestic fights, but I place transparency first!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Ruta on November 29, 2013, 07:42:51 AM
I don't know if Aramazov did something wrong or didn't cause I don't now much about whole situation.It is all about Admit to do his job now

BUT there are plenty conclusions form this case.

1. The system of each country league is a fail. There are just few Top Levels with real challenge for a title i.e . Thailand, Argentina, Poland  ...... Leagues without competitions have advantage in international competitions. Can rest players in home games , save MOTS for WCC ....

2. MOTS are bad at all and should be removed ASAP!!. We were talk about it  and there is no way to change them cause we have schedule with 3 or 4 important games a week in different competitions. more see point 1.

3. There is usual now that many managers make agreements about to use or not. It is so common especially in cup competitions. So again MOTS must be removed!

4. And again we back to staff of this game. They or just he is vanish, many countries in GKO where is just a few users are running without any control. Now transfers about 400-500 k or even 1 mln are so common that international community can't trace them for cheating :(. So I think that countries without community less then 10-15 users should be also removed or merge in regions like : CONCACAF or OFC or another geographic factors.

5. Staff again. Abusive language and  sensitive names of team are so popular and there is no action about it :( We have Hitler, Jesus at names of teams.
I am curious when  when International institutions who fight against racism , antisemitism.........makes some moves to GKO owners ? 

6.We  should remember that there will always be a local patriotism in each country. It is natural that everyone wants to helps own country participants in International competitions.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 07:56:18 AM
First of all, i must say that i were surprised when i heard it, i always tought that bulgarian league was one sided, but i never imagined that this could be the reason! Did you guys reported to the GM earlier?

That image seems taken from a private message, am i wrong? The GM should have access to PM inbox if the receiver allows him to do so... Chefo, does it belong to your PM inbox?

Yes, few people have sent emails without any consequences tho. And the PM is still in my inbox, also if admin decided to take a look at aramazov's own PMs, I am certain theres A LOT more happening there between those 2-3 teams!
I never expected a perm ban or anything, tho if he gets a small 10-14 days in between seasons break to calm down a bit, wont be a bad thing.
Even again hes trying to create unnecessary drama, its pretty pathetic to watch and most of us have quit bothering anyway.

Intentionally losing a game to benefit another team expressly is considered to be violation the rules of our game.
Please don't do it and please help us keep an eye on such actions.

I dont think theres a better example possible than what I've provided. Hes been giving up points to others not just once, and thing is its not like those other teams cant achieve good resulsts on their own, hes pretty much holding them back actually! They seem too deluded to realize it themselves tho, hopefully this topic might wake them up a little.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 08:27:57 AM
Just sent another report to gokickoff's email and this will be as far as I go. This sad individual doesnt deserve more of my time spent honestly, he seems to be enjoying it in the chat as well.

Here is a small portion of his lack of brain cells :
Translation : "I used a mots in the league, go shoot yourself fucking faggot"
"So I've made a treble and should I be ashamed you fucking trashcan"

I can go on FOREVER but seems a waste of time since absolutely nothing has been done so far.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 08:50:10 AM
about 11 hours ago
absolut : ХААХАХАХАХ
about 11 hours ago

about 11 hours translation
vashnov fuck
a lot of envy and he constantly insults.moderator swearing-and provokes.
absolut  АХААХАХ, продължаваш да показваш колко си невеж и ограничен. Карлос е НИКАКЪВ в тая игра, има думата където и да е колкото имам и аз - и ти, не знам кво си си го набил в главата толкова. ИМаш 4-5 епитета в речника си и ги използваш на макс като гледам, върви се скрий 40 годишен пропадняк
about 12 hours ago
constant insults
yesterday urged teams:quote Aramazov won all the cups What did you enjoy have to destroy it.People wrote him that makes it out of spite
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 09:14:23 AM
@Ruta I completely agree with everything.
In our country everything is happening between 2-3 sides, one of which is only following somebody else's interests. National teams are pretty much taken hostage and he's mostly deluding them by training some of their players(truth is he is also afraid others will catch up to him, you need to understand how difficult everything is). Who becomes NT manager is decided pre-election here, the amount of multi accounts is hilarious. Pretty much 2-3 people can be the deciding factor who gets NT manager and who doesnt, and that is one of the reasons our NT has fallen from 4th place 3 seasons ago to 12th as it is now.

To the comment above I dont even feel the necessity to defend myself. Anyway its not even an insult, its got a humorous intent in reply to a funny comment someone else did right before that.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 09:22:02 AM
^ Sad but most of the ignorant people think Carlos is part of the staff members here and this is my reply to one of those kind of people just telling him that he's as equal as a player as all of us here. They believe he decides who gets punishment and so on, its not even funny.

Imma do the mistake and go down to your level, since there isnt another way to deal with you.

"Kanar4etata : и Аржентинеца Карлос сега ми пише на лично да ми се извинява и да ми вика че съм голям менажер-Абсолюта ги е подвел по форумите ама хората не са прости като него-От село отишъл в София и гони трамваите да им дава банички "
Translation : Hes saying CarlosT apologized to him on private saying hes one of the best managers in the game (hilarious in itself).

Wont bother replying any further to his futile attempts to create unnecessary dramas again.

Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 09:27:33 AM
ADMIN CHECK- Мoderator-Chefo how our insult chat me and vashnov.because we have national coaches
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 09:30:04 AM
^ Sad but most of the ignorant people think Carlos is part of the staff members here and this is my reply to one of those kind of people just telling him that he's as equal as a player as all of us here. They believe he decides who gets punishment and so on, its not even funny.

Imma do the mistake and go down to your level, since there isnt another way to deal with you.

"Kanar4etata : и Аржентинеца Карлос сега ми пише на лично да ми се извинява и да ми вика че съм голям менажер-Абсолюта ги е подвел по форумите ама хората не са прости като него-От село отишъл в София и гони трамваите да им дава банички "
Translation : Hes saying CarlosT apologized to him on private saying hes one of the best managers in the game (hilarious in itself).

Wont bother replying any further to his futile attempts to create unnecessary dramas again.
and also translated-40 annual wretch
again trying to manipulate and lie to people.
also wrote-such teams as Aramazov Plovdiv should not have them because is very strong and that will destroy.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 09:46:56 AM
continues to insult in Bulgaria CHAT olut : Добре се справяш, продължавай да спамиш та може и да изтрият темата да се спасиш от присмиването на всички в играта. Да те видят що за стока си, смешник.
10 minutes ago
now insults another person in Bulgaria  CHAT  absolut : Другата будала, тука всичките минали средна възраст сте меко казано най-заблудените индивиди, които съм виждал през живота си. Лично мнение, нямам за цел да се заяждам.
5 minutes ago

translator-Other chumps here all past middle age are mildly misguided individuals that I've seen in my life. Personal opinion, I do not intend to offend
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 10:06:41 AM
I'd like to share a problem we've been having for the past few seasons in Bulgaria's Top-Level : Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

Basically in our championship there are 2-3 players that constantly support ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV ( everywhere, like they wouldn't face him with their main lineup in semi-final cup matches and so on. Here's some proof : - season 7 semi-final cup matches, as you can see his opponent isnt with his main 11, on top of that hes got MotS available where if this wasnt an arranged match I don't see a reason why he wouldn't try and take him out with it, IT IS SEMI-FINAL. - season 8 semi-final same story with the other person that supports him, and you can see later on in the league he returns the favor by giving him easy 3 points and helping him for 3rd place :

This is one of the main reasons hes managing to save up MotS and use them in WCL.
Also he's constantly abusing others in chat and making unnecessary quarrels between the community (trying to create sides and stuff like that).
Anyone can copy and translate his chats from his homepage HERE ( all tho google translate for example wont really translate the vulgarisms properly and I am not sure if its right for me to translate it here.

Even if no action gets taken I want you guys to know how he's winning his trophies, offending others and so on.
after I have 10-15 points over 2 ranking I always play with the youth to take training and this season I have only 2 losses the last team-he falls in Division B
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: lars74 on November 29, 2013, 10:45:11 AM
Хубава работа, ама българска. Good work, but ...Bulgarian. Why we must show our dirty shirts in the international forum?! These comments only shows what we are - Bulgarians. Yes - we are  envious, malicious, always seeking scandals.
I saw my team was accused- in any scheme with Aramazov. ??????? First of all - I always play honestly. In the last game of previous season I won against ARAMAZOV. But if you take a close look at the match, you will see that I used MOTS, and Aramazov was already champion, so he played with yonger players. What wrong is here?
Really - there is no other nation, which so bitterly spit in the face of its champion. And this champion is 2- times World champion. You must be proud with his achievements!  Wish to all these managers, who are Aramazov's opponents to win the World cup!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Ologga on November 29, 2013, 11:02:03 AM
I don't know if Aramazov did something wrong or didn't cause I don't now much about whole situation.It is all about Admit to do his job now

BUT there are plenty conclusions form this case.

1. The system of each country league is a fail. There are just few Top Levels with real challenge for a title i.e . Thailand, Argentina, Poland  ...... Leagues without competitions have advantage in international competitions. Can rest players in home games , save MOTS for WCC ....

2. MOTS are bad at all and should be removed ASAP!!. We were talk about it  and there is no way to change them cause we have schedule with 3 or 4 important games a week in different competitions. more see point 1.

3. There is usual now that many managers make agreements about to use or not. It is so common especially in cup competitions. So again MOTS must be removed!

4. And again we back to staff of this game. They or just he is vanish, many countries in GKO where is just a few users are running without any control. Now transfers about 400-500 k or even 1 mln are so common that international community can't trace them for cheating :(. So I think that countries without community less then 10-15 users should be also removed or merge in regions like : CONCACAF or OFC or another geographic factors.

5. Staff again. Abusive language and  sensitive names of team are so popular and there is no action about it :( We have Hitler, Jesus at names of teams.
I am curious when  when International institutions who fight against racism , antisemitism.........makes some moves to GKO owners ? 

6.We  should remember that there will always be a local patriotism in each country. It is natural that everyone wants to helps own country participants in International competitions.

All my support to this post, the best one I have read in three years in GKO. Admin, follow these indications if you want to save this game please.


-We need to remove mots as soon as because they are killing a game that it is already very damaged by mots, cheaters or tokens.

-We need (teams that are playing in weaks leagues) to join bigger communities as CONCACAF, Central Europe or similar for have a little fun because this game is really boring at the moment, I asked this a year ago and Admin didn't answer, read it and do something please! This would be the best solution you could take for save this stupid, by the moment, game. A game without fun is not a game.

Join active teams from weak leagues in Geographyc groups is the best solution and must be done as soon as because in the last three seasons NO NEW TEAMS has join this game so we can't be waiting that our weak communities can grow because Admin is doing NOTHING for get new teams in a shameful attitude, the game/communities are not growing then we should join leagues geographically obtaining more competitiveness and of course, more fun (this is not applicable for countries like Thailand, Argentina or Poland of course, because they have already a great competition).

In my own situation, I has been thinking in take some sabbatical seasons in reason of have a really boring competition and wait for someone can do something for rescue this died game, some friends of me in Spain where there is not any fun are valuing to do the same. Sad but real.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: uLtRaSpYnAlL on November 29, 2013, 02:02:01 PM
Aramazov ,the best champion of the game"""""""???????? because was alone in top level much time,when you are in top level at first season,and no competition in top,and you win all,sure the team is growing and became so strong,if you are in top level at the season 1,you are the best ,with no competition,after 9 seasons,yes,is a strong team now ,because no competition and the team wins lot of money after 9 seasons........
ALL who played in the first season on top level,they have huge advantage,because top is top and you win lot of many,than a group B,C,D,E,...
i begun on E and is very difficult to grow,now my team is under construction,i will go in B,because i choose to grow some youth from the camp..
The best champion in the game is someone who have competition,no someone who grow alone in the top,win all with no competition in top...... bla bla bla,sorry for my english"" :-X
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: vasnov on November 29, 2013, 02:09:47 PM

I regret that we will expose front of all! I not want to quote how verbally abused me the moderator to Bulgaria - Chefo! Offends not only me and all that say they ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV is largest team. All things are out of context and all boils down to one word - envy! Chefo said that such a team - ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV, -  not give to others to earn and is to be removed from the game. So he hopes that will receive a Cup. Why he not says how they collect players which put constantly MOTS against ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV. The goal was to prevent the winning to whatever it is to the victim! I refused this! And many others too! This man proved in Bulgaria that it is not worthy to be moderator to Bulgaria.
And the latest scandal started with: "Enjoy Bulgaria for the second Cup in WCL", and the moderator to Bulgaria - Chefo, was furious to that call! Over again I apologize that some players are bulgarians!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 02:18:43 PM

I regret that we will expose front of all! I not want to quote how verbally abused me the moderator to Bulgaria - Chefo! Offends not only me and all that say they ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV is largest team. All things are out of context and all boils down to one word - envy! Chefo said that such a team - ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV, -  not give to others to earn and is to be removed from the game. So he hopes that will receive a Cup. Why he not says how they collect players which put constantly MOTS against ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV. The goal was to prevent the winning to whatever it is to the victim! I refused this! And many others too! This man proved in Bulgaria that it is not worthy to be moderator to Bulgaria.
And the latest scandal started with: "Enjoy Bulgaria for the second Cup in WCL", and the moderator to Bulgaria - Chefo, was furious to that call! Over again I apologize that some players are bulgarians!

Oh this person that cant even write in his native tongue properly talking about patriotism, give me a break.
I never said anything regarding his winnings, its HOW he wins them and the way you take part in it.
Same story as in national chat you keep saying stuff without providing any evidence whatsoever hence wasting my time.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 02:25:10 PM
 the moderator to Bulgaria - Chefo mentally not well
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chuncho_ on November 29, 2013, 02:39:30 PM
is a pity that this mess obtaining the Champions Cup, should quickly take appropriate action

this forum is not for fighting or abuse
I think this is an internal matter that concerns only a community and that is where you must solve

now appeared as Here, you must act fast

1-to apologize for this defamation
2-clarify if there was something wrong and punish

regarding the advantages of less competitive leagues
I believe that although there really is terrible, and I compete in them also am in favor of creating leagues continents where the emotion is real and satifaccion
between the country has fewer users, unless users enter the game in that country

now those who have entered the seasons 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, with little competition leagues obviously now have more powerful computers, but competition or way of playing is not the best, win have great players with the coming changes and those to come began to put more difficult

I hope that more and more changes have to win this game strategies and no large equipment
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: vasnov on November 29, 2013, 02:57:32 PM here that Nickname : absolut (96050) Name : Chefo  also he has benefited from reserve players, because ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV fought for two cups. Then I was 5 points after thee and third place was not securely for you. I'm not complaining!   
Some are here to have fun, not to kill complexes!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 03:01:05 PM here that Nickname : absolut (96050) Name : Chefo  also he has benefited from reserve players, because ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV fought for two cups. Then I was 5 points after thee and third place was not securely for you. I'm not complaining!   
Some are here to have fun, not to kill complexes!

LOL I never cared for that result, as you can see I've gone out with half youngsters not expecting much of the game. Are you accusing me now that I am taking part in this as well? Keep going its getting fun.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 03:11:07 PM
I win the world title with the national team of Bulgaria next season -this person will commit suicide out of spite-Chefo -Bulgarian -Moderator
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 03:14:46 PM
The fact that I am national mod gives me all the more reason to stand up to this.

If you have that huge of a deal with me being a mod there are other places you can refer to and complain.
Pathetic excuses left and right, reveal your schemes even more please.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Ologga on November 29, 2013, 04:22:15 PM
here it is being questioned the merit of aramazov of winning two WCC by teams as ultraspyl that have not won any one and even has not played in the competition, that's called envy, another thing is what has happened in Bulgaria (chefo's words), something totally unknown for me, chefo or plovdiv would clarify it if there is something that must be clarified.

in this way it is obvious that a team coming from a non active country can play the WCC with higher moral or keep mots like it is happening in Germany, Bulgary, Spain, France, Switzerland, Swenden, Normay and in 190 more countries, but it is true too that a team without real strong adversaries can't learn anything tactically playing against a bot or weak team, it is clear that only if you play against a strong team you must strive your mind hardly and you learn many new things each time.

When a team created with tokens wins WCC in the future will you accuse it the same as Aramazov?

GKO is not a fair game precisely, that is known since the 1st day that we are here playing this ... 'game'. Everybody can continue playing here but it is something that it must accepted regrettably.

as I have said before, admin must regroup a big number of countries without competitiveness in geographycal groups of leagues because it is evident that no new users are interested in join this game full of cheaters or tokens... even the number of teams is being reduced each season (-10,000 in only 2 last seasons)... or reagrupation is made or this game is dead in 2,014.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: vasnov on November 29, 2013, 04:37:47 PM Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

You do not say what I replied and misleading players and admin! I accepted this or denied ? This is the sixth season. Then exactly collect players which put constantly MOTS against ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV. He was angry. My last game is with Aramazov. I finished second with 63 points. Third is Levski Mladost with 58 points. We finish 0 - 0. We played a game no matter the classification for Top Level !!! And to ask: Why keep silent three seasons the moderator to Bulgaria - Nickname : absolut (96050) Name : Chefo, if I accepted this ?
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 04:49:17 PM
I I've been in England and why my wife enter from your home computer in Bulgaria the game - :)malice malice and laughter
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Red on November 29, 2013, 04:51:54 PM
Well,this game is best simulation right now killing with many things which are posted many times in forum...In fact there is an project where all of that problems  will not exist and best simulation and fun is number one! I did send to GKO details and the rest is on their hands.In short words they still have time to rescue this game but if this stay like that and other project for real simulation and fun will start than in my opinion GKO can really fall down  :(
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 29, 2013, 04:59:20 PM Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

You do not say what I replied and misleading players and admin! I accepted this or denied ? This is the sixth season. Then exactly collect players which put constantly MOTS against ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV. He was angry. My last game is with Aramazov. I finished second with 63 points. Third is Levski Mladost with 58 points. We finish 0 - 0. We played a game no matter the classification for Top Level !!! And to ask: Why keep silent three seasons the moderator to Bulgaria - Nickname : absolut (96050) Name : Chefo, if I accepted this ?

So in your opinion its better to keep quiet rather than reveal anything unfair? You are very hard to understand, hardly make any constructive argument ever. I think I've cleared all the "anger" nonsense you accused me of so far, I couldnt careless what he's won. What truly bothers me is how he's won it and how you keep trying to cover up for him while its god damn obvious already.

P.S. This thread has turned into chat-box so I wont bother replying unless truly constructive argument comes up which is unlikely to happen.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 05:06:14 PM Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

You do not say what I replied and misleading players and admin! I accepted this or denied ? This is the sixth season. Then exactly collect players which put constantly MOTS against ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV. He was angry. My last game is with Aramazov. I finished second with 63 points. Third is Levski Mladost with 58 points. We finish 0 - 0. We played a game no matter the classification for Top Level !!! And to ask: Why keep silent three seasons the moderator to Bulgaria - Nickname : absolut (96050) Name : Chefo, if I accepted this ?

So in your opinion its better to keep quiet rather than reveal anything unfair? You are very hard to understand, hardly make any constructive argument ever. I think I've cleared all the "anger" nonsense you accused me of so far, I couldnt careless what he's won. What truly bothers me is how he's won it and how you keep trying to cover up for him while its god damn obvious already.

P.S. This thread has turned into chat-box so I wont bother replying unless truly constructive argument comes up which is unlikely to happen.
chefo not to sleep since winning WCL Get some sleep will have a heart attack out of spite-worry about you
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Kr10s on November 29, 2013, 05:34:30 PM
I I've been in England and why my wife enter from your home computer in Bulgaria the game - :)malice malice and laughter

Well, it might not be entirely related with the "match fixing issue", but i think you should know that letting somebody else to use your account goes clearly against the GKO rules, so please do not do it again...
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 05:40:29 PM
I telephoned my wife to say and Tactics-what is the problem
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: uLtRaSpYnAlL on November 29, 2013, 05:46:03 PM
here it is being questioned the merit of aramazov of winning two WCC by teams as ultraspyl that have not won any one and even has not played in the competition, that's called envy,

i played in WCL,and in knockout round you beat me with 2-1,my team with high CA LA on player was 6,and 2-3 players with CA7 ,now i build new team, oberstodf.... :P and you was the winner of the WCL
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Kr10s on November 29, 2013, 06:04:25 PM
I telephoned my wife to say and Tactics-what is the problem

I am not saying it was a "problem", i just said that you shouldn't have done that, you could also used any internet connection in England (as far as i know, they are pretty good) and that would be legal.
I am just saying that you broke a rule that you probably ignored, just keep that in mind next time to avoid unpleasant situations, that's all!
Many people were banned because account sharing, you know....?
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 06:06:22 PM
I telephoned my wife to say and Tactics-what is the problem

I am not saying it was a "problem", i just said that you shouldn't have done that, you could also used any internet connection in England (as far as i know, they are pretty good) and that would be legal.
I am just saying that you broke a rule that you probably ignored, just keep that in mind next time to avoid unpleasant situations, that's all!
Many people were banned because account sharing, you know....?
buying card 15 £ 3 Mobile and when it ended I called my wife
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Kr10s on November 29, 2013, 06:15:34 PM
I telephoned my wife to say and Tactics-what is the problem

I am not saying it was a "problem", i just said that you shouldn't have done that, you could also used any internet connection in England (as far as i know, they are pretty good) and that would be legal.
I am just saying that you broke a rule that you probably ignored, just keep that in mind next time to avoid unpleasant situations, that's all!
Many people were banned because account sharing, you know....?
buying card 15 £ 3 Mobile and when it ended I called my wife

It's okay, you don't need to explain me what happened, i am nobody to judge you! Just wanted to let you know about that rule to avoid inconveniences, that's all!!!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 29, 2013, 06:21:14 PM
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: JoseMou on November 29, 2013, 10:21:22 PM
I'd like to share a problem we've been having for the past few seasons in Bulgaria's Top-Level : Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

Basically in our championship there are 2-3 players that constantly support ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV ( everywhere, like they wouldn't face him with their main lineup in semi-final cup matches and so on. Here's some proof : - season 7 semi-final cup matches, as you can see his opponent isnt with his main 11, on top of that hes got MotS available where if this wasnt an arranged match I don't see a reason why he wouldn't try and take him out with it, IT IS SEMI-FINAL. - season 8 semi-final same story with the other person that supports him, and you can see later on in the league he returns the favor by giving him easy 3 points and helping him for 3rd place :

This is one of the main reasons hes managing to save up MotS and use them in WCL.
Also he's constantly abusing others in chat and making unnecessary quarrels between the community (trying to create sides and stuff like that).
Anyone can copy and translate his chats from his homepage HERE ( all tho google translate for example wont really translate the vulgarisms properly and I am not sure if its right for me to translate it here.

Even if no action gets taken I want you guys to know how he's winning his trophies, offending others and so on.
Totally agree! It is hard to prove this matches are fixed but they smell very very bad. Probably only GM can check their messages before these matches and when transleted it to see whether they are fixed. But everyone in Bulgaria know these 3 clubs are ''friends''.
I've no doubt in Aramazov team power, he have best team in Bulgaria, maybe best in all GKO and I don't want to repeat reasons to be so strong they were described in details in this topic and is normal to win matches and trophies...But what is hapenning...When he was he was elected as NT coach again he told us "I'll train LA 8+ players in friendlies" it's ok but in our  men NT you can see players like
DR/DMR (probably LA 7 player, he is not in Bulgarian top 100 lists)
DC (maxed CA 6 player from same "friends" club)
and what a surprise this player now is in Transfer List....They don't play NT matches they are only NT members it's ok, but every premium user can see we have a couple LA 8 DR/DMR and DC and he don't care about them, they don't play in "friends" teams...

But this is not a big deal, when any Bulgarian user is disagrees with these issues and ask him in our local chat he told him "I'm the champion, you're nobody''. If someone is not agree with his opinion he use very abusive and offensive language against him. His words are very rude and this man Aramazov abuse us in chat and when he coment matches almost every day. Yesterday when he won WCL instead enjoys of winning he abuse many users in chat called them "stupid", "weaklings", "clowns", ''cattle'', etc...His favorite phrase is:
-КУР ЗА ЛЕВСКИ - this means "dick for Levski" (popular Bulgarian football club), he love to use this phrase and repeat it many times yesterday
Also he call us:
-БОКЛУК - this means "you're shit"
-ПЕДАЛ ДОЛЕН - "vile gay''
-СЕЛЯНИН - "peasant"
Аnd many other very abusive "names" (I'm sorry you must read that) :( This is ridiculous!
And this man Aramazov is 35 years old, can you believe it  ::) I've nothing against his great team and wins but he is EVIL. I think he need a doctor, not to play games. Almost every his post in chat or coment in matches is infantile and he using hate speech. He think this game is stadium and he can abuse everyone to insult everyone with impunity. Is this really unpunishable??? Everyone who feels offended by him can confirm this...

So we have 3 issues:
-Possible match fixing
-account sharing
-abusive language against other users

I think GM must seriously consider about this case.... :-\
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Ologga on November 30, 2013, 12:14:50 AM
here it is being questioned the merit of aramazov of winning two WCC by teams as ultraspyl that have not won any one and even has not played in the competition, that's called envy,

i played in WCL,and in knockout round you beat me with 2-1,my team with high CA LA on player was 6,and 2-3 players with CA7 ,now i build new team, oberstodf.... :P and you was the winner of the WCL

Oh my God!! You are right..  :-[ :-[ :-[

As your logo is different I didn't remenber it   :(
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: vasnov on November 30, 2013, 12:33:12 AM
                    Look this team :  and look this players : This is ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV.
                   And you see these :  and
                   Do not laugh please. This is the "Bulgarian" envy! That's the real problem! They are eager destroy him!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: JoseMou on November 30, 2013, 12:41:20 AM
                    Look this team :  and look this players : This is ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV.
                   And you see these :  and
                   Do not laugh please. This is the "Bulgarian" envy! That's the real problem!
@vasnov I'm ok with your opinion but where are your evidence and FACTS  :-\ :-\
And for what fight you more accurately?? If you have your personal interests in this game you will play MOTS in semi final for cup with titulares IMO
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: vasnov on November 30, 2013, 12:49:55 AM
                    Look this team :  and look this players : This is ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV.
                   And you see these :  and
                   Do not laugh please. This is the "Bulgarian" envy! That's the real problem!
@vasnov I'm ok with your opinion but where are your evidence and FACTS  :-\ :-\
And for what fight you more accurately?? If you have your personal interests in this game you will play MOTS in semi final for cup with titulares IMO

                    My interest is Top Level and to play in WCL, so as to I catch up to with ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: JoseMou on November 30, 2013, 12:54:28 AM
                    Look this team :  and look this players : This is ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV.
                   And you see these :  and
                   Do not laugh please. This is the "Bulgarian" envy! That's the real problem!
@vasnov I'm ok with your opinion but where are your evidence and FACTS  :-\ :-\
And for what fight you more accurately?? If you have your personal interests in this game you will play MOTS in semi final for cup with titulares IMO

                    My interest is Top Level and to play in WCL, so as to I catch up to with ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV!
If you win cup also will play in WCL and will get more money and glory ;) Do you have any other evidence against us???
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: vasnov on November 30, 2013, 01:01:35 AM
               How many times you win against ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV !? And NO, I get more money as well as playing!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: JoseMou on November 30, 2013, 01:12:18 AM
You're right about that but you have strong main squad and can beat him with Mots IMO. I said it's hard to prove match fixing only GM can maybe. What about other issues? We don't speak without facts like you and you are already his official lawyer or I'm wrong??
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 30, 2013, 08:17:14 AM
Chefo Bulgarian mogerator e deceiver  here's proof--
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 30, 2013, 08:46:38 AM
Chefo Bulgarian mogerator e deceiver  here's proof--
LMAO you just keep showing how powerless you are, how does that have anything to do with this?
You are so pathetic, IT IS good that you are showing pointless screenshots from your 2nd accounts tho, keep digging yourself deeper : )

P.S. What the picture shows is : Hes telling me that theres no point for both sides to mots each other in a pointless league match that was probably 2 seasons ago, I dont even..
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 30, 2013, 09:04:17 AM
continues to justify deceiver and envious
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Ruta on November 30, 2013, 10:24:30 AM

All this mess is because of MOTS. We had same situations in Poland but a lot quiet ( no international ). Our community have a scarf till today. If I good remember same was in Spain , too. I saw their quarrel on chat.
I remember  in season 7 Error was an leader in Thai Top and got MOTS against him in 29th round from team who was already relegated. And Error finished at 2nd.

So again MOTS do huge dameges to community and defence them in the way that MOTS are needed for weaker teams is not good way. This is not about one man feelings but about health of whole community.

Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 30, 2013, 10:43:43 AM

All this mess is because of MOTS. We had same situations in Poland but a lot quiet ( no international ). Our community have a scarf till today. If I good remember same was in Spain , too. I saw their quarrel on chat.
I remember  in season 7 Error was an leader in Thai Top and got MOTS against him in 29th round from team who was already relegated. And Error finished at 2nd.

So again MOTS do huge dameges to community and defence them in the way that MOTS are needed for weaker teams is not good way. This is not about one man feelings but about health of whole community.

+1 The funny thing is that thief shouting thief  :)
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: shomyguca on November 30, 2013, 10:45:23 AM
So again MOTS do huge dameges to community and defence them in the way that MOTS are needed for weaker teams is not good way. This is not about one man feelings but about health of whole community.

I don't think it should be removed, but it has to suffer major changes in order to get weakened!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: LieCheatNsteal on November 30, 2013, 10:47:47 AM
agree.... weaken it or giv morale penalties or whatever....
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: vasnov on November 30, 2013, 10:49:43 AM
continues to justify deceiver and envious

                    When else is doing what you he makes is a crime! Apparently moderator of Bulgaria - Manager :  Chefo   (96050)   
Nickname :  absolut, used the information, to which has access, for unclean targets! Why is there still is moderator of Bulgaria
 ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on November 30, 2013, 10:53:25 AM
continues to justify deceiver and envious

                    When else is doing what you he makes is a crime! Apparently moderator of Bulgaria - Manager :  Chefo   (96050)   
Nickname :  absolut, used the information, to which has access, for unclean targets! Why is there still is moderator of Bulgaria
 ??? ??? ???

If you knew your native language you would understand what that screenshot says instead of spouting nonsense blackmail : )

I am out of words for those kind of people, they'd go as low as possible to defend their unjust actions towards the rest of the players..
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Igecot on November 30, 2013, 10:59:50 AM
Chefo Bulgarian mogerator e deceiver  here's proof--


In this picture it says : if you want we can play without mots in which Chefo responds : Ok we will play without mots .

If this is a reason for ban , then every team on GKO should be banned :)

And again somehow its all about the mots . I thought it really should stay in this game cause it is "good chanse for weak teams to beat the bigger teams" - but NO . Mots most be removed so no more matches could be fixed . There is too much fixed matches in every country cause of mots .

They accuse FC Arsenal 1886 for not playing mots against Aramazov in the semi-finals . That's ok - maybe he didnt want to spend it , maybe he would lost even with mots . You see again it is about that stupid mots . If it wasnt in the game - then we wouldnt be talking here NOW ! And after that semis aramazov lost on his league game against arsenal to "help" him to be third in league . As I see third and fourth place were playing WCL qualification , because Aramazov won league and cup . So even without that "fixed"league match the situation would be the same !

Aramazov has one of the greatest teams in GKO ( I dont like him, not even a little bit) , he proved he could win WCL (twice) . He would win league and cup even without the "help" of akademik and arsenal1886. And WCL it doesnt matter , even if they played against him with mots(in cup or league)  he would maybe still have that mots left for the finals of WCL.
And this kind of things are very hard to explain in the public ,  cause we are not met with the situation like you guys are ! Only the admin could tell if he really could see their private messages (but of course their messages could be deleted) , so nothing again.

About aramazov attitude , it's one of the worst in GKO . Almost everyday , or whenever he write on chat , there is always an ugly word , always he insult people I've seen that on Bulgarian chat or in match comments . But there are lot of people who talk like him , they just argue like that with insults , or they react like a 10y old kidd , so maybe suspension from chat (I believe it must exist) on week or two could be enough to remove this problem.

This kind of things I believe are happened almost in every country - but are too hard to explain . If stuff want to investigate this problem it would be great , but I dont think they would :)
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Derfos on November 30, 2013, 11:06:31 AM

in this way it is obvious that a team coming from a non active country can play the WCC with higher moral or keep mots like it is happening in France

Hey sorry but France is not non active anymore, we have a full top level, yes we are late but it's because some managers weren't really active before and they are now, our B divisions are starting to get full also.
And it is one of the not many countries where it is actually competitive for the champion's title, we have a least 5 teams capable of winning the title and 6 other teams that are not far behind. The french league as become really interesting so before making such statements, do your research Oberstdorf
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Ruta on November 30, 2013, 11:09:56 AM
So again MOTS do huge dameges to community and defence them in the way that MOTS are needed for weaker teams is not good way. This is not about one man feelings but about health of whole community.

I don't think it should be removed, but it has to suffer major changes in order to get weakened!
O yaeh , we were talk about it many times. Condition and morale is easy to rise by credits which means tokens. Tokens users will be very happy , you know? With games system we have in GKO even if 2 matches after MOTS will so low-powered as high powered with MOTS there is a lot of leagues where this change do nothing. Simple, if you have any competition in own league you can use MOTS in internatonal matches :(
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Kr10s on November 30, 2013, 11:12:45 AM
Our community have a scarf till today. If I good remember same was in Spain , too. I saw their quarrel on chat.
I remember  in season 7 Error was an leader in Thai Top and got MOTS against him in 29th round from team who was already relegated. And Error finished at 2nd.

It also happened in Argentinian top level, in season 5, Los Gurises FC lost argentinian top level in round 30 against a mid position team who played mots against him. Of course, he didn't beated him (the match ended 1-1) and that mid team team didn't get anything (it ended 6th, but the league was filled with bots back then).

With time, we mostly learned to avoid playing mots eachother, and we mostly save them for cup matches, that's the better solution we found to be a peaceful community.


Agreed, but match fixing won't dissapear just removing mots, there are many ways to fix matches, agreeing how to play mots is one, but not the only method to manipulate a league:

You can play a weak tactic, even using players outside their natural positions or easy tackling to give him ball posession.
You can leave a weak spot in your formation and tell the other team where to attack you.
You can play hard tackling against some teams, just to hurt his players.
You can play using a fierce defense, only to avoid a follower to collect 3 points, and then play easily to let a leader win.
You can legally play with more than 1 team in the same league, no need to say something more...

IMO, GKO Staff doesn't pay enough attention to the game, that is the biggest problem.

This thread is 2 days long and we still there's no reply from the GM, and admin didn't showed up yet, without control, match fixing WILL surely happen!

What are moderators for? Are they only here for moving/removing messages in forum? If the GKO staff can't be here 24/7, moderators role should be far more important! They should be here to control that bad things don't happen and they should have a faster feedback with the main GKO staff! Sadly, this clearly isn't happening  :(

In this picture it says : if you want we can play without mots in which Chefo responds : Ok we will play without mots .

If this is a reason for ban , then every team on GKO should be banned :)

QFT. Agreeing to not use mots isn't a reason to ban a team, as long as both teams plays to win or they are not playing to help eachother as minimum.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Ruta on November 30, 2013, 11:21:08 AM

Agreed, but match fixing won't dissapear just removing mots, there are many ways to fix matches, agreeing how to play mots is one, but not the only method to manipulate a league:

You can play a weak tactic, even using players outside their natural positions or easy tackling to give him ball posession.
You can leave a weak spot in your formation and tell the other team where to attack you.
You can play hard tackling against some teams, just to hurt his players.
You can play using a fierce defense, only to avoid a follower to collect 3 points, and then play easily to let a leader win.
You can legally play with more than 1 team in the same league, no need to say something more...

Agree, but this topic was in general about who and when gave MOTS. So removing MOTS will be 1st step  and don't need change in
GKO Staff doesn't pay enough attention to the game, that is the biggest problem.

This thread is 2 days long and we still there's no reply from the GM, and admin didn't showed up yet, without control, match fixing WILL surely happen!

which is IMHO a harder to change, sadly :(
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Igecot on November 30, 2013, 12:47:28 PM
Almus(87974)-Rincewind This team of 10 matches mots 9 Aramazov Plovdiv -make time Levski Mladost (84055) because are friend by Sofia I have a photo of the two in a far complain   from their Facebook

What are you doing ? :)

Answer to at least one of the things that you are accused , you are active in this topic so you could answer some things.

1. Are you and akademik and arsenal 1886 GKO friends ?

2. Have you ever made a pact with any of those teams especially this: - season 8 semi-final same story with the other person that supports him, and you can see later on in the league he returns the favor by giving him easy 3 points and helping him for 3rd place :

3. Did you wanted to help this team to get to 2nd place by loosing a game on purpose like here : Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

4. Have you ever insulted anyone on chat , and if you have how often you do that ?
Or maybe you can apologise for calling the others with ugly names and insulting them ?

You said many things that are not related to the topic in which they accuse YOU , but you talked about many things (which some dont have any sense ) that makes this problem even bigger !
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on November 30, 2013, 01:21:21 PM
Almus(87974)-Rincewind This team of 10 matches mots 9 Aramazov Plovdiv -make time Levski Mladost (84055) because are friend by Sofia I have a photo of the two in a far complain   from their Facebook
Here are the comments to three minutes of Georgi Fikov -Levski Mladost (84055)
Georgi Fikov : освен, че сме страхотни за какво друго я постваш тая снимка :)
3 minutes ago
admitted-they thereon
What to talk more
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Kr10s on November 30, 2013, 01:34:37 PM
This is pointless  :(
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Drifter on November 30, 2013, 07:33:45 PM
 ;) Just follow the Hibury run in this season and you will see how Mots can be used to change the outcome of the league. There was an agreement in the Bermuda league between many of the managers to all use their MOTS on Hibury so that Hibury would not win the league or cup again this season. This was a real agreement, one that I was told about by several members of the Bermuda league. The league in general thinks its ok because they think everyone should have a chance to win the league and having one club dominate for so long is just not what they all want. It didn't happen this season as Hibury had secured enough points to win, as well as some of the teams involved didn't have any MOTS left to use. Next season I expect a more concerted effort with a more pointed attack on the Hibury club.
I assume that this comes with the territory and I personally wouldn't call this match fixing, but it is the same general theme I read in this topic. It is going to happen and the legality of it is with in the guidelines of the GKO rules. It is very frustrating and I understand why managers want to pull their hair out because of it. Most in Bermuda consider the Hibury club the best in the league so I am a natural target especially due to continued success. It is understandable for the league to feel this way. In the last 4 seasons there have only been two other winners of the cup and league: Emirates FC which won a league title and a new winner of the cup this season yet to be determined. 
I agree that MOTS are a problem and will change the outcome of the league results (only good management avoided Hibury falling to this attempt).
Match fixing is so hard to prove. Almost impossible to prove. In my opinion, more time should be spent looking at the problem of Mots and how they effect the game as a whole.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Rincewind on November 30, 2013, 08:21:00 PM
Almus(87974)-Rincewind This team of 10 matches mots 9 Aramazov Plovdiv -make time Levski Mladost (84055) because are friend by Sofia I have a photo of the two in a far complain   from their Facebook
Here are the comments to three minutes of Georgi Fikov -Levski Mladost (84055)
Georgi Fikov : освен, че сме страхотни за какво друго я постваш тая снимка :)
3 minutes ago
admitted-they thereon
What to talk more

OMG, I can't believe you wrote this!

Forget about trophies, cups and MOTS, we urgently need some control over chat content! I think it is quite unpleasant everytime I login to see how sophisticated he is in using cheap language. From this type of "communication" loses the whole bulgarian community! Here are some old stuff, but if I save all of his work, I wouldn't have any free disk space. (
The one at the bottom: Aramazov : Alex, look at this fag Almus (the name of my team) and then say something
The second from the top: Aramazov : Don't pretend you scum (to me), you have MOTS (
The one on the top: Aramazov: We all saw that there is no offside and I can show you a picture of Almus (the name of my team) making me a blowjob... (
Third from the top: Aramazov : Just to let you know that if I lead the second team by 4 or 5 points, I will try my best striker as a goalie
Me: You have the ultimate freedom to do whatever you want with your team
Aramazov : True, just to let you know (
The second from the bottom: Alex : My last match is against you, what you want for these 3 points?
The next one: Alex, if I lead with at least 3 points, I'll give up the match.
The second from the top: Alex: Off topic..... Aramazov, i am kidding, you know I play fair, I love the game!
Aramazov: But i am not kidding, I am totaly serious

He all the time offends other manager without any sort of provocation. This was the way the current fight started - even before he won the WCC, he strated to insult other people (they didn't write anything at all before!). He also use the same language against other countries in the international matches' chat rooms, whish is quite awkward and creates conflicts...

And something more... Bulgarian league might not be equal, but it is definitely not one-sided. Last seasons we had 3-4 participants in the WCC group stage. There are several teams that are progressing and trying to achieve something, but the current situation kills any development of our community!

Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Ruta on November 30, 2013, 09:11:09 PM
Rincewind, I am sad that you have so rude guys in you community.
But this

And something more... Bulgarian league might not be equal, but it is definitely not one-sided. Last seasons we had 3-4 participants in the WCC group stage. There are several teams that are progressing and trying to achieve something, but the current situation kills any development of our community!
  is almost all because Aramazov got the points for Bulgarian. I don't want to offend you but we have 15-20 teams in Poland like your 2nd or 3rd. You have medium strong league with one extra strong team.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: JoseMou on November 30, 2013, 09:13:20 PM
+1 Rincewind!

Almus(87974)-Rincewind This team of 10 matches mots 9 Aramazov Plovdiv -make time Levski Mladost (84055) because are friend by Sofia I have a photo of the two in a far complain   from their Facebook

What are you doing ? :)

Answer to at least one of the things that you are accused , you are active in this topic so you could answer some things.

1. Are you and akademik and arsenal 1886 GKO friends ?

2. Have you ever made a pact with any of those teams especially this: - season 8 semi-final same story with the other person that supports him, and you can see later on in the league he returns the favor by giving him easy 3 points and helping him for 3rd place :

3. Did you wanted to help this team to get to 2nd place by loosing a game on purpose like here : Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

4. Have you ever insulted anyone on chat , and if you have how often you do that ?
Or maybe you can apologise for calling the others with ugly names and insulting them ?

You said many things that are not related to the topic in which they accuse YOU , but you talked about many things (which some dont have any sense ) that makes this problem even bigger !
Aramazov, why don't you answer this people? You don't respect them? Maybe you don't respect nobody???
Aramazov don't apologized us and he is not ashamed for his ugly words and phrases!!! Maybe he is proud with his abusive phrases??? Aramazov are you proud with your favorite phrase - "dick for Levski"??? Actually Vasil Levski is hero in Bulgarian history  :(
Aramazov and his "lawyer" Vasnov tried to lie and manipulated all GKO community but they failed! This is not Bulgarian chat. Aramazov your brain is sick! And Aramazov shame on you!!!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Rincewind on November 30, 2013, 09:15:06 PM
is almost all because Aramazov got the points for Bulgarian. I don't want to offend you but we have 15-20 teams in Poland like your 2nd or 3rd. You have medium strong league with one extra strong team.

I am aware of this  8)
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: vasnov on November 30, 2013, 10:30:53 PM Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

You do not say what I replied and misleading players and admin! I accepted this or denied ? This is the sixth season. Then exactly collect players which put constantly MOTS against ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV. He was angry. My last game is with Aramazov. I finished second with 63 points. Third is Levski Mladost with 58 points. We finish 0 - 0. We played a game no matter the classification for Top Level !!! And to ask: Why keep silent three seasons the moderator to Bulgaria - Nickname : absolut (96050) Name : Chefo, if I accepted this ?

So in your opinion its better to keep quiet rather than reveal anything unfair? You are very hard to understand, hardly make any constructive argument ever. I think I've cleared all the "anger" nonsense you accused me of so far, I couldnt careless what he's won. What truly bothers me is how he's won it and how you keep trying to cover up for him while its god damn obvious already.

P.S. This thread has turned into chat-box so I wont bother replying unless truly constructive argument comes up which is unlikely to happen.

                            But you stay silent in order to take advantage and blackmail. When I refused to train yours player - with Limited Ability 7 , in the Nation Team U-21 started to insult -                                                                                                              absolut : еееее събрал ги от кол и въже само да не ми пусне играча, добре
absolut : академика дали са е направил на сърдита пенка и затова да не ми пусне играча за 30 мин, ще видим
In English -  absolut: eeeee collected them no prospects only you shall not to put my player
absolut: Academic whether he made the angry Ms. Penka, so I do not place the player for 30 minutes, we will see
                           Оnly you remained dissatisfied! There was a topic who and why put myself in the game -! Three seasons you are silent and you post this when do not play your game! There are thousands of means to blackmail with information(For example : covering for a player with two teams get two votes) and question remains whether you do not do with other players? For me you are completely disreputable !
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Brian Clough on December 01, 2013, 12:43:13 AM

P.S. This thread has turned into chat-box so I wont bother replying unless truly constructive argument comes up which is unlikely to happen.

Great advice...all this mud slinging is getting everyone dirty. CarlosT summed it up well:

This is pointless  :(

In addition,
It would be great if the GM can check this issue and the truth can be discovered, if there's a match fixing issue, all teams involved should be punished, if not, things should be clarified to clean all teams involved's reputation.

the sooner, the better!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 01, 2013, 07:17:22 AM  mach 0-5 with Arsenal playing with reserve 2 days playing the final.when I refuse to take players to the national Almus these absolut wrote in chat that when I qualified Bulgaria to the semi-finals (the biggest success) I had five assistant coach of the game  :) and they made ​​my tactics  :) all will invent to spit
all the hassle started before 2-3 weeks in Bulgarian Chat these teams Almus  Absolyat  Jose  Attacked national coach youth-VASNOV Tell him it's very weak trainer and makes the wrong tactics of youth(although He ranks them in the World)  He also wrote that all national coaches ever men and young people are bastards-me And vasnov We are the chosen people
three of them-one moderator we spit   
is an example-
absolut : Айде, ако ще казвате нещо съберете коража от главния си отбор поне. От мултаци акъл не ми се слуша
hrisy : Отбори като Арамазов вдигат много нивото на нашето първенство. Развивайте си отборите и дърпайте напред.
a day ago
a day ago
hrisy : Българска работа. Когато някой успява конкуренцията не се опитва да се развива и да го догони, а го обсипва с пумия и го тегли назад. Затова и държавата ни е на този хал.
absolut: Come on, if you say something korazha collect from the main team anyway. From savvy multatsi not want to hear
hrisy: Teams like Aramazov make a big level of our championship. Develop team and pull forward.
a day ago
hrisy: Bulgarian work. When someone managed competition is not trying to develop and catch up , and it lavished with pumas and pull it back . That is why our country is in this plight .
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 01, 2013, 03:16:28 PM
continues to justify deceiver and envious

Most funny thing is that this account has NEVER participated in any national chat so far for almost 2 years since registration (look here ( yet he suddenly joins the chat when things are getting rough for you!
Is it another totally random event I wonder? I think the "randomness" has gotten way too often!

As the topic progressed you were accused into even more rule breakings which you haven't tried to deny even once, so far it looks like this :
#1 Match arrangements with decent enough proof of others intentionally losing to benefit your behalf
#2 Offensive language towards others in the Bulgarian community
#3 Account sharing
#4 Possession of a second account to benefit yourself even further

I wonder how much more violations does a person have to commit to get any rightful consequences here?
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 01, 2013, 03:30:39 PM
 all contrary Chefo -absolut rogue -multi :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) you're envious
cheers the three   
I will be champion again   again   again 
As much as your pain
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 01, 2013, 03:52:12 PM
all contrary absoliat rogue -multi :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) you're envious
cheers the three   
I will be champion again   again   again 
As much as your pain

I haven't seen a forum rules topic, but posting other users' images without their permission is lack in common human decency at the least!
You should at least feel a little ashamed, I am speechless.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 01, 2013, 04:02:25 PM
all contrary absoliat rogue -multi :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) you're envious
cheers the three   
I will be champion again   again   again 
As much as your pain

I haven't seen a forum rules topic, but posting other users' images without their permission is lack in common human decency at the least!
You should at least feel a little ashamed, I am speechless.
image shows how pathetic you are-motive ARAMAZOV be slandered-
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 01, 2013, 04:10:53 PM
image shows how pathetic you are-motive

Your way of thinking might be suited for the pre-human evolution era but definitely not for 21th century.
As a matter of fact I have never seen any of those people, can you go any lower?  :(
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Kr10s on December 01, 2013, 04:15:15 PM   

What's the point of it? So know somebody else outside the game is bad?
Many people i know IRL came to GKO because i invited them, and i also made friends in GKO (in fact one of them came to my house with his family when they were in vacations in my province), i have some GKO users as Facebook friends (but i don't use FB that much) and i chat with many GKO users through SMS or Whatsapp.

As far as i know, having a relationship with somebody else outside the game is not illegal at all!

Just to add, i think i am not the only one worldwide, am i wrong?
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 01, 2013, 04:18:02 PM
image shows how pathetic you are-motive

Your way of thinking might be suited for the pre-human evolution era but definitely not for 21th century.
As a matter of fact I have never seen any of those people, can you go any lower?  :(
lying lying  here's the proof
a day ago
Georgi Fikov : освен, че сме страхотни за какво друго я постваш тая снимка :)
a day ago
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 01, 2013, 04:21:50 PM   

What's the point of it? So know somebody else outside the game is bad?
Many people i know IRL came to GKO because i invited them, and i also made friends in GKO (in fact one of them came to my house with his family were in vacations in my province), i have some GKO users as Facebook friends (but i don't use FB that much) and i chat with many GKO users through SMS or Whatsapp.

As far as i know, having a relationship with somebody else outside the game is not illegal at all!

Just to add, i think i am not the only one worldwide, am i wrong?
see the games they never mots -always mots aramazov
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Kr10s on December 01, 2013, 04:23:40 PM
see the games they never mots -always mots aramazov

Maybe it's because they need mots to beat you (you're stronger than both after all), when they play eachother there's not a clear winner so they think they can win without mots...
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 01, 2013, 04:30:44 PM
see the games they never mots -always mots aramazov

Maybe it's because they need mots to beat you (you're stronger than both after all), when they play eachother there's not a clear winner so they think they can win without mots...
me then what's the point of this topic
as the three of them can do what they want
and aramazov be spit
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 01, 2013, 04:32:28 PM
see the games they never mots -always mots aramazov

You're kidding, right? On average you receive 2-3 mots per season at most! (not counting some weak teams from 11th-15th place of the table that use it at the end of the season randomly) I bet a lot of other strong teams can say they've received way more than that!
Even I receive 2 on average while considering till last season I was most around 6th-7th place!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 01, 2013, 04:39:19 PM
see the games they never mots -always mots aramazov

You're kidding, right? On average you receive 2-3 mots per season at most! (not counting some weak teams from 11th-15th place of the table that use it at the end of the season randomly) I bet a lot of other strong teams can say they've received way more than that!
Even I receive 2 on average while considering till last season I was most around 6th-7th place!
Almus 10 match 8-9 mots Aramazov
Levski Mladost  10 match 8-9 mots Aramazov
I want the admin to investigate
picture says it all
Their matches
Always wins this who need points
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: JoseMou on December 01, 2013, 04:46:17 PM
see the games they never mots -always mots aramazov

You're kidding, right? On average you receive 2-3 mots per season at most! (not counting some weak teams from 11th-15th place of the table that use it at the end of the season randomly) I bet a lot of other strong teams can say they've received way more than that!
Even I receive 2 on average while considering till last season I was most around 6th-7th place!
Almus 10 match 8-9 mots Aramazov
Levski Mladost  10 match 8-9 mots Aramazov
I want the admin to investigate
picture says it all
Кalikratia 10 matches - 8-9 mots against Levski Mladost
What about your friendship with Arsenal - you said that you are drinking coffee at the airport Sofia am I wrong??
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 01, 2013, 04:49:02 PM
see the games they never mots -always mots aramazov

You're kidding, right? On average you receive 2-3 mots per season at most! (not counting some weak teams from 11th-15th place of the table that use it at the end of the season randomly) I bet a lot of other strong teams can say they've received way more than that!
Even I receive 2 on average while considering till last season I was most around 6th-7th place!
Almus 10 match 8-9 mots Aramazov
Levski Mladost  10 match 8-9 mots Aramazov
I want the admin to investigate
picture says it all
Кalikratia 10 matches - 8-9 mots against Levski Mladost
What about your friendship with Arsenal - you said that you are drinking coffee at the airport Sofia am I wrong??
-give photo
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: Kr10s on December 01, 2013, 05:20:12 PM
Кalikratia 10 matches - 8-9 mots against Levski Mladost

As far as i've seen, Levski received from Кalikratia 3 MotS in the last 4 league matches.

Season 8: 1 (, 2 (
Current season: 1 (

Кalikratia didn't play MotS against Levski in season 7, and i'm afraid match commentary is not recorded in season 6 matches or older.

I have seen other situations where a team is always hammered with MotS (Borussia always receives MotS from the same team, even if that team plays WCC qualifyings, he always plays MotS against Borussia) but despite that situation is unpleasant, Borussia is (by far) the strongest german team and the other team mostly finishes second, so it might have some sense. Levski is not the strongest bulgarian team, and i don't see the point that a low/mid table team would play mots against him often.

At first sight, the coincidence is a bit suspicious TBH...
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: JoseMou on December 01, 2013, 05:29:23 PM
see the games they never mots -always mots aramazov

You're kidding, right? On average you receive 2-3 mots per season at most! (not counting some weak teams from 11th-15th place of the table that use it at the end of the season randomly) I bet a lot of other strong teams can say they've received way more than that!
Even I receive 2 on average while considering till last season I was most around 6th-7th place!
Almus 10 match 8-9 mots Aramazov
Levski Mladost  10 match 8-9 mots Aramazov
I want the admin to investigate
picture says it all
Кalikratia 10 matches - 8-9 mots against Levski Mladost
What about your friendship with Arsenal - you said that you are drinking coffee at the airport Sofia am I wrong??
-give photo
I haven't but I remember when you going to work in England you said: "I drink a cup of coffee at the airport with my friend Lacho(Arsenal) :) But is normal for you to try to lie and manipulated everyone  :)
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 01, 2013, 05:30:50 PM
me then what's the point of this topic
as the three of them can do what they want
and aramazov be spit

If that was correct and we were indeed "plotting" against you would I use a MotS against Mladost? I was competing for 3rd place and losing to him might have left me one spot behind. Making stuff up wont get you far.
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: JoseMou on December 01, 2013, 05:33:55 PM
Кalikratia 10 matches - 8-9 mots against Levski Mladost

As far as i've seen, Levski received from Кalikratia 3 MotS in the last 4 league matches.

Season 8: 1 (, 2 (
Current season: 1 (

Кalikratia didn't play MotS against Levski in season 7, and i'm afraid match commentary is not recorded in season 6 matches or older.

I have seen other situations where a team is always hammered with MotS (Borussia always receives MotS from the same team, even if that team plays WCC qualifyings, he always plays MotS against Borussia) but despite that situation is unpleasant, Borussia is (by far) the strongest german team and the other team mostly finishes second, so it might have some sense. Levski is not the strongest bulgarian team, and i don't see the point that a low/mid table team would play mots against him often.

At first sight, the coincidence is a bit suspicious TBH...
Yes Carlos you're right but everyone in Bulgaria know that Kalikratia is team created by Aramazov and Levski mladost is his main opponent...
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 01, 2013, 05:42:36 PM
Almus mots Aramazov 4 match 1 point
it's useless
HE SHOULD MOTS Levski Mladost But it's
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 01, 2013, 07:24:50 PM
Doesn't change the fact that you get MotS-ed 2-3 times per season at most therefore the last person that's got the right to complain for that!
Oh, I suppose it might be better if nobody tries to beat you at all. It might be the right view in your mind after all..
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: manlaydima on December 02, 2013, 12:19:48 PM
First of all, i must say that i were surprised when i heard it, i always tought that bulgarian league was one sided, but i never imagined that this could be the reason! Did you guys reported to the GM earlier?

That image seems taken from a private message, am i wrong? The GM should have access to PM inbox if the receiver allows him to do so... Chefo, does it belong to your PM inbox?
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 02, 2013, 01:03:08 PM
The whole discussion -
about a month ago
      Kanar4etata  says : 
може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга
      absolut  says : 
Окей, макар че имам два мача дето са 50:50 и пак е възможно да не се получи за 2ро място
      Kanar4etata  says : 
лека ти е програмата имаш шанс да станеш втори
      Kanar4etata  says : 
аз ще бия Младост в нашия мач
      absolut  says : 
Офертата за събота остава ли още? :Д
      Kanar4etata  says : 
да ще биеш ама и ти ще помагаш някой сезон ако се наложи :-)
      absolut  says : 
Остави това излез си с титулярите. Реално погледнато още не съм за второ място и с тия точки пак програмата ми е трудна и се очаква мотс от академик т.е. силно вероятни -3точки от там и мача с арсенал е 50:50 и сигурно и от там ще загубя точки т.е. пак няма да запазя 2ро място. Като му дойде времето само ще се получи :Д
      Kanar4etata  says : 
ти си знаеш
      Kanar4etata  says : 
Ще видиш че Алмус ще пусне мача на Младост
      absolut  says : 
Само се надявам да не решиш последния мач да пуснеш на академика 3те точки и да вземе ме мине.. ако това не се случи първенството ще си завърши, както е в момента. Квото стане - станало здраве да е :)
      Kanar4etata  says : 
абе ще ти играя с резервите в събота.щото после и срещу Академика сигурно ще играя с резервите да не се сърдиш ако падна.няма закво да си мъча титулярите играя в WCL и купата на България.
      absolut  says : 
Е добре, така става. Просто не искам да изглежда някъв нагласен мач с цел младост да не вземе 2ро място, макар и те да не са много за пример, щот сигурно алмус ще му легне в мача им, пак не е яко.
      Kanar4etata  says : 
айде дано бия тоя след 15 минути почва мача.силен отбор има.осминафинал
      absolut  says : 
Успех, имаш по-добър отбор стига да не ти е сложил мотс не би трябвало да е проблем.

Kanar4etata says:
will you play with the reserves on Saturday, and then against Academica cos I will probably play with the reserves not to be mad at me if I fell into the gaming culture not to agonize holders play in the WCL and the Bulgarian Cup.
absolut says:
Well, that's what happens. I just don't want to seem some fixed match with target youth not to take second place, although they are not very for example, cos I'd expect almus match them again is not cool.
 :) :) :)manipulator good night
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 02, 2013, 01:16:16 PM
Who even offered in the first place tho? Whenever convenient you'd offer anyone free points just so your competition doesn't stay close to you on the table. And I didn't really take advantage of it unlike your buddies do each season :)

There are enough other reasons you should be punished either way.
And good day to you too!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 02, 2013, 01:35:42 PM
clown -all they saw
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 02, 2013, 01:41:36 PM
Except that I eventually answer that I don't want to participate what else does that "conversation" even say? Not sure who is the clown here ^^
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 02, 2013, 02:24:32 PM
I'd like to share a problem we've been having for the past few seasons in Bulgaria's Top-Level : Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

Basically in our championship there are 2-3 players that constantly support ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV ( everywhere, like they wouldn't face him with their main lineup in semi-final cup matches and so on. Here's some proof : - season 7 semi-final cup matches, as you can see his opponent isnt with his main 11, on top of that hes got MotS available where if this wasnt an arranged match I don't see a reason why he wouldn't try and take him out with it, IT IS SEMI-FINAL. - season 8 semi-final same story with the other person that supports him, and you can see later on in the league he returns the favor by giving him easy 3 points and helping him for 3rd place :

This is one of the main reasons hes managing to save up MotS and use them in WCL.
Also he's constantly abusing others in chat and making unnecessary quarrels between the community (trying to create sides and stuff like that).
Anyone can copy and translate his chats from his homepage HERE ( all tho google translate for example wont really translate the vulgarisms properly and I am not sure if its right for me to translate it here.

Even if no action gets taken I want you guys to know how he's winning his trophies, offending others and so on.

I am going to sum up the overall topic cause its gotten filled with too much spam!

As the topic progressed you were accused into even more rule breakings which you haven't tried to deny even once, so far it looks like this :
#1 Match arrangements with decent enough proof of others intentionally losing to benefit your behalf
#2 Offensive language towards others in the Bulgarian community
#3 Account sharing
#4 Possession of a second account to benefit yourself even further

I wonder how much more violations does a person have to commit to get any rightful consequences here?
The whole discussion -
about a month ago
      Kanar4etata  says :
може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга
      absolut  says :
Окей, макар че имам два мача дето са 50:50 и пак е възможно да не се получи за 2ро място
      Kanar4etata  says :
лека ти е програмата имаш шанс да станеш втори
      Kanar4etata  says :
аз ще бия Младост в нашия мач
      absolut  says :
Офертата за събота остава ли още? :Д
      Kanar4etata  says :
да ще биеш ама и ти ще помагаш някой сезон ако се наложи :-)
      absolut  says :
Остави това излез си с титулярите. Реално погледнато още не съм за второ място и с тия точки пак програмата ми е трудна и се очаква мотс от академик т.е. силно вероятни -3точки от там и мача с арсенал е 50:50 и сигурно и от там ще загубя точки т.е. пак няма да запазя 2ро място. Като му дойде времето само ще се получи :Д
      Kanar4etata  says :
ти си знаеш
      Kanar4etata  says :
Ще видиш че Алмус ще пусне мача на Младост
      absolut  says :
Само се надявам да не решиш последния мач да пуснеш на академика 3те точки и да вземе ме мине.. ако това не се случи първенството ще си завърши, както е в момента. Квото стане - станало здраве да е :)
      Kanar4etata  says :
абе ще ти играя с резервите в събота.щото после и срещу Академика сигурно ще играя с резервите да не се сърдиш ако падна.няма закво да си мъча титулярите играя в WCL и купата на България.
      absolut  says :
Е добре, така става. Просто не искам да изглежда някъв нагласен мач с цел младост да не вземе 2ро място, макар и те да не са много за пример, щот сигурно алмус ще му легне в мача им, пак не е яко.
      Kanar4etata  says :
айде дано бия тоя след 15 минути почва мача.силен отбор има.осминафинал
      absolut  says :
Успех, имаш по-добър отбор стига да не ти е сложил мотс не би трябвало да е проблем.

Kanar4etata says:
will you play with the reserves on Saturday, and then against Academica cos I will probably play with the reserves not to be mad at me if I fell into the gaming culture not to agonize holders play in the WCL and the Bulgarian Cup.
absolut says:
Well, that's what happens. I just don't want to seem some fixed match with target youth not to take second place, although they are not very for example, cos I'd expect almus match them again is not cool.
  :( :( :( manipulator clown good night  :( :( :(
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 03, 2013, 01:29:18 PM
Issue has been somewhat solved. We received an answer from staff that they've been warned and hopefully things will get fair from now on!

Thanks to everyone that contributed to the topic!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 03, 2013, 02:47:08 PM
Issue has been somewhat solved. We received an answer from staff that they've been warned and hopefully things will get fair from now on!

Thanks to everyone that contributed to the topic!
and Oscar clown № 1 did they give you  Chefo-Absolut
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 03, 2013, 04:53:18 PM
Issue has been somewhat solved. We received an answer from staff that they've been warned and hopefully things will get fair from now on!

Thanks to everyone that contributed to the topic!
and Oscar clown № 1 did they give you  Chefo-Absolut
Actually I take my words back, lets keep the conversation going cause this individual's arrogance disgusted me once again  :)

So far you got warned for the match-fixing with your buddies and hopefully you won't abuse your 2nd account again (I see you suddenly started logging it from different IP so I guess you gave it to somebody else - good for you!)

So there are two more accusations that are worth a punishment the most and those are :
#1 Offensive language (you haven't apologized yet either)
#2 Account sharing - clearly stated to be forbidden in the rules and Rincewind has provided decent evidence for that as well!
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 03, 2013, 05:06:05 PM
 :( :( :(  Circus  Chefo-Absolut   :( :( :(
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 03, 2013, 05:11:29 PM
Provide facts that you aren't involved in any of those, please. Oh wait you can't instead all you've done so far is show some "chats" from years ago that don't excuse you in anything even a tiny bit. I won't stop until you receive your deserved punishment, don't worry!

Congrats its 100th post, you're definitely "not involved" in anything else who would bother with all the useless attempts to cover anything?  :)
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: aramazov1978 on December 03, 2013, 05:15:44 PM
I'd like to share a problem we've been having for the past few seasons in Bulgaria's Top-Level : Imma post a translate here :
"Kanar4etata says : може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга"
In English - "You can go for second place, I will give you our game when we play in a few rounds"

Basically in our championship there are 2-3 players that constantly support ARAMAZOV PLOVDIV ( everywhere, like they wouldn't face him with their main lineup in semi-final cup matches and so on. Here's some proof : - season 7 semi-final cup matches, as you can see his opponent isnt with his main 11, on top of that hes got MotS available where if this wasnt an arranged match I don't see a reason why he wouldn't try and take him out with it, IT IS SEMI-FINAL. - season 8 semi-final same story with the other person that supports him, and you can see later on in the league he returns the favor by giving him easy 3 points and helping him for 3rd place :

This is one of the main reasons hes managing to save up MotS and use them in WCL.
Also he's constantly abusing others in chat and making unnecessary quarrels between the community (trying to create sides and stuff like that).
Anyone can copy and translate his chats from his homepage HERE ( all tho google translate for example wont really translate the vulgarisms properly and I am not sure if its right for me to translate it here.

Even if no action gets taken I want you guys to know how he's winning his trophies, offending others and so on.

I am going to sum up the overall topic cause its gotten filled with too much spam!

As the topic progressed you were accused into even more rule breakings which you haven't tried to deny even once, so far it looks like this :
#1 Match arrangements with decent enough proof of others intentionally losing to benefit your behalf
#2 Offensive language towards others in the Bulgarian community
#3 Account sharing
#4 Possession of a second account to benefit yourself even further

I wonder how much more violations does a person have to commit to get any rightful consequences here?
The whole discussion -
about a month ago
      Kanar4etata  says :
може да се пребориш за второто място ще ти дам нашия мач като играем след няколко кръга
      absolut  says :
Окей, макар че имам два мача дето са 50:50 и пак е възможно да не се получи за 2ро място
      Kanar4etata  says :
лека ти е програмата имаш шанс да станеш втори
      Kanar4etata  says :
аз ще бия Младост в нашия мач
      absolut  says :
Офертата за събота остава ли още? :Д
      Kanar4etata  says :
да ще биеш ама и ти ще помагаш някой сезон ако се наложи :-)
      absolut  says :
Остави това излез си с титулярите. Реално погледнато още не съм за второ място и с тия точки пак програмата ми е трудна и се очаква мотс от академик т.е. силно вероятни -3точки от там и мача с арсенал е 50:50 и сигурно и от там ще загубя точки т.е. пак няма да запазя 2ро място. Като му дойде времето само ще се получи :Д
      Kanar4etata  says :
ти си знаеш
      Kanar4etata  says :
Ще видиш че Алмус ще пусне мача на Младост
      absolut  says :
Само се надявам да не решиш последния мач да пуснеш на академика 3те точки и да вземе ме мине.. ако това не се случи първенството ще си завърши, както е в момента. Квото стане - станало здраве да е :)
      Kanar4etata  says :
абе ще ти играя с резервите в събота.щото после и срещу Академика сигурно ще играя с резервите да не се сърдиш ако падна.няма закво да си мъча титулярите играя в WCL и купата на България.
      absolut  says :
Е добре, така става. Просто не искам да изглежда някъв нагласен мач с цел младост да не вземе 2ро място, макар и те да не са много за пример, щот сигурно алмус ще му легне в мача им, пак не е яко.
      Kanar4etata  says :
айде дано бия тоя след 15 минути почва мача.силен отбор има.осминафинал
      absolut  says :
Успех, имаш по-добър отбор стига да не ти е сложил мотс не би трябвало да е проблем.

Kanar4etata says:
will you play with the reserves on Saturday, and then against Academica cos I will probably play with the reserves not to be mad at me if I fell into the gaming culture not to agonize holders play in the WCL and the Bulgarian Cup.
absolut says:
Well, that's what happens. I just don't want to seem some fixed match with target youth not to take second place, although they are not very for example, cos I'd expect almus match them again is not cool.
  :( :( :( manipulator clown good night  :( :( :(
Title: Re: Huge match fixing issues
Post by: chefo on December 03, 2013, 05:17:48 PM
Thank you for the free bump, go ahead and copy-paste that every single day so this topic stays on top, please!

I am not concerned even a tiny bit since that random chat doesn't say anything that breaks any rules, unlike what we've provided so far.
I got to go you go ahead and copy something from a year ago, have fun.